Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Oh, I don't know, maybe we have compassion for the poor girl in Oklahoma who is pregnant and has to cross two state lines to find a place to take care of the problem.

I'll save my compassion for the innocent child that is murdered in cold blood, rather than for those who conspired to murder him and had to endure some inconvenience in order to do so.
I understand that you have been reduced to one word replies by facts,thing is I have seen the percentage higher like 97% of abortion simply for convenience!
In the words of TommyT:

You are insane.

But yeah, 100% fail on this point.

And in general too of course. :)
Such denial, it is fact that the man, an equal participant, and part of that child, is denied his constitutional right to raise his child. Your emotional responses do not matter
Here's some advice:



Seek help.

In the meantime, the GOP is roasting on the pyre of its own Talibanism.

So sad.

You are of course full of shiite, prove me wrong, if you could have you would have by now!
Sorry to see you're super-delusional.

I can't prove to you that your delusion isn't true, no - that's the thing about delusions; only the deluded one can correct their erroneous belief/s.

Can you prove that you're not a gay Martian?

If you could, you would have by now, right?

1. Do the crime, do the time. Criminals belong in prison.

When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison as the poor drug addict, then I will take that seriously.

2. Verification of voter rolls needs to happen every election. Dead people shouldn't vote.

Wait, I thought your worry was that those nasty, nasty brown people were voting.

I wasn't aware we had a Zombie outbreak.

3. Stop typing lies. Partial birth abortions (full term) are allowed in 7 democrat run states.
Nope, that's a "scare term" that you guys made up to describe rarely performed but medically necessary procedures.
Are you comparing a woman who aborts an unwanted pregnancy to a Klansman?

Most Klansmen probably never murdered anyone.

Every woman who has had an abortion, has murdered an innocent human being.

For that matter, Planned Parenthood has murdered more people, by several orders of magnitude, than all other hate groups combined.
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Most Klansmen probably never murdered anyone.

Every woman who has had an abortion, has murdered an innocent human being.

Then how come we haven't arrested any of them for murder?

For that matter, Planned Parenthood has murdered more people, by several orders of magnitude, than all other hate groups combined.

Except the law doesn't recognize them as people, Bob.
When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison as the poor drug addict, then I will take that seriously.

Wait, I thought your worry was that those nasty, nasty brown people were voting. I wasn't aware we had a Zombie outbreak.

Nope, that's a "scare term" that you guys made up to describe rarely performed but medically necessary procedures.
1. Rush is dead. I think you mean Hunter Biden, the addict that left a bag of cocaine in the WH. Or Pelosi's hubby.

2. We want all dead or non-citizens purged from the rolls. Even if brown people are Trump voters now.

3. You type lies and I post credible links proving your lies. We can keep doing this...I'm retired...I have all day and all night...

These are partial birth abortions:
Intact dilation and extraction (D&X, IDX, or intact D&E) is a surgical procedure that removes an intact fetus from the uterus. The procedure is used both after miscarriages and for abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Stop typing lies. Barbaric partial birth abortions (full term) are allowed in 7 democrat run states.

Here is what a partial birth abortion look like, enjoy...



An important point to the legalities of why this is done in this way is that if the child's head is allowed to exit while the child is still alive, then it is legally considered a live birth, and the child cannot then legally be killed. (Though the more extreme fringes of the baby-murdering crowd want to legalize killing a baby even after he has been born alive and healthy.) It is a legal technicality that allows the baby to be murdered, at this stage, just before removing his freshly-murdered body from the mother.
An important point to the legalities of why this is done in this way is that if the child's head is allowed to exit while the child is still alive, then it is legally considered a live birth, and the child cannot then legally be killed. (Though the more extreme fringes of the baby-murdering crowd want to legalize killing a baby even after he has been born alive and healthy.) It is a legal technicality that allows the baby to be murdered, at this stage, just before removing his freshly-murdered body from the mother.
You tell lies so obvious that no one takes you seriously.
Sorry to see you're super-delusional.

I can't prove to you that your delusion isn't true, no - that's the thing about delusions; only the deluded one can correct their erroneous belief/s.

Can you prove that you're not a gay Martian?

If you could, you would have by now, right?

More deflection, my guess is you have looked up the stats and know it's true, so major campaign of deflection!
1. Rush is dead. I think you mean Hunter Biden, the addict that left a bag of cocaine in the WH. Or Pelosi's hubby.

No, I mean how this bloated fuck bought hundreds of illegal painkillers, doctor shopped at multiple physicians to keep up with pills, and then sent his maid out to buy more. And he got a nice rehab while the poor kid who has been waiting for months for a methadone program gets jail time if he's caught holding.

2. We want all dead or non-citizens purged from the rolls. Even if brown people are Trump voters now.

No, Brown people aren't voting for Trump, that's why you keep losing elections.

3. You type lies and I post credible links proving your lies. We can keep doing this...I'm retired...I have all day and all night...
You post crap from Wingnut sources I don't even bother clicking on.
Here is what a partial birth abortion look like, enjoy...
Yoiu mean a drawing of an imaginary procedure? OOOOH, you have a drawing.

What the drawings don't show is that the fetus, in these cases, is so horrifically deformed that it won't survive an hour outside the womb.
An important point to the legalities of why this is done in this way is that if the child's head is allowed to exit while the child is still alive, then it is legally considered a live birth, and the child cannot then legally be killed. (Though the more extreme fringes of the baby-murdering crowd want to legalize killing a baby even after he has been born alive and healthy.) It is a legal technicality that allows the baby to be murdered, at this stage, just before removing his freshly-murdered body from the mother.

Again, the only time this procedure is performed is when the fetus is so severely deformed that it will either die shortly after birth or live a short time in excruciating pain. No one is aborting a healthy fetus at eight months. This is usually a case where a baby is wanted, where the nursery has been painted. Then the woman gets the horrible news that the kid has something like Brittle Bone Syndrome or Spina Bifida or some other untreatable condition.

Of course, God-Botherers like you would say, "Well, let the baby be born and let nature take its course, because that's God's Will."

Pictured- "God's Will"> Thwarted by Man.


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