Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Frankenstein said: She said she heard someone say Trump knew there was no fraud, not the same. frnknstn.23.11.14 #498

She is not alone, but even if she is; The evidence regarding the fake electors is materiel documented evidence that supports Ellis’s testimony under oath.

There is no defense that Trump did not conspire with others to produce fake elector certificates that were to be presented to Mike Pence on 21jan06 for the purpose of fraudulently refusing to leave the US Presidency after losing an election to serve a second term.

That is proof Trump attempted to stay in power last January 20, 2021 in the most egregious contempt for the Constitution ever making Watergate seem like child’s play

He doesn’t get a pass because Pence refused to participate in the fraud … it was a conspiracy to commit fraud to which the MAGA Christian Trump loyal campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pled guilty for her participation in it.

nf.23.11.14 #501
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A radicalized Supreme Court, amidst the growing authoritarianism of GOP politicians, trashing established law of half-a-century by revoking a freedom Americans had become accustomed to was bound to trigger a popular reaction, an outrage comparable to what would be provoked by their trying to repeal Social Security or Medicare.

Of course, statist politicians seizing control of wombs and dictating in lieu of women making personal decisions in consultation with trusted medical and spiritual advisers would be repugnant in any advanced, democratic nation.

Curiously, Canadians do not arrogate reproductive rights to politicians, and Canada's rate of abortion approximates that of the U.S. where some vehemently insist that their politicians must control wombs.

The ranks of White evangelicals are shrinking, but their legacy has befouled the Republican Party for some time to come.

A small correction. The abortion rate in Canada is HALF that of the USA, even though abortions are fully covered by our single payer health coverage. That's based on live birth numbers.

The data I've seen that says the rates are about equal is saying that an equal percentage of "unintended pregnancies" are aborted. But that means the numbers are based on what percentage of pregnancies are unintended.

Please note that 80% of all miscarriages occur during the first trimester, and there are approximately 1 million miscarriages per year. But also note that a "miscarriage" is defined as the loss of a fetus prior to 20 weeks of pregnancy. That leaves 200,000 women having pregnancy complications in the second trimester.

Another large number of women have pregnancy complications. 21,000 have "stillbirths". The fetus dies in the womb. That's over and above the number of women who will obtain an abortion when facing severe genetic abnormalities or health issues. And while the Downs Syndrome Community, and the communities dealing with other genetic issues will say their people have just as much "right to life" as anyone else, the hard truth is that it takes a lot of money and resources to raise a child with physical challenges, and the people getting abortions are already poor and vulnerable.

I had a baby after age 40, and I had to consider the "what if" of Downs syndrome. I have friends with Downs children who are now too old to care for their adult children who cannot care for themselves. Unless the parents have enough money set aside to ensure care for their child, what happens to these middle aged people when their parents are gone.

One woman, whose husband is gone, and whose daughter is in a nice care facility, told me that these are things she never considered when she had this baby. Now she fears what will happen to her daughter once she's gone. As she neared retirement age, she feared what would happen when she retired and could no longer afford that nice care facility. If she had known then what she now knows, she would never have had this baby. I've heard similar things from more than one aging parent of a Downs adult.
Let them abort themselves out of the gene pool.

No women have had their "rights" taken away.

The more we think and rule like women, the more the civilization sinks.

Let the country burn then, because in this case the majority got it wrong.
Fiddling as they watch the GOP burn to the ground.

In the video, filmed before Ellis made a plea deal and published by ABC NewsMonday, Ellis tells prosecutors that Trump aide Dan Scavino told her “in an excited tone” at a White House Christmas party weeks after the 2020 election that “the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances.”
'Scum': MAGA supporters furious over Jenna Ellis interview with prosecutors

“And he said to me, in a kind of excited tone, ‘Well, we don’t care, and we’re not going to leave,'” Ellis said of the alleged Dec. 19 conversation.

“And I said, ‘What do you mean?’ And he said ‘Well, the boss’, meaning President Trump — and everyone understood ‘the boss,’ that’s what we all called him — he said, ‘The boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. We are just going to stay in power.'”
More deflection, my guess is you have looked up the stats and know it's true, so major campaign of deflection!
So you can't prove you're not a gay Martian.

Therefore you're a gay Martian.

Do you have actual gaydar?

But yeah, the Republicans are going to expire on the hill of trying to control the most private decisions of others.

Ironic, no?
Same as your RIGHT WING CULT FUCKS in Kansas, Ohio Montana, Michigan, etc. in referendum after referendum.

Americans prefer personal freedom to authoritarian statism.

How are they whining about the same thing? IN Cali, they have no limits on abortion. How can they cry? CALI CULT FUCKS have their go forth and kill babies at will and STFU, Cali cult fucks.
Ellis's testimony corroborates that of others, The overwhelming certitude of the Loser's defeat had become blatant to any sentient entity after all recounts, audits, investigations, and appeals had resulted in all 50 states certifying their results.

So you can't prove you're not a gay Martian.

Therefore you're a gay Martian.

Do you have actual gaydar?

But yeah, the Republicans are going to expire on the hill of trying to control the most private decisions of others.

Ironic, no?
More deflection, my guess is you have looked up the stats and know it's true, so major campaign of deflection!
Documented, corroborated reality.

Claptrap, with no credible evidence:

Screen Shot 2023-08-19 at 12.26.56 PM.png

"I won in a landslide!"

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