Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

A fetus is not a baby, and NotfoledbyW can be ignored, and no one is aborting a fetus at "the ninth month at a 8lb stage with sufficient neurological development to live on it’s own" unless it is unviable or endangering the woman's life.
More deflection, my guess is you have looked up the stats and know it's true, so major campaign of deflection!
Whatever you say, 7 of GayMart 9.

But what about that Dobbs? :eek:

It's destroying the GOP.

Definitely tragic.

So was Limbaugh. He got on the radio and admitted it.

Actually, the Republican Hispanic vote is still well below what it was in 2004, when Dubya had the good sense to not call them "Rapists" and "Murderers". Clearly you don't know how to read a chart.

Kermit Gosnell was just a shitty doctor. It's what happens when you don't have health care as a right and women have to go to quacks.
1. Rush did not do Cocaine and meth and crack dumbass. Rush's painkillers were to ease pain from disease.

See the device in his head? Rush had pain.
Hunter is a garden variety addict. See the difference?

2. True 2004 was a good year. Maybe if Trump learns to speak fluent Spanish like Bush he'd do as well or better?

3. Democrats allow full term abortions. You can't tap-dance around it.
Karen, listen up. The repressive statism practiced by the GOP is going out the electoral window.

Get used to it
That fella's super cray-cray.

People making their own best choices has driven him and many of his fellow travelers around the bend.

Be careful what you wish for as they say.
A fetus is not a baby, and NotfoledbyW can be ignored, and no one is aborting a fetus at "the ninth month at a 8lb stage with sufficient neurological development to live on it’s own" unless it is nonviable or endangering the woman's life.
Liar. There are (7) democrat states with NO LIMITS on abortion. No limits means NO LIMITS, dumbass.

I'm pro-life and supported Roberts desire for a compromise (not sure he would have agreed with 15 weeks but under 20 somewhere) and then worked on the reasons people feel they need to abort.

Statements like this is why politicians lose.

The later a person has an abortion, the more likely it is to be driven by either the health of the mother or the health of the fetus, and less to do with not wanting to have a baby. People don't carry a baby for six months and then decide they don't want it after all. Not in the real world.
And wait for it, that is hearsay!
If you can't accept the certified election result of fifty states, you reject democracy and the will of the People.

Some still can't handle the truth, obviously, even though they can contrive no evidence to support the lie they embrace. Today, there is no legal challenge in any state, and no one has been accused of stealing the election.

Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 8.56.24 PM.png

"We won!
We won in a landslide!
This was a landslide!”

The Pathetic Loser, January 6, 2021
Screen Shot 2023-11-14 at 4.16.41 PM.png

[PolitiFact - Here’s how we know Trump’s repeated claim of a landslide victory is wrong]

Pence announces Biden's victory after Electoral College count is completed

January 7, 2021
At 3:39, the count was finished. Klobuchar read the results — Mr. Biden's victory — to a standing ovation from both sides of the aisle.
The final results are 306-232 for Mr. Biden. Vice President Mike Pence completed his duties and announced Mr. Biden as the winner just after 3:40 a.m.
The later a person has an abortion, the more likely it is to be driven by either the health of the mother or the health of the fetus, and less to do with not wanting to have a baby. People don't carry a baby for six months and then decide they don't want it after all. Not in the real world.

And yet that drove many a young girls abortion according to Senate testimony. They didn't divulge they were pregnant until they could no longer hide it.
1. Rush did not do Cocaine and meth and crack dumbass. Rush's painkillers were to ease pain from disease.

View attachment 858589 See the device in his head? Rush had pain.
View attachment 858590 Hunter is a garden variety addict. See the difference?

2. True 2004 was a good year. Maybe if Trump learns to speak fluent Spanish like Bush he'd do as well or better?

3. Democrats allow full term abortions. You can't tap-dance around it.
Rush was a pill head. And, no, you cult phq, dems do not allow full term abortions.
I'm all for a rape exception, my view on a 10-12 week limit on birth control abortions covers that.

Um, wow, a few problems with that.

First, if you buy into the notion that fetuses be People, then those exceptions shouldn't happen at all. Come on, you can't support "No Abortion" and then put a big exception on that based on what you think you can talk people into.

You need to breathe, you don't need abortions, you WANT abortions.
I don't need or want abortions... as I don't have a uterus.

But women will need them, that's the thing.
First, if you buy into the notion that fetuses be People…

We saw what happened in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, when your people there were allowed to deny and diminish the very humanity of certain groups of people; groups that you openly despise to this day. You are no different than your relatives in the Old Country, other than you live in a society where you do not have the “freedom” that they did to round up and murder people by the millions. I guess supporting the murder of unborn children, here in this country, is your way to console yourself over the fact that you are not allowed to murder Jews, or others that you would like to define and exterminate as Untermenschen.
martybegan said: the right to exist for the fetus outweighs the right to a birth control abortion. mrtybgn.23.10.24 #31

martybegan said: I'm all for a rape exception, my view on a 10-12 week limit on birth control abortions covers that. mrtybgn.23.11.14 #537

See POST nf.23.06.08 #9,115
NotfooledbyW said: According to the chart below 88% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy.

Your 10-12 week limit on birth control abortions Saint Martybegan in
*POST mrtybgn.23.11.14 #537
makes you a liar in
*POST mrtybgn.23.10.24 #31
when you say you oppose the murder of fetuses because the right to exist for the fetus outweighs the right to a birth control abortion. you don’t. You are fine with killing nearly 700,000 fetuses per year in the US if they use your preferred means for murdering them. You are no different than the Dems you vilify for supporting a woman’s right to choose until fetal viability,, That is 24 weeks, but as you can see in the chart all but 5% of all abortions occur before 15 weeks. that 5% is due to complications to be resolved medically not for whimsically last minute decisions to abort as a means of birth control,

So will you STFU about how you oppose the murder of Baby Fetus when it’s none of your damned business in the first place?

Based on the date of the mother’s last menstrual period, the breakdown of abortions is as follows:

Weeks of PregnancyPercentageYearly total
< 9 weeks65.4%563,958
9-10 weeks14.7%126,761
11-12 weeks8.2%70,710
13-15 weeks6.3%54,326
16-20 weeks4.1%35,355
21+ weeks1.3%11.,210
All abortions100%862,320
This means approximately 88% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy. nf.23.06.08 #9,115

Progs are all about killing life and denying biology
Give us a break / If you believe the right to exist for the fetus outweighs the right to a birth control abortion then that right has to start at conception. You can’t pick a week out of your MAGA butt. You should stick with the Constitution that sets the right to life at Birth.

A fetus is not a baby, and NotfoledbyW can be ignored, and no one is aborting a fetus at "the ninth month at a 8lb stage with sufficient neurological development to live on it’s own" unless it is unviable or endangering the woman's life.
It’s a baby “only” when the potential birthmother calls it a baby - no Republican Bible Thumper or atheist MAGA goon like CarsomyrPlusSix has any business telling any unrelated woman what to call the reproductive biological life in her body.

My youngest daughter gave us our 7th grandkid five months ago and she did not call our beautiful granddaughter a baby until they both were together for twenty weeks and the risk of miscarriage hopefully had passed,

I respect only what the potential birth mother says in public about her pregnancy. Most of which should be private.

Every vote for every Republican candidate earns affiliation with the Saving Baby Fetus Cult and all the absurd nonsense that comes with it.

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