Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Their downfall was crawling into bed with the American Jesus sow/Evangelicals. Now those fruitcakes run the party
Real America wants that normality and moral order we were founded and built upon to make a comeback. That’s why you purple haired wackos with nose rings and neck tattoos hate MAGA.
Normality/morality = Lib filth kryptonite

John Edgar Slow Horses
Real America wants that normality and moral order we were founded and built upon to make a comeback. That’s why you purple haired wackos with nose rings and neck tattoos hate MAGA.
Normality/morality = Lib filth kryptonite
Real America wants you evangelical White Christian nationalists and racists gone.
Real America wants you evangelical White Christian nationalists and racists gone.

Real America Globalists, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, foreigners, wetbacks and degenerate lowlife pieces of filthy dogshit wants you evangelical White Christian nationalists and racists gone.​

There I fixed it for you.
The same voters who built the greatest nation the world had even known in a short 150 years?
Again, I'd like to know your definition of 'greatest'. But yes. To a large extent, by denying the right to own property and to vote to a large part of the nation. Those voters.
Or we just realized that we'd have a better country if we didn't leave the important stuff to the states.

We saw what happened when we left the yahoos at the state level to their own devices.

What a crock of shit. Why don't you just move your commie ass to a place that buys that shit.

Yeah. That’s what we heard during the Beatnick phase of the 50’s. Or the Hippie movement of the 60’s, or the Civil Rights movement. The decriminalizing of homosexuality. And yet society never seems to want to go backwards.

People will not stand for legalizing marijuana. Then when it was legalized, people wouldn’t tolerate it for long. They would see.

Liberalism changed the world. It always has through history. The very founding of our Nation, was accomplished because Liberals dreamed of a better world.

If you were alive during the Revolution, you would join the British Army, or at least support them in putting down the rabble rousers who were defying lawful authority.
You make the mistake of speaking of times when liberals were actually liberal, when they were actually pushing positive policy for the citizenry as a whole.
Todays Libs are regressive, literally everything they champion is aimed to benefit some strange group of weird immoral filth…nothing for the nation as whole …EVERYTHING they push leads to filth, division and degradation.
Open your eyes and look around at every single blue shithole and the common denominators.
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You make the mistake of speaking of times when liberals were actually liberal, when they were actually pushing positive policy for the citizenry as a whole.
Todays Libs are regressive, literally everything they champion is aimed to benefit some strange group of weird immoral filth…nothing for the nation as whole …EVERYTHING they push leads to filth, division and degradation.
Open your eyes and look around at every single blue shithole and the common denominators.

That’s the same thing said about the Liberals of the eras I mentioned.

And in every era, there are people like you denouncing it. Demanding that the Radio Stations eschew Black Music. Demanding that radio not play Rock and Roll because it leads to immorality in the young.

Hippies would ruin the nation with their drug and free love culture.

Every era has someone like you denouncing what is going on. Predicting doom if we don’t turn away. Predicting Armageddon. And every Era we have survived. And every era we have gotten stronger as a nation. Because while Conservatives complain. Liberals lead.

In 1941 Conservatives swore the Battleship was the preeminent power in our or any Navy. Liberals warned of Submarines and Carriers. They could see the future. We all saw the future didn’t we?

Oh. Don’t get me wrong. Liberals are not always right. They make mistakes. They screw things up. They do dumb things. They waste resources on pipe dreams. But even those failures help Liberals learn how to do it better in the future.

But the future is always reached by striving to improve things. To make the world better.

Conservatives objected to those new fangled automobiles. Horses were better. More reliable. Now Conservatives are outraged that the days of the internal combustion engine are numbered. It’s outrageous that Liberals want to get rid of something that works fine.

So no. You aren’t unique. You aren’t the first who sees it. You are the tail end of a long line of people who screamed the same shit every era. You would have been outraged when Black Men were given the vote. You would have blown a blood vessel if you were there when Women got the Vote. You would have been furious that the Airborne were brought in to keep Whites from harassing and beating the black kids going to school. You would have howled about States Rights when the FBI investigated the Klan for murdering people.

You are no different. You are just another one of those closed minded hate filled morons history is full of.
Dobbs was a Constitutional win, with short term problems for Republicans. Hardly a bad thing. Placing abortion in the hands of the states was Constitutionally correct, as it limits again the constant overreach of the federal government. Expect such precedent to follow on other massive overreach, like gay 'marriage' and other items. Dobbs was merely a good start with a rocky reception.
Dobbs was a Constitutional win, with short term problems for Republicans. Hardly a bad thing. Placing abortion in the hands of the states was Constitutionally correct, as it limits again the constant overreach of the federal government. Expect such precedent to follow on other massive overreach, like gay 'marriage' and other items. Dobbs was merely a good start with a rocky reception.

That’s where you are wrong. Gay Marriage is going to stay at the Federal Level because of divorce. If a gay couple gets married in Nevada, and a couple years later wants to divorce in Alabama, and they are residents of Alabama, they’ll have to have the marriage recognized for the divorce.
That’s where you are wrong. Gay Marriage is going to stay at the Federal Level because of divorce. If a gay couple gets married in Nevada, and a couple years later wants to divorce in Alabama, and they are residents of Alabama, they’ll have to have the marriage recognized for the divorce.
Not likely, so-called gay marriage has no place in the federal government. The states issue the licenses, the states are fully responsible for the standards for said licenses. One state does not have to recognize a license from another. You need a separate state license to practice law in each state, you need a separate license to open and operate a business in each state, there is more precedent in favor of the state than the shoddy reasoning to allow federal interference.
Not likely, so-called gay marriage has no place in the federal government. The states issue the licenses, the states are fully responsible for the standards for said licenses. One state does not have to recognize a license from another. You need a separate state license to practice law in each state, you need a separate license to open and operate a business in each state, there is more precedent in favor of the state than the shoddy reasoning to allow federal interference.

Ok. New York decides to stop recognizing Car Tags from Texas. What is to stop them? It is Federal Standards that mandate that each license is valid in every state and territory. Federal Standards set among other things the Real ID mandate.

New York could say that Texas Licenses for driving are not valid. Texas Tags on cars are not valid. Would that be wrong?
Ok. New York decides to stop recognizing Car Tags from Texas. What is to stop them? It is Federal Standards that mandate that each license is valid in every state and territory. Federal Standards set among other things the Real ID mandate.

New York could say that Texas Licenses for driving are not valid. Texas Tags on cars are not valid. Would that be wrong?
There are already agreements in place, and the travel between states is within the confines of federal jurisdiction, marriage is not. If you have a state parks parking permit for Texas, it is not valid in New York. I fail to see your point.

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