Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Why aren’t women? Equality is the issue.

According to the Right. The women played and got pregnant now they have no choice. They have to carry the baby to term. So why is it wrong for the men to have their lives ruined by the same irresponsibility?
According to the Right. The women played and got pregnant now they have no choice. They have to carry the baby to term. So why is it wrong for the men to have their lives ruined by the same irresponsibility?
But that’s not the issue now. Make abortion legal as just another form of birth control. Woman choice. And then child support becomes voluntary. How can you possibly have a problem with that? 🤷‍♂️
The argument is over. America has spoken. Get used to living in the 21st century

Power to the people! No one should force anyone to become a parent! That’s progress. Look at me, I’m a progressive and you’re a right wing nut job!
Power to the people! No one should force anyone to become a parent! That’s progress. Look at me, I’m a progressive and you’re a right wing nut job!
I'm a progressive and you are an emotional train wreck
Except we never mandated vaccinations.
hahaha…Sneaky lefties….when you tell people they will be fired if they don’t take the prescribed experimental medicine, you are in effect levying a mandate upon them.…but even you already knew that.
For your stupid Eagle Argument, it isn't just the eggs that are protected. You can be fined or imprisoned for destroying an Eagle's nest. You can even be fined for picking up an Eagle feather you find on the ground.
The premise of the point remains the same….tree hugging leftist wackos see more value in an eagles egg than they do in a womans fetus. Twilight Zone shit.

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