Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Power to the people! No one should force anyone to become a parent! That’s progress. Look at me, I’m a progressive and you’re a right wing nut job!

The way I see it you have a couple options. First. You can convince the courts that it is unAmerican to force paternity payments. Or you could appeal to the people. Get amendments to state constitutions. Get political types to agree with your brilliant argument. You can have T-Shirts printed up. It’s not fair.

Until then, like the women who have to travel hundreds of miles to have an abortion in the post Dobbs America, you are stuck with it.
The way I see it you have a couple options. First. You can convince the courts that it is unAmerican to force paternity payments. Or you could appeal to the people. Get amendments to state constitutions. Get political types to agree with your brilliant argument. You can have T-Shirts printed up. It’s not fair.

Until then, like the women who have to travel hundreds of miles to have an abortion in the post Dobbs America, you are stuck with it.

It’ll just take a court case that a man insist on equal protection.
like the women who have to travel hundreds of miles to have an abortion
You see, this is where the difference lies between good people and degenerate pieces of filthy dogshit…. The “woman” didn’t “HAVE” to travel hundreds of miles” to kill a baby. The dirty whore could have fucked responsibly like all us decent real humans do and saved her disgusting self the trip…but you libs HATE that personal responsibility/accountability shit.
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You see, this is where the difference lies between good people and degenerate pieces of filthy dogshit…. The “woman” didn’t “HAVE” to travel hundreds of miles” to kill a baby. The dirty whore could have fucked responsibly like all us decent real humans do and saved her disgusting self the trip…but you libs HATE that personal responsibility/accountability shit.

And it’s why they hate the idea of voluntary child support.

It makes things real.
Power to the people! No one should force anyone to become a parent! That’s progress. Look at me, I’m a progressive and you’re a right wing nut job!
Libs hate people with power….they want Father Government in control of all things.…calling all the shots….SO LONG AS THE SHOTS ARE IN THEIR FAVOR.
You see, this is where the difference lies between good people and degenerate pieces of filthy dogshit…. The “woman” didn’t “HAVE” to travel hundreds of miles” to kill a baby. The dirty whore could have fucked responsibly like all us decent real humans do and saved her disgusting self the trip…but you libs HATE that personal responsibility/accountability shit.

Oh don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because a majority of the people think you are a degenerate piece of dog shit doesn’t mean you have to be worst of them.

Just think, if you let go of your hatred you might live longer, and start to enjoy life, and then look at the other extremists like you were, and feel pity for them. You know, the way we all feel towards you. Seeing you as the pathetic degenerate piece of dog shit. Now you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to start to change it. You can do it.
Oh don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because a majority of the people think you are a degenerate piece of dog shit doesn’t mean you have to be worst of them.

Just think, if you let go of your hatred you might live longer, and start to enjoy life, and then look at the other extremists like you were, and feel pity for them. You know, the way we all feel towards you. Seeing you as the pathetic degenerate piece of dog shit. Now you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to start to change it. You can do it.
Nice…a clever attempt to deflect and ignore the premise of my post…I get it, I made your position look like one of complete ignorance and you really have nowhere to go…But seriously, just think, if that filthy skank just knew how to have responsible sex like decent civilized human beings do we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.
This kinda reminds me of the gun issue…if dark Democrats knew how to own guns without killing people we wouldn’t have the debate about guns.
Face it, you irresponsible, unaccountable degenerates can’t get out of your own way, you are your worst enemy…
”Please Father Government, please take our guns and save us from ourselves.”
”Please Father Government, please allow us to kill our unborn since we can’t figure out how to fuck right.”
”Please Father Government, improve our wages, our education system and our healthcare since we ruined it all with 40 million illegal wetbacks.”
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.

The major problem is that the vast majority of Americans aren't taught the concept of federalism in the public halls of indoctrination. The supremacy of the States in matters dealing with their citizens is a foundational concept embraced by the founders. They wanted each State to be a Petri dish, trying different ideas and concepts. The top down, one size fits all for all States was never the intent of the founders. It's just a damn shame so many Americans are ignorant of this.

Nice…a clever attempt to deflect and ignore the premise of my post…I get it, I made your position look like one of complete ignorance and you really have nowhere to go…But seriously, just think, if that filthy skank just knew how to have responsible sex like decent civilized human beings do we wouldn’t need to have this conversation.
This kinda reminds me of the gun issue…if dark Democrats knew how to own guns without killing people we wouldn’t have the debate about guns.
Face it, you irresponsible, unaccountable degenerates can’t get out of your own way, you are your worst enemy…
”Please Father Government, please take our guns and save us from ourselves.”
”Please Father Government, please allow us to kill our unborn since we can’t figure out how to fuck right.”
”Please Father Government, improve our wages, our education system and our healthcare since we ruined it all with 40 million illegal wetbacks.”

Actually. A majority of people disagree with you. Every time the issue is on the ballot people vote against you and your arguments. Every time.

Even small local races were rejections of your radical views.

A lot of school boards flipped from radical RW to more moderate management.

But that is just the cherry on top of this particular Sundae.

I say you are radical because frankly you epitomize that term. Despite evidence that shows the people rejecting your ideals you cling to them with the delusion that the others will “wake up” to the insane ideals you espouse.

The longer this debate goes on, the more your idealism will lose. And that is a good thing for America.
hahaha…Sneaky lefties….when you tell people they will be fired if they don’t take the prescribed experimental medicine, you are in effect levying a mandate upon them.…but even you already knew that.

That's not a mandate, that's a choice. You can get a vaccination (most employers didn't) or you can work somewhere else.

The premise of the point remains the same….tree hugging leftist wackos see more value in an eagles egg than they do in a womans fetus. Twilight Zone shit.

Well, no, the premise is completely different.

It's not just the eggs that can be fined if you mess with them, it's nests, it's feathers, it's habitat.

It's not about protecting an individual egg, it's about protecting a species.

No one is claiming that an egg is an eagle. In fact, about 24% of the eggs will never hatch. Half the fledglings will never make it out of the nest.
The major problem is that the vast majority of Americans aren't taught the concept of federalism in the public halls of indoctrination. The supremacy of the States in matters dealing with their citizens is a foundational concept embraced by the founders. They wanted each State to be a Petri dish, trying different ideas and concepts. The top down, one size fits all for all States was never the intent of the founders. It's just a damn shame so many Americans are ignorant of this.

Or we just realized that we'd have a better country if we didn't leave the important stuff to the states.

We saw what happened when we left the yahoos at the state level to their own devices.
Or we just realized that we'd have a better country if we didn't leave the important stuff to the states.
We saw what happened when we left the yahoos at the state level to their own devices.
1. The Constitution says what the Feds and the States are responsible for.
2. What did we see when states run their states by their popular vote and the will of the peoople?
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Jim Crow, Lynchings, Voter Suppression, Debt Peonage. that's what we saw when the states were left to their own devices.
LOL!! Maybe you had a thing for dinosaurs too? WTF is "debt peonage"?

Within the last 20-years, i.e. "modern times", what have states done that violated your sensibilities?

You have not shown where the U.S. Constitution needs to be amended to improve the "division and separation of powers".

On my ledger there are 8 states that allow "partial birth abortions". That is barbaric, but not my business.
  • Funny
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LOL!! Maybe you had a thing for dinosaurs too? WTF is "debt peonage"?

Your ignorance is astounding. Here's a primer on it. It's basically how the Southern States found a way around the 13th Amendment.

Within the last 20-years, i.e. "modern times", what have states done that violated your sensibilities?
Well, there's that voter Suppression shit Jeb Bush pulled in Florida.

On my ledger there are 8 states that allow "partial birth abortions". That is barbaric, but not my business.
There's no such thing as a "partial birth abortion". There are late abortions. No one is born.
Actually. A majority of people disagree with you. Every time the issue is on the ballot people vote against you and your arguments. Every time.

Even small local races were rejections of your radical views.

A lot of school boards flipped from radical RW to more moderate management.

But that is just the cherry on top of this particular Sundae.

I say you are radical because frankly you epitomize that term. Despite evidence that shows the people rejecting your ideals you cling to them with the delusion that the others will “wake up” to the insane ideals you espouse.

The longer this debate goes on, the more your idealism will lose. And that is a good thing for America.
The argument you are attempting to make is not in dispute… Everybody knows your filthy mind virus has infected all institutions… media, social media, academia, Hollywood, big business…we get it….BUT like we saw in Martha’s Vineyard and in NYC with the wetback invasions, even ignorant fools have realized that Leftist ideology destroys everything everywhere it’s implemented, they have to stop fucking themselves at some point…it’s just a matter of time.
How long can even ignorant fools support the rapid degradation in their communities, how long can they stand by and watch wetbacks destroy their schools, their healthcare, their social services, their wages…etc etc?
It’s just a matter of times before this “hip to be filth” bullshit ends.
The argument you are attempting to make is not in dispute… Everybody knows your filthy mind virus has infected all institutions… media, social media, academia, Hollywood, big business…we get it….BUT like we saw in Martha’s Vineyard and in NYC with the wetback invasions, even ignorant fools have realized that Leftist ideology destroys everything everywhere it’s implemented, they have to stop fucking themselves at some point…it’s just a matter of time.
How long can even ignorant fools support the rapid degradation in their communities, how long can they stand by and watch wetbacks destroy their schools, their healthcare, their social services, their wages…etc etc?
It’s just a matter of times before this “hip to be filth” bullshit ends.

Yeah. That’s what we heard during the Beatnick phase of the 50’s. Or the Hippie movement of the 60’s, or the Civil Rights movement. The decriminalizing of homosexuality. And yet society never seems to want to go backwards.

People will not stand for legalizing marijuana. Then when it was legalized, people wouldn’t tolerate it for long. They would see.

Liberalism changed the world. It always has through history. The very founding of our Nation, was accomplished because Liberals dreamed of a better world.

If you were alive during the Revolution, you would join the British Army, or at least support them in putting down the rabble rousers who were defying lawful authority.
Your ignorance is astounding. Here's a primer on it. It's basically how the Southern States found a way around the 13th Amendment.

Well, there's that voter Suppression shit Jeb Bush pulled in Florida.

There's no such thing as a "partial birth abortion". There are late abortions. No one is born.
1. Is "Debt peonage" going on today? If not its irrelevant.

2. Every registered voter is free to vote. There is no voter suppression.

3. You are wrong again. There are "partial birth abortions", also called "Intact Dilation and Extractions".

Intact dilation and extraction (D&X, IDX, or intact D&E) is a surgical procedure that removes an intact fetus from the uterus. The procedure is used both after miscarriages and for abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
In United States federal law, it is known as a partial-birth abortion, although this latter term is not an accepted medical term and is not used by abortion practitioners or the medical community at large.[1][2]

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