Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

You are highly misled. You don't seem to be able to analyze information well.

Most Americans ARE against abortion, at least after a certain gestational age. But you just zip over that known fact to spew your opinions as though said opinions were facts.

In OH, voters got their Constitution changed so that 60 votes were no longer required to change the Constitution. If that 60 vote limit had been kept, the pro-abortionists would not have succeeded. i frankly think NO state should have a less than 60 vote requirement for changing their Constitutions. But the left are devious as hell

To note, you are messed up in your assessment. Ohio has always had the 50+1. Others tried to change it to 60.

On May 10, 2023, the Ohio General Assembly approved a resolution to make it harder to amend the Ohio Constitution via citizen-led ballot initiatives. Ohioans will vote on this issue, State Issue 1, through a specially created August 8 election.

This is an unprecedented move. In 1851, the Ohio Constitution was approved by a simple majority and since 1912, amendments to the Ohio Constitution have required approval by a majority of Ohio voters (50% +1). Among other important changes, Issue 1 of the August Special Election would raise the approval for changes to the Ohio Constitution to 60% of the vote.

The change has enormous implications down the road for Ohio, ending 111 years of majority rule and allowing a minority of voters to determine the direction of the state.

The Battle Over How to Amend Ohio's Constitution: Issue 1 on the Ballot in August

Perhaps you need to better analyze whoever gave you the wrong information.
Funny how killing doesn’t make a mother evil, but a man refusing to support a woman’s poor choices is.

dblack said: there's a large swath of Republicans (certainly enough to tilt the election) who would welcome a Democrat who wasn't hell bent on transforming them, who was more interested equal rights, rather than "equity", and hasn't marked rural white males for extinction. dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

Having Saint HeyNorm’s rural white Trvmp shit for brains expressed in a post such as hynrm.23.11.17 #757 at the top is what marks rural white males for extinction. They are not victims of human progress. They are a primary reason why human progress must prevail over them.

nf.23.11.18 #762 to dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814
dblack said: there's a large swath of Republicans (certainly enough to tilt the election) who would welcome a Democrat who wasn't hell bent on transforming them, who was more interested equal rights, rather than "equity", and hasn't marked rural white males for extinction. dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

Having Saint HeyNorm’s rural white Trvmp shit for brains expressed in a post such as hynrm.23.11.17 #757 at the top is what marks rural white males for extinction. They are not victims of human progress. They are a primary reason why human progress must prevail over them.

nf.23.11.18 #762 to dblvck.23.11.18 #2,814

Now, not only do you not make an argument, you went to both the racist and trump cards? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

Can you explain why you think women are too stupid to use birth control and why men are required to do the responsible thing, but not women?
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.

confucius lower taxes for rich.jpg
It really comsw down to don't get pregnant if you do be a decent human being and raise the child instead of using abortion as birth control you ass

In principle, I agree with you. A woman who uses abortion as birth control is making very bad life choices. I just don't think it's the government's place to determine what her life choices are.

Or, put the child up for adoption. That's how I have a sister, along with a niece, four nephews, and I'm not now sure how many grandnephews.
You don't know how to count?
If you go back through my posts all the way to the beginning of my coming to this forum, I stated unequivocally hundreds of times that the incidence of abortions would remain unchanged were Roe v. Wade overturned.

The only difference is the additional burden, additional cost and addition risk to life put on the woman.
I don’t remember Jesus suggesting such punitive measures.
Ohhhhh, it’s us burdening women!

So are you another one who thinks women are too stupid to know how babies are made?
Women’s health and lives are jeopardized the consequence of reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’

Women in ban states who suffer miscarriages are often denied life-saving treatment and medication.

Women are intelligent, capable, and knowledgeable; they know best how to make decisions concerning their private lives – not the state and not the authoritarian right.
Women’s health and lives are jeopardized the consequence of reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’

Women in ban states who suffer miscarriages are often denied life-saving treatment and medication.

Women are intelligent, capable, and knowledgeable; they know best how to make decisions concerning their private lives – not the state and not the authoritarian right.

Then no problem, right. Just don’t involve men in this. They want complete control, give it to them, but then they also get complete responsibility with it.

Who could have even a small problem with that?
HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

Wrong, A fetus is not a worthless clump of cells to a woman who is planning to have a baby. Why do you make such stupid statements like that?

Women’s health and lives are jeopardized the consequence of reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’

Women in ban states who suffer miscarriages are often denied life-saving treatment and medication.

No they aren't. I don't understand why so many on both sides of the equation here are so willing to be dishonest in their arguments.
HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

Wrong, A fetus is not a worthless clump of cells to a woman who is planning to have a baby. Why do you make such stupid statements like that?


“Planning”. Which would mean done in a manner in which she has the means to support. Which may include marriage or a partner who has volunteered his support.

Thanks for bring common sense into the discussion. Much appreciated
very interesting comment. I've had thesame thought for a long time ("..suppress their innate knowledge of God" etc).

Yep, they know they do wrong but apparently they are killing whatever conscience they still have/may have.

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