Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win

PC, that's why I completely ignore Colon now - he is like an annoying, bussing gnat, never providing anything to substantiate his arguments and seemingly existing just to lie, deny, and annoy the shit out of people with ridiculous, opinionated crap. The fact that you got the better of him is not in dispute ... except to him.
Well gee wiz , is there anything at all that the democrats didn't lie about ? Wll no , no there isn't.... they lied about every single thing . I would like to say im shocked , but truth is its what they do . There is no greater threat to the United States of America then the democrat party . The proof is , you cant show me one thing they are for that is good for america .

The last 4 years (8-12 actually), all the exposed crimes, and what they continue to do now is evidence enough to justify President Trump declaring the Democratic party to ne an official criminal organization and a threat to the Republic.
List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

Actually, there was literally no crime claimed in the impeachment trial.
That fact was brought up many times.

There were crimes committed. Lots of them. Trumps lawyers lied many times to claim otherwise but that doesn’t make it true.

Extortion, bribery, withholding Congressionally approved funds without notifying Congress. All sorts of things.
Beating Hillary is not a crime
PC, that's why I completely ignore Colon now - he is like an annoying, bussing gnat, never providing anything to substantiate his arguments and seemingly existing just to lie, deny, and annoy the shit out of people with ridiculous, opinionated crap. The fact that you got the better of him is not in dispute ... except to him.
Ha! From the genius that thinks that Adam Schiff is head of the intelligence community, I take that as a compliment.
That is what they say. Where is their proof?

View attachment 335544


It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers
RNC got hacked too. And there is no proof russia hacked the DNC. None.




see there - idiots step on their dress every time
I said RUSSIA, not in general. you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.

The Russians hacked anything remotely hackable to see what they could come up with to use for meddling, fomenting confusion and partisan divides. That doesn't mean they wanted Clinton to win. And yes, there is proof the server got hacked.
OMG AGAIN i will say there is no proof russia hacked the DNC.
Do you two understand now?

In fact, the testimony that was received by Congress from CrowdStrike indicated that there was no proof that this happened. Right now, the thought is that it was an inside job from a whistleblower in the DNC that passed the information to Julian Assange.
No one who knows anything about this actually believes that.
So crowdtsrike lies. Now. LOL
How convenient.
CrowdStrike said they couldn’t prove it but everything in their experience said it was Russia. Further investigation by authorities with more resources and authority determined that CrowdStrike’s suspicions were correct.

No one actually thinks it was an inside job.

Let's look at the facts:

Fact 1. In 2016 the DNC hired the Ukrainian-owned firm CrowdStrike to analyze their server and investigate a data breach.

Fact 2. CrowdStrike experts determined that the culprit was Russia.

Fact 3. The FBI never received access to the DNC server, so the Russian connection was never officially confirmed and continues to be an allegation coming from the DNC and its Ukrainian-owned contractor.

Fact 4. Absent the official verdict, other theories continue to circulate, including the possibility that the theft was an inside job by a DNC employee, who simply copied the files to a USB drive and sent it to WikiLeaks.

None of these facts was ever disputed by anyone. The media largely ignored them except for the part about the Russian hackers, which boosted their own, now debunked, wild conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent.

CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy - Frontpagemag

Crowdstrike testified under oath that there was no evidence of a hack.
The actual evidence connects Seth Rich and Wikileaks.
No Russian involvment -
Again, as testified under oath
Well gee wiz , is there anything at all that the democrats didn't lie about ? Wll no , no there isn't.... they lied about every single thing . I would like to say im shocked , but truth is its what they do . There is no greater threat to the United States of America then the democrat party . The proof is , you cant show me one thing they are for that is good for america .

The last 4 years (8-12 actually), all the exposed crimes, and what they continue to do now is evidence enough to justify President Trump declaring the Democratic party to ne an official criminal organization and a threat to the Republic.
I couldnt agree more . Fortunately , trump is so thin skinned . These traitors that ha e been attacking him , his family , and general Flynn are in for a thumpin . Trump dont let the little 5hings go , he is gonna gut these anti American criminals. Trump 2020. Hillary was right about one thing , they might hang if trump wins.
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.

your daddy says


Moron......Cloudstrike the non-government company the DNC used instead of the FBI stated they can't prove that there was a hack, that the hack, if it happened was an outside hack....and they couldn't tell if it was, in fact, Russians...

You have no truth, facts or reality........the actual players are telling us you are stupid, lying, or both...

It's in the documentation just declassified
Even someone of your low intellect can find it.
(plus it's been posted already)
That is what they say. Where is their proof?

View attachment 335544


It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.

Not at all. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian government were useful and legitimate foreign intelligence. The Obama administration is the only body tasked with engaging in foreign policy which includes collection of intelligence. They are not merely a law enforcement agency. Therefore, no law needs to have been broken to make Flynn’s conversations subject to their review.
Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win
Too late.

That's four-year-old news.

Nobody cares about that old $hit anymore.

We've got bigger fish to fry.

Like 1,400,000 COVID-19 cases and 85,000 deaths, and an incompetent administration that delayed its response long enough to cost a great many lives.

And voting-out a corrupt, egotistical, selfish, incompetent chief executive whose recent unraveling behaviors are costing him the confidence of Republicans.
That is what they say. Where is their proof?

View attachment 335544


It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.

Not at all. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian government were useful and legitimate foreign intelligence. The Obama administration is the only body tasked with engaging in foreign policy which includes collection of intelligence. They are not merely a law enforcement agency. Therefore, no law needs to have been broken to make Flynn’s conversations subject to their review.

So, now morons are just peachy keen with spying on, ruining, and threatening an American citizen for........not breaking any law, not doing anything wrong....

Do you realize what you've become in the service of your corrupt party?????
Last edited:
Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win
Too late.

That's four-year-old news.

Nobody cares about that old $hit anymore.

We've got bigger fish to fry.

Like 1,400,000 COVID-19 cases and 85,000 deaths, and an incompetent administration that delayed its response long enough to cost a great many lives.

And voting-out a corrupt, egotistical, selfish, incompetent chief executive whose recent unraveling behaviors are costing him the confidence of Republicans.
You wish it would become old news. Guess what? It’s gonna haunt you for awhile yet.
How about behind-doors sworn testimony?
If such testimony existed, it wouldn’t have been covered up by Devin Nunes.

Just declassified and released by Grenell.

Nunes has not had difficulty declassifying information in the past.

Oh, and nothing of the sort has been released.
You can’t be serious. Really, you can’t be.

The article is referring to documents that haven't been released. I'm just pointing that out.
That is what they say. Where is their proof?

View attachment 335544


It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.

Not at all. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian government were useful and legitimate foreign intelligence. The Obama administration is the only body tasked with engaging in foreign policy which includes collection of intelligence. They are not merely a law enforcement agency. Therefore, no law needs to have been broken to make Flynn’s conversations subject to their review.

So, now morons are just peachy keen with spying on, ruining, and threatening an American citizen for........not breaking any law, not doing nothing wrong....

Do you realize what you've become in the service of your corrupt party?????

You're talking about two different things. FISA is used for foreign intelligence. The Obama administration was spying on Kislyak, as anyone would expect them to. When someone starts engaging in foreign policy and making deals with the Russian government, that person becomes subject to the same spying. That's the law. That's how it works.

Now, when Flynn started lying about what he discussed with Kislyak, that's when the FBI got involved. Flynn is in a position where he is privy to our nation's biggest secrets. If he is lying about his engagement with a foreign government, that makes his trustworthiness questionable. The FBI has an obligation to protect our security and therefore he is subject to investigation should that come into question. Lying to the FBI in the course of doing their job is against the law. Had he not lied, he would have been able to retain his position and not be prosecuted.

See, two separate but connected episodes.
How about behind-doors sworn testimony?
If such testimony existed, it wouldn’t have been covered up by Devin Nunes.

Just declassified and released by Grenell.

Nunes has not had difficulty declassifying information in the past.

Oh, and nothing of the sort has been released.
You can’t be serious. Really, you can’t be.

The article is referring to documents that haven't been released. I'm just pointing that out.

Declassified testimony here:

Stuff like this:

The FBI could not hide the illegality of the plot without pro forma FISA warrants, to ‘legally’ allow them to spy on opponents. The apologists have denied that the bogus Steele/Putin dossier was used to get the warrants. In those declassified interviews, McCabe says otherwise:

Gowdy asks: “…did the Bureau rely on what has come to be known as a dossier in any form, and if so, how? MR. MCCABE: So very generally, sir, we did not rely on the Steele reporting for the opening of the investigation into possible Russian influence on the 2016 election, but we did rely on that reporting in the FISA application
So, now morons are just peachy keen with spying on, ruining, and threatening an American citizen for........not breaking any law, not doing nothing wrong....
Do you realize what you've become in the service of your corrupt party?????

Obama and his traitorous criminal administration:
- Weaponized the IRS and used it against US citizens legally opposing his re-election

- Illegally spied on US citizens///NIA Director Clapper and CIA Director Brennan were caught committing Felony Perjury under oath before Congress when they both testified no such illegal spying was going on...only to have evidence come out days later.

- Illegally spied on reporters and the media - again, Clapper and Brennan gave false testimony claiming no such illegal spying was happening.

- Illegally spied on US Senators; it was D-Feinstein who raised hell about it and brought it to the public's attention...again, Brennan committed Felony Perjury by testifying no such spying was going on. To escape indictment / prison, Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit his crimes, and 'promise' never to do it again

- Illegally spied on USSC Justices - same crime - same perps, 'rinse and repeat

- Illegally sped on opposition party Presidential candidate and his team - same crime - same perps, 'rinse and repeat

- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team - - same crime - same perps, 'rinse and repeat

Not once did the Democrats or these same partisan douche bag snowflakes voice long as it was the Democrats / Barry doing it.

That is what they say. Where is their proof?

View attachment 335544


It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.

Not at all. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian government were useful and legitimate foreign intelligence. The Obama administration is the only body tasked with engaging in foreign policy which includes collection of intelligence. They are not merely a law enforcement agency. Therefore, no law needs to have been broken to make Flynn’s conversations subject to their review.

So, now morons are just peachy keen with spying on, ruining, and threatening an American citizen for........not breaking any law, not doing nothing wrong....

Do you realize what you've become in the service of your corrupt party?????

You're talking about two different things. FISA is used for foreign intelligence. The Obama administration was spying on Kislyak, as anyone would expect them to. When someone starts engaging in foreign policy and making deals with the Russian government, that person becomes subject to the same spying. That's the law. That's how it works.

Now, when Flynn started lying about what he discussed with Kislyak, that's when the FBI got involved. Flynn is in a position where he is privy to our nation's biggest secrets. If he is lying about his engagement with a foreign government, that makes his trustworthiness questionable. The FBI has an obligation to protect our security and therefore he is subject to investigation should that come into question. Lying to the FBI in the course of doing their job is against the law. Had he not lied, he would have been able to retain his position and not be prosecuted.

See, two separate but connected episodes.

Flynn didn't lie......

The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show

Strzok later would intervene and push to keep the Flynn probe open in January 2017, even after the FBI's Washington office signaled it wanted to close it because no "derogatory" information had been unearthed after consulting with other intelligence agencies in an exhaustive search….The stunning development came after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI as his legal fees mounted.

Both during and before the January 24, 2017 White House interview that led to Flynn's prosecution for one count of lying to the FBI, the bureau acknowledged having those full transcripts, raising the question of why agents would need to ask Flynn about what he said during the calls with Kislyak, except potentially as a pretext to obtain a false statements charge.

The FBI possessed word-for-word transcripts of Flynn's December 2016 conversations with Kislyak, and publicly admitted to reviewing those transcripts and clearing Flynn of any wrongdoing.” Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show
That is what they say. Where is their proof?

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It was confirmed by Crowdstrike. The information they gave to the FBI was as good as what they would have gotten examining the server. Also the hacked information ended up on WikiLeaks mixed with false information.

1. False.

2. Remember who and what CrowdStrike is....
"What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google"
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. And this....
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented datapublished by an influential British think tank."
Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Did I mention that everything that comes from a Democrat source is a lie?

4. ".... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
Hilarious. Relying on 3 year old reports as if anything in them was still relevant.

After four years of lying to the American people, newly released documents find that every Obama official admitted that here was never….NEVER…even a hint of collusion.

“Other newly declassified transcripts released Thursday by the House Intelligence Committee revealed that top Obama administration officials had no concrete evidence that the Trump campaigned colluded with Russia in the 2016 Election.

The transcripts come from 57 witnesses who were interviewed by the committee during the Trump Russia probe. Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch were among those who gave their testimony.

In her interview with the House Intelligence Committee, conducted on September 8, 2017, Rice admitted there 'wasn't anything smoking' that showed the Trump campaign had helped with Russia's election meddling.

'I don't recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect... prior to my departure,' she stated.

…former AG Loretta Lynch similarly stated that she 'could not say' whether evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy existed when she gave her interview on October 20, 2017.

Other officials who worked in the Obama Administration were also asked about whether or not there was any concrete evidence they had seen.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated: 'I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.

'That's not to say that there weren't concerns about the evidence we were seeing, anecdotal evidence. ... But I do not recall any instance where I had direct evidence.'

Samantha Power, who was appointed by Obama to be the US Ambassador to the United Nations, was also among the 57 interviewees probed by the House Intelligence Committee.

'I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn't read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community,' Power stated, according to the newly released transcripts.” Obama surprised DoJ officials with knowledge of Michael Flynn's calls
What does that have to do with the thread?
obama was spying on officials from an incoming administration !
Well, when they call up Russian government officials to talk foreign policy and strategy, that means that you have a legitimate foreign intellifence interest.

You moron.....that's the job of a national security advisor.

Glenn Greenwald

May 7 2020

I'd still like to understand what was improper about the incoming National Security Advisor of a newly elected administration calling his Russian counterpart to try to tamp down tensions in the weeks before he took office.
Little problem. The office of national security advisor belonged to someone else at the time.

What law would apply to Flynn's doing so?????

None of any use. But it appears you missed the entire point.

You know the very opposite is the truth, about missing the point.

So we agree that no such law applied that would have cast Flynn under the view of the Obamunists.'re learning.

Not at all. Flynn’s conversations with the Russian government were useful and legitimate foreign intelligence. The Obama administration is the only body tasked with engaging in foreign policy which includes collection of intelligence. They are not merely a law enforcement agency. Therefore, no law needs to have been broken to make Flynn’s conversations subject to their review.

So, now morons are just peachy keen with spying on, ruining, and threatening an American citizen for........not breaking any law, not doing nothing wrong....

Do you realize what you've become in the service of your corrupt party?????

You're talking about two different things. FISA is used for foreign intelligence. The Obama administration was spying on Kislyak, as anyone would expect them to. When someone starts engaging in foreign policy and making deals with the Russian government, that person becomes subject to the same spying. That's the law. That's how it works.

Now, when Flynn started lying about what he discussed with Kislyak, that's when the FBI got involved. Flynn is in a position where he is privy to our nation's biggest secrets. If he is lying about his engagement with a foreign government, that makes his trustworthiness questionable. The FBI has an obligation to protect our security and therefore he is subject to investigation should that come into question. Lying to the FBI in the course of doing their job is against the law. Had he not lied, he would have been able to retain his position and not be prosecuted.

See, two separate but connected episodes.


May 8, 2017

Did the FBI spy on the Trump Campaign?

James Comey: No.

May 3, 2017

Lindsey Graham: Do you stand by your House testimony of March 20th that there was no surveillance of the Trump campaign that you’re aware of?

James Comey: Correct.


December 11, 2019

Michael Horowitz: The surveillance of Carter Page continued even as the FBI gathered information that weakened the assessment of probable cause and made the FISA applications less accurate.

December 11, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Mr. Papadopoulos, he was actually being surveilled by the FBI. Is that correct?

Michael Horowitz: If you’re talking about the confidential human source…

Lindsey Graham: Yes.

Michael Horowitz: …operations, yes.


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