Doctor Ebola Arrives in the US

How Do You Feel About the CDC Allowing Ebola into the US?

  • Insanely stupid. Shut down the nuke plants now, we're in huge trouble.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Reckless. A terrible idea.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Not my first choice but we probably can contain it.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • I'm OK with it.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • It's fine, our technology can fix whatever happens.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
Keeping ebola patients out of the country is not an irrational action. It's what the CDC is for.

It is when there's virtually no chance of spreading the disease and a greatly increased chance of saving their lives. Your assessment of risk is irrationally overstated. Your ability to accurately predict outcome, abysmal. Hell, you didn't even know the virus wasn't airborne when you began your 'extinction event and nuclear melt down' hysteria.

When you don't know how a 90% fatal disease is spread exactly, nor to what level it is zoonotic and persists in an environment outside of a host, you don't import it and then figure it out on the fly later..

Again, its 90% without treatment....which you know. But keep intentionally and dishonestly omitting in this fit of irrational hysterics. Its 60% with even the comparatively crude treatment in Western Africa, and so far, 0% using the newer treatments here in the US.

The level of risk you've assumed is irrational and inaccurate. And your understanding of the disease, inadequate to carry your claims. You've offered us no compelling reason to ignore the CDC on this issue and instead believe you. Especially when their predictions have a near perfect record of accuracy. And your record of accuracy has been pretty close to zero.

But thank you for again demonstrating why we consult experts in infectious disease prevention when there is an outbreak rather than farm hands.
Again, how accurate are those post-survival blood tests? As yet you have not provided a link on information about them. HIV can be present, for example, in a person for 6 months and be undetected in blood tests while that person goes about infecting others during that time.

Ebola isn't HIV. You have nothing to support the claim that they respond similarly. You're offering us baseless speculation backed by zero evidence as the basis of your entire fear mongering tirades. Your claims of risk were nonsense. Your claims of transmission rates were nonsense. Your predictions of the outcome, laughably inaccurate. You couldn't even get the fatality rates right.

That you maintain the same 'extinction level event' level of personal terror despite the inept record of your predictions and the near perfect record of accuracy of those experts contradicting you is simply irrational. Your fears not legitimate nor are they factually justified. But based on evidence free speculation and willful ignorance of the facts.

No thank you.

And the World Health Organization has no clue as to why the epidemiologist got ebola. He wasn't even around infected patients. They know it is carried by bats, but they're not sure exactly how. They think it's feces, but aren't 100% sure. They also know it infects a type of antelope and I've heard camels too. Does it infect rats, which are closely related to bats? Rats are everywhere in the world.

Which has zero to do with either of the infected US patients who were treated and released here. As neither had bats, antelope or camels in their sealed and secure treatment rooms in Atlanta. Rendering any claim that we should have left them to die in Africa based on the possible transmission of ebola by bats borderline word salad.

And clearly neither legitimate nor rational.

This isn't paranoia. It's common sense. And if saving the country from virulent epidemics like ebola is a paranoid idea then you should just defund the CDC and go on your "positive thinking" policy of protecting public health.

And extinction level event that will cause nuclear meltdowns? Oh, that paranoia bordering on naked delusion. Especially since your every prediction turned out to be laughably inaccurate tripe.....and you cling to the same level of panty shitting terror.

Your predictions didn't pan out. The wild spread of the disease from the two patients didn't happen. No nuclear power plant has melted down. There was no extinction level event. Whatever process you used to reach your conclusions doesn't work.

Your hypothesis didn't produce the outcome you predicted. Its irrational to ignore the outcome and cling to the hypothesis. Yet that's exactly what you're doing.
Keeping ebola patients out of the country is not an irrational action. It's what the CDC is for.
Umm, no. The CDC's goal is to protect public health, and they made the call that these two patients were not a risk to the public. You just can't handle that they don't share your paranoia, but they I'll believe them a lot more easily than some poster on a message board who is best known for claiming Tokyo was destroyed by radiation and is secretly being evacuated.

Furthermore, are you suggesting that the medical staff from 'various organizations' are more qualified than the experts at the World Health Organization that are currently perplexed as to how the epidemiologist contracted the ebola he has that he is now struggling with in Germany?
False dichotomy. The doctors and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

When you don't know how a 90% fatal disease
When you don't know the fatality rate of this Ebola outbreak is way less than 90% but keep saying it you should probably stop trying to play expert.
and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

"Trying to solve a transmission riddle." That's best done BEFORE bringing infected patients into the New World.
and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

"Trying to solve a transmission riddle." That's best done BEFORE bringing infected patients into the New World.

Your every prediction was laughably wrong. Your threat assessment was shrill garbage. And the outcome was nothing like you said it would be. Your entire argument has been reduced to insinuations you can't possibly back with actual evidence.

No thank you.
and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

"Trying to solve a transmission riddle." That's best done BEFORE bringing infected patients into the New World.

Your every prediction was laughably wrong. Your threat assessment was shrill garbage. And the outcome was nothing like you said it would be. Your entire argument has been reduced to insinuations you can't possibly back with actual evidence.

No thank you.
Wow, that was a great ad hominem.

Meanwhile an epidemiologist lies dying in a German hospital while the world's leading health experts scramble to understand how he got ebola without coming into contact with sufferers. Three other expert doctors are dead from ebola.

Importing it into the US without a full understanding when experts are dying from it like flies is STUPID.
and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

"Trying to solve a transmission riddle." That's best done BEFORE bringing infected patients into the New World.

Your every prediction was laughably wrong. Your threat assessment was shrill garbage. And the outcome was nothing like you said it would be. Your entire argument has been reduced to insinuations you can't possibly back with actual evidence.

No thank you.
Wow, that was a great ad hominem.

Meanwhile an epidemiologist lies dying in a German hospital while the world's leading health experts scramble to understand how he got ebola without coming into contact with sufferers. Three other expert doctors are dead from ebola.

Importing it into the US without a full understanding when experts are dying from it like flies is STUPID.

Its not an Ad Hominem. Its a critique of process. You've offered us predictions that didn't work. You offered us catastrophic outcomes that never happened. You offered us threat assessments that were a joke. Whatever process you're using to draw your conclusion is clearly broken.

The fact that you're still running in shrill 'extinction level event' level when there was no spreading of the disease and none of the nuclear meltdowns you predicted demonstrates that your fear isn't legitimate, it isn't reasonable, it isn't rational.

The CDC however, was right. What they said would happen, happened. Their threat assessment turned out to be accurate. And their record of fulfilled predictions was pretty close to perfect. Which is why when there's an infectious disease outbreak we consult them. And not you. As you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
and CDC staff who personally treated, tested, and declared these patients on site are certainly qualified to declare them safe to be released, regardless of WHO personnel trying to solve a transmission riddle in Germany.

"Trying to solve a transmission riddle." That's best done BEFORE bringing infected patients into the New World.

Your every prediction was laughably wrong. Your threat assessment was shrill garbage. And the outcome was nothing like you said it would be. Your entire argument has been reduced to insinuations you can't possibly back with actual evidence.

No thank you.
Wow, that was a great ad hominem.

Meanwhile an epidemiologist lies dying in a German hospital while the world's leading health experts scramble to understand how he got ebola without coming into contact with sufferers. Three other expert doctors are dead from ebola.

Importing it into the US without a full understanding when experts are dying from it like flies is STUPID.

Its not an Ad Hominem. Its a critique of process. You've offered us predictions that didn't work. You offered us catastrophic outcomes that never happened. You offered us threat assessments that were a joke. Whatever process you're using to draw your conclusion is clearly broken.

The fact that you're still running in shrill 'extinction level event' level when there was no spreading of the disease and none of the nuclear meltdowns you predicted demonstrates that your fear isn't legitimate, it isn't reasonable, it isn't rational.

The CDC however, was right. What they said would happen, happened. Their threat assessment turned out to be accurate. And their record of fulfilled predictions was pretty close to perfect. Which is why when there's an infectious disease outbreak we consult them. And not you. As you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.

That's because, thankfully, they are experts at this kind of thing, unlike some internet chicken little.
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.

We can. But they can't leave certain parts of Africa, etc...did you read this part?

.."for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world"
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.

We can. But they can't leave certain parts of Africa, etc...did you read this part?

.."for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world"

Nice backpedal. So much for the 'and' in 'the US and around the world'.
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.

Sure, you can, but they do try to use scare tactics, kind of like our buddy, chicken little, to try to discourage you at times. I heard they were close to a vaccine for Ebola. I wonder how that's coming along?
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.

Sure, you can, but they do try to use scare tactics, kind of like our buddy, chicken little, to try to discourage you at times. I heard they were close to a vaccine for Ebola. I wonder how that's coming along?
Talking about common sense when it comes to a deadly epidemic does not equal "scare tactics". Who am I scaring here at this little outpost?

The only truly frightening thing going on in this thread is the display of willful ignorance about 1. Ebola and 2. How little we know about it and 3. The ability to see reason when dealing with the unknowns about ebola.

We know this much:

1. That it is up to 90% fatal.

2. That some animals carry or succomb to it.

3. That it is transmitted through many bodily fluids and wastes.

4. That it can remain in survivors for months as infectious.

5. That we don't have a vaccine for it.

6. That it is killing even the experts who are dealing with it.
Ebola is one of several viral hemorrhagic fevers. In the field of epidemiology, it is known as a non-vector-borne infectious disease. That means it is not transmitted by an insect or other vector.

It should be noted that there has been a bioterrorism potential related to the hemorrhagic fever viruses. Some of them can be transmitted to humans through a respiratory route. Although there is no current evidence that any of these viruses have been weaponized or developed into a biological weapon, all of them are considered by military medical planners to have a potential to be disseminated through the air to be weaponized or to be used with other agents that could weaponize them.

It is not wise in any way shape or form to bring infected patients into the US. Whatever treatment those patients get can be done outside of this country. There are no "guarantees" and that risk of this strand of this hemorrhagic fever is too great.
We know this much:

1. That it is up to 90% fatal.

2. That some animals carry or succomb to it.

3. That it is transmitted through many bodily fluids and wastes.

4. That it can remain in survivors for months as infectious.

5. That we don't have a vaccine for it.

6. That it is killing even the experts who are dealing with it.
7. Every outbreak in history has eventually waned and died out despite survivors heading back into their communities. Kind of puts a crimp in your "OMG rampant infected semen" argument.
Terrorism, Crime, and Disease (ebola, swine flu etc.) are the big 3 of "justifications" for the loss of freedom and rise of Authoritarianism in the USA and around the world.

We have to restrict your freedom, for the good of society! Crime is bad!!
Police need to be militarized, to protect against terrorism!
You can't leave the country, you'll get Ebola!

Quite the elaborate hypothetical you've imagined. Yet we can leave the country. Which nixes a fair portion of your monologue.

Sure, you can, but they do try to use scare tactics, kind of like our buddy, chicken little, to try to discourage you at times. I heard they were close to a vaccine for Ebola. I wonder how that's coming along?
Talking about common sense when it comes to a deadly epidemic does not equal "scare tactics". Who am I scaring here at this little outpost?

The only truly frightening thing going on in this thread is the display of willful ignorance about 1. Ebola and 2. How little we know about it and 3. The ability to see reason when dealing with the unknowns about ebola.

We know this much:

1. That it is up to 90% fatal.

2. That some animals carry or succomb to it.

3. That it is transmitted through many bodily fluids and wastes.

4. That it can remain in survivors for months as infectious.

5. That we don't have a vaccine for it.

6. That it is killing even the experts who are dealing with it.

How many Americans have died? Lol! That was what you were fear mongering about originally. Do you still think that the world is going to end? What about the nukes!!!????
We know this much:

1. That it is up to 90% fatal.

2. That some animals carry or succomb to it.

3. That it is transmitted through many bodily fluids and wastes.

4. That it can remain in survivors for months as infectious.

5. That we don't have a vaccine for it.

6. That it is killing even the experts who are dealing with it.
7. Every outbreak in history has eventually waned and died out despite survivors heading back into their communities. Kind of puts a crimp in your "OMG rampant infected semen" argument.

Yes but epidemics have a way of drastically crunching down on human civilization. You may have heard of the suppression of technology and advancement just after the bubonic plague? My point is that if millions of people suddenly die, like what my grandparents survived at the turn of the last century with the flu epidemic [grandma spent the rest of her life with only part of one lung, the rest had to be cut out], our society and national security is at stake. And the point of the OP was "what if the league that babysits our nuclear fleet are in those grim statistics?" Would you know how to shut down overheating fuel rods? Would I? Would anyone you know?
We know this much:

1. That it is up to 90% fatal.

2. That some animals carry or succomb to it.

3. That it is transmitted through many bodily fluids and wastes.

4. That it can remain in survivors for months as infectious.

5. That we don't have a vaccine for it.

6. That it is killing even the experts who are dealing with it.
7. Every outbreak in history has eventually waned and died out despite survivors heading back into their communities. Kind of puts a crimp in your "OMG rampant infected semen" argument.

Yes but epidemics have a way of drastically crunching down on human civilization. You may have heard of the suppression of technology and advancement just after the bubonic plague? My point is that if millions of people suddenly die, like what my grandparents survived at the turn of the last century with the flu epidemic [grandma spent the rest of her life with only part of one lung, the rest had to be cut out], our society and national security is at stake. And the point of the OP was "what if the league that babysits our nuclear fleet are in those grim statistics?" Would you know how to shut down overheating fuel rods? Would I? Would anyone you know?

Dude, you've got issues with paranoia I think. Maybe you've been watching too many movies or something. I don't know, but this is like WAY out there.

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