Doctor Ebola Arrives in the US

How Do You Feel About the CDC Allowing Ebola into the US?

  • Insanely stupid. Shut down the nuke plants now, we're in huge trouble.

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Reckless. A terrible idea.

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Not my first choice but we probably can contain it.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • I'm OK with it.

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • It's fine, our technology can fix whatever happens.

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
You know, you started off saying that because we brought the sick here to our country, that we would have a pandemic. Then, you tried to tell us that Ebola was airborne and that it was going to spread and make it so that nobody was watching the nuclear power plants. :blahblah:

Now that they have been released as cured, you are trying NEW scare tactics. What's your agenda anyway?

This is part of the same warning. The theme is "the danger of bringing a 90% fatal epidemic to the New World". Pointing out that it remains infectious within recovered patients for ? # of months [another point is that we don't know how long] and through semen and ???? [all body fluids & feces were named as transmitting ebola] is part of that theme.

90% fatal and spreading quickly in Africa. You have no idea how overwhelmed even the US's healthcare system would become if it really took hold here. Also, it is spread they think [again ???] by bats, though they're not sure how. Rats and bats are closely related so we have lots of questions and few answers. Antelope in Africa have also become ill with it/ carried it. They think it enters the food supply and is zoonotic.

They think...? With a disease that is 90% fatal and spreads rapidly, you don't import it without knowing every single thing about it.

And you watch, they're going to release these carriers out into the general population and just "hope for the best". You run livestock you see the insanity of such a practice. You haven't watched a whole herd drop from an illness like ebola. But I have. So I know and you don't.

Africa is a 3rd world country. So far, our healthcare system has not been overwhelmed with Ebola patients because we have not and more than likely will not have an outbreak of the level that they would have in a 3rd world country. You are just fear mongering. Perhaps you are paranoid, I don't know.
You know, you started off saying that because we brought the sick here to our country, that we would have a pandemic. Then, you tried to tell us that Ebola was airborne and that it was going to spread and make it so that nobody was watching the nuclear power plants. :blahblah:

Now that they have been released as cured, you are trying NEW scare tactics. What's your agenda anyway?

This is part of the same warning. The theme is "the danger of bringing a 90% fatal epidemic to the New World". Pointing out that it remains infectious within recovered patients for ? # of months [another point is that we don't know how long] and through semen and ???? [all body fluids & feces were named as transmitting ebola] is part of that theme.

90% fatal and spreading quickly in Africa. You have no idea how overwhelmed even the US's healthcare system would become if it really took hold here. Also, it is spread they think [again ???] by bats, though they're not sure how. Rats and bats are closely related so we have lots of questions and few answers. Antelope in Africa have also become ill with it/ carried it. They think it enters the food supply and is zoonotic.

They think...? With a disease that is 90% fatal and spreads rapidly, you don't import it without knowing every single thing about it.

And you watch, they're going to release these carriers out into the general population and just "hope for the best". You run livestock you see the insanity of such a practice. You haven't watched a whole herd drop from an illness like ebola. But I have. So I know and you don't.

Africa is a 3rd world country. So far, our healthcare system has not been overwhelmed with Ebola patients because we have not and more than likely will not have an outbreak of the level that they would have in a 3rd world country. You are just fear mongering. Perhaps you are paranoid, I don't know.

So if I have a herd of cattle and I know of two that have brucellosis, your logic is that "if they're really nice cattle I should treat them as best I know how" and then let them back into the herd because "so far" the herd hasn't started to succomb and that "more than likely" they won't?

Let's stop talking about paranoia and start talking about malignant stupidity.
So if I have a herd of cattle and I know of two that have brucellosis, your logic is that "if they're really nice cattle I should treat them as best I know how" and then let them back into the herd because "so far" the herd hasn't started to succomb and that "more than likely" they won't?
No, their logic is "experts on cattle have concluded these two no longer carry the disease" so they can be reintroduced into the herd.
So if I have a herd of cattle and I know of two that have brucellosis, your logic is that "if they're really nice cattle I should treat them as best I know how" and then let them back into the herd because "so far" the herd hasn't started to succomb and that "more than likely" they won't?
No, their logic is "experts on cattle have concluded these two no longer carry the disease" so they can be reintroduced into the herd.
So you're not paying attention obviously. EXPERTS SAY THAT EBOLA CAN BE CARRIED AND PASSED THROUGH SEMEN FOR UP TO ?? MONTHS [they're not sure] AFTER THE PERSON RECOVERS FROM EBOLA. They don't know if other body fluids can remain infectious. They don't know how many months a person remains a carrier.

These two cows have not been cleared to be released back into the herd because there is no way to determine definitively how long they remain carriers. But you watch. Without understanding the carrier phase of ebola, they'll clear these two to go out into the general public...
So you're not paying attention obviously.
No, I'm not paying attention to you because you also claimed in February thread titled "Goodbye Poor Japan" that Tokyo was destroyed by radiation, therefore you are not worth listening to because you have proven yourself irrational. You are clearly a crazy person to lives to sow fear.


God damn it! I had a chance to visit Tokyo some years back and turned it down. Now it will be a footnote in history.
Wow. Just wow. Tokyo gone. Hard to believe. American greed when will you die?

Tokyo "the gone" in last month:

But you watch..
Oh I will.

You're so determined to cling to this pandemic chicken little thing that you've actually been reduced to worrying that all the medical staff on site and from CDC are wrong and this doctor is going to run around spraying everyone with infected semen thus creating end of days Ebola hellfire in the United States.

We'll revisit in a few early next year and see whether you were right, hopefully it will be as amusing as when you still stand by your Tokyo destroyed thing.
But you watch..
Oh I will.

You're so determined to cling to this pandemic chicken little thing that you've actually been reduced to worrying that all the medical staff on site and from CDC are wrong and this doctor is going to run around spraying everyone with infected semen thus creating end of days Ebola hellfire in the United States.

We'll revisit in a few early next year and see whether you were right, hopefully it will be as amusing as when you still stand by your Tokyo destroyed thing.

Do you know how many months an ebola survivor stays infectious through bodily fluids? Answer the question. I want an exact number like "no more than 3". A numeral. And I want you to cite your source.
First you tell me when we'll start to see the pandemic from this guy's semen. Answer the question. I want an exact number like 4 weeks. A numeral.
First you tell me when we'll start to see the pandemic from this guy's semen. Answer the question. I want an exact number like 4 weeks. A numeral.
You are avoiding the question.

Duly noted.

The mystery then becomes "why"? Why would anyone err on the side of ignorance and spreading an epidemic when erring on the side of caution is vastly more prudent with a disease with 90% fatality?
Why would anyone err on the side of ignorance and spreading an epidemic when erring on the side of caution is vastly more prudent with a disease with 90% fatality?
If I had to guess I'd say it is because most aren't mentally ill enough to believe some doctor cured from Ebola will spread an epidemic by spraying everyone with semen.
Why would anyone err on the side of ignorance and spreading an epidemic when erring on the side of caution is vastly more prudent with a disease with 90% fatality?
If I had to guess I'd say it is because most aren't mentally ill enough to believe some doctor cured from Ebola will spread an epidemic by spraying everyone with semen.
Technically, a person who still carries the ebola virus capable of spreading to the general population is not "cured"... How many months after symptoms disappear did you say a person still carries ebola in their body fluids? You never did nail that down and give a link...
Technically, a person who still carries the ebola virus capable of spreading to the general population is not "cured"... How many months after symptoms disappear did you say a person still carries ebola in their body fluids?
Yup you got it your argument is well founded. We need to fear this doctor will run around spraying semen on people in quantities enough to cause a new pandemic. Thanks for warning us of your perfect rational fear.

You never did nail that down and give a link...
Neither did you.

When exactly do you believe the pandemic will be realized? As much effort as you are putting into spreading fear surely this is something you have in mind.
First you tell me when we'll start to see the pandemic from this guy's semen. Answer the question. I want an exact number like 4 weeks. A numeral.

I've read that the virus can be present up in a man's semen for up to 7 weeks, but I'm sure he has been tested for any traces of the virus, and is not the case in all people.
So how reliable are the tests? And why the conflict in consensus between experts on ebola for the amount of time a survivor's body fluids remain infectious?

Wouldn't a smart person conclude that we should have firm and concrete knowledge, tests and even a vaccine for a 90% fatal disease before we allow it into the New World?
So how reliable are the tests?
Reliable enough for people with way more expertise than a chicken little on a message board to declare the guy safe to release.

Wouldn't a smart person conclude that we should have firm and concrete knowledge, tests and even a vaccine for a 90% fatal disease before we allow it into the New World?
A smart person wouldn't discount them having reliable tests, and they'd probably know the mortality rate is running much lower than 90%, and they wouldn't fear some doctor who just got over Ebola randomly spraying infected semen into crowds.

When all is said and done none of your fear mongering will have proven to be correct. These people they brought back didnt spread it to their caregivers, and since released they aren't going to infect anyone else. I'm sure you'll stay be here masturbating to any additional sky is falling scenarios you can think up but you'll be wrong as usual.
We need to secretly evacuate Sillywet to Antarctica for his own safety until all the sperm in the country has been cleared.
First you tell me when we'll start to see the pandemic from this guy's semen. Answer the question. I want an exact number like 4 weeks. A numeral.

I've read that the virus can be present up in a man's semen for up to 7 weeks, but I'm sure he has been tested for any traces of the virus, and is not the case in all people.
So how reliable are the tests? And why the conflict in consensus between experts on ebola for the amount of time a survivor's body fluids remain infectious?

Wouldn't a smart person conclude that we should have firm and concrete knowledge, tests and even a vaccine for a 90% fatal disease before we allow it into the New World?

Like I've told you multiple times now, they test the patients for signs of the virus still remaining. If there were traces of the virus still remaining, then they would still be quarantined in the hospital. :rolleyes-41: What in the hell, do you think our doctors are idiots or something? If think you want something bad to happen, that's what I think. This is all wishful thinking and projection on your part. What's wrong with you?
First you tell me when we'll start to see the pandemic from this guy's semen. Answer the question. I want an exact number like 4 weeks. A numeral.

I've read that the virus can be present up in a man's semen for up to 7 weeks, but I'm sure he has been tested for any traces of the virus, and is not the case in all people.
So how reliable are the tests? And why the conflict in consensus between experts on ebola for the amount of time a survivor's body fluids remain infectious?

Wouldn't a smart person conclude that we should have firm and concrete knowledge, tests and even a vaccine for a 90% fatal disease before we allow it into the New World?

Like I've told you multiple times now, they test the patients for signs of the virus still remaining. If there were traces of the virus still remaining, then they would still be quarantined in the hospital. :rolleyes-41: What in the hell, do you think our doctors are idiots or something? If think you want something bad to happen, that's what I think. This is all wishful thinking and projection on your part. What's wrong with you?

Doctors admit they are still in the learning process about ebola's etiology. They are self-admitting being "idiots". So with a disease 90% fatal, that we are in siginficant ignorance of, particularly with respect to how long a survivor remains a carrier in their body fluids, we err on the side of extreme caution.

You don't let a questionable cow into the herd if you're not precisely sure if that cow is a carrier of a herd-destroying disease. As for testing of ebola, you still haven't given a link that sings the praises of the accuracy of these tests. I'll await that link.

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