Doctor's Group: Trumpcare Violates Our Oath

i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
Once again for the terminally ignorant: 60 % of Americans have a favorable opinion of Obamacare.
12% of Trumpcare..

You get to post that poll kid. We know you are a liar.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
Once again for the terminally ignorant: 60 % of Americans have a favorable opinion of Obamacare.
12% of Trumpcare..
Do you have Obamacare? If so, what is your premium and deductible?
Gallant Warrior: the bill that will kill people should be passed because everyone dies anyway..

More proof DEPLORABLES are the dumbest people on earth..

You're female, aren't you? All that estrogen is showing in your hyperbole and emotion.
Wrong again. You're batting .000.
Misogynist too I see.
But you still use the little girls room, being the leftist libstain you are. Correct?
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
You are either very bad a searching for health insurance or promoting misinformation. There are four companies in the MO exchange. Two of them are leaving, but a new one is joining. Hence, the exchange will continue to operate with at least three insurance providers.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

Please keep making posts like this! The Dems will do great in 2018 and 2020 by insulting normal people.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Now you leftist traitors know how we felt after cramming the Unaffordable Healthcare Act down our throats. Can't even find an insurance company in my state that will partner with that sewage.
You are either very bad a searching for health insurance or promoting misinformation. There are four companies if the MO exchange. Two of them are leaving, but a new one is joining. Hence, the exchange will continue to operate with at least three insurance providers.

Insurers are pulling out all over the Nation, that's just a fact. The ACA is imploding but then, that is what it was designed to do.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

Please keep making posts like this! The Dems will do great in 2018 and 2020 by insulting normal people.
The trump cult are not normal people.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

Please keep making posts like this! The Dems will do great in 2018 and 2020 by insulting normal people.
The trump cult are not normal people.

Keep it up! The Dem sales pitch is so effective. Stay true to the message!
CBO has spoken. People will die under this HC bill.
Not one deplorable is honest enough to admit it.

22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate GOP Health Care Bill, CBO Reports | HuffPost

And republicans STILL want to pass it this week.
Here's the GOP saying FUCK YOU to America's men women and children.

I can see them falling over in the streets now!!

Wonder how anyone survived before 2010?
Don't have the integrity to admit how bad this bill is I see. Noted.
You can't admit Obamacare sucks. You actually think it great. How screwed up is that?
Most supporters of the ACA have called for bipartisan changes to the bill and reforms or compromises that would make it better. Republicans have been chasing repeal like a dog chasing a car and refused to make compromises and try to change the bill. Their task has been complete destruction of the bill or nothing. Now the car has stopped and the dog does not know what to do.
And yet your beloved D party won't agree to any changes. Can't you see what is going on? The Ds are in lock step refusing anything. Then they will blame the stupid Rs for the fuck up that is Obamacare. It is all political.
The "Rich" can afford to pay for everyones "healthcare" !!!

Its a right !!!!! Lmfao
You don't even understand what the exchanges and making Healthcare mandatory is all about.

Oh yes. It's quite clear. What the Exchanges and Mandatory Insurance (not health care - that's not really mandatory, just paying the premiums and fines are) are all about:

Forcing people to pay for the health care of other people who don't want to pay for their own health care, while cutting in the Big Gubmint, Big Insurance and Big Pharma for substantial chunks of the take.
“Medicine has long operated under the precept of Primum non nocere, or ‘first, do no harm.’ The draft legislation violates that standard on many levels,” American Medical Association CEO James Madara wrote to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
Then, Dr. Madara, I suggest you compel your membership to treat for free, all those who lose their healthcare due to the new legislation.

Let your overpaid membership put their money where their mouths are... let's see how long they back your silly statement... and how long you remain CEO.

But, not to worry, Dr. Madara... give it a few years... we'll have Universal Coverage, Single Payer, robust Price Controls, and stringent external Quality Control Review Boards...

Compulsory and substantive external controls...

Courtesy of your Leftist buddies, who will swing the pendulum far in the other direction, once the latest GOP turn-at-bat is over in 4 or 8 or 12 or 16 years...

When that next opportunity comes, the Dems will throw the AMA under the bus in a heartbeat and never look back...
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The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" regarding negotiations (that they probably never read) related to a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".

Which if true strongly suggests that the AMA needs to be regulated by the federal government. With that in mind, so should the NRA whose policies support the mentally ill to own, possess or have a firearm in their custody and control. Welcome to the good side.

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