Doctor's Group: Trumpcare Violates Our Oath

CBO has spoken. People will die under this HC bill.
Not one deplorable is honest enough to admit it.

22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate GOP Health Care Bill, CBO Reports | HuffPost

And republicans STILL want to pass it this week.
Here's the GOP saying FUCK YOU to America's men women and children.

I can see them falling over in the streets now!!

Wonder how anyone survived before 2010?
Don't have the integrity to admit how bad this bill is I see. Noted.
You can't admit Obamacare sucks. You actually think it great. How screwed up is that?
Most supporters of the ACA have called for bipartisan changes to the bill and reforms or compromises that would make it better. Republicans have been chasing repeal like a dog chasing a car and refused to make compromises and try to change the bill. Their task has been complete destruction of the bill or nothing. Now the car has stopped and the dog does not know what to do.
Improving Obamacare would have been the smart thing to do. But Trump and the GOP made a promise that backed their asses into a corner and they couldn't get out.
I don't know where you are getting misinformed, though I suspect it is the DNC media.

The Rs are not repealing and replacing Obamacare. They are trying to fix it. Of course being the stupid party, they haven't understood that fixing something really shitty, is not possible. They are walking into a trap and the Ds are allowing it entirely for political reasons.

The Ds clearly think party first and last...fuck the American people.
The "Rich" can afford to pay for everyones "healthcare" !!!

Its a right !!!!! Lmfao
You don't even understand what the exchanges and making Healthcare mandatory is all about.

Yes, Yes !!!!!!

Only critically thinking, sophisticated, marxists do.......
Two arguments are being promoted. One is that the premiums and copays of the workers and middle class are paying for insurance for the poor and your claim that says the rich are paying. Which one is it? Are payments being spread out among the working class or are the rich paying for all of it?
Lmao. Way to change the subject into left field. YOULL say anything than be honest enough to admit Trumpcare is a disaster.
You avoided the question too. Saving lives suddenly doesn't matter? LOL
CBO has spoken. People will die under this HC bill.
Not one deplorable is honest enough to admit it.

22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate GOP Health Care Bill, CBO Reports | HuffPost

And republicans STILL want to pass it this week.
Here's the GOP saying FUCK YOU to America's men women and children.

I can see them falling over in the streets now!!

Wonder how anyone survived before 2010?
Don't have the integrity to admit how bad this bill is I see. Noted.
You can't admit Obamacare sucks. You actually think it great. How screwed up is that?
You can't admit the truth. Obamacare is significantly better than this abortion of a bill. 60% of Americans approve of it.
12% of Americans approve of Trumpcare.
There is no final "Trumpcare" and few read the current bill, if any. So you are admitting people are brainwashed. Although you couldn't understand it.
The code "first do no harm" is violated every freaking day by Dr. Feelgoods who over prescribe morphine based drugs to the point that Pharm companies have come out with a drug to combat the stomach problems related to such drugs. So far the AMA seems unconcerned. The AMA doesn't seem to mind the harm done in late term abortions where the full term fetus is turned around in the womb to cause a breach birth and it's stabbed in the back of the head while it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. Late term abortions are politically correct and morphine prescriptions are cost effective. Why in the world would the AMA use the cliche "first do no harm" regarding negotiations (that they probably never read) related to a complicated health care bill? To coin another old cliche, "politics makes strange bedfellows".

Which if true strongly suggests that the AMA needs to be regulated by the federal government. With that in mind, so should the NRA whose policies support the mentally ill to own, possess or have a firearm in their custody and control. Welcome to the good side.
Being mentally ill you think that's what the NRA does.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

What in the hell did they say during the 234 years before obozo care?
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

What in the hell did they say during the 234 years before obozo care?
Well you see ...the founders were liberals and cleverly designed the constitution to slowly turn their capitalist country into a socialist one eventually. Only the chosen can see it.
CBO has spoken. People will die under this HC bill.
Not one deplorable is honest enough to admit it.

22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate GOP Health Care Bill, CBO Reports | HuffPost

And republicans STILL want to pass it this week.
Here's the GOP saying FUCK YOU to America's men women and children.
You realize that everyone dies, don't you?
Ding ding ding. Most pathetic response yet for this miserable HC bill.
OK, so here's a legit question, what so you want to see government to do for public health care in this country? Even the ACA was focused on health insurance more than actual care of the people. (You will note that when the insurance companies failed to make the expected bank, they started dropping ACA clients like ticks drop off a dead deer.) ACA was not the answer, apparently, the GOP substitute is not the answer, so what would you suggest?
Easy. Look around the world for what most other countries use: Single Payer is the best answer..
That makes it just as easy to see why Single Payer is such a fail. You should pay attention to what those condemned to using single payer say about the wonders of that system. Oh, and please explain why so many people from all over the world come here for medical care.
CBO has spoken. People will die under this HC bill.
Not one deplorable is honest enough to admit it.

22 Million More Uninsured Under Senate GOP Health Care Bill, CBO Reports | HuffPost

And republicans STILL want to pass it this week.
Here's the GOP saying FUCK YOU to America's men women and children.
You realize that everyone dies, don't you?
Ding ding ding. Most pathetic response yet for this miserable HC bill.
OK, so here's a legit question, what so you want to see government to do for public health care in this country? Even the ACA was focused on health insurance more than actual care of the people. (You will note that when the insurance companies failed to make the expected bank, they started dropping ACA clients like ticks drop off a dead deer.) ACA was not the answer, apparently, the GOP substitute is not the answer, so what would you suggest?
Easy. Look around the world for what most other countries use: Single Payer is the best answer..
Your answer still doesn't illustrate exactly what you think would make health care better here, by-the-way.
i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost

What in the hell did they say during the 234 years before obozo care?
Well you see ...the founders were liberals and cleverly designed the constitution to slowly turn their capitalist country into a socialist one eventually. Only the chosen can see it.

That's clever, going to remember that one.

i can understand why most of the DEPLORABLES have been avoiding talking about the replacement for Obamacare.
It's horrendous and nowhere near as good as Obamacare.

The rich get richer and 23 million people lose their insurance..

Another lie by Trump: "I'm going replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better and everyone will be covered."

American Medical Association Slams Senate GOP Health Care Bill | HuffPost
Obamacare violates my self respect you motherfucker… LOL

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