Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

You cannot give one simple example
*will not

For you? never. I don't wipe the asses of people who won't even bother to look things up for themselves. If you had done this and wanted to discuss the information you had already found, I would probably do so. But I am not spoonfeeding you basic information so that you can waste my time. Sorry, it's a matter of principle. Cry about it, or fuck off. I guess those are your choices.
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white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever when near a motorcycle much less driven one.
You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax. originated in the very place where they have a bio weapon lab......

Oh, you are on the it.

Yes it did, Wuhan the place where they have a level 4 Biolab and Wuhan got the full blast of COVID-19 first, not Beijing not some remote area in China and China is a VERY big nation and yet the ONE place that FIRST got COVID-19 was Wuhan where they have a level 4 Biolab. It's not rocket science to follow this, it's there in black and white, it's 2+2 = 4 etc


Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, said in an interview with The Washington Post: “Based on the virus genome and properties, there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus.”

Does it bother you that Trump praises Xi for China's response to the virus?
I have to wonder if you realize that your little quote from Professor Ebright, does NOT deny that the virus may or may not have come from the bio lab in Wuhan. I'm sure that you're going to twist a nonresponse like that to mean it couldn't have come from there.
Give me ONE specific example of how Putin gave Trump the presidency.
My you change lanes quickly. Did i claim he gave trump the presidency? Are you high?

Give me one example that supports your claim that collies can do calculus.

Putin didn't have anything to do with Trump winning. He won because he received more electoral votes. A lot more.
"Electoral votes?" :auiqs.jpg:Is that right? Minus the illegal voter purge that stole over a million votes because of Kris Kobach, and the fact that the south closed down 868 polls in the south that were in minority areas. The electoral college didn't help him win, voter suppression did; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Greg Palast Confronts Kris Kobach About Crosscheck Voter Purging Lists

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election

LOl! They'll run off now from the truth, because they are cowards, and dishonest.
Last edited:
Burden of proof is on you.
False, I do not give a shit what idiotic shit you believe. I can only point you in the right direction. I have no responsibility to prove anything to you.

Triggered. When you can rationally explain to me in your own words how Russia gave Trump the presidency I'll gladly listen.
"Own words?" LOl! Trump stooges can't even take the words of our own intelligence community with the hundreds of different components to this investigation, that all connect to Russia/ Trump. What makes you think you would listen to us? You won't. There is a mountain of evidence found and confirmed that Russia helped Trump. The history books will always tell us that. You however, are going to continue your perpetual life long fantasy of nothing ever happened. And that's fine. The rest of us who understand what our history books are going to tell us, will have long left you and your fantasies behind. A history of recent attacks linked to white supremacy

Blah Blah are another cut and pasting fool.
You are incapable of any intelligent rebuttal. It's a good thing too. Because that cut and paste just kicked your ass fool.
So now you dodge the question. How exactly did Putin help? Be specific. I'll patiently wait. Dr. Liar.

View attachment 314148
You don't know what collusion means. Collusion was confirmed. The conspiracy was not proven. They happen to be two different things. You are too ignorant to know the difference.

Be specific. What did Putin do specifically to give Trump the presidency. Fort Fun Indiana cannot. He cannot even provide viable links. Let us see if you can.

I gave you close to 4 million viable links. Now it's time for you to go lick some playground equipment since you can't seem to act like an adult.

This is a message board, not a link board. In your own words tell me how Putin gave Trump the presidency. Give me one example. Do you not read the verbiage in the "4 million" links you post?
At least 17 Trump associates had contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, which released hacked documents, during the campaign or transition, according to an analysis of public records by the New York Times, with at least 100 face-to-face interactions, phone calls or electronic messages with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and at least 51 individual communications.

Trump aides known to have had contact with Russians include the president's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, his son Donald Trump Jr, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

The special counsel has indicted more than 30 people, including four members of Mr Trump's campaign team or administration, an adviser and long-time ally, and 26 Russians, as well as three Russian companies.


This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Blah, blah, blah.................blah, blah, blah.............Better luck next time.
What does "blah, blah, blah" mean? Does it mean you are not prepared to take on the facts the article presented? Better luck next time looking relevant.
What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

We need an Operation Condor v2 but this for the entire Western world, Leftism has one aim and that is to destroy Western Civilisation, Leftism is the most destructive virus and disease on the planet, it is worse than even cancer. We have no problem with Independents and Liberals, it's Leftism that needs to be eradicated.

There is something very wrong with you. Suggest therapy.

I'm married to a Psychiatrist, he thinks your type need the therapy.

Well, if his office has closed it'll be the perfect opportunity to psychoanalyze his spouse.

That'll keep him busy for the next year or two - You really aren't well my dear.

He has the same politics as me, he supports Leftism being eradicated, he thinks Leftism is a mental illness.

Is his name George Glass?
You cannot give one simple example
*will not

For you? never. I don't wipe the asses of people who won't even bother to look things up for themselves. If you had done this and wanted to discuss the information you had already found, I would probably do so. But I am not spoonfeeding you basic information so that you can waste my time. Sorry, it's a matter of principle. Cry about it, or fuck off. I guess those are your choices.
I accept your surrender. I broke Another Leftist.
Give me ONE specific example of how Putin gave Trump the presidency.
My you change lanes quickly. Did i claim he gave trump the presidency? Are you high?

Give me one example that supports your claim that collies can do calculus.

Putin didn't have anything to do with Trump winning. He won because he received more electoral votes. A lot more.
"Electoral votes?" :auiqs.jpg:Is that right? Minus the illegal voter purge that stole over a million votes because of Kris Kobach, and the fact that the south closed down 868 polls in the south that were in minority areas. The electoral college didn't help him win, voter suppression did; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Greg Palast Confronts Kris Kobach About Crosscheck Voter Purging Lists

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election

LOl! They'll run off now from the truth, because they are cowards, and dishonest.
So now you’re saying he didn’t win the electoral college?
I have to wonder if you realize that your little quote from Professor Ebright, does NOT deny that the virus may or may not have come from the bio lab in Wuhan.
Because rational people don't think that way. When we have a simple, well supported explanation for how the virus evolved then jumped from an animal to a human, we don't have to spend our time refuting nutball theories about weapons labs, or aliens, or magical virus gods.
Burden of proof is on you.
False, I do not give a shit what idiotic shit you believe. I can only point you in the right direction. I have no responsibility to prove anything to you.

Triggered. When you can rationally explain to me in your own words how Russia gave Trump the presidency I'll gladly listen.
"Own words?" LOl! Trump stooges can't even take the words of our own intelligence community with the hundreds of different components to this investigation, that all connect to Russia/ Trump. What makes you think you would listen to us? You won't. There is a mountain of evidence found and confirmed that Russia helped Trump. The history books will always tell us that. You however, are going to continue your perpetual life long fantasy of nothing ever happened. And that's fine. The rest of us who understand what our history books are going to tell us, will have long left you and your fantasies behind. A history of recent attacks linked to white supremacy

Blah Blah are another cut and pasting fool.
You are incapable of any intelligent rebuttal. It's a good thing too. Because that cut and paste just kicked your ass fool.
I do not read cut and pastes. You’re a foreigner
You cannot give one simple example
*will not

For you? never. I don't wipe the asses of people who won't even bother to look things up for themselves. If you had done this and wanted to discuss the information you had already found, I would probably do so. But I am not spoonfeeding you basic information so that you can waste my time. Sorry, it's a matter of principle. Cry about it, or fuck off. I guess those are your choices.
I accept your surrender. I broke Another Leftist.
You haven't broken anything. Like a coward you ran from post#326.
You don't know what collusion means. Collusion was confirmed. The conspiracy was not proven. They happen to be two different things. You are too ignorant to know the difference.

Be specific. What did Putin do specifically to give Trump the presidency. Fort Fun Indiana cannot. He cannot even provide viable links. Let us see if you can.

I gave you close to 4 million viable links. Now it's time for you to go lick some playground equipment since you can't seem to act like an adult.

This is a message board, not a link board. In your own words tell me how Putin gave Trump the presidency. Give me one example. Do you not read the verbiage in the "4 million" links you post?
At least 17 Trump associates had contacts with Russians or Wikileaks, which released hacked documents, during the campaign or transition, according to an analysis of public records by the New York Times, with at least 100 face-to-face interactions, phone calls or electronic messages with Russians or Kremlin-linked figures and at least 51 individual communications.

Trump aides known to have had contact with Russians include the president's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, his son Donald Trump Jr, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

The special counsel has indicted more than 30 people, including four members of Mr Trump's campaign team or administration, an adviser and long-time ally, and 26 Russians, as well as three Russian companies.

How does having contact with Russians influence votes? Be specific.
False, I do not give a shit what idiotic shit you believe. I can only point you in the right direction. I have no responsibility to prove anything to you.

Triggered. When you can rationally explain to me in your own words how Russia gave Trump the presidency I'll gladly listen.
"Own words?" LOl! Trump stooges can't even take the words of our own intelligence community with the hundreds of different components to this investigation, that all connect to Russia/ Trump. What makes you think you would listen to us? You won't. There is a mountain of evidence found and confirmed that Russia helped Trump. The history books will always tell us that. You however, are going to continue your perpetual life long fantasy of nothing ever happened. And that's fine. The rest of us who understand what our history books are going to tell us, will have long left you and your fantasies behind. A history of recent attacks linked to white supremacy

Blah Blah are another cut and pasting fool.
You are incapable of any intelligent rebuttal. It's a good thing too. Because that cut and paste just kicked your ass fool.
I do not read cut and pastes. You’re a foreigner
You're a coward, a liar, and a loser. You are incapable of meeting the challenge. Don't read "cut and paste?" Then what in the hell are you doing here? This isn't a rant forum. It's a debate forum.

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