Does Adam Schiff Lie?

no, Adam Schiff is a fucking rock star

“Adam Schiff is the prosecutor. Jason Crow is the soldier. Val Demings is the chief. Sylvia Garcia is the judge. Jerry Nadler is the scholar. Zoe Lofgren is the oracle, and I’m just a boy from Brooklyn trying to play my position.” - Rep Hakeem Jeffries on the Trump House impeachment squad

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Where exactly did I curse, swear or shoo people off? I simply pointed out how clueless you were in the things that you were claiming.
I am not clueless, I know exactly where those allegations come from and what they meant to do at the time they came out.
What do the Clinton's have to do with the subject of this thread?
Gee...let me explain it for you slowly. Try and keep up!

First of all YOU brought up the Trump Tower and claimed that proved "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! I pointed out that what that meeting actually proves is how sleazy the Clinton campaign was because Glenn Simpson who the Clintons and the DNC hired to smear Trump met with the Russian lawyer both the day before and the day after that meeting took place. That was never a meeting to turn over information on Clinton...that was a meeting set up by the Clinton campaign so that they could ACCUSE the Trump campaign of collusion!

Then you claimed that Joe Biden was beloved by the black community to which I replied how ironic that was since he was the author of the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill which put more blacks in Federal prisons than any other piece of legislation ever passed in the US!

The Clinton's keep coming up in this thread because YOU keep making it impossible NOT to bring them up!
wtf? Mueller report detailed how Russians were working to help Trump win.

So did bipartisan Senate Intelligence Report:

And the FBI investigation found zero evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, Anton! So what's your point?
The Russians have been messing with our elections for decades. Exposing all of the illegal crap Hillary had been up to was right up their alley. If they'd had dirt on Trump they probably would have exposed that as well!
I am not clueless, I know exactly where those allegations come from and what they meant to do at the time they came out.
So tell me what you think Adam Schiff was trying to DO at the time he claimed he had concrete "proof" that the Trump Campaign had colluded with the Russian government to undermine the Clinton Campaign, 60s? It's obvious that he in fact had NO such proof yet he made that claim shortly before the election! Care to take a stab at explaining what Schiff was trying to do?
Gee...let me explain it for you slowly. Try and keep up!

First of all YOU brought up the Trump Tower and claimed that proved "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! I pointed out that what that meeting actually proves is how sleazy the Clinton campaign was because Glenn Simpson who the Clintons and the DNC hired to smear Trump met with the Russian lawyer both the day before and the day after that meeting took place. That was never a meeting to turn over information on Clinton...that was a meeting set up by the Clinton campaign so that they could ACCUSE the Trump campaign of collusion!

Then you claimed that Joe Biden was beloved by the black community to which I replied how ironic that was since he was the author of the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill which put more blacks in Federal prisons than any other piece of legislation ever passed in the US!

The Clinton's keep coming up in this thread because YOU keep making it impossible NOT to bring them up!

About the Clinton allegation, I will continue to prefer to believe people who have done a thorough job investigating it, like this article:

But isn't' it amazing that even after so many Blacks have ended up in prison, jail, because of the Bided Bill, that they went and voted for him?

James Claiborne did not know any better and led so many blacks to vote for someone who put so many of their own people in jail or prison? What were they thinking?

You need not answer.

The above is not for you. It is for anyone else who would like to read all the sources and then make up their own mind.

End of discussion about the above.
So tell me what you think Adam Schiff was trying to DO at the time he claimed he had concrete "proof" that the Trump Campaign had colluded with the Russian government to undermine the Clinton Campaign, 60s? It's obvious that he in fact had NO such proof yet he made that claim shortly before the election! Care to take a stab at explaining what Schiff was trying to do?
It will be fun to see how they try to weasel out of answering that one honestly.
So tell me what you think Adam Schiff was trying to DO at the time he claimed he had concrete "proof" that the Trump Campaign had colluded with the Russian government to undermine the Clinton Campaign, 60s? It's obvious that he in fact had NO such proof yet he made that claim shortly before the election! Care to take a stab at explaining what Schiff was trying to do?
He can say it himself:

About the Clinton allegation, I will continue to prefer to believe people who have done a thorough job investigating it, like this article:

But isn't' it amazing that even after so many Blacks have ended up in prison, jail, because of the Bided Bill, that they went and voted for him?

James Claiborne did not know any better and led so many blacks to vote for someone who put so many of their own people in jail or prison? What were they thinking?

You need not answer.

The above is not for you. It is for anyone else who would like to read all the sources and then make up their own mind.

End of discussion about the above.
you’re thorough investigation is a 2018 Washington Post fact checker? you realize that since then the DOJ has indicted a clinton lawyer for lying about their ties to Russia? and they concluded that the clintons paid russians for misinformation that was later called the Steele Dossier?
About the Clinton allegation, I will continue to prefer to believe people who have done a thorough job investigating it, like this article:

But isn't' it amazing that even after so many Blacks have ended up in prison, jail, because of the Bided Bill, that they went and voted for him?

James Claiborne did not know any better and led so many blacks to vote for someone who put so many of their own people in jail or prison? What were they thinking?

You need not answer.

The above is not for you. It is for anyone else who would like to read all the sources and then make up their own mind.

End of discussion about the above.
End of discussion? Because James Claiborne supported Biden? What's AMAZING is that the Main Stream media let a closet racist like Joe Biden get away with claiming he's been there for blacks in America, 60's when he in fact put thousands of their fathers, brothers, sons, mothers and sisters in Federal prison for decades! What's AMAZING is that the man who actually PARDONED some of the very people that Joe Biden helped put in prison...Donald Trump...was portrayed by the left as a "racist"!
If you keep claiming garbage...this discussion is FAR from over!
About the Clinton allegation, I will continue to prefer to believe people who have done a thorough job investigating it, like this article:

But isn't' it amazing that even after so many Blacks have ended up in prison, jail, because of the Bided Bill, that they went and voted for him?

James Claiborne did not know any better and led so many blacks to vote for someone who put so many of their own people in jail or prison? What were they thinking?

You need not answer.

The above is not for you. It is for anyone else who would like to read all the sources and then make up their own mind.

End of discussion about the above.
And here's some advice for you if you're going to cite sources! Look at the date that article was published! It's 2018! The FACTS hadn't even started to come out about what Hillary Clinton's campaign did during that election! The Washington Post was just one more liberal newspaper that was carrying water for the Clinton campaign! I guarantee you that whoever wrote that article back then was CRINGING when the facts actually came out about Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele! They got used by the Clintons and the DNC and any attempt by them to claim journalistic integrity during that time becomes laughable!
End of discussion? Because James Claiborne supported Biden? What's AMAZING is that the Main Stream media let a closet racist like Joe Biden get away with claiming he's been there for blacks in America, 60's when he in fact put thousands of their fathers, brothers, sons, mothers and sisters in Federal prison for decades! What's AMAZING is that the man who actually PARDONED some of the very people that Joe Biden helped put in prison...Donald Trump...was portrayed by the left as a "racist"!
If you keep claiming garbage...this discussion is FAR from over!
You are way too desperate in your disgust of Joe Biden.
You go way over what could ever be true. You use the fact that Blacks do end up in prison more than other people to attack Biden for a Crime Bill he authored which had nothing to do with more blacks ending up in jail.

In other words, you are simply calling black people stupid, and incapable of thinking for themselves and accusing Biden of being racist.

But Trump and his father who refused to rent apartments in NY to black people and were duly sued for it........they are what? Friends of the Black community? Defenders of the Black community?

Well, at least Trump is not a "closet racist". He says it right out in the open:

Donald Trump’s history of insensitivity towards issues affecting the African-American community have been well-documented throughout the course of his 2016 presidential campaign, but that hasn’t stopped him from continuing to alienate himself from Black voters one ridiculous statement at a time.

Among the many blaring contradictions found in Trump’s most recent African-American outreach “efforts” is the fact that he continues to frequent cities and areas populated with predominantly white residents to address concerns within Black communities. Another Trump campaign tactic being used to gain Black votes seems to be the practice of insulting people of color using misleading statistics about the African-American community.

In an effort to keep you as woke as possible, here are five examples illustrating just how out of touch Donald Trump is with Black voters:

Donald Trump Says African-American Voters Will Like Him More Than They Like President Obama

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton And The Democratic Party Are To Blame For Social Unrest In Black Communities

Donald Trump Champions Racist Policing Practices

Donald Trump Says The Democrats Have Failed Inner-City Black Communities

Donald Trump Insults The State Of Black Communities

(full article online)


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