Does Adam Schiff Lie?

You show me where you would like them to agree with your historical facts. You are now saying that they agree with your endless accusations on Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, go ahead and show the Presidential historians agreeing with you.
You brought them up, 60' show us where they disagree with my points! Duh?
With all due respect, 60's...anyone claiming that our economy is doing very well at the moment is delusional! We're suffering from some of the worst inflation we've had in 60 years and it's getting worse! Now if you studied Economics in college you'd know from your Macro Economics 101 class that increasing the money supply leads to MORE inflation not less...yet Joe Biden wants to pump TRILLIONS of dollars into the economy which he claims will somehow LOWER inflation! The only question at this point is whether Joe is just stupid when it comes to Economics or that he's willing to lie to the American people!
We shall have an answer in 3 years :)
We shall have an answer in 3 years :)
It won't take 3 years if the Democrats get their spending package pushed through, 60's! You'll see inflation continue to spike. That's not a political's based on Economic formulas. Flood an economy with money and you get increased demand and increased demand (especially in the midst of a supply crisis!) will give you increased inflation! Did you not take Econ classes?
"I've personally seen plenty of direct evidence of Russian collusion, and I will release it when the time is right".

Ooops.... Schitt lied again. Never had it. Never produced a thing against Trump. It slinked off to touch boys again.
Show me where Forbes disagrees with my point that Trump gave Blacks historically low unemployment numbers? I'll wait...

It was a con
So you brought up the names of 3 Presidential Historians supposedly to prove your point...but then when you're asked to show HOW they do reply with the above? Duh, duh, right!
Yes, duh, because you do know they will not prove you right, so you are playing this game.

So play it all by yourself. Duh !!!!!
It was a con

Yes, duh, because you do know they will not prove you right, so you are playing this game.

So play it all by yourself. Duh !!!!!
I'm actually a History major, 60's...and I'm dying to see what you think any of those three Presidential Historians have said that refutes my points. So are you going to show us what that might be or are you going to continue this little shuck and jive thing you're doing now? :)
Got to be honest with you, 60's! At this point you have a lot in common with Adam Schiff! You both claim things and then fail to back them up.
He can say it himself:

Now answer this question. If Schittferbrains has ANY “actual proof” of Russian collusion, he either obstructed justice by not turning it over, or he was just lying and you swallowed it hook, line, and sinker? Kind of like Schitty did when he got punked by two Russian DJs and spent months looking for nudes of Trump. Or when he altered and fabricated evidence and entered it into official records.
Did Schiff for brains claim he had evidence that Trump colluded with Russia or not?
Yes. And he can reasonably say he did.

“I use that word very carefully,” the California Democrat said on ABC’s “This Week,” “because I also distinguish time and time again between collusion, that is acts of corruption that may or may not be criminal, and proof of a criminal conspiracy. And that is a distinction that Bob Mueller made within the first few pages of his report. In fact, every act that I’ve pointed to as evidence of collusion has now been borne out by the report.“

Trump campaign met with Russian government rep to get compromat on Clinton. Thats can be reasonably viewed as colluding with Russians.

Manfort fed internal campaign polling to FSB agent Kolemnik. Thats colluding with Russians.

Roger Stone was co-ordinating with Wikileaks release timing of emails strolen by Russians.

As all this is going on, Trump is running on anti-Russian-sanction platform and is saying very nice things about Putin on the campaign while his lawyer Cohen and his buddy Felix were trying to put togather a deal in Moscow for a Trump tower. You are going to tell me that is not evidence of collusion?

I don't see how you can definitively claim Schiff lied about this.
Now answer this question. If Schittferbrains has ANY “actual proof” of Russian collusion, he either obstructed justice by not turning it over
"Collusion" is not a concept in criminal law. CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY is a concept in criminal law.

So what obstruction are you talking about?
Yes. And he can reasonably say he did.

No he can't. He flat out lied. If there was evidence, then why can't he produce it?

“I use that word very carefully,” the California Democrat said on ABC’s “This Week,” “because I also distinguish time and time again between collusion, that is acts of corruption that may or may not be criminal, and proof of a criminal conspiracy. And that is a distinction that Bob Mueller made within the first few pages of his report. In fact, every act that I’ve pointed to as evidence of collusion has now been borne out by the report.“
Schiff for bains didn't make any such distinction.

Trump campaign met with Russian government rep to get compromat on Clinton. Thats can be reasonably viewed as colluding with Russians.
That didn't happen, moron.

Manfort fed internal campaign polling to FSB agent Kolemnik. Thats colluding with Russians.

Roger Stone was co-ordinating with Wikileaks release timing of emails strolen by Russians.
No he wasn't, dumbass.

As all this is going on, Trump is running on anti-Russian-sanction platform and is saying very nice things about Putin on the campaign while his lawyer Cohen and his buddy Felix were trying to put togather a deal in Moscow for a Trump tower. You are going to tell me that is not evidence of collusion?
The two things were not happing simultaneously, dumbass.
I don't see how you can definitively claim Schiff lied about this.

Easy.; Give the evidence, only a terminal dumbass would conclude he told the truth. If he had evidence, he could produce it. He wasn't talking about any of the idiocies you refer to in your post. He has never produced any of the evidence that he claimed he had.
No he can't. He flat out lied. If there was evidence, then why can't he produce it?

Schiff for bains didn't make any such distinction.

That didn't happen, moron.

No he wasn't, dumbass.

The two things were not happing simultaneously, dumbass.

Easy.; Give the evidence, only a terminal dumbass would conclude he told the truth. If he had evidence, he could produce it. He wasn't talking about any of the idiocies you refer to in your post. He has never produced any of the evidence that he claimed he had.
It's amazing that you think you can just baselesly deny facts with absolutely no evidence or reason and someone is going to take your garbage seriously.

Trump campaign held a meeting at Trump tower with a Russian state representative to try to get compromat on Clinton. I know you don't want to admit that is evidence of collusion, but it plainly is.

Trump was publicly felating Putin the whole 2016 campaign, while trying to build a tower in Moscow. I know you don't want to admit that is evidence of collusion, but it plainly is.

Anyone reasonable looking at the facts of Trump's campaign pussy footing with Russians would say that hell yes, absolutely there is a bunch of evidence of some degree of collusion. No lying nescessary to say that.
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It's amazing that you think you can just baselesly deny facts with absolutely no evidence or reason and someone is going to take your garbage seriously.

What "facts" am I denying? Did Schiff for brains produce any of this evidence that he claimed he had?

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