Does Adam Schiff Lie?

And here's some advice for you if you're going to cite sources! Look at the date that article was published! It's 2018! The FACTS hadn't even started to come out about what Hillary Clinton's campaign did during that election! The Washington Post was just one more liberal newspaper that was carrying water for the Clinton campaign! I guarantee you that whoever wrote that article back then was CRINGING when the facts actually came out about Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele! They got used by the Clintons and the DNC and any attempt by them to claim journalistic integrity during that time becomes laughable!
You dream, and I will simply let you keep on dreaming.
He can say it himself:

Once've cited an article from 2019, 60's! In that article Schiff is still trying to claim that the Trump Tower meeting is the "smoking gun" that proves Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government! Is he claiming that NOW? No, he is not! Do you grasp WHY he's not claiming that? It's because the curtain has been drawn back and we're now able to see that this was just one more Clinton dirty trick set up by Glenn Simpson to deceive the American people!
You are way too desperate in your disgust of Joe Biden.
You go way over what could ever be true. You use the fact that Blacks do end up in prison more than other people to attack Biden for a Crime Bill he authored which had nothing to do with more blacks ending up in jail.

In other words, you are simply calling black people stupid, and incapable of thinking for themselves and accusing Biden of being racist.

But Trump and his father who refused to rent apartments in NY to black people and were duly sued for it........they are what? Friends of the Black community? Defenders of the Black community?

Well, at least Trump is not a "closet racist". He says it right out in the open:

Donald Trump’s history of insensitivity towards issues affecting the African-American community have been well-documented throughout the course of his 2016 presidential campaign, but that hasn’t stopped him from continuing to alienate himself from Black voters one ridiculous statement at a time.

Among the many blaring contradictions found in Trump’s most recent African-American outreach “efforts” is the fact that he continues to frequent cities and areas populated with predominantly white residents to address concerns within Black communities. Another Trump campaign tactic being used to gain Black votes seems to be the practice of insulting people of color using misleading statistics about the African-American community.

In an effort to keep you as woke as possible, here are five examples illustrating just how out of touch Donald Trump is with Black voters:

Donald Trump Says African-American Voters Will Like Him More Than They Like President Obama

Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton And The Democratic Party Are To Blame For Social Unrest In Black Communities

Donald Trump Champions Racist Policing Practices

Donald Trump Says The Democrats Have Failed Inner-City Black Communities

Donald Trump Insults The State Of Black Communities

(full article online)

Are you really claiming that the Clinton Crime Bill had nothing to do with putting more blacks in Federal prison? Would you care to back that claim up? Would you like me to cite proof that it did indeed do just what I said?

As for the Essence article? Did you even read that? They were berating Trump for claiming that Obama didn't do very much for black people in America and that if he was elected he would. Once again...that article was published BEFORE Trump became President, 60's and guess what? DONALD TRUMP GAVE BLACKS IN AMERICA THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT RATES IN DECADES! Gee, did you want to post some more garbage?
Once've cited an article from 2019, 60's! In that article Schiff is still trying to claim that the Trump Tower meeting is the "smoking gun" that proves Russian collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government! Is he claiming that NOW? No, he is not! Do you grasp WHY he's not claiming that? It's because the curtain has been drawn back and we're now able to see that this was just one more Clinton dirty trick set up by Glenn Simpson to deceive the American people!
Accuse Clinton all you like. Trump loves people who listen to his words. And his words accuse Clinton, Obama and Biden of just about everything which does not go his way.

Russia did meddle in the 2016 to help get Trump elected. That is a fact.

Accuse Biden, Clinton and anyone else who could possibly get in the way of Trump getting what he wants, it amounts to nothing.

It does not change the facts, no matter what year those articles came out.

Yes, some people have been deceived. You are a clear proof of it. You just do not know what you have been deceived about and clearly could never care to find out.
Are you really claiming that the Clinton Crime Bill had nothing to do with putting more blacks in Federal prison? Would you care to back that claim up? Would you like me to cite proof that it did indeed do just what I said?

As for the Essence article? Did you even read that? They were berating Trump for claiming that Obama didn't do very much for black people in America and that if he was elected he would. Once again...that article was published BEFORE Trump became President, 60's and guess what? DONALD TRUMP GAVE BLACKS IN AMERICA THE LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT RATES IN DECADES! Gee, did you want to post some more garbage?
I already posted the article on it. Go read it.

And bother to read the article from Essence. You know, Essence, published by Black people in America?
Is this where you tuck tail and run for the hills? Not your best performance, 60's...just saying...
That is where you continue to not read the articles I posted and just repeating what you have learned, word by word.
Accuse Clinton all you like. Trump loves people who listen to his words. And his words accuse Clinton, Obama and Biden of just about everything which does not go his way.

Russia did meddle in the 2016 to help get Trump elected. That is a fact.

Accuse Biden, Clinton and anyone else who could possibly get in the way of Trump getting what he wants, it amounts to nothing.

It does not change the facts, no matter what year those articles came out.

Yes, some people have been deceived. You are a clear proof of it. You just do not know what you have been deceived about and clearly could never care to find out.
Yeah,'s all us "meanies" picking on Hillary! She never ran the State Department through servers she hid at her home! She never lied to Congressional investigators. She never destroyed evidence of her crime. She never paid Fusion GPS to run a smear campaign against Donald Trump! It's all just baseless allegations...right, 60's? (eye roll)

Russia has meddled in our elections for DECADES! Did they meddle in that one? Oh yeah! Did they expose Hillary Clinton for who she really is? Probably. Should the Main Stream Media have already done that LONG before we reached that point? DEFINITELY!
That is where you continue to not read the articles I posted and just repeating what you have learned, word by word.
What article that you've posted have I not read? I've read them...I've responded to them! You on the other hand have not! You simply keep repeating the same garbage that CNN and MSNBC have been spouting for the past four years!
For the record, 60's...I don't "hate" Joe Biden! I feel sorry for him. He's so far over his head with this job that it borders on farce! I've watched Biden since Nixon was in office and he's ALWAYS been an idiot! He's just not a smart man. He's constantly tried to run for President for decades now and he's ALWAYS had to drop out of those races because he says or does something SO stupid that he can't recover from it!
Now he's old and obviously suffering from a decline in his mental faculties. So what we've got running our country now is a stupid man who's also losing his shit! It's not a question of whether he's going to screw's just a matter of how BAD his screwups are!
What article that you've posted have I not read? I've read them...I've responded to them! You on the other hand have not! You simply keep repeating the same garbage that CNN and MSNBC have been spouting for the past four years!
What was your response to the Essence article?

I am spouting John Meacham, Michael Beschloss and Doris Kean Goodwin, Presidential historians.

Not one of them would agree with your historical facts, as you put them, and never mind where your sources come from. They are not historical facts.
What was your response to the Essence article?

I am spouting John Meacham, Michael Beschloss and Doris Kean Goodwin, Presidential historians.

Not one of them would agree with your historical facts, as you put them, and never mind where your sources come from. They are not historical facts.
Really? Would you like to show me where Meachan, Beschloss and Goodwin differ from my "historic facts"?
For the record, 60's...I don't "hate" Joe Biden! I feel sorry for him. He's so far over his head with this job that it borders on farce! I've watched Biden since Nixon was in office and he's ALWAYS been an idiot! He's just not a smart man. He's constantly tried to run for President for decades now and he's ALWAYS had to drop out of those races because he says or does something SO stupid that he can't recover from it!
Now he's old and obviously suffering from a decline in his mental faculties. So what we've got running our country now is a stupid man who's also losing his shit! It's not a question of whether he's going to screw's just a matter of how BAD his screwups are!
"Now he's old and obviously suffering from a decline in his mental faculties. So what we've got running our country now is a stupid man who's also losing his shit! It's not a question of whether he's going to screw's just a matter of how BAD his screw ups are!"

And none of that came from Fox and Friends and other friends in the endless attempt to make Biden look like an idiot, suffering from dementia, incapable of running the country, incapable of putting a sentence, and so many other things I have heard so many Republicans attempt to say about Trump.

But, the proof of the pudding continues to be on how the economy is doing, very well thank you, and how he is dealing with covid, with other issues which do take time to fix.

I am not hearing any Democratic country say that Biden is the worse thing that ever happened to America, that it is Biden who has been destroying whatever respect America used to have. And I am sure none of them are going to because there would be no truth to it. And they know it.
What was your response to the Essence article?

I am spouting John Meacham, Michael Beschloss and Doris Kean Goodwin, Presidential historians.

Not one of them would agree with your historical facts, as you put them, and never mind where your sources come from. They are not historical facts.
My response to the Essence article was amusement, 60's because they took such offense to Trump claiming that Obama didn't do much for blacks and that he would do more for them than Barry DID! That article was prior to Trump getting elected and prior to him providing one of the best economies for black Americans they have EVER had!
It's a "historic fact" that Barack Obama DIDN'T do much for blacks and he took a lot of heat from black leaders FOR that fact!
Really? Would you like to show me where Meachan, Beschloss and Goodwin differ from my "historic facts"?
You show me where you would like them to agree with your historical facts. You are now saying that they agree with your endless accusations on Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, go ahead and show the Presidential historians agreeing with you.
"Now he's old and obviously suffering from a decline in his mental faculties. So what we've got running our country now is a stupid man who's also losing his shit! It's not a question of whether he's going to screw's just a matter of how BAD his screw ups are!"

And none of that came from Fox and Friends and other friends in the endless attempt to make Biden look like an idiot, suffering from dementia, incapable of running the country, incapable of putting a sentence, and so many other things I have heard so many Republicans attempt to say about Trump.

But, the proof of the pudding continues to be on how the economy is doing, very well thank you, and how he is dealing with covid, with other issues which do take time to fix.

I am not hearing any Democratic country say that Biden is the worse thing that ever happened to America, that it is Biden who has been destroying whatever respect America used to have. And I am sure none of them are going to because there would be no truth to it. And they know it.
With all due respect, 60's...anyone claiming that our economy is doing very well at the moment is delusional! We're suffering from some of the worst inflation we've had in 60 years and it's getting worse! Now if you studied Economics in college you'd know from your Macro Economics 101 class that increasing the money supply leads to MORE inflation not less...yet Joe Biden wants to pump TRILLIONS of dollars into the economy which he claims will somehow LOWER inflation! The only question at this point is whether Joe is just stupid when it comes to Economics or that he's willing to lie to the American people!
My response to the Essence article was amusement, 60's because they took such offense to Trump claiming that Obama didn't do much for blacks and that he would do more for them than Barry DID! That article was prior to Trump getting elected and prior to him providing one of the best economies for black Americans they have EVER had!
It's a "historic fact" that Barack Obama DIDN'T do much for blacks and he took a lot of heat from black leaders FOR that fact!
Forbes disagrees with you


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