Does Adam Schiff Lie?

even conservative Republicans like Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana expressed to Adam their surprise at the volume of evidence Schiff presented against Trump in the impeachment trial
even conservative Republicans like Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana expressed to Adam their surprise at the volume of evidence Schiff presented against Trump in the impeachment trial
What evidence would that be, BB? The FBI looked at that supposed evidence and came to the conclusion that there was nothing there! What Adam Schiff did was shovel a bunch of bullshit against a barn door hoping that something would stick. It didn't.
even conservative Republicans like Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana expressed to Adam their surprise at the volume of evidence Schiff presented against Trump in the impeachment trial
That is s crock of shit.

That is s crock of shit.

see post #145
That is s crock of shit.

i know FOX hates Schiff. they hate everyone on the left


Demeaning Biden's IQ, or his experience in helping the country for all Americans as he has done for decades leads to what level of intelligence on the Trump side?

What has Biden done through his five decades in Washington which have helped Americans?

One example per decade would be swell...
even conservative Republicans like Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana expressed to Adam their surprise at the volume of evidence Schiff presented against Trump in the impeachment trial
Schiff is a sociopathic/psychotic gay jewish guy. He is of a superiority complex.
Would take a life time to document the mistakes made by both party's. And a million years for every lie hype or twisting of facts. How do they get away with it ? Most of us let them, If it supports Our PARTY. We only hold the other party accountable.
a classic performance from the Godlike Schiff...even the Republicans were chuckling here

Schiff did lie this one time

No he didn't lie, CBS did in fact report that.

On CBS This Morning Friday, correspondent Nancy Cordes shared reporting from her network which spelled out a harsh threat from the Trump team against Republicans in the upper chamber who defy them.

“A Trump confidant tells CBS News senators have been warned — vote against the president and your head will be on a pike,” Cordes said.

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No the Mueller report said there was nothing to prove that Russia helped Trump win. You Dem idiots keep pushing Russia, Russia, Russia when there was never any proof of anything. You sure like to beat that dead horse.

The Russians would have done what they did no matter who Hitlery's opposition was. They hate her that much.

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