Does An Instance Of Racism Has To Be Blatant/Obvious For It To Exist?

Does Racism Have To Be Blatant To Exist?

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Does a offhand remark translate to an "incident"? It's not against the law to make a racist comment but a racist "incident" might be unlawful.
I'm not suggesting that it is.

I'm simply asking the simple question of does racism have to be blatant for it to exist, or can it be present w/o someone detecting it. I'm not referring to, "in the heart", either.

An "instance" indicates action. It's obvious that the race police are quick to take offense at the slightest opportunity but I submit that a comment spoken in private and legally or illegally recorded does not rise to the level of an "instance".
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So Marc it's 2014, we have a Black POTUS, we have had and still have Black USSCJ, we have had Black Mayor's, Black Congressman & women, Black superstar musicians, Black superstar athlete's and the list goes on and on and on...

Most if not all have reached the height of their respective careers, yet the table still turns back to racism?

Do you think / believe that it will stop?

Do you think / believe it is incredibly better or worst than it was in the previous 4 generations?

All race and genders have suffered in someway, history has made that very clear...

So should I blame the Italians of today for Rome's abuse of Christ because I am a Christian?

How many times in private have you used words in a racist fashion?

Sterling was foolish and vain, I do not care how the tape was leaked, that is irrelevant, what's relevant is how we act as a society when this so called racist event becomes front and center in every media avenue available...

Donald Sterling has been branded a bigot long before now, this time though the court of public opinion will hang him out to dry for good whether it is right or wrong...

Did you vote?

In the OP poll that is.
[MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION], [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] & [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION]

Vote, vote, vote!

View Poll Results: Does Racism Have To Be Blatant To Exist?
Yes, if it's not blatant, then it's not racism
1 20.00%
No, racism can exist w/o me detecting it
Amelia, Gracie, MarcATL, WelfareQueen
4 80.00%

awesome thread is not all that and a bag of chips.

standing against obama doesn't make people racist

sorry you fools had to go there and your only excuse for years, but it has become clear we were right
The poll isn't viable. I couldn't pick either choice.

The poll is viable. I dont see how you can say that just because you have an issue with his definition of racism vs bigotry. Vote and explain your answer.

Racism is a system practiced by racists. If its undetectable its still racism.

Did you vote?

In the OP poll that is.

So if I answer your question will you answer mine?
You should know by now that I typically answer all questions.

Most rather, I legitimately miss some, I also legitimately ignore some.

What I know is you shy away from the tough ones, it's clear you do not want to deal with the current realities...

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