Does Ann Romney's type of "American Woman" exist anymore?

and you have no right to tell a woman whether to bring a life into this world or not

It's barbaric to think that women have the right to kill an innocent little baby, who has no voice in the matter, just because she wants to have fun and sex and not take responsibility.
If you cant afford to have a kid or don't want to get pregnant, there are many choices in ways to have sex.
It's called taking responsibility on yourself.
The very act of sex is about giving life.

The right always base their argument on a false statement.

Here is your word for the day: viable

You realize that even after birth that child has to have dependency.
Kill it in the womb or kill it without feeding it or changing it's diapers.
Either way it is still not viable.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Millions of women in America do not have that luxury.
It's barbaric to think that women have the right to kill an innocent little baby, who has no voice in the matter, just because she wants to have fun and sex and not take responsibility.
If you cant afford to have a kid or don't want to get pregnant, there are many choices in ways to have sex.
It's called taking responsibility on yourself.
The very act of sex is about giving life.

The right always base their argument on a false statement.

Here is your word for the day: viable

You realize that even after birth that child has to have dependency.
Kill it in the womb or kill it without feeding it or changing it's diapers.
Either way it is still not viable.

Oh, so none of us can make it on our own...thanks for the admission.

Now, back to the subject...

Fetal viability is the ability of a fetus to survive outside the uterus.


BTW, that is way before the Bible defines life.

Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”
When Ann Romney talks about women, she talks about the "home maker" and how taking care of children, cooking and doing laundry is very hard. She never talked about "women bankers" or "women engineers" or any woman "professionals". In fact, I'm not sure I heard her even say the phrase "working women".

She seems to give the impression that only women who are married, being taken care of by a man and with many children are "truly fulfilled". Not that she's "anti working women", just that a working woman comes in "second" in the fulfillment department.

In fact, it seems you almost have to be "rich" for her type of women to exist anymore in America. A kind of "retro 50's" leave it to Beaver type of mom.

So the question becomes, "Did Ann Romney really connect with that many women?"

Especially considering her "life of privileged".

False premise. Deliberate misrepresentation. Troll thread.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Millions of women in America do not have that luxury.

Making her a very bad person indeed. Women should depend on the government and reject breadwinning husbands. It's downright unamerican.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Another false premise. You are a troll trolling on a troll thread.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Millions of women in America do not have that luxury.

Making her a very bad person indeed. Women should depend on the government and reject breadwinning husbands. It's downright unamerican.

You honestly think she's a bad person because she has a rich husband? That's an odd sentiment.

You really are a repugnant old cow.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Another false premise. You are a troll trolling on a troll thread.

There's no 'premise' in there, you uneducated fool.
The kind of woman Ann Romney represents is quite easily described:

She represents the wife/mother who does not NEED to work a job outside the home for one reason and one reason only,

her husband makes enough money to exempt her from that obligation.

Another false premise. You are a troll trolling on a troll thread.

There's no 'premise' in there, you uneducated fool.

Of course there is. Be careful throwing words like "uneducated" around, champ.
oh my God ... there are women that actually take care of their kids? Yeah I don't believe her.

Yeah and the father of her children comes home every night.
And I want to add that she knows the father of her children as well.
But for me to say that it would make me appear racially insensitive.
So I will just hold my tongue here.

Yeh The Moms who take care of their kids and the home those folks are a dying breed.
And not to be respected according to those in the Lib party.
When Ann Romney talks about women, she talks about the "home maker" and how taking care of children, cooking and doing laundry is very hard. She never talked about "women bankers" or "women engineers" or any woman "professionals". In fact, I'm not sure I heard her even say the phrase "working women".

She seems to give the impression that only women who are married, being taken care of by a man and with many children are "truly fulfilled". Not that she's "anti working women", just that a working woman comes in "second" in the fulfillment department.

In fact, it seems you almost have to be "rich" for her type of women to exist anymore in America. A kind of "retro 50's" leave it to Beaver type of mom.

So the question becomes, "Did Ann Romney really connect with that many women?"

Especially considering her "life of privileged".

She gave no such impression. Had she said specifically "women engineers", "women bankers" or "women professionals", you'd be taking issue with your impression that she wasn't referring to black or Hispanic women.
You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

You obviously know nothing about working households, nor do you have an inkling about women. Please shut your imbecile mouth and cease to discuss the subject, you are an embarassment and an insult to working mothers everywhere.

It doesn't matter what financial set you move in, being a full time mother is work no matter WHAT situation you're in. Mothers know this, we belong to a sisterhood that recognizes that we all deal with the same things every day. Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians have no experience that can compare with it, and thus are not qualified to speak on the subject.

I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Yes there are non-rich, non-government dependent stay at home moms. Lots and lots of them. Working mothers do not resent or despise them, but progressives can't seem to help themselves, they both resent and despise them, while at the same time doubting their very existence.

What elitist bungholes you are.

Deans left wing talking points are as predictable as the sunrise and the sunset in his partisan little mind he thinks the physical, mental, and emotional effects of cancer and M.S. are somehow lessened depending on the size of your bank account. It's beyond deans ability to fathom that a rich woman who has had cancer and suffers from M.S. can indeed connect and relate to what poor or middle class woman dealing with same thing is feeling and going through.
Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

You obviously know nothing about working households, nor do you have an inkling about women. Please shut your imbecile mouth and cease to discuss the subject, you are an embarassment and an insult to working mothers everywhere.

It doesn't matter what financial set you move in, being a full time mother is work no matter WHAT situation you're in. Mothers know this, we belong to a sisterhood that recognizes that we all deal with the same things every day. Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians have no experience that can compare with it, and thus are not qualified to speak on the subject.

I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Yes there are non-rich, non-government dependent stay at home moms. Lots and lots of them. Working mothers do not resent or despise them, but progressives can't seem to help themselves, they both resent and despise them, while at the same time doubting their very existence.

What elitist bungholes you are.

Deans left wing talking points are as predictable as the sunrise and the sunset in his partisan little mind he thinks the physical, mental, and emotional effects of cancer and M.S. are somehow lessened depending on the size of your bank account. It's beyond deans ability to fathom that a rich woman who has had cancer and suffers from M.S. can indeed connect and relate to what poor or middle class woman dealing with same thing is feeling and going through.

Nah she's to be made fun of by the Democrat party.
So because she ended up with a guy who went on to amass great wealth she should just be allowed to
live her life in a glass jar and not be "allowed" to talk or to share her views on anything.

Geez the more time I spend here the more depressed I get about how there is so much hatred coming from the Democrat party.
So because she ended up with a guy who went on to amass great wealth she should just be allowed to
live her life in a glass jar and not be "allowed" to talk or to share her views on anything.

Geez the more time I spend here the more depressed I get about how there is so much hatred coming from the Democrat party.

Ann Romney has every right to talk or share her views. But don't try to portray those views as anything but what they are...a view from the top. The view from a life that knows nothing about struggle or worry how the next bill will be paid. It is an insulated view.

Here is a great op-ed...

Dear Ann Romney: I Felt Forgotten

Ann Romney, if you recognize that women “are the ones that have to do a little bit more, and work a little harder throughout the day to earn that respect at work.”…and to then “come home and help with a book report”, then I challenge you to do something about it.

If you recognize the unfair duality of the worker-care taker role, if you recognize the injustices in the workforce, if you recognize all the inconsistencies in women’s lives then I challenge you to…. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

If you believe in your speech that women really are, “the best of America….the hope of America…and that there would not be an America without (us….and that you would like to) Salute and sing (our) praises”….than DONT FORGET ABOUT US.

You took the time to single us out, to describe our story. You sang our praises for all the sacrifices we make, and how hard life is to be a woman in America…and then, you just moved on. You kept us there in that depressing, struggling state. You moved onto your husbands accolades and this life you two built up together into the limelight and didn’t even mention us again.

Is your story supposed to save us, the downtrodden American woman? Was your message to infer that we too should find nice husbands to have five babies with? Because even though I listened to all 22 minutes of your speech, I didn’t hear you refer back to us and our struggle. I didn’t even hear you refer back to women outside of your own identity as a wife or mother.

I felt forgotten. Just like the American political system has a tendency of doing to us women, as a subgroup. Unless, of course, our wombs or vaginas or identities as mothers and wives are needed to tote the political limelight. Then, like in your speech tonight, you remember us.

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