Does Ann Romney's type of "American Woman" exist anymore?

You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

You obviously know nothing about working households, nor do you have an inkling about women. Please shut your imbecile mouth and cease to discuss the subject, you are an embarassment and an insult to working mothers everywhere.

It doesn't matter what financial set you move in, being a full time mother is work no matter WHAT situation you're in. Mothers know this, we belong to a sisterhood that recognizes that we all deal with the same things every day. Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians have no experience that can compare with it, and thus are not qualified to speak on the subject.

I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Yes there are non-rich, non-government dependent stay at home moms. Lots and lots of them. Working mothers do not resent or despise them, but progressives can't seem to help themselves, they both resent and despise them, while at the same time doubting their very existence.

What elitist bungholes you are.
[ame=]The Stepford Wives - YouTube[/ame]

When Ann Romney talks about women, she talks about the "home maker" and how taking care of children, cooking and doing laundry is very hard. She never talked about "women bankers" or "women engineers" or any woman "professionals". In fact, I'm not sure I heard her even say the phrase "working women".

She seems to give the impression that only women who are married, being taken care of by a man and with many children are "truly fulfilled". Not that she's "anti working women", just that a working woman comes in "second" in the fulfillment department.

In fact, it seems you almost have to be "rich" for her type of women to exist anymore in America. A kind of "retro 50's" leave it to Beaver type of mom.

So the question becomes, "Did Ann Romney really connect with that many women?"

Especially considering her "life of privileged".

The idiotic theme the right is clumsily attempting to express here is that women are ‘forced’ to leave the home to work as a consequence of economic hardship, not a desire to work per se. It’s also a failed attempt to indict working women for being ‘selfish’ for placing career over family and contributing to overall ‘social decline.’

Again, it’s pure rightist idiocy.
You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

You obviously know nothing about working households, nor do you have an inkling about women. Please shut your imbecile mouth and cease to discuss the subject, you are an embarassment and an insult to working mothers everywhere.

It doesn't matter what financial set you move in, being a full time mother is work no matter WHAT situation you're in. Mothers know this, we belong to a sisterhood that recognizes that we all deal with the same things every day. Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians have no experience that can compare with it, and thus are not qualified to speak on the subject.

I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Yes there are non-rich, non-government dependent stay at home moms. Lots and lots of them. Working mothers do not resent or despise them, but progressives can't seem to help themselves, they both resent and despise them, while at the same time doubting their very existence.

What elitist bungholes you are.

Lol! Are you for real?
You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

You obviously know nothing about working households, nor do you have an inkling about women. Please shut your imbecile mouth and cease to discuss the subject, you are an embarassment and an insult to working mothers everywhere.

It doesn't matter what financial set you move in, being a full time mother is work no matter WHAT situation you're in. Mothers know this, we belong to a sisterhood that recognizes that we all deal with the same things every day. Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians have no experience that can compare with it, and thus are not qualified to speak on the subject.

I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom. Yes there are non-rich, non-government dependent stay at home moms. Lots and lots of them. Working mothers do not resent or despise them, but progressives can't seem to help themselves, they both resent and despise them, while at the same time doubting their very existence.

What elitist bungholes you are.

You start off with, "It doesn't matter what financial set you move in" which obviously is not true since most working moms do so because they and their children need the money.

Then you go:

Child-hating, woman-hating progressives and childless lesbians

Which is wrong on so many levels. I hope you're not teaching the impressionable to be as nasty as you obviously are. It would be a real shame.
womens rights are about choice.

When you people begin to accept its for the woman to make the choice that is best for her and her family then you will get a clue.

Mrs Romney was lucky enough to have the choice NOT to work.

Her family benifited from her choice.

This country can not remain great unless women have real choices.

why are you on the right so anti choice for women

yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

That's a pretty fucking disgraceful thing to say Miss rhymes with "runt".

Especially when Republicans cut school lunches and fight to keep children from being insured. It was a Republican who said, "Feed the poor and they will breed". You creeps have got to stop caring only about children before they're born. It makes you look like the soulless monsters you personally obviously identify with.

Especially when democrats take home made lunches and throw them in the trash because it's home made and therefore "bad" for children. Especially when democrats insist on making sure underage girls can get an abortion without telling their parent(s).

Yes, democrats are all for the children.

Feed the poor and they will breed is the very heart of planned parenthood and the guiding philosophy of its founder Margaret Sanger.
The democrat political philosophy is:

Women who are married are bad women, lucky but bad.

Women who work should be on welfare.

All women are Julia and married to Uncle Sugar.
You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

So Mrs. Romney isn't normal? Is that because she had cancer, or that she deals with MS?
Is that what your referring to?

Or, is it that she isn't "normal" because of the wealth?
You mean women who stay at home raise their kids while also dealing with cancer and multiple sclerosis yes there are.

Yea, because all women with cancer and multiple sclerosis have nannies, private doctors and access to the most expensive medical care in the world. How many private nurses did she have?

You can't seriously compare her to "normal" people.

The question was about connection and not the incredible care she is given because of her husbands fabulous wealth.

So Mrs. Romney isn't normal? Is that because she had cancer, or that she deals with MS?
Is that what your referring to?

Or, is it that she isn't "normal" because of the wealth?
She's not black.
womens rights are about choice.

When you people begin to accept its for the woman to make the choice that is best for her and her family then you will get a clue.

Mrs Romney was lucky enough to have the choice NOT to work.

Her family benifited from her choice.

This country can not remain great unless women have real choices.

why are you on the right so anti choice for women

yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

Unlucky people dont even have power over what happens inside their own bodies and have to do whatever their government tells them to do with their bodies.

You want to strip the choice from people to control their own bodies.

You want to give that control to the government.

All because you have a certain religion.

So you want people to lose control of their own bodies because of YOUR religion.

You just cant get any more UnAmerican than that.
womens rights are about choice.

When you people begin to accept its for the woman to make the choice that is best for her and her family then you will get a clue.

Mrs Romney was lucky enough to have the choice NOT to work.

Her family benifited from her choice.

This country can not remain great unless women have real choices.

why are you on the right so anti choice for women

yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

Unlucky people dont even have power over what happens inside their own bodies and have to do whatever their government tells them to do with their bodies.

You want to strip the choice from people to control their own bodies.

You want to give that control to the government.

All because you have a certain religion.

So you want people to lose control of their own bodies because of YOUR religion.

You just cant get any more UnAmerican than that.

You don't even have a proper perspective of the reality for people who are pro life. There are TWO lives involved. Not one.
womens rights are about choice.

When you people begin to accept its for the woman to make the choice that is best for her and her family then you will get a clue.

Mrs Romney was lucky enough to have the choice NOT to work.

Her family benifited from her choice.

This country can not remain great unless women have real choices.

why are you on the right so anti choice for women

yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

Unlucky people dont even have power over what happens inside their own bodies and have to do whatever their government tells them to do with their bodies.

You want to strip the choice from people to control their own bodies.

You want to give that control to the government.

All because you have a certain religion.

So you want people to lose control of their own bodies because of YOUR religion.

You just cant get any more UnAmerican than that.

The very essence of being an American is the right to life.

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