Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Nutz you REALLY should chill out on the racism stuff. You're starting to sound really shallow because it seems to consume most of your posts.
Nutz you REALLY should chill out on the racism stuff. You're starting to sound really shallow because it seems to consume most of your posts.

However he is justified considering that SJ is trying to derail this thread and have it moved into the FZ.
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

Where ever politics are discussed the conversation can become heated and devolve into name calling. Whether here or on Liberal Boards where the tables are reversed. And having been a fifteen year veteran of one particular board recently shut down by the FEDS whose make up was 90 percent liberal I can tell you that the way Liberals hold grudges and how they tend to use their claws it reminds me of watching two women fight.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
Unfortunately, Republicans really do hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white and women.

Immigrants - Republicans want to send children back into what for many is certain death.

Poor People - Republicans say they are poor because they want to be.

Isn't white - The GOP is 90% white for a reason. All those "blacks are inferior" threads right here on the USMB aren't coming from Democrats. 37% of Republicans are on the side of confederates.

Women - women don't have the right to decide their own contraception. Their bodies need legislation.

These are typical Republican positions. They can't have these positions and then complain about others talking about those rotten positions.

You are a moron....pure and simple.

Republicans have the same distribution of attitudes and extremism that democrats do.

Every thread you start is poisoned from the start.

It essentially says "Prove you don't belong the KKK".

That fact that people like you exist in the world is reason to leave open the door to the idea that some people (braindead assholes like you) should not be allowed to have children.

Well then, explain how these aren't Republican positions. Perhaps add a few links? If those aren't Republican positions, then how did I get it wrong? Otherwise, it's not me who is the moron.
It should be in the FZ since it is nothing but bickering and name calling after all.
It should be in the FZ since it is nothing but bickering and name calling after all.

What thread doesn't end up that way? It really pisses me off when I start a serious thread, rarity I know, and it gets moved because of other posters.
Nutz you REALLY should chill out on the racism stuff. You're starting to sound really shallow because it seems to consume most of your posts.

When there is a real thread with a real discussion, void of SJ and his racist ilk, I participate without the vitriol. Regretfully, there are very few of those threads...and the racist derailments are tolerated and condoned. Funny, people have no issue condemning myself or Asclepias...but they never condemn blatant racists like SJ.

I can entertain myself this way or through meaningful conversation. There is no meaningful conversation when the racists are given free reign on this forum.
It should be in the FZ since it is nothing but bickering and name calling after all.

But the OP started a serious discussion about what WE want out of the political forum. There was a great deal of interest in cleaning it up and getting rid of the mindless name calling. If that were to happen I would probably post more often in the Political forum but as long as every thread descends into the gutter there is no point as far as I am concerned.

The USMB can be a better place but it just takes some discipline to throw the flamers out where they don't belong.
It should be in the FZ since it is nothing but bickering and name calling after all.

But the OP started a serious discussion about what WE want out of the political forum. There was a great deal of interest in cleaning it up and getting rid of the mindless name calling. If that were to happen I would probably post more often in the Political forum but as long as every thread descends into the gutter there is no point as far as I am concerned.

The USMB can be a better place but it just takes some discipline to throw the flamers out where they don't belong.

The OP is just as guilty as everyone else.

How about this...every time someone derails a thread with it. If that post isn't deleted or action isn't taken, then we know that is what the admin and mods want. If they take action, then the forum will get cleaned up.

If a thread is in the wrong it. If it doesn't get moved then you know.

It is really that simple. If people really wanted something different, they would make an effort to correct it...not start a bs thread so everyone can blame everyone else...because we all know that the dems will stick together, the conservatives will stick together, the Teapers will stick together and the racists will win because everyone has to support their faction.
It should be in the FZ since it is nothing but bickering and name calling after all.

What thread doesn't end up that way? It really pisses me off when I start a serious thread, rarity I know, and it gets moved because of other posters.

You mean threads suggesting all blacks vote democrat and are all mind numb robots?

While it can easily be taken as flame bait that wasn't my intention.
Nutz you REALLY should chill out on the racism stuff. You're starting to sound really shallow because it seems to consume most of your posts.
It's his whole fucking life! Sheesh.

:lol: Now the racists claims to know me personally. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Don't you have a hate meeting or something to attend...if you leave, we cold probably figure out a way to clean this place up.
Let's get something straight. I wasn't participating in this thread until Nutzo started talking shit on me because he was still butthurt about having his ass handed to him in another thread. I'm well within my rights to defend myself, so don't blame me if he wants to keep whining about things not going his way.
What thread doesn't end up that way? It really pisses me off when I start a serious thread, rarity I know, and it gets moved because of other posters.

You mean threads suggesting all blacks vote democrat and are all mind numb robots?

While it can easily be taken as flame bait that wasn't my intention.

Fair enough :beer:

And I do apologize to you for derailing that thread with unwarranted comments about your past.
Let's get something straight. I wasn't participating in this thread until Nutzo started talking shit on me because he was still butthurt about having his ass handed to him in another thread. I'm well within my rights to defend myself, so don't blame me if he wants to keep whining about things not going his way.

You are butthurt because I called you a racist...:lol: And you defeating me in any debate - :lmao: - never, you are an ignorant, racist peon whose intellectual acuity is limited to calling black people monkeys and other nonsense terms.
Let's get something straight. I wasn't participating in this thread until Nutzo started talking shit on me because he was still butthurt about having his ass handed to him in another thread. I'm well within my rights to defend myself, so don't blame me if he wants to keep whining about things not going his way.

You are butthurt because I called you a racist...:lol: And you defeating me in any debate - :lmao: - never, you are an ignorant, racist peon whose intellectual acuity is limited to calling black people monkeys and other nonsense terms.
You just can't let it go, can you?
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