Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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They are allowed to spew their is not racism. It is only racism if a black person responds in kind. So if you are called a porch monkey, a ******, a spook, tarbaby etc....and you respond negatively with something like idiot, asshole, are the racist...not the white guy.

Kinda like the N word, eh? Blacks can but whites can't. Amirite?

Nothing like that Grace. The N word is more like the B word. I'm Black I can use the N word. You as a female can use the B word. See how that works?

You have a point there, also, I know males more likely to call another an SOB when I as a female would not.
It was hijacked into a racism thread because the op wanted to know why this forum has no civility....racism is the problem with this forum.

I beg to differ. Racism is one of the problems in this forum but not the only one by a long way. Misogyny is rampant as is trolling for the sake of trolling. The partisan divide is another serious problem too. Let's not forget the religious friction either.

All of those problems disrupt the flow of the threads. However none of them are going away without us choosing to rise above the fray. As far as I am concerned there is no difference between the types of bigotry out there. They are all wrong and should be treated with the contempt they deserve. But I refuse to lower myself to the level of the bigots. They simply don't deserve any of my time and attention. Life is too short to waste on the stupid and ignorant in my opinion.

All they have to do is start enforcing the rules that are already published and most of the issues would be resolved. The question is why are they not enforcing the rules...why are the racists allowed to derail every thread with their hate? Allowing this to happen is condoning the thoughts, IMO.

I cannot answer that question because I am not a mod/admin. As to whether or not it rises to the level of condoning is debatable. There have been a number a racist posts in this thread that I haven't called out. Does that mean I condoned them because I didn't go tit-for-tat with a racist? I felt that they were better ignored. I would rather not give the racists the satisfaction of receiving a response from me. They don't deserve that level of attention. The same rule applies when it comes to all of the other mindless bigot posts.

But don't get me wrong that I won't step in when I feel that it warrants attention. I just make a distinction between the racists who are flaming for the sake of attention and a genuine instance of racial injustice. Perhaps it is just a matter of picking my battles.
What would you call a white racist that calls black people porch monkeys? Can you think of a better term?

They are allowed to spew their is not racism. It is only racism if a black person responds in kind. So if you are called a porch monkey, a ******, a spook, tarbaby etc....and you respond negatively with something like idiot, asshole, are the racist...not the white guy.

Kinda like the N word, eh? Blacks can but whites can't. Amirite?

Do you know the story about the song Yankee Doodle? It is an American patriotic song...but it was originally sung by the English to mock the Americans. It was an insult but the Americans took that song as their own. Even today, Yankee can have a negative tone when spewed by a Northerner or foreigner. The same is true with the 'N' word. Some blacks have adopted it as their defiance of the slur. There is a big difference when a black uses that word as opposed to a white person who is using it to degrade.

Whether that is right or is up to to the individual. Personally, I use the word sparingly...usually only to make a point on a racist forum and I think it is a negative word...but blacks using it is not a double standard...perhaps it is just to piss you off like Americans adopted Yankee Doodle to piss off the Brits.
It doesn't piss me off, Nutz. If someone wants to insult their own people...that's their choice. The N word is insulting any way you look at it. If it is adopted and used by blacks to "piss off whites" it's kinda like cutting off your own noses to spite your own faces.

It doesn't piss me off, Nutz. If someone wants to insult their own people...that's their choice. The N word is insulting any way you look at it. If it is adopted and used by blacks to "piss off whites" it's kinda like cutting off your own noses to spite your own faces.


That is your opinion. The difference is that when SJ and his ilk use the word...they do it out of hate. When blacks use it, that is not the case.

Same with Yankee. When Americans use the word it isn't demeaning. When a lousy fucking canadian uses the is meant to be an insult.

Nonetheless, you missed the point entirely.
Nothing like that Grace. The N word is more like the B word. I'm Black I can use the N word. You as a female can use the B word. See how that works?

:lol: Call Mike Tyson "the n word" and you'll be crawling around the floor trying to find your teef, Snowflake.

You couldn't pay me to try that. 😆


They've paid handsomely several times in Tyson's career....he went from a mugger to the top of the world and back down. To think some wigger fake on here is entitled to call him "the n word" is hilarious. :eusa_angel:
But...but...nobody is complaining about someone calling someone else a cave monkey? Oh. Wait.

What would you call a white racist that calls black people porch monkeys? Can you think of a better term?

They are allowed to spew their is not racism. It is only racism if a black person responds in kind. So if you are called a porch monkey, a ******, a spook, tarbaby etc....and you respond negatively with something like idiot, asshole, are the racist...not the white guy.
Bullshit. Asswipe loves to use the terms "white boy", "cave ape" (whatever that is), and other assorted racist slurs, for the purpose of antagonizing and no one hears a word from you except maybe to join in with high fives. But the minute somebody fires back at one of you with "porch monkey" (or statistics about crime rates), you start crying and whining about those mean white people being racist. You're just a pussy who can't stand the taste of your own medicine.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
Unfortunately, Republicans really do hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white and women.

Immigrants - Republicans want to send children back into what for many is certain death.

Poor People - Republicans say they are poor because they want to be.

Isn't white - The GOP is 90% white for a reason. All those "blacks are inferior" threads right here on the USMB aren't coming from Democrats. 37% of Republicans are on the side of confederates.

Women - women don't have the right to decide their own contraception. Their bodies need legislation.

These are typical Republican positions. They can't have these positions and then complain about others talking about those rotten positions.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
Unfortunately, Republicans really do hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white and women.

Immigrants - Republicans want to send children back into what for many is certain death.

Poor People - Republicans say they are poor because they want to be.

Isn't white - The GOP is 90% white for a reason. All those "blacks are inferior" threads right here on the USMB aren't coming from Democrats. 37% of Republicans are on the side of confederates.

Women - women don't have the right to decide their own contraception. Their bodies need legislation.

These are typical Republican positions. They can't have these positions and then complain about others talking about those rotten positions.

It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
Unfortunately, Republicans really do hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white and women.

Immigrants - Republicans want to send children back into what for many is certain death.

Poor People - Republicans say they are poor because they want to be.

Isn't white - The GOP is 90% white for a reason. All those "blacks are inferior" threads right here on the USMB aren't coming from Democrats. 37% of Republicans are on the side of confederates.

Women - women don't have the right to decide their own contraception. Their bodies need legislation.

These are typical Republican positions. They can't have these positions and then complain about others talking about those rotten positions.

You are a moron....pure and simple.

Republicans have the same distribution of attitudes and extremism that democrats do.

Every thread you start is poisoned from the start.

It essentially says "Prove you don't belong the KKK".

That fact that people like you exist in the world is reason to leave open the door to the idea that some people (braindead assholes like you) should not be allowed to have children.
What would you call a white racist that calls black people porch monkeys? Can you think of a better term?

They are allowed to spew their is not racism. It is only racism if a black person responds in kind. So if you are called a porch monkey, a ******, a spook, tarbaby etc....and you respond negatively with something like idiot, asshole, are the racist...not the white guy.
Bullshit. Asswipe loves to use the terms "white boy", "cave ape" (whatever that is), and other assorted racist slurs, for the purpose of antagonizing and no one hears a word from you except maybe to join in with high fives. But the minute somebody fires back at one of you with "porch monkey" (or statistics about crime rates), you start crying and whining about those mean white people being racist. You're just a pussy who can't stand the taste of your own medicine.

All one has to do is look at threads and determine for themselves. You are a racist. Pointing your finger at Asclepias doesn't change that fact. Sorry.
I'm having a 12oz medium blackened New York strip with roasted red potatoes & greens for dinner.

Discussions welcome I suppose
I'm having a 12oz medium blackened New York strip with roasted red potatoes & greens for dinner.

Discussions welcome I suppose

The libs will say that you don't deserve that and will try to pass a law that says you have to share 1/2 with some moocher....and Moochelle will say that unless the red potatoes meet some spec....they should be outlawed.

How's that ?

I'm having a 12oz medium blackened New York strip with roasted red potatoes & greens for dinner.

Discussions welcome I suppose

How is do you eat your steaks...I prefer rare. I think I might put one on the barbie!

Good idea...make sure you combine the vapors from a petroleum-based lighter fluid with the know carcinogens from charred beef full of antibiotics. Add a bowl of pesticide-laden salad grown with human fecal matter and a nice glass of red wine aged with formaldehyde.

Bon Appetite! :lol:
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