Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Well then don't form opinions about people you know absolutely nothing about. If you didn't care you'd have never mentioned me.


lol. Reading comprehension skills (and spelling) are not your strong suit, right? :lol:

Real mature. Just respond with insults.


Dear, perhaps you should go back and read a few pages so you can reach enlightenment of who mentioned you, how they mentioned you, etc etc etc. Then you can come back and apologize to me for being confused and putting the blame on me. Shall I wait? :D
I'm just not going to waste my time. I've been on this forum for a week and it's biggest issue really is trolls and racists. If people can't see that then they're either blind or in support of it. And to answer everyone's question... No I won't stop coming on here because I've never been scared off by racists in my entire life and I'm not going to start now. I guess I'll just have to tip toe around here avoiding trolls and racists while in my pursuit of legitimate discussions with knowledgeable people. Peace.

I'm just not going to waste my time. I've been on this forum for a week and it's biggest issue really is trolls and racists. If people can't see that then they're either blind or in support of it. And to answer everyone's question... No I won't stop coming on here because I've never been scared off by racists in my entire life and I'm not going to start now. I guess I'll just have to tip toe around here avoiding trolls and racists while in my pursuit of legitimate discussions with knowledgeable people. Peace.

Especially the ones with whom you agree.
Hey albino cave ape. Get your head out of your ass. You don't call any woman a bitch. I guess you can be brave safely on the internet though.
Right on queue. Who was it that was complaining about racism again? Oh yeah, the ones who will ignore this racial slur.

Get your head out of your ass chimpy. You are a racist and a misogynist. Stop attempting to garner pity. Its pathetic. I know you have little dealings with women in real life but you simply do not use the label.
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Hey albino cave ape. Get your head out of your ass. You don't call any woman a bitch. I guess you can be brave safely on the internet though.
Right on queue. Who was it that was complaining about racism again? Oh yeah, the ones who will ignore this racial slur.

Get your head out of your ass chimpy. You are a racist and a misogynist. Stop attempting to garner pity. Its pathetic. I know you have little dealings with women in real life but you simply do not use the label.
Keep talking, racist.
You obvious don't know anything about me but I'd be glad to explain. I'm White, Black, Native, and Hispanic. (Not a lot of races left over to hate) SJ is referring to me as a racist because I wasn't going to tolerate a sorry excuse for a man degrading black users and portraying him and his race superior to all others. Anyone with half a brain could see that. If not it's because one would have to be turning a blind eye because they themselves support his racist beliefs. Me being physically attractive isn't why nutz doesn't think I'm racist. It was just added side note (irrelevant to the conversation). And I am who appears in my photos. I don't have to find images of other attractive women online or icons of character because I'm afraid to show my true self. Regardless of how vein I may be, I'm far from a racist.

Bitch, you have no credibility when you whine about me but conveniently ignore the racist comments coming from Asswipe and Nutzack. Your selective outrage is indicative of your glaring hypocrisy, so go pound sand.

Hey albino cave ape. Get your head out of your ass. You don't call any woman a bitch. I guess you can be brave safely on the internet though.

I'm a woman and I call women bitches when I feel that they are being bitchy. And I've been known to call Howey a bitch too. :lol: as well as a myriad of other applicable names.

It's a fucking message board for crying out loud.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

At its finest! This thread is done. Stick a fork in it.
Bitch, you have no credibility when you whine about me but conveniently ignore the racist comments coming from Asswipe and Nutzack. Your selective outrage is indicative of your glaring hypocrisy, so go pound sand.

Hey albino cave ape. Get your head out of your ass. You don't call any woman a bitch. I guess you can be brave safely on the internet though.

I'm a woman and I call women bitches when I feel that they are being bitchy. And I've been known to call Howey a bitch too. :lol: as well as a myriad of other applicable names.

It's a fucking message board for crying out loud.

Did you say you are a woman? You have that right.
Now as to whether or not one can carry on a reasonable discussion with others usually depends on the thread and the forum.

I for one have had it with the "Republicans have cooties and have poopy pants" threads put up by the usual suspects.

And a bi partisan rant here. I try to avoid posting in a "Democrats are all on welfare and are stupid" threads.

One has to remember it is summer. School is out. The board changes.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

At its finest! This thread is done. Stick a fork in it.

This is incredibly amusing, but not in the way you intended.
This thread is a good example, started out well, was hijacked into a racism thread, then periodically returns to a sane conversation.
It was hijacked into a racism thread because the op wanted to know why this forum has no civility....racism is the problem with this forum.
Right on queue. Who was it that was complaining about racism again? Oh yeah, the ones who will ignore this racial slur.

Get your head out of your ass chimpy. You are a racist and a misogynist. Stop attempting to garner pity. Its pathetic. I know you have little dealings with women in real life but you simply do not use the label.
Keep talking, racist.

huh. I thought I knew you.
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