Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Screw off, jerk face. :D
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

I have been frequenting message boards for more than ten years. A lot of them. Some have come and gone, some new ones appear. One thing remains constant. Assholes do a lot better than scholars and there are more of them.

It is too bad that it gets to such a low level. It would be nice if I could sometimes be the butt of an intelligent joke but it isn't going to happen.

So relax and enjoy it for what it is, an amusing pass time and a really good chance to vent. Not that it will do you any good. No one listens anyway, so be prepared for frustration. At least until you begin to accept it for what it is.

The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.


Probably said by the same 2 or 3 posters. And sometimes the comments are made to mock a poster based on their history here which you would not know about.
You've not offered one shred of proof of any racism. Not provided any examples.

You have simply labeled the entire board as racist and anyone who dares disagree with you or those who criticize you as racist..

Of the names I listed...who is not a racist?

How about the names you DIDN'T list, like Asclepias, Brianna Michele, and YOU? You're a whining little pussy who likes to stir up racial shit, and when it's thrown back in your face, you bitch and moan about racism. You're a little bitch who wants to dish it out but can't take it. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, bitch.

You are the poster child for racists. Anything the three of us have said were a response to the racist statements you randomly blurt out in threads that pertain to the conversation in no way.

The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.


Those are the ones with low intellect and massive insecurities. Sometime you can get some intelligent discussion going but invariably a cave chimp will pop in to mess it up. I wish there was a way that a poster could be banned from posting in a thread if voted out by the people participating in the thread. Maybe something like a flag. If you get flagged X amount of times you can no longer post in the thread.
But you are the one that said Brianna was hot, Nutz, and so you didn't care.

You obvious don't know anything about me but I'd be glad to explain. I'm White, Black, Native, and Hispanic. (Not a lot of races left over to hate) SJ is referring to me as a racist because I wasn't going to tolerate a sorry excuse for a man degrading black users and portraying him and his race superior to all others. Anyone with half a brain could see that. If not it's because one would have to be turning a blind eye because they themselves support his racist beliefs. Me being physically attractive isn't why nutz doesn't think I'm racist. It was just added side note (irrelevant to the conversation). And I am who appears in my photos. I don't have to find images of other attractive women online or icons of character because I'm afraid to show my true self. Regardless of how vein I may be, I'm far from a racist.

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The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.


Probably said by the same 2 or 3 posters. And sometimes the comments are made to mock a poster based on their history here which you would not know about.

Probably but they seem to have all the time in the world to go around ruining good discussions by dropping racial slurs and then dippin out. It's annoying. It would just be nice to have intelligent meaningful conversations with people who were honestly interested in the topic of the thread rather than creating racial tension.

It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

:thup: for raising this issue!

I read through the majority of the posts in this thread and a couple of practical suggestions come to mind if We the People of USMB want to clean up the Politics forum.

1. Report, report, report! If you see something that violates the Zone 2 rules then report it. Eventually the mods will come to appreciate that there is a core of serious posters who want to keep the Politics forum from being an FZ with a different name.

2. Put the flamers in Ignore. That means don't respond at all. Report and Ignore. Leave it up to the mods to deal with the flamers. Only respond to the posters who provide real content.

3. Disclaimers - Part 1. In your OP copy the Zone 2 rules in and state that all violations will be reported. You are putting everyone on notice that in your own thread you expect the Zone 2 rules to be enforced.

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

4. Disclaimers - Part 2. State that all name calling will be a violation of the OP and reported accordingly. Request that everyone engage in civil discourse and respect opinions even if they disagree with them.

5. Shut down your own thread. If the mods won't keep the flamers under control then shut down the thread. There is no point in leaving a thread open once it becomes a flame fight and the mods won't clean it up. Just make a post asking the mods to shut it down and give your reasons.

6. Be respectful. If we want a better USMB forum we need to start with ourselves. Things have changed here for the better since I joined. All it takes is for like minded people to start to make the changes that we want. The first and most important change is to respect the other posters. Behind each name there is a real person. Treat that person the way you want to be treated.

7. Hold everyone to a higher posting standard. That includes yourself. If you ask for links be prepared to provide them in turn. Plenty of times the links provide an insight that you might be unaware of.

8. Acknowledge the position of the other poster and then make your own point. If you have misunderstood their position it gives them a chance to clarify.

9. Posters on each side are closer than they appear. Yes, both sides actually have the same goal which is a better future for America. How We the People get there is only a matter of what compromises must be reached for that to happen.

10. Have fun. Yes, politics is fun and we should be in doing this because a good debate is worth having. Be prepared to compliment your opponent when they make a valid point.

11. Admit when you are wrong. No, that doesn't make you look weak. It actually makes you look confident when you are prepared to admit that you have made a mistake. Yes, we all make them. None of us are perfect.

My 2 cents worth. Have a happy Sunday.
I tried reporting for awhile. Seemingly to a vacant audience.

And I admit that I am guilty of breaking the same rules.
But you are the one that said Brianna was hot, Nutz, and so you didn't care.

You obvious don't know anything about me but I'd be glad to explain. I'm White, Black, Native, and Hispanic. (Not a lot of races left over to hate) SJ is referring to me as a racist because I wasn't going to tolerate a sorry excuse for a man degrading black users and portraying him and his race superior to all others. Anyone with half a brain could see that. If not it's because one would have to be turning a blind eye because they themselves support his racist beliefs. Me being physically attractive isn't why nutz doesn't think I'm racist. It was just added side note (irrelevant to the conversation). And I am who appears in my photos. I don't have to find images of other attractive women online or icons of character because I'm afraid to show my true self. Regardless of how vein I may be, I'm far from a racist.


Um..I don't really care, dear.
Hello. I joined USMB specifically to have serious conversation but gave up on that about a month later. The trolls literally own the site so I just jump around leaving little "one liners" and posting music vids. The gunos and the Howeys of the world run the site so that no serious and civil discussion is possible. JMHO


It's possible to have a thoughtful conversation, but they can be tough to find. And either way you still have to deal with a lot of noise, like bees at a picnic.

Maybe it makes them feel a little better about themselves, at least temporarily, but it certainly does take away from the dialogue.


I guess we could go the "clean debate zone" but the title of that forum indicates that you're going there with the sole intent to "debate." That's not always my intent. Sometimes it's simply nice to "discuss" as in "discussion forum." Since I do enjoy "discussing" religious topics it seems logical that I would "discuss" them in the religious forums but that is literally impossible. The moment you post there you can bet $10,000.00 that some troll will come along and blab: "you're an idiot for believing in a magical man in the sky" or some other ignorant comment along those lines. So, admittedly, the trolls have successfully put a lid on any true conversations that might otherwise take place there.

Give that man a ceegar! Well said.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

The minute I see the same two or three posters get into their "you said - no, you said" crap, I quickly unsubscribe from the thread - just as I'll most certainly do with this one. :eusa_whistle:
All this angst. Gosh. If it is so racist here, then maybe those bitchin' should rethink why they stay. Oh. Wait. Its for "entertainment". Eye roll.
But you are the one that said Brianna was hot, Nutz, and so you didn't care.

You obvious don't know anything about me but I'd be glad to explain. I'm White, Black, Native, and Hispanic. (Not a lot of races left over to hate) SJ is referring to me as a racist because I wasn't going to tolerate a sorry excuse for a man degrading black users and portraying him and his race superior to all others. Anyone with half a brain could see that. If not it's because one would have to be turning a blind eye because they themselves support his racist beliefs. Me being physically attractive isn't why nutz doesn't think I'm racist. It was just added side note (irrelevant to the conversation). And I am who appears in my photos. I don't have to find images of other attractive women online or icons of character because I'm afraid to show my true self. Regardless of how vein I may be, I'm far from a racist.


Um..I don't really care, dear.

Well then don't form opinions about people you know absolutely nothing about. If you didn't care you'd have never mentioned me.

I tried reporting for awhile. Seemingly to a vacant audience.

And I admit that I am guilty of breaking the same rules.

So then where do you believe the problem lies? With you or the mods?

If you clean up your own act do you believe that the mods will take you seriously in future when you report a violation?

I appreciate that the mods have a situation that currently exists and yes, both sides are guilty. But they need to see a change amongst ourselves first before they will start enforcing the rules.

And to give the mods the full credit that they are due they provided the Lounge as a "clean zone" free from all politics and all violations are promptly dealt with as soon as they are reported.

There is nothing stopping us from pushing for the same thing in the politics forum. But we have to demonstrate a willingness to abide by the rules we want enforced.

Speaking personally I really enjoy a good political debate but I can't see the difference between the FZ and the Politics forum when I look at the OP's out there. Neither can the the mods in all likelihood so they assume that is what we want. I know I don't and I can tell from the posts in this thread that I am far from alone. The OP is asking us what do we want? I am making suggestions about how we can get what we want.

The trolls are not in control. We are. We can change USMB for the better if we start with ourselves. All it takes is a little self discipline in my opinion.
The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.


Those are the ones with low intellect and massive insecurities. Sometime you can get some intelligent discussion going but invariably a cave chimp will pop in to mess it up. I wish there was a way that a poster could be banned from posting in a thread if voted out by the people participating in the thread. Maybe something like a flag. If you get flagged X amount of times you can no longer post in the thread.
You would be flagged off of every thread.
You obvious don't know anything about me but I'd be glad to explain. I'm White, Black, Native, and Hispanic. (Not a lot of races left over to hate) SJ is referring to me as a racist because I wasn't going to tolerate a sorry excuse for a man degrading black users and portraying him and his race superior to all others. Anyone with half a brain could see that. If not it's because one would have to be turning a blind eye because they themselves support his racist beliefs. Me being physically attractive isn't why nutz doesn't think I'm racist. It was just added side note (irrelevant to the conversation). And I am who appears in my photos. I don't have to find images of other attractive women online or icons of character because I'm afraid to show my true self. Regardless of how vein I may be, I'm far from a racist.


Um..I don't really care, dear.

Well then don't form opinions about people you know absolutely nothing about. If you didn't care you'd have never mentioned me.


lol. Reading comprehension skills (and spelling) are not your strong suit, right? :lol:
I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.


Those are the ones with low intellect and massive insecurities. Sometime you can get some intelligent discussion going but invariably a cave chimp will pop in to mess it up. I wish there was a way that a poster could be banned from posting in a thread if voted out by the people participating in the thread. Maybe something like a flag. If you get flagged X amount of times you can no longer post in the thread.
You would be flagged off of every thread.

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