Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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No you did not. I never once thought about a plantation.

The problem with you so called conservatives is that you bring extraneous bullshit into a discussion.

Democrats are not racists because they think blacks should be on a plantation, or anything else. They think they cannot survive unless rich white guys pay their way. That is why they are racists.

So you think all the people who currently use Medicaid, people of ANY color, would be better off if the program disappeared?

How would that work?

Twist what people say much...............


Intellectually dishonest straw man arguments are a key component of message board "discourse".


A message board usually attract the extremists. Extremists don't have to find the reason for a problem or a solution to a problem as they know it's "Their" fault. The attitude of the extremist is that the solution to a problem is preventing the other side from passing their plan. The best way to do that is to make the other side look as bad as possible.
I would like to see government employees be required to work efficiently and be responsible. A few days ado I mentioned that to a friend who pointed out that being inefficient they do less damage than if efficient. The problem with politics is the cost of running is so expensive that the greatest tast is to keep large contributors happy and not the voters.
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid Progressive fascists and Immature Occupiers who are still teething are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.
i am too tired and worn out from reading all 181 posts....., so far, but all i see is racist, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, that word is thrown around so loosely it has lost it's meaning. :up:

You White folk are all Racists -don't ya know ? - Only White Conservative People can be Racists. Any other group and it's referred to as "Ethnic Pride" -Got It !?
i have read all the posts so far, what started out as bitching about how the forum deteriorates into blahhhh, blahhhhhh, etc, there was not one fucking mention of racism or racist, now it has become nothing but racist, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS,

i have said if you do NOT like the way this forum is run, go to "Clean Debate Zone", and none of you fucking whiners will go there, WHY ?

i believe this forum is the best i have found that allow posters to express their sentiment about politics, liberal vs Conservatism, democRAT vs Republican, personally i hope the Admin. does NOT change a thing, at this very moment there are 3 on CDZ and 186 here, so that alone tells the story about the bitchers and whiners who want "CHANGE", in all honesty, they just want to bitch, BITCH, BITCH !!

OK ! all i want to see now is :up: ......... or :fu: to this post.

thank you all for your participation and...............
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Hello. I joined USMB specifically to have serious conversation but gave up on that about a month later. The trolls literally own the site so I just jump around leaving little "one liners" and posting music vids. The gunos and the Howeys of the world run the site so that no serious and civil discussion is possible. JMHO
Not saying that the complete end of racism won't make the planet a better place. Just saying if you think it solves all your problems you are fooling yourself.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Hello. I joined USMB specifically to have serious conversation but gave up on that about a month later. The trolls literally own the site so I just jump around leaving little "one liners" and posting music vids. The gunos and the Howeys of the world run the site so that no serious and civil discussion is possible. JMHO


It's possible to have a thoughtful conversation, but they can be tough to find. And either way you still have to deal with a lot of noise, like bees at a picnic.

Maybe it makes them feel a little better about themselves, at least temporarily, but it certainly does take away from the dialogue.

This thread is a good example, started out well, was hijacked into a racism thread, then periodically returns to a sane conversation.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Hello. I joined USMB specifically to have serious conversation but gave up on that about a month later. The trolls literally own the site so I just jump around leaving little "one liners" and posting music vids. The gunos and the Howeys of the world run the site so that no serious and civil discussion is possible. JMHO


It's possible to have a thoughtful conversation, but they can be tough to find. And either way you still have to deal with a lot of noise, like bees at a picnic.

Maybe it makes them feel a little better about themselves, at least temporarily, but it certainly does take away from the dialogue.


Who are they? Is DriftingSand now one of them?

It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Hello. I joined USMB specifically to have serious conversation but gave up on that about a month later. The trolls literally own the site so I just jump around leaving little "one liners" and posting music vids. The gunos and the Howeys of the world run the site so that no serious and civil discussion is possible. JMHO


It's possible to have a thoughtful conversation, but they can be tough to find. And either way you still have to deal with a lot of noise, like bees at a picnic.

Maybe it makes them feel a little better about themselves, at least temporarily, but it certainly does take away from the dialogue.


I guess we could go the "clean debate zone" but the title of that forum indicates that you're going there with the sole intent to "debate." That's not always my intent. Sometimes it's simply nice to "discuss" as in "discussion forum." Since I do enjoy "discussing" religious topics it seems logical that I would "discuss" them in the religious forums but that is literally impossible. The moment you post there you can bet $10,000.00 that some troll will come along and blab: "you're an idiot for believing in a magical man in the sky" or some other ignorant comment along those lines. So, admittedly, the trolls have successfully put a lid on any true conversations that might otherwise take place there.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Its the right wingers doing most of that.

open your eyes Noomi....lots of lefties here are the same way....
Another part of the problem is there's no final resolution to the conflicts, even when a given position is proven to be wrong, there's no concession on the part of those proven wrong; later someone else seeks to propagate the same failed premise and the conflict starts again, again with no final resolution – frustration and insults inevitably ensue.

so why would you care? never answer any questions people ask of you....all you do is say something about how bad the right is and thats it.....if someone says you are wrong and tell you why.... you never answer the poster.....if its a 2 way street Jones lets see you start participating instead of just being a half-assed poster....
The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

I've only been a member for a week and have seen users call black ****** at least 10 times. White users have said that black are still slaves. White users have said black are monkeys. Said that white were gonna teach blacks a "lesson" one day. Used terms such as "spook, porch monkey, coon" and 9 times out of 10 they weren't even provoked. They would just randomly post racial obscenities that had nothing to do with the three or topic of conversation. Then when you call them racist they begin to "explain" why blacks are inferior and then turn things around on you and call you a racist. It's ridiculous and it completely destroys any chance of having an intelligent debate.

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