Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Focus on the actions of the democrats. Focus on their policy.

Right now, in a discussion on racism, the discussion is on how they treat blacks.

Not on how plantations were racist. Not on how past actions can be interpreted as racist.

focus on how they treat minorities. ONLY THAT.

Do not deviate from it with regard to the discussion on racism.

WTF are you talking about?
Go back and start at the beginning of this exchange. Maybe that will help.
Fuck you. If I was a racist I would be attacking ALL of the black members here. I don't, just the ones who hate whitey and blame us for your failures in life, like you and Asswipe. Black pride is another word for racist, so stop making excuses for him. You're a total fucking hypocrite.

Just a few quotes from SJ...I got tired of looking at his comments so I quit after 2 pages:

Another predictable comment from the one trick porch monkey. Thanks for confirming what I said.
Guess again, chump. Nobody wants to be black, you're at the bottom of all societies.

Tyrone, you're 13% of the population, have been for a long time. That ain't changing, and the only white women you could get are the ones nobody else would want anyway. Low life skanks are the best you can ever hope for. And speaking of low life skanks, did you ever talk Grandma into going back to your box with you?

I believe he's referring to the way your "melanin rich" cousins make a career out of skewering each other with their advanced weaponry (hand made spears).

Wrong again, Mandingo. And your preoccupation with sex and male genitalia is typical of primates such as yourself.

You porch monkeys are so stupid, you don't even know who you're giving the finger to. Fucking idiots.

Feel free to see more at here:
Thanks for posting the link. Now they can see the racist comments I was responding to, including your's.

You are so full of shit you squeak. If you can quote even one post of mine starting a racial exchange without provocation I will change my avatar for a week. You act like a cave chimp you are going to get treated like one.

Focus on the actions of the democrats. Focus on their policy.

Right now, in a discussion on racism, the discussion is on how they treat blacks.

Not on how plantations were racist. Not on how past actions can be interpreted as racist.

focus on how they treat minorities. ONLY THAT.

Do not deviate from it with regard to the discussion on racism.

WTF are you talking about?
Go back and start at the beginning of this exchange. Maybe that will help.

No, just explain wtf you are talking about, it makes no sense to me.
Just a few quotes from SJ...I got tired of looking at his comments so I quit after 2 pages:

Feel free to see more at here:
Thanks for posting the link. Now they can see the racist comments I was responding to, including your's.

You are so full of shit you squeak. If you can quote even one post of mine starting a racial exchange without provocation I will change my avatar for a week. You act like a cave chimp you are going to get treated like one.

He thinks we should be good blacks and shut up when he spews nonsense.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

"You are a stupid, dumby dumb dumb" is the standard argument in politics today....It shows they don't know anything about politics at all but watch bias brainwashing media such as Fox News and MSNBC and can't even IMAGINE why anyone would have a different perspective.

I try my hardest not to insult, because the power of knowledge is more insulting to the political opponent you are debating than any childish term you can think up. But, if someone continually avoids a discussion about politics and simply thrives on "you are stupid' responses, I'll sometimes hold a smart debate with them and throw a subtle insulting poke at them.

BUT NEVER just a verbal attack without political information.
WTF are you talking about?
Go back and start at the beginning of this exchange. Maybe that will help.

No, just explain wtf you are talking about, it makes no sense to me.
Then I can't help you.

There are already 99.999% of the alleged rigth on this forum who think that they should follow the discussions lead by the left. My response to you was a means of showing you how you were being led down that path by them.

I can't go any further or Palin it any plainer.

If they say that you want to just return people to the plantation, then you are falling into their trap when you reply to that comment. It is like saying when did you stop bating your wife.

Democrats are racists. The are racists because of their actions and attitudes towards minorities. No other statement needs to be made and on reply to anything else needs to be offered.

You were following their derailment. It is that simple.
Just a few quotes from SJ...I got tired of looking at his comments so I quit after 2 pages:

Feel free to see more at here:
Thanks for posting the link. Now they can see the racist comments I was responding to, including your's.

You are so full of shit you squeak. If you can quote even one post of mine starting a racial exchange without provocation I will change my avatar for a week. You act like a cave chimp you are going to get treated like one.
Thanks for posting the link. Now they can see the racist comments I was responding to, including your's.

You are so full of shit you squeak. If you can quote even one post of mine starting a racial exchange without provocation I will change my avatar for a week. You act like a cave chimp you are going to get treated like one.

I was responding to you. Your provocation started pretty much when I joined the board. Besides, talking to a lady like that is provocation in of itself.
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Go back and start at the beginning of this exchange. Maybe that will help.

No, just explain wtf you are talking about, it makes no sense to me.
Then I can't help you.

There are already 99.999% of the alleged rigth on this forum who think that they should follow the discussions lead by the left. My response to you was a means of showing you how you were being led down that path by them.

I can't go any further or Palin it any plainer.

If they say that you want to just return people to the plantation, then you are falling into their trap when you reply to that comment. It is like saying when did you stop bating your wife.

Democrats are racists. The are racists because of their actions and attitudes towards minorities. No other statement needs to be made and on reply to anything else needs to be offered.

You were following their derailment. It is that simple.

ummm....ok. You win because I still don't know what the heck you are talking about.
You are so full of shit you squeak. If you can quote even one post of mine starting a racial exchange without provocation I will change my avatar for a week. You act like a cave chimp you are going to get treated like one.

I was responding to you. Your provocation started pretty much when I joined the board.

:lol: Me too. He attacked me like white on rice immediately. I remember I had him on ignore for the longest time. I don't remember what his issue was, but I think he was attacking me just because he found out I was black.

I was responding to you. Your provocation started pretty much when I joined the board.

:lol: Me too. He attacked me like white on rice immediately. I remember I had him on ignore for the longest time. I don't remember what his issue was, but I think he was attacking me just because he found out I was black.

He is too much of a coward to admit he is racist. Personally I dont have an ounce of respect for someone that cant admit to what he is.
I was responding to you. Your provocation started pretty much when I joined the board.

:lol: Me too. He attacked me like white on rice immediately. I remember I had him on ignore for the longest time. I don't remember what his issue was, but I think he was attacking me just because he found out I was black.

He is too much of a coward to admit he is racist. Personally I dont have an ounce of respect for someone that cant admit to what he is.

Exactly! If you are going to be a dick or a racist...embrace it; otherwise, you are just a pussy.
It is called making the best of a racist situation. If the forum wanted real discussion, they would handle the situation accordingly.

Encouraging more is not making the best of the situation. Looking at this thread it appears to me you are looking for an excuse for your bad behavior and position in life. Go find something positive to do and be a part.

Huh? I am looking for an excuse for bad behavior and position in, how the sanctimonious asshole has quickly degraded into a flaming fuck! :lmao:
Fuck you!

And there it is.

I suspect boards like this just bring out the worst in people. They essentially become caricatures, and the anonymity afforded by the internet makes them very brave with the name-calling and the personal insults.

One can only hope that such people don't behave this way in public. Unfortunately, an entire internet behaving this way does contribute significantly to overall public discourse, which is part of the reason for our growing division and advancing decay.

People who behave like this are part of the problem. They don't care, their fragile ego is more important.

It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Damn dude. You want to get rid of all the reasons that I log on? Why?

Any of you old enough to remember playing the put down game when you were kids?
This is "adult" put down based on political ideology. Nothing wrong with that.

Of course this forum also allows for ALL human shortcomings to come out. People can be hateful, racist, or just plain crazy and there are no bad repercussions to be had. Other than a put down. Or the mods might sensor you. Not like what would happen if someone were in the middle of a black neighborhood yelling this or that. Or in the middle of a Mexican neighborhood yelling wetback this or wetback that.

No, this is a fine place just the way it is. It allow the craziness to come out and not really harm anyone for real. Nothing wrong with that. We are all crazy in some way or other.

Now, back to the put downs. You all still arguing over who is racist?
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Ignorant too. Has nothing to do with the plantation, but the attitude and actions perpetrated against them. i know of no other political party that views blacks as incapable of surviving without the aid of the white man. except the Democrat party.

I just agreed with you dumbass
No you did not. I never once thought about a plantation.

The problem with you so called conservatives is that you bring extraneous bullshit into a discussion.

Democrats are not racists because they think blacks should be on a plantation, or anything else. They think they cannot survive unless rich white guys pay their way. That is why they are racists.

So you think all the people who currently use Medicaid, people of ANY color, would be better off if the program disappeared?

How would that work?
I just agreed with you dumbass
No you did not. I never once thought about a plantation.

The problem with you so called conservatives is that you bring extraneous bullshit into a discussion.

Democrats are not racists because they think blacks should be on a plantation, or anything else. They think they cannot survive unless rich white guys pay their way. That is why they are racists.

So you think all the people who currently use Medicaid, people of ANY color, would be better off if the program disappeared?

How would that work?

Twist what people say much...............

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