Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Get rid of the racists and the quality of threads will greatly increase and the quality of the posts will increase.

Racists? Name them..Show examples of racist posts.
According to you, racists make up a majority of USMB members

Just off the top of my head...let me know if you disagree with any of the names. There are many more, but like I said, just off the top of my head.

Warfwulf, Rotagilla, Tank, SJ, NovaSteve, Steinlight, DiabloBlanco, Matthew, ShootSpeeders, RWHeathenGamer, Stephanie, Koshergr;. Ghook83, TheOwl32
That proves nothing. Where are the examples I asked for?
You then stated that USMB is a racist forum...
It is what it is. It is a racist forum so it gets the respect it deserves

Ok....If this is a racist forum. And you are obviously offended, why are you here?
Why torture yourself?
Or is it that you find yourself looking in the mirror and see racist?

It is entertainment...pure entertainment and nothing more. There are some here that I truly appreciate and enjoy debating. I can go either way...flamefest or serious conversation. Like I said...I simply reply-in-kind.

Uh....Labeling someone as a racist or accusing them of racism is a very serious charge.
You make light of it by referring to it as 'entertainment'...
You've not offered one shred of proof of any racism. Not provided any examples.
You have simply labeled the entire board as racist and anyone who dares disagree with you or those who criticize you as racist..

Of the names I listed...who is not a racist?
How about the names you DIDN'T list, like Asclepias, Brianna Michele, and YOU? You're a whining little pussy who likes to stir up racial shit, and when it's thrown back in your face, you bitch and moan about racism. You're a little bitch who wants to dish it out but can't take it. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, bitch. pride.
BriannaMichele...she is hot, who cares. Besides..she is brand new - I don't know what to think of her. But she stands up to asshole racists like you...and that is a positive quality.

Me...I am what I am. I hate no one but have an issue with racists like you, Germans and canadians. I embrace who I am...why can't you embrace what you are?

You are just butt hurt because we ganged up on you today and didn't tolerate your racist drivel.

But you know what SJ...If you embraced your hate and just admitted it, you would be one of the members of this forum I would most like to have a beer with.
Ok....If this is a racist forum. And you are obviously offended, why are you here?
Why torture yourself?
Or is it that you find yourself looking in the mirror and see racist?

It is entertainment...pure entertainment and nothing more. There are some here that I truly appreciate and enjoy debating. I can go either way...flamefest or serious conversation. Like I said...I simply reply-in-kind.

Uh....Labeling someone as a racist or accusing them of racism is a very serious charge.
You make light of it by referring to it as 'entertainment'...
He calls it entertainment until he starts losing, then he whines about it like a little bitch.
Racists? Name them..Show examples of racist posts.
According to you, racists make up a majority of USMB members

Just off the top of my head...let me know if you disagree with any of the names. There are many more, but like I said, just off the top of my head.

Warfwulf, Rotagilla, Tank, SJ, NovaSteve, Steinlight, DiabloBlanco, Matthew, ShootSpeeders, RWHeathenGamer, Stephanie, Koshergr;. Ghook83, TheOwl32
That proves nothing. Where are the examples I asked for?
You then stated that USMB is a racist forum...

You can look the examples up yourself. Search the names and read their posts. I am not doing it for you...that is a lot of effort. You are not worth it!
It is entertainment...pure entertainment and nothing more. There are some here that I truly appreciate and enjoy debating. I can go either way...flamefest or serious conversation. Like I said...I simply reply-in-kind.

Uh....Labeling someone as a racist or accusing them of racism is a very serious charge.
You make light of it by referring to it as 'entertainment'...
He calls it entertainment until he starts losing, then he whines about it like a little bitch.

:lmao: losing and whining? :lmao: I am telling it like it is. Who on my list is not a racist?

As for spoony...same question...who on that list is not a racist. I amended it once...took Koshergrl off. I can amend it again.

I did forget MaryL. Another 2 or 3 beers, I can think of some more.
Of the names I listed...who is not a racist?
How about the names you DIDN'T list, like Asclepias, Brianna Michele, and YOU? You're a whining little pussy who likes to stir up racial shit, and when it's thrown back in your face, you bitch and moan about racism. You're a little bitch who wants to dish it out but can't take it. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, bitch. pride.
BriannaMichele...she is hot, who cares. Besides..she is brand new - I don't know what to think of her. But she stands up to asshole racists like you...and that is a positive quality.

Me...I am what I am. I hate no one but have an issue with racists like you, Germans and canadians. I embrace who I am...why can't you embrace what you are?

You are just butt hurt because we ganged up on you today and didn't tolerate your racist drivel.

But you know what SJ...If you embraced your hate and just admitted it, you would be one of the members of this forum I would most like to have a beer with.
Fuck you. If I was a racist I would be attacking ALL of the black members here. I don't, just the ones who hate whitey and blame us for your failures in life, like you and Asswipe. Black pride is another word for racist, so stop making excuses for him. You're a total fucking hypocrite.
How about the names you DIDN'T list, like Asclepias, Brianna Michele, and YOU? You're a whining little pussy who likes to stir up racial shit, and when it's thrown back in your face, you bitch and moan about racism. You're a little bitch who wants to dish it out but can't take it. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, bitch. pride.
BriannaMichele...she is hot, who cares. Besides..she is brand new - I don't know what to think of her. But she stands up to asshole racists like you...and that is a positive quality.

Me...I am what I am. I hate no one but have an issue with racists like you, Germans and canadians. I embrace who I am...why can't you embrace what you are?

You are just butt hurt because we ganged up on you today and didn't tolerate your racist drivel.

But you know what SJ...If you embraced your hate and just admitted it, you would be one of the members of this forum I would most like to have a beer with.
Fuck you. If I was a racist I would be attacking ALL of the black members here. I don't, just the ones who hate whitey and blame us for your failures in life, like you and Asswipe. Black pride is another word for racist, so stop making excuses for him. You're a total fucking hypocrite.

How about the names you DIDN'T list, like Asclepias, Brianna Michele, and YOU? You're a whining little pussy who likes to stir up racial shit, and when it's thrown back in your face, you bitch and moan about racism. You're a little bitch who wants to dish it out but can't take it. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen, bitch. pride.
BriannaMichele...she is hot, who cares. Besides..she is brand new - I don't know what to think of her. But she stands up to asshole racists like you...and that is a positive quality.

Me...I am what I am. I hate no one but have an issue with racists like you, Germans and canadians. I embrace who I am...why can't you embrace what you are?

You are just butt hurt because we ganged up on you today and didn't tolerate your racist drivel.

But you know what SJ...If you embraced your hate and just admitted it, you would be one of the members of this forum I would most like to have a beer with.
Fuck you. If I was a racist I would be attacking ALL of the black members here. I don't, just the ones who hate whitey and blame us for your failures in life, like you and Asswipe. Black pride is another word for racist, so stop making excuses for him. You're a total fucking hypocrite.

:lol: @Ascelpias I don't need to make excuses for him. He is a successful black man that dares to oppose your racist nonsense. He does not hate whitey he just hates racists like you. The fact that you he doesn't roll over and accept what you say does not make him a racist. Pathetic.

and you do attack all black people...not just those who oppose your nonsense. And please point out where anyone has blamed whitey for personal failure.
Oh!! I get it now! If someone posts a pic of themselves they claim is them (ya never know)...and they are HOT..then its ok if they are racist? Gosh. Learn something new every day!
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

The problem is, when rabid racists who are progressives and liberals are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

Thought I'd correct that for you.
Oh!! I get it now! If someone posts a pic of themselves they claim is them (ya never know)...and they are HOT..then its ok if they are racist? Gosh. Learn something new every day!

She is not a racist. She just stood up to SJ, so he thinks she is a racist.
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

The problem is, when rabid racists who are progressives and liberals are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

Thought I'd correct that for you.

:lol: Fair enough. All democrats are racists...they keep the blacks on the plantation. (I only half kid on that because it is partially true)
I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

The problem is, when rabid racists who are progressives and liberals are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

Thought I'd correct that for you.

:lol: Fair enough. All democrats are racists...they keep the blacks on the plantation. (I only half kid on that because it is partially true)
Ignorant too. Has nothing to do with the plantation, but the attitude and actions perpetrated against them. i know of no other political party that views blacks as incapable of surviving without the aid of the white man. except the Democrat party.
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