Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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Well I couldn't read every page but let me give you some of my observations LA

If someone posts more than three or four times on a thread it is usually not worth following. If more than one person posts multiple times it has gone in the toilet.

These summer months I couldn't find a thread worth responding to and I chalked it up to the more serious members being on vacation. I even thought of checking with the mods. Maybe many have left or just taking a break, but the quality has gone downhill lately.

I came to USMB because I was so tired of having simple solutions to problems that I couldn't get anyone to listen to. I thought maybe if I could test them against other people who I had hoped were thinkers I could move the ball forward. There are many here who are thoughtful, there are many here who try to break the droning with humor(thanks), and there are many here who have first hand experience on different issues that is extremely educational, and I think there are many here on both sides of the spectrum who are really worried about our country and it's future.

My suggestions for improvement, I'm glad you asked. If posters would propose solutions to issues and problems they are concerned about we would have something concrete to debate as opposed to the ceaseless arguments about ideology. I keep having this dream that political operatives are monitoring this website for ideas to pass on to their superiors. Like I said, a dream.

Don't take it too seriously LA. Hopefully this site has high and low tides and as summer ends, school starts, and the days get shorter the tide will come boiling in, but by all means, gird your loins, there's an election in nov.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
I don't think they like white women, either.

As far as your thoughts on the forum, you're right, we have many flamers and flame-ettes. But even the Roudy's of the world can say something nice once and a while. Okay, maybe I was wrong about that? The Roudy's of the world can still serve as a "bad example".

For me, if someone wants to have a sincere, respectful conversation, I'll reciprocate. If someone wants to play the asshole game, I'll usually wait a few posts, before deciding whether to go down that road, or not.
Currently Active Users: 1152 (136 members and 1016 guests)

So....this place reeks of racists and you named 14 that you think are racists. Right?

Reeks? Those 1016 are members probably.....just reading and not logged in. Yet. Put the big brush down, Nutz. You are painting this place incorrectly. And..if it IS as bad as you believe it is..why stay?
Currently Active Users: 1152 (136 members and 1016 guests)

So....this place reeks of racists and you named 14 that you think are racists. Right?

Reeks? Those 1016 are members probably.....just reading and not logged in. Yet. Put the big brush down, Nutz. You are painting this place incorrectly. And..if it IS as bad as you believe it is..why stay?

like I said...just off the top of my head....

I am not new to forums...I have been a member of many. This forum takes the cake..and is only second to that popular one I am not allowed to mention. And even one of the racist members said this is a better racist site because you can call people *******.
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I don't believe KG is racist. The rest you named...some yeah..some I have no clue nor care. Do you think they are racist because they dislike Obama? Just asking.
For the record, I can't stand Obama. Am I racist?
Oh, and just 14 out of 136....that's 10%...just off the top of my head. Bots don't count.
I don't believe KG is racist. The rest you named...some yeah..some I have no clue nor care. Do you think they are racist because they dislike Obama? Just asking.
For the record, I can't stand Obama. Am I racist?

No, I can't stand Obama!

And KG had the audacity to call all black people imbeciles...I consider that to be racist. If someone were to call all white people imbeciles...they would certainly be sure to condemn and call that person a racist.
The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?
Just off the top of my head...let me know if you disagree with any of the names. There are many more, but like I said, just off the top of my head.

Warfwulf, Rotagilla, Tank, SJ, NovaSteve, Steinlight, DiabloBlanco, Matthew, ShootSpeeders, RWHeathenGamer, Stephanie, Koshergr;. Ghook83, TheOwl32
So far, so good.
Currently Active Users: 1152 (136 members and 1016 guests)

So....this place reeks of racists and you named 14 that you think are racists. Right?

Reeks? Those 1016 are members probably.....just reading and not logged in. Yet. Put the big brush down, Nutz. You are painting this place incorrectly. And..if it IS as bad as you believe it is..why stay?

like I said...just off the top of my head....

I am not new to forums...I have been a member of many. This forum takes the cake..and is only second to that popular one I am not allowed to mention. And even one of the racist members said this is a better racist site because you can call people *******.

So, don't concern yourself with those you feel are racists and direct your conversation to those with open minds. I personally do not like the use of that word and won't engage in discussion with those who use it.
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?
I don't think they like white women, either.

As far as your thoughts on the forum, you're right, we have many flamers and flame-ettes. But even the Roudy's of the world can say something nice once and a while. Okay, maybe I was wrong about that? The Roudy's of the world can still serve as a "bad example".

For me, if someone wants to have a sincere, respectful conversation, I'll reciprocate. If someone wants to play the asshole game, I'll usually wait a few posts, before deciding whether to go down that road, or not.

BULLSHIT.. you fucking liar.., not just a liar but a fucking liberliar, and those are the very worst kind. :lmao:
The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?

Entertainment...pure entertainment.

And you missed my point...she called ALL black people imbeciles; but that is just one example off the top of my head. There are many more. But I can move KG to the suspect category...I actually like her, she has spunk. She is as dumb as a rock, but she is interesting.
Entertainment, eh? Then why fight so much for your entertainment to be muzzled?

I don't read Novasteves threads..or shootspeeders or tanks. What they say is no more interesting to me than listening to a kkk rally. So why do you give them notice? Ignore them, Nutz.
I like that avatar Gracie.

me too, it looks like the blood of liberfools and libertraitors on her hands.

good going Gracie, "The Conservative Crusader" for truth and justice. ..... :up: ........ :smiliehug:

lol. I am not a conservative or a liberal or a progressive or a socialist or a repub or a innie or an outtie, uppie or downie. I am me.

But yeah..I do battle now and then. :eusa_angel:
USMB is not a racist forum. There are members that are allowed to voice their actual racism, and member who are allowed to insinuate others are racists with much hyperbole. It would be better to allow the discussions to happen, rather than use political correctness to try and hush people one thinks are racist. I would rather people civilly and calmly tore apart the truly racist comments of others.

USMB is a racist forum. Racism is accepted as the norm and anyone who speaks out against it is attacked. The rules do not apply to the racists as they are allowed to do as they please. Of course, we cannot discuss this because discussing mod inaction when it comes to racists blatantly breaking the rules is the only rule that is enforced.

Perhaps if you were a minority, you would understand how it is tiresome to see a comment in every fucking thread about how all blacks are stupid, on welfare or whatever nonsense.
Please show examples indicating that USMB is a racist forum.
Once again, if you find this place so crushing to your ego, why then do you insist on being here?
Most here don't see it as broken. The Matrix wants it that way. You guys better find a phone quick.

It is what it is. It is a racist forum so it gets the respect it deserves

Ok....If this is a racist forum. And you are obviously offended, why are you here?
Why torture yourself?
Or is it that you find yourself looking in the mirror and see racist?

It is entertainment...pure entertainment and nothing more. There are some here that I truly appreciate and enjoy debating. I can go either way...flamefest or serious conversation. Like I said...I simply reply-in-kind.
The majority of whites can be imbeciles. So can blacks. And browns. So?

Anyway...if you think the majority of people here are racist...why do you stay?
Because we were here long before this place became this way Gracie, and are just loyal members wishing for a little bit of the good ole days to appear again....and I am confident, they will, someday, (fingers crossed)....maybe 2016?

This place is filled with unfettered racism from time to time....I don't see how anyone, anyone at all, can not see this?
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