Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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It doesn't matter, LA. No matter how hard one tries to be civil, rational, honest, and/or pragmatic in any discussion around here, there is always an asshole, liberal or conservative, willing and ready to drag things down. Throw in the ever growing population of racists, bigots, and folks shoving one agenda and one agenda only in everyone's face and the place just gets stupid.

For the most part, I stopped taking this place seriously a couple of years ago or so. Sure every once in a great while a topic or comment comes along I will respond to seriously, but those are increasingly few and far between.

Further more, the cold hard fact of the matter is, there are very few open minds on this board. Most members are entrenched in their views an unwilling to change them. Why? Perhaps they fear admitting they were wrong, perhaps they just truly believe they are right, perhaps they are just plain stupid...

Would I like to see it change? Sure. Do I expect it will? No. Will I continue to frequent USMB? Yes, I will...

well lookee here what i found. :up:

Clean Debate Zone

The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section.
It doesn't matter, LA. No matter how hard one tries to be civil, rational, honest, and/or pragmatic in any discussion around here, there is always an asshole, liberal or conservative, willing and ready to drag things down. Throw in the ever growing population of racists, bigots, and folks shoving one agenda and one agenda only in everyone's face and the place just gets stupid.

For the most part, I stopped taking this place seriously a couple of years ago or so. Sure every once in a great while a topic or comment comes along I will respond to seriously, but those are increasingly few and far between.

Further more, the cold hard fact of the matter is, there are very few open minds on this board. Most members are entrenched in their views an unwilling to change them. Why? Perhaps they fear admitting they were wrong, perhaps they just truly believe they are right, perhaps they are just plain stupid...

Would I like to see it change? Sure. Do I expect it will? No. Will I continue to frequent USMB? Yes, I will...

well lookee here what i found. :up:

Clean Debate Zone

The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section.

Right Wildman! For those of us who are tired of manure laden semantics, we have the Clean Debate Zone. But look ate the traffic it gets. I don't even frequent it for I find you don't get the variety of thought. Whaddyagonnado? Just sit and grumble.

You are so right about changing anyone's mind. Even myself. I've changed my mind to the oppositite view twice and different candidates twice. I think I am objective, and that isn't a very good track record.
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I asked that same question when I first came aboard. Regretfully, when rabid racists and Teapers are allowed to be the main attraction of the forum...this is what you get.

The irony meter just maxed out with that response.

Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Uh..Racism cuts both ways. The sooner you come to accept that reality, the better off you'll be.
You see..There are two kinds of racism....One is singling out a person or a group because of who they are.
The other is NOT singling out a person because of who they are.
No one or group has the victimization market cornered.
I agree with you little Acorn, it is very hard to decipher through the continual childish insults in threads to find the real debating issues....but what I try to do, is ignore the insults when being thrown at me, and respond back to the poster on the part of their post that I feel is worth debating. And if it continues in to the next post with the name calling, I continue to debate, without insulting the other person in retribution....

by the third go around, without me responding to them in like kind, the person I am arguing the argument with, has usually stopped the insults....I think they really want to debate the issues as well, but they get caught up in the hyperness of this board and insult throwing.

of course we all fall short of the glory of God, and I have not always been able to follow my own advice.....but I try, and it honestly does help in curbing insulting responses, eventually.

As far as the typical general insults thrown out by those on the right about Liberals, which essentially is an insult or generalization about me...I again try to ignore them and debate the issues worth arguing in the thread.

Maybe you should ignore the insults and generalizations the left has to say, like I do with the right wingers and see if you could get them involved in an actual debate on the thread's worth a try...

This phenomenon of name calling and insults and generalizations is the bad side of free speech, but free speech none the less....I don't think the board moderators can really do anything about it...I personally, feel that I am seeing way too many members of this board in pink already, and when there are people in pink, it also means that there are already too many rules and restrictions imho. for a board that used to take pride in allowing posters to just be themselves, or "internet selves".

I am not certain if this is what you are calling for...but if it is...I sort of disagree...

I think we, as the members of this board, can try to change the ways of the board, without the gvt, :D, without the moderators having to be more en-forceful than they have become...try something different when someone throws a bunch of insults and ignore them as I have suggested.

The moderators can pull out of threads, derailings of posters arguing by cleaning them up and moving those posts to what once was the Rubber room, and Romper room or the Flame zone....that way they are not censoring what posters are saying, just moving them out of a decent thread to keep the argument going without the side bar action of the children throwing insults....

if you do not fucking like it here go to.....

Clean Debate Zone

The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section.
:lol: Okay...whatever you say dude. Like I use your label nonsense as a tactic.

So claims the king of labeling not my fault you can't take what you dish out.

Who have I labeled that does not fit the description?
How many times on this very thread have you called Tea Party people racist? You don't cite specific people give specific examples of what you consider racism you just call them racist not agreeing with you does not make someone or a group racist your as phony as the old three dollar bill.
Nonsense threads get nonsense posts. Do we need to take a look at the active topics.

How about we explore the rampant racism and hate spewed by a massive amount of members.

" rampant racism "...
Define racism..
Show examples of this 'rampant racism'.
Get rid of the racists and the quality of threads will greatly increase and the quality of the posts will increase.

Racists? Name them..Show examples of racist posts.
According to you, racists make up a majority of USMB members
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

Its the right wingers doing most of that.

NO !! it is leftwing trolling idiots, liberfools, crybabies and fucking foreigners sticking their two cents worth in where it is not needed or wanted. :up: ........ :lmao:

and.................................. :fu:
It seems that virtually every thread in this forum deteriorates into "You're an idiot!", "Well, you're even more of an idiot!", "Let me explain just how big an idiot you are!", "Democrats are deliberately trying to destroy the country!", "Republicans hate immigrants, poor people, anyone who isn't white, and women!".

If that's what you want to do with your forum, I'm in no position to object. No one forced me to come here, and no one's forcing me to stay.

**Is** that what you want to do with this forum?

It is a bit more that that but not what we would like. It seems to be more important do bring facts in a response to the unsupported and entirely false opinions of others. I learn alot by readiñg just the posts of the more intelligent crowd. Curiousy, there is benefit in arguing against the ignorant. Call it, llearning from others mistakes.
Who could defend defunding our science institutions and throwing our old onto the street?
The irony meter just maxed out with that response.

Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Uh..Racism cuts both ways. The sooner you come to accept that reality, the better off you'll be.
You see..There are two kinds of racism....One is singling out a person or a group because of who they are.
The other is NOT singling out a person because of who they are.
No one or group has the victimization market cornered.

Never said it didn't go both did I. Regretfully, Teapers think that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist and they call all democrats racists. Democrats do the same...Teapers are just more vocal about it and they tend to attack blacks - frequently.

Either way...this site REEKS of racism.
Get rid of the racists and the quality of threads will greatly increase and the quality of the posts will increase.

We used to do that here, when I was a mod....if a slew of new stormfront type members came here, we just banned them from the get go....we didn't censor their speech, they just were not invited or welcomed, to the game.

But they are kind of hard to spot now since some people hate our President with a passion, and he also happens to be black.....things are said that probably would not normally be said by just regular ole folk type members...and also, this process may have been changed by management, I dunno?

No, they are not hard to spot at all. The way I see it, many of the racists are some of the most 'respected' members on this forum.
Is there a racist hiding under every piece of furniture?
Quite frankly, you hand wringers who excessively and obsessively roll out the race card are yourselves the most blatant of racists.
Why is that? Racism is acceptable but speaking out against it is not?

Uh..Racism cuts both ways. The sooner you come to accept that reality, the better off you'll be.
You see..There are two kinds of racism....One is singling out a person or a group because of who they are.
The other is NOT singling out a person because of who they are.
No one or group has the victimization market cornered.

Never said it didn't go both did I. Regretfully, Teapers think that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist and they call all democrats racists. Democrats do the same...Teapers are just more vocal about it and they tend to attack blacks - frequently.

Either way...this site REEKS of racism.

No it doesn't, Nutz. You are broadbrushing the few that flap their yaps to the majority here and you are very wrong.
Yep, they terrorize America and they terrorize USMB.

And you libs are as pure as the newly fallen snow.

Somalia really sucks. People are going to laugh at you assholes.:lol::badgrin:

Not for very long. We'd drive the War Lords out and the muzzies out. Set up a fishing industry as the initial main staple food source. You can drop a shiny hook in the water and catch a fish there. It works. I tried it.

We'd create evaporator systems on a massive scale, and start irrigation to grow crops, and turn a shit hole into a great place to live. No Political Correctness. The starvation problem would end, and a prosperous country would begin..............

But if mathew took up residence there, he begin a tax program and take everyone's goats as payment. Would try Political Correctness with the War Lords and get strung up.

Get rid of the racists and the quality of threads will greatly increase and the quality of the posts will increase.

Racists? Name them..Show examples of racist posts.
According to you, racists make up a majority of USMB members

Just off the top of my head...let me know if you disagree with any of the names. There are many more, but like I said, just off the top of my head.

Warfwulf, Rotagilla, Tank, SJ, NovaSteve, Steinlight, DiabloBlanco, Matthew, ShootSpeeders, RWHeathenGamer, Stephanie, Koshergr;. Ghook83, TheOwl32
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