Does anybody really object to Putin in Syria??

I have to admit I am absolutely stunned at the ignorance over Aleppo. I just finished listening to Meghan McCain on America Now and she's banging the drum like so many others that Putin and Assad are the evil twins here.

Doesn't anyone get the simple fact that al Qaeda in Syria aka Jabhat al Nusra is holding the city and its citizens hostage?

That Assad and Putin have an obligation to free Syrians from terrorists?
The babies killed in the Russian bombing attacks would probably object.

Do you not understand the citizens of Aleppo were being held hostage by al Nusra? Tell me Jake. An American version of al Qaeda takes over Nashville.

Would you not expect your government to rescue you from the terrorists? Unfortunately there would be civilian casualties but wouldn't you expect your government to free you?
You clearly don't understand, td. This will get better when Asad is assassinated.
How can Putin use the ME to try to bring down the US?.....
Strategic control of the region. While the US obtains most of it's energy needs internally and from Canada (hence the desire for more N to S pipelines), Western trading nations in Europe and Asia obtain most of their energy from the ME. Control the ME, control the global economy by having a hand on its throat.

Global Connections . Natural Resources | PBS
The future of oil


Oil will continue to be an important regional and global issue. In fact, some question whether one reason the U.S. seeks to maintain influence in Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban is American interest in Central Asian oil and a possible pipeline through Afghanistan. Some estimates show that by 2050, landlocked Central Asia will provide more than 80 percent of the oil distributed to the U.S. As a result, the control of pipelines through Afghanistan or Turkey to distribution centers will be of increasing importance to the United States

"Control the Oil, Rule the World: The Energy Games Nations Play" by Gupta, Anshuman; Arora, Surbhi - IUP Journal of International Relations, Vol. 9, Issue 1, January 2015 | Online Research Library: Questia
....If you want to rule the world you need to control the oil. All the oil. Anywhere.


Oil and natural gas are the fuels for modern capitalism. However, oil history is tarnished with violence, conflicts, repression and interventionism. The main reason for this can be attributed to the fact that this valuable resource is not found uniformly across the world. Some geographical locations are endowed with more of this resource and other regions have to depend on them for meeting their demand.

According to the US Geological Survey, over 50% of the undiscovered reserves of oil and 30% of gas are concentrated primarily in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE and Libya. This means that as long as the modern economy depends on the supply of oil and natural gas, the Middle East will play a key role in global politics and economy. This demand-supply imbalance shapes this industry and the bigger players always have an edge over the smaller players leading to upheavals and socioeconomic-political unrest. The major factors that lead to this unrest could be:

* In addition to the demand from old industrialized countries, emerging powers like China and India have seen a sharp increase in their demand for oil.

* Severe competition among major oil importers to have access to oil.

* Political instability among oil-rich countries.

As the countries' dependence on oil increases, it becomes strategically imperative for them to secure their access to oil-rich regions. This often means the building of strong alliances with the region's suppliers and providing them with diplomatic support and military aids. Policies adopted by importing governments stress on the security of supply through diversity of supply, diversity among the kinds of fuels we consume and on how this oil and gas is delivered to our markets. The need for diplomatic and economic support to curb the influence of oil-rich countries is now being felt by many countries and they have taken an initiative to develop alternative supply sources and alternative energy routes. As long as the world's transportation system depends on oil, the dependence on the Middle East will grow and so will the economic and security burden associated with such dependency.

World's two-thirds of oil is being used for transportation. To reduce this dependence means reducing oil use through increased fuel-efficiency and through a shift from a petroleum-dependent transportation system to one that relies on generation fuels non-oil based transportation fuels such as methanol, ethanol, biodiesel, electricity and others derived from abundant domestic energy resources such as coal, nuclear power, biomass, and municipal waste. But the challenge is how to reconcile environmental and security considerations as regards these alternatives.
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The babies killed in the Russian bombing attacks would probably object.

Do you not understand the citizens of Aleppo were being held hostage by al Nusra? Tell me Jake. An American version of al Qaeda takes over Nashville.

Would you not expect your government to rescue you from the terrorists? Unfortunately there would be civilian casualties but wouldn't you expect your government to free you?
You clearly don't understand, td. This will get better when Asad is assassinated.

Why would you want one of the few remaining secular, westernized Arab leaders assassinated? I don't get this love for radical Islam among these posters.
Evil people, like Asad, etc., is not excused by his pro-Western 'values.'
Evil people, like Asad, etc., is not excused by his pro-Western 'values.'

What is evil about Assad that is different from any other leader in the Middle East, Netanyahu included? You have just been fed a bunch of propaganda. The Saudi royal family is evil, attacking Yemen another country, for example. Defending your country from a foreign/Islamist induced coup which would spelled disaster for all non-Sunnis in Syria is not evil, it is patriotic. All the crap about the killing of civilians by the Government forces is U.S./Saudi propaganda. The ratio of combatants to civilians killed in Syria compared to say Gaza is far more tilted to combatants. If the Islamists, including ISIS and Al Qaeda had not attempted the coup against the Syrian government there would not have bee the civil war.
A ruler who kills babies indiscriminately is evil, as you are in trying (although failing) to defend him.
A ruler who kills babies indiscriminately is evil, as you are in trying (although failing) to defend him.

When did the Government "kill babies" indiscriminately? You just swallow the propaganda. The Israeli's killed more babies in Gaza proportionally (to combatants) than the Syrian Government has in Syria.
The babies killed in the Russian bombing attacks would probably object.

Do you not understand the citizens of Aleppo were being held hostage by al Nusra? Tell me Jake. An American version of al Qaeda takes over Nashville.

Would you not expect your government to rescue you from the terrorists? Unfortunately there would be civilian casualties but wouldn't you expect your government to free you?
You clearly don't understand, td. This will get better when Asad is assassinated.

Really Jake? Turn over Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood? Didn't work out so well in Egypt did it now? You're the one that doesn't understand at all.

Salifism would be foisted on Syrians. A nightmare to be certain.
Fuck Putin and the Russians.

Fuck Putin and the Russians???

Really now....

May be fuck you? huh?

They don't understand that AQ was holding the citizens hostage. It's frustrating as hell that no one gets that people were starving in the city, being denied medical treatment. The stories are horrific.

And yet it seems the crazy freaking western media didn't want the people of Aleppo rescued because someone might get killed.

It's nuts.
not nuts but leftist. The left hates America and does not want our values spreading around the world. So by default ISIS, Putin, Muslim Brotherhood, Assad, win
A ruler who kills babies indiscriminately is evil, as you are in trying (although failing) to defend him.

Jabhat al Nusra aka Syrian al Qaeda was holding the city of Aleppo hostage Jake. AQ. Commiting atrocities daily against the people of the city.

They had to be rescued. Seriously would you allow AQ or ISIS to hold any city in America hostage? What madness would that be?
We have no right whatsoever to be there.

well have more of a right than anybody to be there since we are the source of civilization in earth. We fired the shot heard around the world, not ISIS or Putin.

No the west has no right whatsoever to depose Assad. Just like we had no right to back the overthrow of Mubarak,
Or Gaddafi. Or back the overthrow of the duly elected President and government of the Ukraine.

Let alone be part of the coalition of nations that allowed and encouraged the rise of ISIS all to try to hand over Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood we are responsible for this bloody nightmare in the middle east.
I have a bit of a different question.

Why do we give a shit about the Barbarians in the Middle East to begin with?

They are killing each other at about the same rate as the tribes in Africa have been killing each other...and they have both been killing each other for all of recorded history.....and Africa never even makes CNN.

The answer is OIL.

The Middle East has been a strategic issue for the whole world since about the 1930's because of OIL.

But, now America has found its own Oil....enough to become self-sufficient...and to tell the Arab and Persians and Shias and Sunnis to get on with the business of killing each other at their leisure like they have been for centuries.

Why do we give a shit?

Perhaps, we should close our borders to these Barbarians; produce American Oil; and let the Barbarians be Putin's headache for a few decades.

Allah Is All About Oil

Because that oil finances terrorism against non-Muslim countries, whether we buy it or not. The only way to stop the jihadi thrill-killers is to take all their oil away from them.
Fuck Putin and the Russians.

Fuck Putin and the Russians???

Really now....

May be fuck you? huh?

They don't understand that AQ was holding the citizens hostage. It's frustrating as hell that no one gets that people were starving in the city, being denied medical treatment. The stories are horrific.

And yet it seems the crazy freaking western media didn't want the people of Aleppo rescued because someone might get killed.

It's nuts.
not nuts but leftist. The left hates America and does not want our values spreading around the world. So by default ISIS, Putin, Muslim Brotherhood, Assad, win

You really don't understand that in the grand scheme of things in the Middle East our values mean jack shit. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Islam is not a matter of left or right politics. It is an entity unto itself.
You really don't understand that in the grand scheme of things in the Middle East our values mean jack shit..

they didn't mean anything in Japan either until we taught them a little respect
Agreed. However, in the ME, even the Muslims are fighting each other.

If the world develops renewable energy, the entire ME will become MEaningless.
You really don't understand that in the grand scheme of things in the Middle East our values mean jack shit..

they didn't mean anything in Japan either until we taught them a little respect
Agreed. However, in the ME, even the Muslims are fighting each other.

If the world develops renewable energy, the entire ME will become MEaningless.
not meaningless if they are still attacking us

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