Does anybody really object to Putin in Syria??

1) he is only bombing because they wont surrender which they should do
2) Syria under Assad was not much of a threat to its neighbors or to the USA
3) if Assad is ousted you will probably have never ending Muslim civil war there that kills as many as current war but is ultimately won by ISIS or a hostile coalition.
4) Putin is rightly fighting terrorism there just as we are.
I love it that Magog is an hours drive from the Valley of Megiddo.
1) he is only bombing because they wont surrender which they should do
2) Syria under Assad was not much of a threat to its neighbors or to the USA
3) if Assad is ousted you will probably have never ending Muslim civil war there that kills as many as current war but is ultimately won by ISIS or a hostile coalition.
4) Putin is rightly fighting terrorism there just as we are.
I love it that Magog is an hours drive from the Valley of Megiddo.
Eternity awaits. No doubt here about the winner.
So why did we purposely destabilized Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen all to appease the Sunni Gulf States?

It's FUBAR'D now.
We didn't. That's conspiracy theory bullshit. Same type of asine thinking as those talking about ZOG, the NWO, Zionists pulling the strings of the US government, the CIA starting the crack epidemic, LBJ having JFK killed, etc.
If the world has police, let other nations put skin in the game through the UN.

let??? impossible therefore we should be police. Do you understand?
Two thoughts:
1) When you always do someone else's job for them, it becomes your job. We need to stop doing that.

2) Sometimes you have to let a few buildings burn down before the town recognizes it's a good idea to have a fire department.

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2) Sometimes you have to let a few buildings burn down before the town recognizes it's a good idea to have a fire department.

Alepo is good example. People are illiterate non thinkers who will never recognize anything except perhaps what we teach them so we might as well get started. What really holds world peace back is liberals who hate America and thus won't let teach the world the American way of thinking.
Fuck Putin and the Russians.

Fuck Putin and the Russians???

Really now....

May be fuck you? huh?

Why defend Putin so hard?

Now Putin can't do any wrong. For some reason they feel the need to put Putin and Russia above the U.S.
Obama was a coward liberal and lost his chance. Now Putin has taken over to end the civil war, restore a stable govt, and protect his country from terrorism

So you wanted us to go into Syria? I bet that's answer is no.

Besides I asked why she would defend Putin so hard. You didn't answer and neother can she.
Alepo is good example. People are illiterate non thinkers who will never recognize anything except perhaps what we teach them so we might as well get started. What really holds world peace back is liberals who hate America and thus won't let teach the world the American way of thinking.
Well liberals are always "huggers"; people who think if we lay down our guns, so will the other guys. Obviously that idea is more fucked up than a sorority girl at a frat party....and just as likely to get fucked in the ass.

OTOH, the US should spill American blood and spend American tax dollars unless there is a compelling national interest to do so. A lot of assholes on this forum are quick to wave the flag, tie yellow ribbons and cheer as they send our troops off to war, but far fewer are willing to pick up a weapon and follow them into combat. I consider anyone who never served but wants to send our troops into harm's way to be a chickenhawk and a hypocrite.
Alepo is good example. People are illiterate non thinkers who will never recognize anything except perhaps what we teach them so we might as well get started. What really holds world peace back is liberals who hate America and thus won't let teach the world the American way of thinking.
Well liberals are always "huggers"; people who think if we lay down our guns, so will the other guys. Obviously that idea is more fucked up than a sorority girl at a frat party....and just as likely to get fucked in the ass.

OTOH, the US should spill American blood and spend American tax dollars unless there is a compelling national interest to do so. A lot of assholes on this forum are quick to wave the flag, tie yellow ribbons and cheer as they send our troops off to war, but far fewer are willing to pick up a weapon and follow them into combat. I consider anyone who never served but wants to send our troops into harm's way to be a chickenhawk and a hypocrite.

whats really amazing is Barry saying he wouldn't do Syria "unless we were all in" because that was the only way it would work, but Putin has gotten his way there with no loss of Russian life .

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