Does anyone actually believe it’s TRUMP’S fault that blue states are still shut down?

My RED state's covid numbers and hospital admissions are pretty steady, probably because of the Governor's orders of masks and partial shutdown. Not many are wearing masks out in possum country anyway though. My office is still partially shutdown with most working half days at home and even some not coming in. My wife's office is shut down and she was laid off.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.
The riots in Obamas 2nd term in blue cities was stopped because the blue states allowed the feds in....the only reason they refuse it now is because they are still hurting over Trumps presidency....its really sick....
Here is another one, liberal liars. Look at the date. Pelosi was claiming a travel ban was not necessary. Now she is a lying bitch.

Did you guys forget, or are you just lying?

The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

Do you have a national testing system? That was Trump's responsibility. Every other country in the first world has one but the USA.

Donald Trump made the decision to refuse the WHO test and create an American test. He failed to do that and ultimately gave up trying to do it, leaving the current testing mess you have today. You have no reliable rapid tests. You have no standardized testing. You have no national testing standards or strategies.

That is why it's Donald Trump's fault that New York, California, and anywhere else is still shut down. Because this isn't happening in any other country in the first world. You get the booby prize for the dumbest leader in the world.

Thank you for playing.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States may quite likely have been in worse shape as we know it if governors, mayors (both Republican and Democrat), and business leaders didn't act in the absence of any guidance coming from the current administration.
Your constant attempts to deflect from the abject failure of a response (on the federal level) is tiresome. And stop throwing around terms you have absolutely no idea of the meaning of.
If real action was taken by the current administration back in January, there'd be a lot more people alive right now. And a lot less economic carnage.
The riots in Obamas 2nd term in blue cities was stopped because the blue states allowed the feds in....the only reason they refuse it now is because they are still hurting over Trumps presidency....its really sick....

The riots stopped because Obama addressed the issues with the police departments and began a system of police reforms in those communities and others. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions ended all of these police reform programs, as well as all federal civil rights investigations against system police force abuses.

The reason cities are refusing Trump's "help" is because terrorizing protestors with police state tactics and brutality, including dragging protestors off in unmarked vans like a third world banana republic. That's neither law nor order.
The riots in Obamas 2nd term in blue cities was stopped because the blue states allowed the feds in....the only reason they refuse it now is because they are still hurting over Trumps presidency....its really sick....

The riots stopped because Obama addressed the issues with the police departments and began a system of police reforms in those communities and others. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions ended all of these police reform programs, as well as all federal civil rights investigations against system police force abuses.

The reason cities are refusing Trump's "help" is because terrorizing protestors with police state tactics and brutality, including dragging protestors off in unmarked vans like a third world banana republic. That's neither law nor order.

Turn off the CBC - it's rotting your brain.
The riots in Obamas 2nd term in blue cities was stopped because the blue states allowed the feds in....the only reason they refuse it now is because they are still hurting over Trumps presidency....its really sick....

The riots stopped because Obama addressed the issues with the police departments and began a system of police reforms in those communities and others. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions ended all of these police reform programs, as well as all federal civil rights investigations against system police force abuses.

The reason cities are refusing Trump's "help" is because terrorizing protestors with police state tactics and brutality, including dragging protestors off in unmarked vans like a third world banana republic. That's neither law nor order.
How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

C'MON, man-- -- LOOK, Here's the deal. Why don't you just SHUT THE HELL UP, Man! I called Donald a xenophobe for closing travel to China then blamed him for not closing it with Europe as well. He knew in FEBRUARY, Man. Then lied to the American people. Barry and me we never lied to anyone! Two-hundred million people have died on Trump's watch, and now he's put us in a repression for letting the democrat governors shut down all their states, for YEARS if need be. If Donald had given everyone a shot of Clorox in the arm months ago, we'd be back open and thriving by now!

I have a real plan for America, even if it took me 47 years to come up with it, and if you want to know what I'll do for America as your Senator, just CALL ME at: 1-800-VOTE-JOE. Let it ring a few times, the phone is in my basement.
The riots in Obamas 2nd term in blue cities was stopped because the blue states allowed the feds in....the only reason they refuse it now is because they are still hurting over Trumps presidency....its really sick....

The riots stopped because Obama addressed the issues with the police departments and began a system of police reforms in those communities and others. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions ended all of these police reform programs, as well as all federal civil rights investigations against system police force abuses.

The reason cities are refusing Trump's "help" is because terrorizing protestors with police state tactics and brutality, including dragging protestors off in unmarked vans like a third world banana republic. That's neither law nor order.
The governors let in the national guard...that's how they were stopped you clown.....
How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

View attachment 395135 C'MON, man-- -- LOOK, Here's the deal. Why don't you just SHUT THE HELL UP, Man! I called Donald a xenophobe for closing travel to China then blamed him for not closing it with Europe as well. He knew in FEBRUARY, Man. Then lied to the American people. Barry and me we never lied to anyone! Two-hundred million people have died on Trump's watch, and now he's put us in a depression for letting the democrat governors shut down all their states, for YEARS if need be. If Donald had given everyone a shot of Clorox in the arm months ago, we'd be back open and thriving by now!

I have a real plan for America, even if it took me 47 years to come up with it, and if you want to know what I'll do for America as your Senator, just CALL ME at: 1-800-VOTE-JOE. Let it ring a few times, the phone is in my basement.

That makes no sense -
If the phone is in his basement he should be able to get it on the first ring.
The riots are Trump’s fault....yet the governors would not let Trump send in the National Guard.

Liberal lying sacks of shit want it both ways.

They claim Trump was going to overstep his authority, then they blame him for not doing anything.

I think every liberal is brain damaged.
The riots are Trump’s fault....yet the governors would not let Trump send in the National Guard.

Liberal lying sacks of shit want it both ways.

They claim Trump was going to overstep his authority, then they blame him for not doing anything.

I think every liberal is brain damaged.

If it was undamaged it wouldn't be in a liberal.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States is no longer capable of causing a total world depression because the rest of the world decoupled from the USA financially after 2008. Banking regulations were tightened, using the Canadian model. In 2008, when your economy collapsed, the Canadian economy did not. Bankers from all over the world beat a path to our door to find out why.

The economic collapse in the United States is the worst in the first world precisely BECAUSE Trump failed to follow the scientists or do his job and shut down the outbreak. Second Quarter GDP: USA -32%; EU -11.5%, Canada - 11%.

Canada didn't even reach stage 2 re-opening until July - after the end of the Q2, so our retail, schools, and non-essential businesses were still largely shut down.

The "bolsheviks" aren't killing millions of Americans. Donald Trump has killed 210,000 Americans and it's expended another 100,000 will die before the end of the year. Trump is killing Americans. And then trying to say it's not his fault.

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