Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

Governments don't care about doing the right thing; their only goal is to maximize power.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

I think leftists are evil and view people as property.
That's our government. You dumb Republicans talk like you don't want a government that protects us from the rich who just about own it all now.
That's our government. You dumb Republicans talk like you don't want a government that protects us from the rich who just about own it all now.

The ONLY threat the rich pose is when they buy government. You're too stupid to grasp this.
Pretty large threat wouldn't you say? And yet time and time again you go along with their political ideas? Because the fact is they may own both parties but at least the Democrats are the party of the people. Certainly you're not going to argue that the Republican Party is best for Rich middle class and poor people are you?
He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
And he pisses off congress, foreign heads of state, lobbyists, and minorities. Sounds like a plan to make government even more dysfunctional.

Lincoln was hated by most of congress, so was Truman. Like Trump, they both had balls.
You're comparing Trump to Lincoln:cuckoo:
Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.

yes, its really quite simple, but the liberal mind is not programmed to accept logical simple concepts.

all they know is: rich = evil, business = evil, government = good.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

You are so naive. Unethical corporations do not survive. Can you say Enron and Madoff?

as to your "we the people" bullshit. Most americans have 401K accounts. Do you know what makes your 401K balance grow? Do you? Corporate profits, thats what, you fricken moron.
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.
Pretty large threat wouldn't you say?

The larger the government, the larger the threat,

Yet you seek total government.

And yet time and time again you go along with their political ideas?

Reduce government and you reduce the threat - yet you advocate for complete government.

Because the fact is they may own both parties but at least the Democrats are the party of the people. Certainly you're not going to argue that the Republican Party is best for Rich middle class and poor people are you?

democrats are the party of the nobility - the pampered socialist class represented by the Hollywood airheads and the silicone valley fools.

The Republican party is slightly less damaging than the democrats.

You support a 1% ruling with absolute power - yet are too stupid to grasp that this is what you advocate.
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.

Bankruptcies are a red flag. Someone with a number of bankruptcies punctuated by success is usually a smart operator living on the edge, legal but not honest.

Last edited:
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.


Didn't you want to credit Vanity Fair for source material ??

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

By Tara Clarke, Associate Editor, Money Morning • @TaraKateClarke • July 7, 2015

On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The move thrust the multibillionaire's finances into the spotlight — Trump fired off this Tweet the same day:


You see, Donald Trump's net worth currently stands at $4.1 billion, according to a June 18, 2015, Forbes estimate.

Yet Trump has filed for bankruptcy in the past — multiple times.

The Donald Trump bankruptcy count is as follows:

  • Zero personal
  • Four corporate
The strength (or weakness) of Trump's financial track record going into the 2016 election comes down to the difference between these two types of bankruptcies.

Let's take a look…

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: Personal vs. Corporate Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tool that allows debtors relief from their debt when they cannot pay it back. Through bankruptcy, a debtor can get a "financial fresh start."

However, there are six different types of bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code (the federal laws of U.S. bankruptcy): Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. These chapters mainly differ in terms of who the debtor is. For example, farmers and fisherman can file for debt relief under Chapter 12 bankruptcy. Municipalities can file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

When it comes to the issue of Donald Trump's bankruptcy, we are only concerned with Chapters 7 and 11.

That's because a Chapter 7 filing is indicative of poor financial management skills on behalf of the debtor — a red flag for voters evaluating a presidential candidate. But a Chapter 11 filing doesn't necessarily indicate poor management. In fact, it can be seen as a tool that improves a company's value for investors.

Here's the difference:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Allows an individual to be freed of most debt in exchange for a ruined lined of credit for 10 years.
  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy: Allows a corporation to stay in business while it restructures its business and attempts to reduce its debt.
When Trump tweeted, "I never went bankrupt," he was being truthful. The real estate magnate has kept good order of his personal finances.

You see, all four of Donald Trump's bankruptcies were the Chapter 11 type. Each resulted from over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City.

"I've cut debt — by the way, this isn't me personally, it's a company," Trump clarified to Forbes in April 2011. "Basically I've used the laws of the country to my advantage and to other people's advantage just as Leon Black has, Carl Icahn, Henry Kravis has, just as many, many others on top of the business world have."

Trump emphasized that many "great entrepreneurs" have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital, and improve their businesses.

Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high-profile Chapter 11 cases (including bankrupt airline TWA), added in the same article that "to the ordinary person in the street, [four corporate bankruptcies] may seem surprising, but certainly not to me. Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn't indicate anything nefarious or even bad management."

Donald Trump Bankruptcy A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

No one is going crazy, just an intelligent view being presented.

You are a fear monger who hears bankruptcy and begins to spin your hyperbole.

Perhaps if you understood bankruptcy and how the financial community view them you would not appear to be ignorant.
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.


Didn't you want to credit Vanity Fair for source material ??

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

By Tara Clarke, Associate Editor, Money Morning • @TaraKateClarke • July 7, 2015

On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The move thrust the multibillionaire's finances into the spotlight — Trump fired off this Tweet the same day:


You see, Donald Trump's net worth currently stands at $4.1 billion, according to a June 18, 2015, Forbes estimate.

Yet Trump has filed for bankruptcy in the past — multiple times.

The Donald Trump bankruptcy count is as follows:

  • Zero personal
  • Four corporate
The strength (or weakness) of Trump's financial track record going into the 2016 election comes down to the difference between these two types of bankruptcies.

Let's take a look…

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: Personal vs. Corporate Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tool that allows debtors relief from their debt when they cannot pay it back. Through bankruptcy, a debtor can get a "financial fresh start."

However, there are six different types of bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code (the federal laws of U.S. bankruptcy): Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. These chapters mainly differ in terms of who the debtor is. For example, farmers and fisherman can file for debt relief under Chapter 12 bankruptcy. Municipalities can file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

When it comes to the issue of Donald Trump's bankruptcy, we are only concerned with Chapters 7 and 11.

That's because a Chapter 7 filing is indicative of poor financial management skills on behalf of the debtor — a red flag for voters evaluating a presidential candidate. But a Chapter 11 filing doesn't necessarily indicate poor management. In fact, it can be seen as a tool that improves a company's value for investors.

Here's the difference:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Allows an individual to be freed of most debt in exchange for a ruined lined of credit for 10 years.
  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy: Allows a corporation to stay in business while it restructures its business and attempts to reduce its debt.
When Trump tweeted, "I never went bankrupt," he was being truthful. The real estate magnate has kept good order of his personal finances.

You see, all four of Donald Trump's bankruptcies were the Chapter 11 type. Each resulted from over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City.

"I've cut debt — by the way, this isn't me personally, it's a company," Trump clarified to Forbes in April 2011. "Basically I've used the laws of the country to my advantage and to other people's advantage just as Leon Black has, Carl Icahn, Henry Kravis has, just as many, many others on top of the business world have."

Trump emphasized that many "great entrepreneurs" have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital, and improve their businesses.

Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high-profile Chapter 11 cases (including bankrupt airline TWA), added in the same article that "to the ordinary person in the street, [four corporate bankruptcies] may seem surprising, but certainly not to me. Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn't indicate anything nefarious or even bad management."

Donald Trump Bankruptcy A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

No one is going crazy, just an intelligent view being presented.

You are a fear monger who hears bankruptcy and begins to spin your hyperbole.

Perhaps if you understood bankruptcy and how the financial community view them you would not appear to be ignorant.
I'm quite familiar with bankruptcy and have seen first hand the results when slick operators use to it to save their neck after screwing their investors, property owner's and creditors.

I guess some people see building a fortune while screwing creditors and property owners as a mark of success. I don't.
He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.


Didn't you want to credit Vanity Fair for source material ??

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

By Tara Clarke, Associate Editor, Money Morning • @TaraKateClarke • July 7, 2015

On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The move thrust the multibillionaire's finances into the spotlight — Trump fired off this Tweet the same day:


You see, Donald Trump's net worth currently stands at $4.1 billion, according to a June 18, 2015, Forbes estimate.

Yet Trump has filed for bankruptcy in the past — multiple times.

The Donald Trump bankruptcy count is as follows:

  • Zero personal
  • Four corporate
The strength (or weakness) of Trump's financial track record going into the 2016 election comes down to the difference between these two types of bankruptcies.

Let's take a look…

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: Personal vs. Corporate Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tool that allows debtors relief from their debt when they cannot pay it back. Through bankruptcy, a debtor can get a "financial fresh start."

However, there are six different types of bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code (the federal laws of U.S. bankruptcy): Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. These chapters mainly differ in terms of who the debtor is. For example, farmers and fisherman can file for debt relief under Chapter 12 bankruptcy. Municipalities can file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

When it comes to the issue of Donald Trump's bankruptcy, we are only concerned with Chapters 7 and 11.

That's because a Chapter 7 filing is indicative of poor financial management skills on behalf of the debtor — a red flag for voters evaluating a presidential candidate. But a Chapter 11 filing doesn't necessarily indicate poor management. In fact, it can be seen as a tool that improves a company's value for investors.

Here's the difference:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Allows an individual to be freed of most debt in exchange for a ruined lined of credit for 10 years.
  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy: Allows a corporation to stay in business while it restructures its business and attempts to reduce its debt.
When Trump tweeted, "I never went bankrupt," he was being truthful. The real estate magnate has kept good order of his personal finances.

You see, all four of Donald Trump's bankruptcies were the Chapter 11 type. Each resulted from over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City.

"I've cut debt — by the way, this isn't me personally, it's a company," Trump clarified to Forbes in April 2011. "Basically I've used the laws of the country to my advantage and to other people's advantage just as Leon Black has, Carl Icahn, Henry Kravis has, just as many, many others on top of the business world have."

Trump emphasized that many "great entrepreneurs" have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital, and improve their businesses.

Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high-profile Chapter 11 cases (including bankrupt airline TWA), added in the same article that "to the ordinary person in the street, [four corporate bankruptcies] may seem surprising, but certainly not to me. Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn't indicate anything nefarious or even bad management."

Donald Trump Bankruptcy A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

No one is going crazy, just an intelligent view being presented.

You are a fear monger who hears bankruptcy and begins to spin your hyperbole.

Perhaps if you understood bankruptcy and how the financial community view them you would not appear to be ignorant.
I'm quite familiar with bankruptcy and have seen first hand the results when slick operators use to it to save their neck after screwing their investors, property owner's and creditors.

I guess some people see building a fortune while screwing creditors and property owners as a mark of success. I don't.

Yeah your butthurt is reflected in the garbage you post ..........................

You want to vilify capitalism, act if all business owners want to "screw creditors" and build a fortune off the back of poor ignorant trash such as you.

Another spoiled grapes whiner, who has a case of major butthurt .....................

Another of those who attempted to run a business but was too stupid to keep it afloat. Your liberal bull shit, shit you on the economic seas and when the sharks of reality ate your stupid ass up you developed a hatred for all successful people.
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
I believe we merely need more Pareto Optimality in any given public policy as a fixed Standard rather than the micromanagement we have today (like with our tax codes):

Under CAB regulation, investment and operating decisions were highly constrained. CAB rules limiting routes and entry and controlling prices meant that airlines were limited to competing only on food, cabin crew quality, and frequency. As a result, both prices and frequency were high, and load factors—the percentage of the seats that were filled—were low. Indeed, in the early 1970s load factors were only about 50 percent. The air transport market today is remarkably different. Because airlines compete on price, fares are much lower. Many more people fly, allowing high frequency today also, but with much higher load factors—74 percent in 2003, for example. Source: Airline Deregulation The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty
He's a mover and shaker and business savvy. He's obviously succeeded in business more often than he's failed.

BTW- some undocumented immigrants ARE rapists and criminals.

Just sayin'...

When you look at the balance sheets, you see that he's a lot better at branding himself than he is at actually running businesses.

But even so, there are a lot of more successful businessmen in the world than Donald Trump. Is that a qualification for President? Mitt Romney was a successful businessman, too.
Mr. Romney also was a nice guy, baggage that The Donald does not carry with him. The Donald does not hide the fact he is a street fighter and uses that to his advantage.
He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
And he pisses off congress, foreign heads of state, lobbyists, and minorities. Sounds like a plan to make government even more dysfunctional.

Lincoln was hated by most of congress, so was Truman. Like Trump, they both had balls.
You're comparing Trump to Lincoln:cuckoo:
The fact he pisses off the establishment is a plus. We do not need to tip-toe around peoples feelings. Tell the brutally honest truth.
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.

yes, he filed bankrupcy, and then worked his way out of it and became a huge financial success.

what is your issue with successful people?
He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
And he pisses off congress, foreign heads of state, lobbyists, and minorities. Sounds like a plan to make government even more dysfunctional.

Lincoln was hated by most of congress, so was Truman. Like Trump, they both had balls.
You're comparing Trump to Lincoln:cuckoo:

Sorry if it was too complex for you. I was merely pointing out that being hated by congress is not necessarily a bad thing.
He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
Just tell those low information bozos that "he went bankrupt so many times" isn't true. Then sit back and watch them make fools of themselves.
That's true he never declared bankruptcy. His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times.

Bankruptcy is fairly common among real estate developers. When a developer faces a really bad law suit from property owners or creditors they declare bankruptcy, bailout, and reorganized leaving owners and creditors holding the bag. The condo I am living in right now was built by such a developer. He's developed at least four properties with severe defects and each time escaped law suits by declaring bankruptcy. I understand he's now in business again trying to develop commercial property. I'm not familiar with Trump's corporation, but I would run not walk away from any developer with a string of bankruptcies.


If you don't like our bankruptcy laws, tell your senators and congressmen. Trump did nothing illegal.

Now, would you like to talk about the GM bailout that was done solely to save the UAW, using taxpayer money?
Didn't you want to credit Vanity Fair for source material ??

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

By Tara Clarke, Associate Editor, Money Morning • @TaraKateClarke • July 7, 2015

On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The move thrust the multibillionaire's finances into the spotlight — Trump fired off this Tweet the same day:


You see, Donald Trump's net worth currently stands at $4.1 billion, according to a June 18, 2015, Forbes estimate.

Yet Trump has filed for bankruptcy in the past — multiple times.

The Donald Trump bankruptcy count is as follows:

  • Zero personal
  • Four corporate
The strength (or weakness) of Trump's financial track record going into the 2016 election comes down to the difference between these two types of bankruptcies.

Let's take a look…

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: Personal vs. Corporate Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tool that allows debtors relief from their debt when they cannot pay it back. Through bankruptcy, a debtor can get a "financial fresh start."

However, there are six different types of bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code (the federal laws of U.S. bankruptcy): Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. These chapters mainly differ in terms of who the debtor is. For example, farmers and fisherman can file for debt relief under Chapter 12 bankruptcy. Municipalities can file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

When it comes to the issue of Donald Trump's bankruptcy, we are only concerned with Chapters 7 and 11.

That's because a Chapter 7 filing is indicative of poor financial management skills on behalf of the debtor — a red flag for voters evaluating a presidential candidate. But a Chapter 11 filing doesn't necessarily indicate poor management. In fact, it can be seen as a tool that improves a company's value for investors.

Here's the difference:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: Allows an individual to be freed of most debt in exchange for a ruined lined of credit for 10 years.
  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy: Allows a corporation to stay in business while it restructures its business and attempts to reduce its debt.
When Trump tweeted, "I never went bankrupt," he was being truthful. The real estate magnate has kept good order of his personal finances.

You see, all four of Donald Trump's bankruptcies were the Chapter 11 type. Each resulted from over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City.

"I've cut debt — by the way, this isn't me personally, it's a company," Trump clarified to Forbes in April 2011. "Basically I've used the laws of the country to my advantage and to other people's advantage just as Leon Black has, Carl Icahn, Henry Kravis has, just as many, many others on top of the business world have."

Trump emphasized that many "great entrepreneurs" have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital, and improve their businesses.

Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high-profile Chapter 11 cases (including bankrupt airline TWA), added in the same article that "to the ordinary person in the street, [four corporate bankruptcies] may seem surprising, but certainly not to me. Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn't indicate anything nefarious or even bad management."

Donald Trump Bankruptcy A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

No one is going crazy, just an intelligent view being presented.

You are a fear monger who hears bankruptcy and begins to spin your hyperbole.

Perhaps if you understood bankruptcy and how the financial community view them you would not appear to be ignorant.
I'm quite familiar with bankruptcy and have seen first hand the results when slick operators use to it to save their neck after screwing their investors, property owner's and creditors.

I guess some people see building a fortune while screwing creditors and property owners as a mark of success. I don't.
jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.

yes, its really quite simple, but the liberal mind is not programmed to accept logical simple concepts.

all they know is: rich = evil, business = evil, government = good.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

You are so naive. Unethical corporations do not survive. Can you say Enron and Madoff?

as to your "we the people" bullshit. Most americans have 401K accounts. Do you know what makes your 401K balance grow? Do you? Corporate profits, thats what, you fricken moron.
How many Americans don't have savings and will need social security? You can't have a society set up for 47% to fail and then tell them they suck.

Learn empathy instead of Christianity.

"give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"

On your social security rant. Do you know who merged the SS fund with the general fund to hide his deficit spending? answer LBJ (D). The fix for SS is easy, collect SS tax on all income, not just the first 110K. Problem solved.

On your "the poor 47%" bullshit. Its the liberal ideology that keeps the 47% dependent and in virtual poverty. Liberalism needs slaves to vote as they are told in order to keep their welfare payments coming.

You have the whole thing backwards.
Fish you didn't bust out of the last end quote bracket.

Your message is lost at the top of my last post, either insert an ending quote bracket followed by a start quote bracket attributed to me or move it below the last end quote bracket.

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