Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Fish you didn't bust out of the last end quote bracket.

Your message is lost at the top of my last post, either insert an ending quote bracket followed by a start quote bracket attributed to me or move it below the last end quote bracket.

yeah, I saw that. mea culpa.
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.

Actually Carter did.

Airline Deregulation Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Signed by Jimmy Carter.

Egg on face moment...
So what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya....or lied to his college.

If you can't back that claim, just say so.

His publisher said
he was born in Kenya on the jacket to his book. So are you now saying that obama lied when he said he was born in Kenya? WTF ?

First sentence: "his publisher said"... next sentence: "Obama said"....
You're saying O'bama was his own publisher?

so, you are saying the publisher made it up and published it without obama's approval? Is that really what you are now claiming?

What I'm "claiming" -- not a 'claim' but simply observing in your own words -- is that first you said "the publisher said X" and then immediately in the next sentence shift to "O'bama said X". It seems you don't know the difference between a publisher and her subject.

The publisher has long ago admitted it was an error anyway. BFD.

Listen doofus, what I said is correct gramatically and factually. By allowing the publisher to publish the "born in Kenya" line, obama took responsibility for the statement, or are you saying that authors of books do not proof read what the publisher puts on the book jacket?

How is Barack O'bama the "author" of an informational booklet about him?

Both of them let it stand because they believed that it would make the book sell better, and at the time, they did not know that obozo was going to run for president.

Sure it was an error, an error in judgement to publish a lie OR an error in judgement to admit the truth.

It was an informational booklet, not something "sold". Why would "being born in Kenya" make a book 'sell' better even if it were a commercial product anyway?

You got caught. Busted. Exposed. Taken to school. Humiliated. Scurrying like a cockroach when the light goes on.

Birfers. SMFH...
Can you see this man negotiating with foreign nations? I don't think so. His "solution" for illegal immigration is the build wall across the border. He has no idea how politics operate and wouldn't survive in Washington.
Can you see this man negotiating with foreign nations? I don't think so. His "solution" for illegal immigration is the build wall across the border. He has no idea how politics operate and wouldn't survive in Washington.
I am beginning to lose confidence in the ability of the Capital Right to know how to make money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with under Any form of Capitalism, not just ours.
He has no idea how politics operate and wouldn't survive in Washington.

The president "wouldn't survive" in Washington? ...Hmm... you may get a visit from the guys in shades. ;) I don't think presidents generally have trouble "surviving" in their capitol.

Just from a pure "political spectator" point of view... I'd like to see Trump as president and someone TRY to push him around. In my head, I can't seem to be able to imagine someone bullying Trump or pushing him around. I can see him being 'embattled' or under constant attack from the left and the media, but "pushed around" on his agenda... I'd like to see it. I think he'd make his critics look like fools, as he seems to be doing with ease so far.
Can you see this man negotiating with foreign nations?

Actually, he has done quite a bit of negotiating with foreign nations... a lot of his fortune has come through such negotiation. YES... I can see Trump negotiating and doing it better than any president we've ever had before. I guarantee you, we won't get screwed.

Hillary, on the other hand... jeesh... please, don't let her be our negotiator!
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
Can you see this man negotiating with foreign nations? I don't think so. His "solution" for illegal immigration is the build wall across the border. He has no idea how politics operate and wouldn't survive in Washington.

He'd "negotiate" by threatening to sue and yelling a lot.
And he'd get the same results he does now.

If only juvenile petulance were a Presidential trait....
If Trump got the nod and actually won, his head would explode because he isn't in it to win it he's in it for the 15 minutes, to stir the pot. We're too far out anyway, let him ramble. Although I must say, I do enjoy that he isn't the least bit pc, doesn't care that some get offended (oh boo hoo hoo), doesn't give a shit about it because he's getting just what he wants ... reactionary leftists (and some rightists) wailing about The Donald. :lol:

Nope, he is a clown
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
And Reagan broke the air traffic controller Union in the eighties
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
I think we really just needed better public policies to ensure better goods and services in the private sector:

In 1938 the U.S. government, through the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), regulated many areas of commercial aviation such as routes, fares and schedules.[citation needed] The CAB had three main functions: to award routes to airlines, to limit the entry of air carriers into new markets, and to regulate fares for passengers.[citation needed] Much of the established practices of commercial passenger travel within the US, went back even farther, to the policies of W. F. Brown,[citation needed] the US postmaster general in the 1920s and early 1930s in the administration of President H. Hoover.[citation needed] Brown had changed the mail payments system to encourage the manufacture of passenger aircraft instead of mail carrying aircraft. His influence was crucial in awarding contracts so as to create four major domestic airlines: United, American, Eastern, and Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA).[citation needed] Similarly, Brown had also helped give Pan American a monopoly on international routes. (See also the US Centennial of Flight Commission [7])

Typical regulatory thinking from the 1940s onward is evident in a Civil Aeronautics Board report. In the absence of particular circumstances presenting an affirmative reason for a new carrier, there appears to be no inherent desirability of increasing the present number of carriers merely for the purpose of numerically enlarging the industry.[8]

With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
It was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Reagan gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do.
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
It was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Reagan gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do.
Firing labor instead of developing a "hard work" ethic and actually coming up with Pareto Optimal solutions?
With libertarians the answer is always more deregulations. If a deregulation causes a problem in our economy its not that deregulations fault, its always all the other regulations that remain.

It's insanity. Libertarians are right about 5 things and wrong about 995 things.

Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
It was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Reagan gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do.
Firing labor instead of developing a "hard work" ethic and actually coming up with Pareto Optimal solutions?

supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some fake "living wage" bullshit. If you don't like what your labor is worth, learn some skills, go to school, take on-line classes, get a second job.

It is the not the government's role to make sure that you have enough money to pay your bills
Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
It was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Reagan gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do.
Firing labor instead of developing a "hard work" ethic and actually coming up with Pareto Optimal solutions?

supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some fake "living wage" bullshit. If you don't like what your labor is worth, learn some skills, go to school, take on-line classes, get a second job.

It is the not the government's role to make sure that you have enough money to pay your bills
Some day machines will do all the work. The rest of us will either own the machines or starve to death.
Air travel was traditionally the exclusive domain of the wealthy. In 1978 a ticked from Los Angeles to New York was a couple thousand dollars in 1978 dollars. Then in 1984, Ronald Reagan deregulated air travel - now the same ticket is $175 in 2015 dollars.

Leftists hate people, especially the poor. The programs and regulation you demand ensures that only the elite enjoy the fruits of society - this is WHY you demand regulation, to put a boot to the face of those seeking to move up the ladder. Air travel, telephones, anything that the government enforced monopolies on - the poor and middle were fucked hard with no lube on. Deregulate them, and suddenly we can call and fly anytime we please.

You democrats are dedicated to putting a stop to all that, to returning us to the days when amenities were reserved for a select few.
The airlines were deregulated in 1978.
I heard it was Reagan who stopped the practice of government setting the prices of airline tickets. Is that wrong? Don't make me go look and find out you're wrong be sure before you say you know
It was the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Reagan gets credit for a lot of things he didn't do.
Firing labor instead of developing a "hard work" ethic and actually coming up with Pareto Optimal solutions?

supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some fake "living wage" bullshit. If you don't like what your labor is worth, learn some skills, go to school, take on-line classes, get a second job.

It is the not the government's role to make sure that you have enough money to pay your bills

if you dont like paying your employees a living wage.........give up your dumb-ass unviable "business" and do some honest work.

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