Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

That's a good post, Boss and you make some good points. I like what Trump stands for, I just wince at his delivery.

You'll be wincing even more when the Leftist media starts really digging into Trumps attitude toward women. No doubt this will include a detailed interview of Carrie Prejean, Miss California.

yes what a lurid affair that was, but why would you think it would adversely affect the Donald??

Contract termination
Pageant organizers investigated Prejean for violating the terms of her contract after a photograph of Prejean partially nude with her back turned to the camera appeared on a celebrity gossip blog. Prejean defended the shots as legitimate modeling,[29][30] and Miss USA owner Donald Trump agreed, stating, "We are in the 21st century. We have determined the pictures taken are fine" and that "in some cases the pictures were lovely."[31] Trump went on to compare Prejean's views on same sex-marriage as being in line with those of President Barack Obama,[32] and National Organization for Marriage president Maggie Gallagher stated on May 5 that the release would not affect Prejean's role with her group.[29]

Despite his initial support, Trump agreed to terminate Prejean's contract on June 10, 2009, citing "continued breach of contract issues."[33] Prejean claimed that K2 Productions, producers of the Miss California USA pageant, wanted her to pose for Playboy and appear on the reality television show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me out of Here!, though K2 Productions executive Keith Lewis claimed he was simply notifying Prejean of all offers for appearances.[33]

In August 2009, Prejean sued Miss California USA officials on a variety of civil grounds, including libel, slander, religious discrimination and the unauthorized release of private medical records.[34] K2 Productions and pageant officials filed counterclaims seeking the profits from Prejean's forthcoming book, which it claims was written in violation of the Miss California USA contract, and the return of $5,200 loaned to Prejean for breast implants.[35] On November 3, 2009, Prejean and K2 announced a settlement with undisclosed terms, with both sides dropping their lawsuits.[36] CNN subsequently reported that Prejean's settlement with Miss California USA officials was driven by the discovery of a recording in which Prejean masturbated while another individual filmed her.[37]
Carrie Prejean - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Looks like she sued Miss California USA officials, that would be Pam Wilson and Top 10 Productions, Inc.

Trump had ended his dealings with her as stated from a "continuing breach of contract", but no statement was ever released by Trump or his organization as for exact causation. Looks like the legal grounds, which is where the relevancy lies, were sufficient for Trump to win.

I love it when folks try to personalize or make the reader empathize with these moral train wrecks who end up getting what life has in store for them .............
Trump said he fired her for not maintaining her commitments as Miss California, but let's face it, she didn't want to debase herself by doing photo shoots with Playboy Magazine. The media has been reticent on this because they don't like Prejean either, but soon they will present this as Trump's exploitation with women, which feminists already think of pageants in general.

What part of Trump doesn't own the Miss California pageant do you keep missing??

My last post which you seem to have read and ignored clearly states which entity owns that pageant and who owns that entity. At no point and time does Trump connect up, can you not get that through your head??

I know it doesn't fit your talking points but give it a fucking rest .........................

Funny how he had the power to terminate Prejean's contract. What is he, chairman of the board? Whatever his position with the pageant, clearly his word was final. Keep up your sycophantic cheerleading for Trump, though, more embarrassments are forthcoming as the media exposes him for the creep he is.

Wow lets wade through all your psycho-bull-shit-babble and see what we can deduce.

Mr Trump fired Prejean after she won "The Miss USA Pageant" ..................

Are we clear on this first point Shit-For-Brains, Trump owns the Miss USA Pageant.

The Miss California pageant is owned by an entity, that would be Top 10 Productions, Inc., the lady who owns that is Pam Wilson.

Can you get that straight in your fucked up little head??

Miss Prejean got fired by Miss California pageant officals.

Trump actually came to her defense.

Miss California Carrie Prejean Loses Her Crown
By Hollie McKay

Published June 11, 2009
Less than a month after being told by Donald Trump that she can keep her Miss California crown, Carrie Prejean was fired on Wednesday.

In a release first obtained by, K2 Productions, the independent producers of the Miss California USA pageant, under license from Miss Universe, cited continued breach of contract issues as the reason for Prejean's firing.

"This was a decision based solely on contract violations," Keith Lewis, executive director of K2 Productions, said in the release. "After our press conference in New York we had hoped we would be able to forge a better working relationship. However, since that time it has become abundantly clear that Carrie has no desire to fulfill her obligations under our contract and work together.”

Prejean came under fire for her answer to a question about gay marriage two months ago in the Trump-owned Miss USA pageant, in which she was the runner-up. After the pageant, Prejean was continuously attacked as she defended her belief that gays and lesbians should not be given the right to marry in California. She became embroiled in more controversy when racy pictures of her were published that some construed as violations of her Miss California contract.

Trump came to her defense in a May 12 press conference attended by Prejean and Keith Lewis, calling her answer to the question "honest" and saying "we have determined ... that the pictures taken are fine." He allowed her to continue on as Miss California.

But it was Trump who gave the final OK to fire her, learned.

"I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California Organization and I gave her the opportunity to do so," Trump said in the same release. "Unfortunately it just doesn’t look like it is going to happen and I offered Keith my full support in making this decision."

Representatives for Donald Trump referred to the press release when asked for comment. Prejean did not respond to's repeated requests for comment, but told that she was shocked by her dismissal.

"They don't agree with the stance that I took [on Proposition 8]," she told the entertainment news site. "They don't like me. From day one they wanted me out and they got what they wanted."

Prejean also said that Keith Lewis had wanted her to pose semi-nude for Playboy for $140,000 and to star on the reality show "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!" but that she had declined both offers.

Lewis told that he did not to ask her to take the jobs, but was simply following her explicit request to be notified of all offers. obtained an email written by Prejean to Lewis last Friday which stated: "I expect you to be forwarding me ALL email requests and interview requests to me. I know how you are and its not right if you are selecting things for me."

Miss California Carrie Prejean Loses Her Crown Fox News

Now you can spew your fucking lies about Trump, he gave the final OK but Kieth Lewis fired her.
Trump actually came to her defense and the record will reflect such.

You keep acting like this bitch is something special / has something special, perhaps you should have take a look at her retarded ass, like the way she acted on Larry King. Keep telling yourself that piece of shit is going to make a difference and quit spreading your fucking lies sport ...................

In speaking with HLN's "Showbiz Tonight's" Brooke Anderson, Trump said he just didn't get it.

" 'Inappropriate' is more of a sexual term, as far as I'm concerned," Trump said. "I mean -- inappropriate? He asked a very, very easy question and I was surprised that she just didn't say, 'Hey, listen, I can't answer that question.' Instead she wants to walk off the stage? It was very surprising."

Trump was not the only one to weigh in on Prejean's run-in with King.

Keith Lewis, executive director of Miss California USA and Miss California Teen USA, released a statement on Thursday.

"The public is finally getting a glimpse of the real Carrie Prejean who lives in her own delusional world," he said. "The childish behavior, her negative attitude, the sarcasm and condescending tone, the disrespect and continual lying she is demonstrating now is only a fraction of what we endured during her reign and after."

"Anyone who buys her book is supporting a woman who is actually the opposite of everything she claims to be," the statement went on to say. "I sincerely hope she is able to get the psychological help I believe she has shown to clearly need."

Prejean became enmeshed in controversy after declaring her opposition to same-sex marriage while answering a judge's question at the Miss USA pageant.

She was later dethroned by Trump amid growing complaints that she was uncooperative and not meeting her contractual obligations. She sued the pageant, claiming religious discrimination because of her opposition to same-sex marriage.

Pageant officials countersued, demanding the former beauty queen repay pageant money spent for her breast implants and give them all the proceeds from her book.

A settlement was reached, and the Web site TMZ reported the deal was sealed after pageant lawyers allegedly presented an "extremely graphic" home video involving Prejean.

The Capitol Hill Club in Washington confirmed to CNN that a speaking appearance by Prejean scheduled for Thursday was canceled.

The interview with Trump will air on HLN's "Showbiz Tonight" on Thursday.

Inappropriate -- Trump puzzled by Prejean s Larry King Live stand-off -
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He also said he was going to "heal America" racially. That was a damn lie. He knew that he was going to make the white guy pay and do all he could for "his" people.
When has president ever accomplished everything on his agenda? You said he was wild card. He was no wildcard. Conservative and liberal knew exactly what they were getting.
Not so. When he was elected, I thought he could make a difference with race relations. He talked a good line. He turned into the most racially divisive president we ever had. That legacy will stay with him.
Obama only alluded to improving race relation relations in his March 2008 speech on race, just as his predecessors have done. After the speech, the Wall Street Journal reported, “Both blacks and whites carry enormous expectations for Mr. Obama”. However, Obama never made any specific promises to improve race relations because fixing race relations is an impossible task for any president black or white because specific racial issues are local problems and must be solved at a local level.
Obama only alluded to improving race relation relations in his March 2008 speech on race,
Obama never made any specific promises to improve race relations

And so he tried to improve race relations by:
Claiming Trayvon Martin could be his son; Sending his stooge Holder to Ferguson to ensure the Brown's family's Civil Rights were not over looked, ignoring the police officer who was getting death threats before the facts were out; stating the police were wrong in the Professor Gates issue, again, before the facts came out.
Then Obama opened an Office for African American students to get additional help in school ignoring the fact that disadvantaged student come in a variety of colors...what about them?
Actually, he said Trayvon Martin could have been me"
The attorney general did not say that President Obama is dispatching him to Ferguson. Instead, Holder said that when he met with Mr. Obama on Monday, "I informed him of my plan to personally travel to Ferguson Wednesday."

Get your facts straight.

Eric Holder heads to Ferguson with a clear message - CBS News
Obama Trayvon Martin could have been me -
Quote of the Day: Obama: 'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon'

Quote of the Day Obama If I Had a Son He d Look Like Trayvon - The Atlantic

Obama If I had a son he d look like Trayvon - CBS News

Remarks by the President on Trayvon Martin

Obama sending Holder to Ferguson, claims progress in Iraq

Barack Obama sending Eric Holder to Ferguson - Jonathan Topaz and Lucy McCalmont -

Obama Sends Holder to Ferguson With Limited Legal Tools - Bloomberg Business

Obama will send Holder to Ferguson says police should not be militarized - Yahoo News

Poor her facts wrong...according to Flopper. Do a little investigation and maybe YOU can get YOUR facts right.
And now to the fairly important shit..... I can just hear the NeoCommies now.... The Left keeps MISSING, and the Republicans are actually starting to get worried...Two consecutive weeks at #1!!!!!!!...LEADS WITH HISPANICS AND BLACKS.... you just have to GLOAT over that one!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::up:


"TRUTH" Trump tops national poll for second straight week (Leads with Hispanics and Blacks vs. Jeb!)

The Hill ^ | 7/14/15 | Neetzan Zimmerman
Donald Trump has topped the rest of the GOP presidential field for the second time in as many weeks, according to a new Suffolk University/USA TODAY poll. The national poll of voters who identify as Republicans or independents shows Trump in the lead with 17 percent, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 14 percent.
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.

yes, its really quite simple, but the liberal mind is not programmed to accept logical simple concepts.

all they know is: rich = evil, business = evil, government = good.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.
For an unelectable mofo he sure is puttin on a class show, that's the Trump we all love and admire ...................................

What, just what if that mofo could actually win???

He CAN actually win... We elected a peanut farmer who everyone said "could never win" in 1976... then a "way too old" former actor who everyone said "could never win" in 1980. No one thought Truman could beat Dewey... they were so sure Dewey would win they printed the papers up!

Trump says he is actually polling better than he thought he would at this point. He's polling better than I would have thought as well. Of course, there is a lot of campaigning left to go, debates... we've not even had a caucus or primary yet. And of course, all the left wing loons will undoubtedly be ridiculing me and others if Trump doesn't win as if my heart is set on it... but like I say, I don't know if he can win or not. He's not my first or second choice, but I'll vote for him if my guys are not in the hunt come primary time. I'd take Trump any day over Hillary and I think most people would.
I'm starting to hear a lot of people who don't like that he went bankrupt so many times.
you just got done saying they pay taxes as individuals........the income taxed is used as income by the business owner...
however, money flows back and forth in an economy between businesses and individuals, so the trite little saying "business dont pay taxes" has little real meaning.

I guess you don't get it? :dunno:

Small businesses pay taxes as individuals on individual tax returns. Corporations pay corporate taxes. We don't have retroactive taxation, everyone knows beforehand how much their tax rates will be, so when you raise a businesses tax by.. let's say, 1%... they simply raise their prices by 1%. If they are in a competitive market where they can't afford to do that, they lay off a worker or they don't hire a new worker when someone leaves. In other words, the taxes they pay are not coming out of their pocket. They adjust their business to compensate and at the end of the day, the business doesn't pay taxes. The cost of any and all taxes are included in the price of what they sell.
I had a small business for some years and when faced with higher taxes and other expenses, my first thought was not who to layoff but rather what could be done to cut my tax bill, increase revenue, and lower other expenses which resulted in a visit to my accountant, actually my brother in law. My taxes and other expenses were going up about $20,000. We did cut one employee and contracted his work out and saved about $10,000. We renegotiated a lease and a couple of contracts and saved about $4,000 and consolidated our two offices into one that saved a few thousand. The remainder, I ended up eating because cutting any more staff would reduce revenue. I think most viable small businesses take a similar approach. Just because your taxes are going up X dollars doesn't mean can or will cut X dollars in wages.

Well that correlates with what I said... there are a variety of methods a business has to compensate for a tax increase. The fact is, you didn't just sit there and eat a $20k tax hike. In your example, I see where someone lost a tenant and the income they brought in... that has an effect on the economy. You consolidated two offices into one... another tenant was lost and the income they brought in. Someone else lost $4k in re-negotiated contracts and leases... that has to be factored in as well. Not to mention a job was lost in the process, that person has to go find new work... and in a market that is laying people off because of the higher taxes. Property owners stuck without a tenant in a market that is consolidating offices because of the higher tax. Across the board the tax increase effected all kinds of other things, other businesses, other lives. In the end, it didn't really punish you, the owner, all that much. And it never does.
Fiscal stimulus via manipulating taxes is a well accepted tool for managing the economy however, the actual impact on the economy is very difficult to determine because there are many other forces at work within the economy other than taxes.

A tax increase on business can have both positive and negative effects. For example, the money being collected in taxes might be used to build a bridge or highway system that provides jobs but more importantly improves the infrastructure making possible major developments and economic growth offsetting the effect of higher business tax expensive.

The positive effects of tax cuts on businesses can have unforeseen consequences. For example if reduction in the government revenue forces government to cut back on services businesses need or forces government to use other methods to replace lost revenue, then the positive effects of the tax cut can be offset. Tax cuts in a credit crisis can actually be harmful because they increase government deficits without providing any real stimulus to the economy.

Whether a tax cut or tax increase is good or bad depends on how the money is used and other ramifications of changes in taxes. I don't agree with blanket statements that cuts or increases in taxes are necessary good or bad, it all depends on other factors.
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He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
And he pisses off congress, foreign heads of state, lobbyists, and minorities. Sounds like a plan to make government even more dysfunctional.
Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.

So what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya....or lied to his college.

If you can't back that claim, just say so.

His publisher said
he was born in Kenya on the jacket to his book. So are you now saying that obama lied when he said he was born in Kenya? WTF ?

First sentence: "his publisher said"... next sentence: "Obama said"....
You're saying O'bama was his own publisher?

so, you are saying the publisher made it up and published it without obama's approval? Is that really what you are now claiming?

What I'm "claiming" -- not a 'claim' but simply observing in your own words -- is that first you said "the publisher said X" and then immediately in the next sentence shift to "O'bama said X". It seems you don't know the difference between a publisher and her subject.

The publisher has long ago admitted it was an error anyway. BFD.

Listen doofus, what I said is correct gramatically and factually. By allowing the publisher to publish the "born in Kenya" line, obama took responsibility for the statement, or are you saying that authors of books do not proof read what the publisher puts on the book jacket?

Both of them let it stand because they believed that it would make the book sell better, and at the time, they did not know that obozo was going to run for president.

Sure it was an error, an error in judgement to publish a lie OR an error in judgement to admit the truth.
He won't back down under liberal media pressure. That's a start. He pisses off mainstream Washington D.C. ,NYC aristocracy. That's a plus.
And he pisses off congress, foreign heads of state, lobbyists, and minorities. Sounds like a plan to make government even more dysfunctional.

Lincoln was hated by most of congress, so was Truman. Like Trump, they both had balls.
these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.

yes, its really quite simple, but the liberal mind is not programmed to accept logical simple concepts.

all they know is: rich = evil, business = evil, government = good.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

You are so naive. Unethical corporations do not survive. Can you say Enron and Madoff?

as to your "we the people" bullshit. Most americans have 401K accounts. Do you know what makes your 401K balance grow? Do you? Corporate profits, thats what, you fricken moron.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

Governments don't care about doing the right thing; their only goal is to maximize power.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

I think leftists are evil and view people as property.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
  • He has no lobbyist/donors to answer to. He's not bought and paid for. (very important)
  • He knows how to run an empire
  • He's all about bringing jobs/industry back to America and the way he would do that is brilliant/effective
  • He has great relations with China and has a proven track record with them
  • He knows how to negotiate
  • He says what he means and means what he says
  • His immigration reform plan is something we all could support (easier and faster)
  • He has relationships with some of the the best negotiators in the world. Not necessarily the nicest men but men that can get things done.
  • He'll surround himself with men/women who are qualified for the job rather than politicians
  • He doesn't pay lip service about Patriotism. He'll do whats right for America and the American people. Again it goes back to money/lobbyist/donors
  • Most importantly...He won't pander to all the morons, i.e Republicans/Democrats, on Capitol Hill. (see above)

I'm standing in Trumps corner right now. Depending on how he does in the debates that could change. I'm not digging in my heels just yet.

He doesn't need money from anyone and THAT puts him in a position to do whats right. These other poor suckers have to pander to their party...not Trump.
I believe Good Capitalists who can "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, should Always make a good president, under our form of Capitalism.
Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.

yes, its really quite simple, but the liberal mind is not programmed to accept logical simple concepts.

all they know is: rich = evil, business = evil, government = good.
Corporations don't care about doing the right thing. Their only goal is to max profits.

I don't think they are evil, they just don't have we the people in their mission statement.

You are so naive. Unethical corporations do not survive. Can you say Enron and Madoff?

as to your "we the people" bullshit. Most americans have 401K accounts. Do you know what makes your 401K balance grow? Do you? Corporate profits, thats what, you fricken moron.
How many Americans don't have savings and will need social security? You can't have a society set up for 47% to fail and then tell them they suck.

Learn empathy instead of Christianity.
I believe Good Capitalists who can "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, should Always make a good president, under our form of Capitalism.
How much do the people that work for him make? Would you vote for Walton the wallmart owner? Horrible business model for us, great for trump or Walton.

If you want to vote for a CEO pick one that pays his employees well.

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