Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?


The end result was that we've tried to impose modern forms of government on people who have no use for them. .

Who the fuck are you to determine that the Iraqi people "have no use" for democracy, asshole?

have been amazed at the negative press about post Iraq I have found popping up in the last few months

What The Iraqi people do with there republic is there business
to date they have supported it

You're insane. I'm not a liberal. There's just as much that I believe coming from the Republicans as the Democrats.

You state tons of shit that can't be backed up. good job being insane.

The end result was that we've tried to impose modern forms of government on people who have no use for them. .

Who the fuck are you to determine that the Iraqi people "have no use" for democracy, asshole?

Corollary: Who is the US to decide on a which shoe fits all governmental model?

The Iraqi people went to the polls, in the face of very real physical danger, to determine their governmental model. They decided.

The end result was that we've tried to impose modern forms of government on people who have no use for them. .

Who the fuck are you to determine that the Iraqi people "have no use" for democracy, asshole?

Yeah i dunno if i agree what he said, maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong.

However I'm certain that the minority religions in Iraq, christians mainly, don't like living under a government based on Islam.

Since our invasion and occupation, finding a christian or jew in Iraq is like finding a needle in a haystack.
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The end result was that we've tried to impose modern forms of government on people who have no use for them. .

Who the fuck are you to determine that the Iraqi people "have no use" for democracy, asshole?

Corollary: Who is the US to decide on a which shoe fits all governmental model?

I am not sure that's what we did. Most people do not realize that Iraq was a democracy until it looks here to 1958, this is not there first rodeo
independence: On October 3, 1932, Iraq gained independence from British administration under a League of Nations mandate. Several coups after 1958 resulted in dictatorship, with the Ba’ath Party seizing power in 1963 and again in 1968. From July 1979 to March 2003,
I cannot respond until I understand the question.
There is no doubt what my thread sates
this is why the question confuses me

4,500 American servicemen and women killed, ten times that number wounded, many permanently and over a $ trillion dollars and counting spent on a war of choice. What the hell would it look like if we had lost?

well we would still be paying for bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well as funding the UN to do what ever it is they were doing to start with

As far as the troops being hurt and killed as well as most of the cost, most of that came from fight Al Quidea in Iraq and Afghanistan, We were not fighting Iraqi troops loyal to Saddam within weeks of invading other than those who also fought with Al Quidea
Now if you can get them to stop flying passenger jets into buildings and killing innocent civilians then we can stop with the war to defend this country

And dont tell me that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, that has nothing to do with where Al Quidea was hiding after we began to get after them and it has nothing to do with Saddam lying and not cooperating

Boy, what a confused post.
Are you saying that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda?
4,500 American servicemen and women killed, ten times that number wounded, many permanently and over a $ trillion dollars and counting spent on a war of choice. What the hell would it look like if we had lost?

well we would still be paying for bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well as funding the UN to do what ever it is they were doing to start with

As far as the troops being hurt and killed as well as most of the cost, most of that came from fight Al Quidea in Iraq and Afghanistan, We were not fighting Iraqi troops loyal to Saddam within weeks of invading other than those who also fought with Al Quidea
Now if you can get them to stop flying passenger jets into buildings and killing innocent civilians then we can stop with the war to defend this country

And dont tell me that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, that has nothing to do with where Al Quidea was hiding after we began to get after them and it has nothing to do with Saddam lying and not cooperating

Boy, what a confused post.
Are you saying that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda?

The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing
well we would still be paying for bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well as funding the UN to do what ever it is they were doing to start with

As far as the troops being hurt and killed as well as most of the cost, most of that came from fight Al Quidea in Iraq and Afghanistan, We were not fighting Iraqi troops loyal to Saddam within weeks of invading other than those who also fought with Al Quidea
Now if you can get them to stop flying passenger jets into buildings and killing innocent civilians then we can stop with the war to defend this country

And dont tell me that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, that has nothing to do with where Al Quidea was hiding after we began to get after them and it has nothing to do with Saddam lying and not cooperating

Boy, what a confused post.
Are you saying that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda?

The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?
Boy, what a confused post.
Are you saying that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda?

The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

That's far enough
I did not realize this was what this was about
I have never said such a thing and you know it
you Libs think this stuff is a joke
have a good day bud
Its become a shame that there are people on these message boards who care only about one thing
I have lost interest in this one as it has become more and more of joke each day

BHO has failed
I am sorry, its not my fault
I have paid gobs in income tax, SS and show up to work everyday and pay for my own ins, vehicle, property and home
Libs making a joke out of these discussions to help him does not matter, Its to big of a mess
He had congress, He had the majority of people supporting him
He just did not know what to do, I truly am sorry for and you

The Iraq war was a success
Libs, that's what it was suppose to be and I am not sorry
The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

That's far enough
I did not realize this was what this was about
I have never said such a thing and you know it
you Libs think this stuff is a joke
have a good day bud

Damn, and I thought we were getting along so well!
Its become a shame that there are people on these message boards who care only about one thing
I have lost interest in this one as it has become more and more of joke each day

BHO has failed
I am sorry, its not my fault
I have paid gobs in income tax, SS and show up to work everyday and pay for my own ins, vehicle, property and home
Libs making a joke out of these discussions to help him does not matter, Its to big of a mess
He had congress, He had the majority of people supporting him
He just did not know what to do, I truly am sorry for and you

The Iraq war was a success
Libs, that's what it was suppose to be and I am not sorry

The success as its put, depends on the measurement criteria.

Costs = FAIL

We took the place rather quickly, our military performed as always.

Yet we are still there. = FAIL
Its become a shame that there are people on these message boards who care only about one thing
I have lost interest in this one as it has become more and more of joke each day

BHO has failed
I am sorry, its not my fault
I have paid gobs in income tax, SS and show up to work everyday and pay for my own ins, vehicle, property and home
Libs making a joke out of these discussions to help him does not matter, Its to big of a mess
He had congress, He had the majority of people supporting him
He just did not know what to do, I truly am sorry for and you

The Iraq war was a success
Libs, that's what it was suppose to be and I am not sorry

Look to your thread title.
It said "Does Anyone Care We Won The War In IRAQ?"
The problem with that question is that it suggests that the war was won.
The question is "By what measure?"

Your confused replies to the question of "By what measure" by continually introducing new and irrelevant comments or information is really what has made the thread into a joke.

Your post above is a perfect example...what has Obama's performance got to do with your question?
How can you expect the thread to remain on a serious footing when you make an irrelevant post like that?

And you still assume is a Liberal vs Conservative question...I think you have no idea what you're talking about.
Its become a shame that there are people on these message boards who care only about one thing
I have lost interest in this one as it has become more and more of joke each day

BHO has failed
I am sorry, its not my fault
I have paid gobs in income tax, SS and show up to work everyday and pay for my own ins, vehicle, property and home
Libs making a joke out of these discussions to help him does not matter, Its to big of a mess
He had congress, He had the majority of people supporting him
He just did not know what to do, I truly am sorry for and you

The Iraq war was a success
Libs, that's what it was suppose to be and I am not sorry

The success as its put, depends on the measurement criteria.

Costs = FAIL

We took the place rather quickly, our military performed as always.

Yet we are still there. = FAIL

Have a good day and please the next time you run across a marine make sure you tell him how you feel about his performance in Iraq
Its become a shame that there are people on these message boards who care only about one thing
I have lost interest in this one as it has become more and more of joke each day

BHO has failed
I am sorry, its not my fault
I have paid gobs in income tax, SS and show up to work everyday and pay for my own ins, vehicle, property and home
Libs making a joke out of these discussions to help him does not matter, Its to big of a mess
He had congress, He had the majority of people supporting him
He just did not know what to do, I truly am sorry for and you

The Iraq war was a success
Libs, that's what it was suppose to be and I am not sorry

Look to your thread title.
It said "Does Anyone Care We Won The War In IRAQ?"
The problem with that question is that it suggests that the war was won.
The question is "By what measure?"

Your confused replies to the question of "By what measure" by continually introducing new and irrelevant comments or information is really what has made the thread into a joke.

Your post above is a perfect example...what has Obama's performance got to do with your question?
How can you expect the thread to remain on a serious footing when you make an irrelevant post like that?

And you still assume is a Liberal vs Conservative question...I think you have no idea what you're talking about.

I assume nothing
And your place on earth in my world matters none anymore
Good luck with who and what you are
It looks to me that many on this message board have become desperate with this Iraq success
I wonder why?
Have a good day and please the next time you run across a marine make sure you tell him how you feel about his performance in Iraq

C'mon JRK

The Marines did a great job. They died following orders of a reckless commander and chief - who didn't care enough about their lives to prepare for the post-Saddam chaos.

Here is what scares me about your logic. (Try the following example)

Let's say that somebody makes the reckless, irresponsible decision to build a house in a flood zone. So they hire workers and build the house. The workers do an incredible job.

But there's a flood which destroys the house.

Whose fault is it?

Answer: the fault lies with the decider - the person who decided to build the house! The workers are absolutely not at fault; they were merely following orders. The incompetence was at the level of policy - in the decision to undertake the project.

Please sir, don't try to protect Bush by holding up the sacrifices of the troops. Nobody questions their sacrifices. We question their Washington Leaders.

(Wow. Why do Republicans trust Washington so much? Why would anybody think Big Government was competent enough to rebuild an Arab nation? Why do Republicans always trust dear leader to do Big Things? They are just as bad as Liberals, but nobody calls them on it)

(Listen to Ron Paul. We can no longer afford Big Government Conservatism and the War on Terrorism, which spends trillions going after petty dictators - but succeeds only in making bigger messes and creating more debt. Yes, we would all love to end evil in the world. And we'd love to end poverty. And we'd love for everyone to own a nice home and always feel 100% safe. And we would love for the Arab world to have freedom and democracy. But some of us don't want to give Washington vastly expanded powers and budgets to achieve these things because we think government will only make it worse. So we choose to invest our money where it will actually do some good. The derivatives market.)
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