Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

Have a good day and please the next time you run across a marine make sure you tell him how you feel about his performance in Iraq

C'mon JRK

The Marines did a great job. They died following orders of a reckless commander and chief - who didn't care enough about their lives to prepare for the post-Saddam chaos.

Here is what scares me about your logic. (Try the following example)

Let's say that somebody makes the reckless, irresponsible decision to build a house in a flood zone. So they hire workers and build the house. The workers do an incredible job.

But there's a flood which destroys the house.

Whose fault is it?

It's the person who decided to build the house! The workers were merely following orders. They did their job and they did it well! The incompetence was at the level of policy.

Please sir, don't try to protect Bush by holding up the sacrifices of the troops. Nobody questions their sacrifices. We question their Washington Leaders.

(Wow. Why do Republicans trust Washington so much. Why would you ever think they were competent enough to rebuild an Arab nation? Why do Republicans always trust dead leader to do Big Things?)

(Listen to Ron Paul. We can no longer afford Big Government Conservatism and the War on Terrorism, which spends trillions going after petty dictators. Yes, we would all love to end evil in the world. We would all love for the Arab world to have freedom and democracy. But some of us don't want to give Washington vastly expanded powers and budgets to achieve this? We just don't have your faith in Big Government)

protect GWB?
who will protect the dems in congress that voted for it?
How about BHO?
This is has never been about GWB, me, or anyone but the troops

Every reason you have given why they should not have joined and fought, I have given you a reason to support there choice
you chose to ignore that and fight against every reason they had to be there
I am going to tell the same thing I have told every other person who thinks this is a game

Good Luck with who and what you are
Have a good day and please the next time you run across a marine make sure you tell him how you feel about his performance in Iraq

C'mon JRK

The Marines did a great job. They died following orders of a reckless commander and chief - who didn't care enough about their lives to prepare for the post-Saddam chaos.

Here is what scares me about your logic. (Try the following example)

Let's say that somebody makes the reckless, irresponsible decision to build a house in a flood zone. So they hire workers and build the house. The workers do an incredible job.

But there's a flood which destroys the house.

Whose fault is it?

It's the person who decided to build the house! The workers were merely following orders. They did their job and they did it well! The incompetence was at the level of policy.

Please sir, don't try to protect Bush by holding up the sacrifices of the troops. Nobody questions their sacrifices. We question their Washington Leaders.

(Wow. Why do Republicans trust Washington so much. Why would you ever think they were competent enough to rebuild an Arab nation? Why do Republicans always trust dead leader to do Big Things?)

(Listen to Ron Paul. We can no longer afford Big Government Conservatism and the War on Terrorism, which spends trillions going after petty dictators. Yes, we would all love to end evil in the world. We would all love for the Arab world to have freedom and democracy. But some of us don't want to give Washington vastly expanded powers and budgets to achieve this? We just don't have your faith in Big Government)

protect GWB?
who will protect the dems in congress that voted for it?
How about BHO?
This is has never been about GWB, me, or anyone but the troops

Every reason you have given why they should not have joined and fought, I have given you a reason to support there choice
you chose to ignore that and fight against every reason they had to be there
I am going to tell the same thing I have told every other person who thinks this is a game

Good Luck with who and what you are

You'll be back.
Look Libs
Those of you who feel this war in Iraq was a failure
your wasting your breath with me

To start with I hate violence, in addition I am as glad as anyone its over
we did what we set out to do and that's as simple as it gets
its over

now you got a problem with that take it up with those who chose to go over there so you could sit your sorry asses behind your key board and make up reasons they should not have went
take it up with them, not me any more, because that's who I have been defending
they deserve a heroes welcome, not come home to this BS

So each one of you who thinks this has been a joke, take it up with the US marine corp. Its there victory your thrashing
Look Libs
Those of you who feel this war in Iraq was a failure
your wasting your breath with me

To start with I hate violence, in addition I am as glad as anyone its over
we did what we set out to do and that's as simple as it gets
its over

now you got a problem with that take it up with those who chose to go over there so you could sit your sorry asses behind your key board and make up reasons they should not have went
take it up with them, not me any more, because that's who I have been defending
they deserve a heroes welcome, not come home to this BS

So each one of you who thinks this has been a joke, take it up with the US marine corp. Its there victory your thrashing

I knew you'd be back.
Boy, what a confused post.
Are you saying that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda?

The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

THe purpose of the invasion was to solve the 12 awful years of killing Iraqis daily and bombing the country when containment was no longer an option -- or even valid..

If there were no WMDs and no imminent threats from Saddam --- the reality was we had no legal basis to "contain him" anymore either. No legal option to contain him means that SOMEONE had to make the decision to let him OUT of containment or to remove him..

Did YOU make that call IDB? Did you weigh the options and convince your elected officials to normalize relations with that country and their shotgun toting leader?

I DID.. Until 9.11. Then I changed my mind.

Both the left and right partisians have lost ALL objectivity about the decision to take him down. Because of terrible foreign policy for 12 years which was ALSO based on the same lies used for the invasion -- we had only 2 choices..

Am I missing something here? Or are you guys? Anyone out still prefer that 100s of thousands of Iraqis were starving and dying from lack of supplies because of OUR ACTIONS? Bombing them daily and locking down their borders with bases in Saudi and a couple carrier groups in the Gulf?

TO ALL of you feuding over this for 20 pages now.. PICK ONE.

1) Go along with the EU and most allies and say "sorry for the 12 years of deaths and bombings --- here's your country back Saddam"..

2) Remove Saddam and institute a reformed govt.

3) XXXXX -- place any other options I might have missed HERE.
The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

THe purpose of the invasion was to solve the 12 awful years of killing Iraqis daily and bombing the country when containment was no longer an option -- or even valid..

If there were no WMDs and no imminent threats from Saddam --- the reality was we had no legal basis to "contain him" anymore either. No legal option to contain him means that SOMEONE had to make the decision to let him OUT of containment or to remove him..

Did YOU make that call IDB? Did you weigh the options and convince your elected officials to normalize relations with that country and their shotgun toting leader?

I DID.. Until 9.11. Then I changed my mind.

Both the left and right partisians have lost ALL objectivity about the decision to take him down. Because of terrible foreign policy for 12 years which was ALSO based on the same lies used for the invasion -- we had only 2 choices..

Am I missing something here? Or are you guys? Anyone out still prefer that 100s of thousands of Iraqis were starving and dying from lack of supplies because of OUR ACTIONS? Bombing them daily and locking down their borders with bases in Saudi and a couple carrier groups in the Gulf?

TO ALL of you feuding over this for 20 pages now.. PICK ONE.

1) Go along with the EU and most allies and say "sorry for the 12 years of deaths and bombings --- here's your country back Saddam"..

2) Remove Saddam and institute a reformed govt.

3) XXXXX -- place any other options I might have missed HERE.

With the exception of discussing these issues with idiots I thought it to be worthy, #2 was the correct thing to do, its all I have been saying all along
General David Patreus "We will never win the Iraq War. Only the Iraqis can win this war"
Same with Afghanistan.
Amazing how LITTLE OR NOTHING folks know about the Bush doctrine which is what Obama has continued.
The strategy has never been to win any of those wars.
General David Patreus "We will never win the Iraq War. Only the Iraqis can win this war"
Same with Afghanistan.
Amazing how LITTLE OR NOTHING folks know about the Bush doctrine which is what Obama has continued.
The strategy has never been to win any of those wars.

By allowing those people the chance, is it not what our mission was?
By that does it not make it a success?
I have been saying that in 100 different ways
I agree,
thank you
General David Patreus "We will never win the Iraq War. Only the Iraqis can win this war"
Same with Afghanistan.
Amazing how LITTLE OR NOTHING folks know about the Bush doctrine which is what Obama has continued.
The strategy has never been to win any of those wars.

By allowing those people the chance, is it not what our mission was?
By that does it not make it a success?
I have been saying that in 100 different ways
I agree,
thank you

You've been flopping about like a landed fish JRK, I've hardly read a consistent, coherent argument from you.
The cost of the war is advertised that its all about Iraq
we stopped fighting true Iraqi troops within weeks of invading
Saddam it has been stated had nothing to do with 9-11, there is no proof of that he did and I agree based on what info there is that he had no part in 9-11
It is not as clear as to his ties to Al Qaeda, in fact
Archived-Articles: More Evidence of Saddam-al Qaeda Ties
An al Qaeda document newly released by the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) of the United States Military Academy provides an extraordinary new connection to a previously reported order by Saddam Hussein to support al Qaeda attacks upon US forces in Somalia. It corresponds with other documents that show Saddam Hussein was using Islamic terrorists as proxies to attack US interests. The document was part of a US Army report on al Qaeda in Africa. That study contends that although al Qaeda managed to train other Islamic fighters in Africa, it did the organization no long term good, as it failed to bend the region to al Qaeda doctrine.

More Doccuments reveal Saddam & Al Qaeda ties « Morning Coffee

It also lost in these discussions that without Al Qaeda in Iraq the cost of the war both in people and dollars would have been a fraction
Why would the Iraqis fight us after Saddam cut and run?

Also please note no-one ever mentions the savings in dollars that the closing of bases in Saudi, Kuwait as well as funding for the UN in what ever it was they were suppose to be doing

So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

THe purpose of the invasion was to solve the 12 awful years of killing Iraqis daily and bombing the country when containment was no longer an option -- or even valid..

If there were no WMDs and no imminent threats from Saddam --- the reality was we had no legal basis to "contain him" anymore either. No legal option to contain him means that SOMEONE had to make the decision to let him OUT of containment or to remove him..

Did YOU make that call IDB? Did you weigh the options and convince your elected officials to normalize relations with that country and their shotgun toting leader?

I DID.. Until 9.11. Then I changed my mind.

Both the left and right partisians have lost ALL objectivity about the decision to take him down. Because of terrible foreign policy for 12 years which was ALSO based on the same lies used for the invasion -- we had only 2 choices..

Am I missing something here? Or are you guys? Anyone out still prefer that 100s of thousands of Iraqis were starving and dying from lack of supplies because of OUR ACTIONS? Bombing them daily and locking down their borders with bases in Saudi and a couple carrier groups in the Gulf?

TO ALL of you feuding over this for 20 pages now.. PICK ONE.

1) Go along with the EU and most allies and say "sorry for the 12 years of deaths and bombings --- here's your country back Saddam"..

2) Remove Saddam and institute a reformed govt.

3) XXXXX -- place any other options I might have missed HERE.

So...why the lies from the administration about the reasons to invade?
Why not make it a humanitarian mission - they must have known that their bullshit would be exposed?
Why not just target Hussein himself instead of bombing the shit out of the country and rolling over conscripts that didn't want to be there and firing off radioactive armaments to poison the countryside?

It was a big exciting adventurous flexing of muscles by warmongers in Washington.
The public went along with it because the first war was so easy and they missed the tv spectacle.
We did not get the oil and the oil did not pay for the war and 5,000 young american were killed. I don't think we have to worry about winning. It is not about our winning anyway, he is about Iraqis and Iraq? Had nothing to do with 9-11 or terrorism. It was about oil and Halliburton and Balckwater and other contractors making lot of money. Pentagon estimates about 86000 private contractors in Iraq and more than half of those contractors are American costing us billions.
So the invasion was for the purpose of saving money?
Do you think it was successful by that measure?

THe purpose of the invasion was to solve the 12 awful years of killing Iraqis daily and bombing the country when containment was no longer an option -- or even valid..

If there were no WMDs and no imminent threats from Saddam --- the reality was we had no legal basis to "contain him" anymore either. No legal option to contain him means that SOMEONE had to make the decision to let him OUT of containment or to remove him..

Did YOU make that call IDB? Did you weigh the options and convince your elected officials to normalize relations with that country and their shotgun toting leader?

I DID.. Until 9.11. Then I changed my mind.

Both the left and right partisians have lost ALL objectivity about the decision to take him down. Because of terrible foreign policy for 12 years which was ALSO based on the same lies used for the invasion -- we had only 2 choices..

Am I missing something here? Or are you guys? Anyone out still prefer that 100s of thousands of Iraqis were starving and dying from lack of supplies because of OUR ACTIONS? Bombing them daily and locking down their borders with bases in Saudi and a couple carrier groups in the Gulf?

TO ALL of you feuding over this for 20 pages now.. PICK ONE.

1) Go along with the EU and most allies and say "sorry for the 12 years of deaths and bombings --- here's your country back Saddam"..

2) Remove Saddam and institute a reformed govt.

3) XXXXX -- place any other options I might have missed HERE.

So...why the lies from the administration about the reasons to invade?
Why not make it a humanitarian mission - they must have known that their bullshit would be exposed?
Why not just target Hussein himself instead of bombing the shit out of the country and rolling over conscripts that didn't want to be there and firing off radioactive armaments to poison the countryside?

It was a big exciting adventurous flexing of muscles by warmongers in Washington.
The public went along with it because the first war was so easy and they missed the tv spectacle.

Can't target Hussein himself without significant presence on the ground. How did that work for Qaddafi?

One of the big lessons you learn as a kid is once you start lying, it's hard to find an opportunity to tell the truth. The same lies had supported the embargo/containment for all those years.

Clinton found out that the lies wouldn't work -- because his Iraq war road show with Albright and Cohen fell flat on it's face. The American people weren't buying the lies and they would not have bought the truth. That would lead to Saddam getting out of containment and us being embarassed for 12 years of failed policy. Know ANY politicians that want to be associated with ending 12 years of expensive shameful policy in failure?

Saddam -- "out of containment" was a threat after 9.11. Because nothing pisses off 60 million Iraqis like starving and killing their kids for 12 years. It needed to be ended so that our credibility for the war on Al Queda was established in the Arab world.

OR -- the lies we know about were to cover lies we didn't know about.. Perhaps that Saddam was behind the Flt 800 downing on Iraqi Indepence Day when 20+ witnesses swear they saw a missile take down an American airliner. Or the Anthrax attacks, or the 1st WTCenter garage bombing. Think how much easier it would be to cover up that lie then to fabricate a continuous 12 year lie about WMDs...

That latter conspiracy theory that I let myself indulge would explain the BIPARTISIAN support that the WMD lies really got for those 12 years.. Once you cover up something like that -- there's no way to admit it later.

ALL OF THAT is pretty irrevelent once you acknowledge what the limited choices were in 2001. The nightmare of seeing our country pummel and starve 60Mill Iraqis for 12 years did end.

All the LEFTISTS and Granny here seem to forget that part when they PRETEND that containment policy was benign and could have gone on forever. They have no conscience -- only their own conspiracy theories. Like how 300 Million Americans and the most powerful military in the world went to war in Iraq in 2001 for the benefit of one or two companies and Big Oil.

They have their conspiracy theories -- so I guess I can have one also..
General David Patreus "We will never win the Iraq War. Only the Iraqis can win this war"
Same with Afghanistan.
Amazing how LITTLE OR NOTHING folks know about the Bush doctrine which is what Obama has continued.
The strategy has never been to win any of those wars.

By allowing those people the chance, is it not what our mission was?
By that does it not make it a success?
I have been saying that in 100 different ways
I agree,
thank you

You've been flopping about like a landed fish JRK, I've hardly read a consistent, coherent argument from you.

That's because you only see what you want to see.
60 million human lives are always of vital interest to the US. One might also consider the incredible cost of the Cold War and the generations of Americans who lived under the specter of imminent destruction.

Then why haven't we been militarily involved throughout Africa for the past 10, 20, 30 you-name-it number of years?

Do you want some death tolls cited from the neverending conflicts that have gone on there?

Was it in the vital national interests of the United States to try to stop the conflict in the Congo for the last couple decades? How many millions have died there?

Are you under the impression that every situation is the same, and that every situation suggests the same response? Are you really that thick-headed?

You're the one who proclaimed that millions dying in a foreign country were a vital national interest of the US, sufficient to warrant our intervening militarily to try to prevent it.

BTW, how many casualties do you estimate would have occurred in a WWIII with the Soviet Union?

That's a liberal myth that we tried to change those people's culture
We went there to rid the world of Saddam
take control of the weapons he had including the yellow cake that was there
fight the Al Queida that was there, and bringing them to room temp
forming a republic

BUt that wasn't our legal justificiation. Our justification was to get rid of WMD's that weren't actually there. He didn't have weapons of mass destruction.

The end result was that we've tried to impose modern forms of government on people who have no use for them.

What we should be doing is establishing energy independence.

Another liberal myth
all though the stock piles the UN stated Saddam had were never found
There was over 500 illegal munitions found that meet the criteria of a WMD
there fore the war was a legal war
It can also be said the 550 metric tons of yellow cake sold to Canada in 2008 was sufficient to make the war legal
it is sort of a double whammy
There is no grey area here
The war as congress mandated it was legal, this was decided in the courts before we invaded

I'm just curious. How many times would you have to be shown that what you're claiming has been debunked as horseshit before you'd stop posting it?
Then why haven't we been militarily involved throughout Africa for the past 10, 20, 30 you-name-it number of years?

Do you want some death tolls cited from the neverending conflicts that have gone on there?

Was it in the vital national interests of the United States to try to stop the conflict in the Congo for the last couple decades? How many millions have died there?

Are you under the impression that every situation is the same, and that every situation suggests the same response? Are you really that thick-headed?

You're the one who proclaimed that millions dying in a foreign country were a vital national interest of the US, sufficient to warrant our intervening militarily to try to prevent it.

And so they are. That doesn't mean every situation calls for the same response, meathead. President Bush saved the lives of many, many millions of people in Africa without the use of military force. Try putting some water on that one brain cell and see if it will divide.
I have realized that the liberals are going to do what ever it takes to taint the great victory in Iraq
Does anyone realize that war is over and it looks like we will be 100% gone in 6 months?
That there is a republic in place?
and that women vote and hold office?
I had no idea that the liberal media and there cock suckers would go to the level they have to make the troops look bad and make the success they fought hard for look like, well ask Drock and that crew
I dont even know how to explain it

I think it's great that we won. But does it really matter? That is the question we must ask ourselves. Was it worth the cost in American casualties and taxpayer money? If we ever can call Afghanistan a win, will it really matter? If Saddam was still there, would it matter? Would it have any effect on the US or the average American? To me, the answer to all those questions is a resounding "no", and I actually supported our involvement. Looking back though, I just can't see where it was worth it.

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