Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

You, for admitting that you're wrong. Progress.


Listen, JRK, and you'll learn exactly what you were wrong about: You're wrong in assuming that just because the world doesn't behave as you'd like it to, everyone is wrong.

You're wrong for believing every line of bullshit that comes from our government when its led by Republicans, from Fox News and from the radio.

You're wrong in believing that people who disagree with you love this nation less than you.

You're wrong in assuming that a person who opposed the war in Vietnam also opposed the kids being sent their for mindless slaughter.

And you're wrong when you claim you want to discuss and debate. Read your own threads once in awhile - It's clear you don't want honest debate. You simply want to find information to confirm your bias and dismiss anything that might challenge that bias.

In that sense, you're a rightwing Republican's wet dream - just like a far left DKos'er is the wet dream of every far left Democrat. You are a mirror image of that which you claim to oppose.

I DO NOT CARE if u agree with me
honest debate?
show on thread that is untrue I have posted, back up that accuation with one thread
wet drea,

it was a war you idiot that we were given no choice but to fight
mirror image?
facts base maybe

there were found
non usuable
weapons that Saddam was not suppose to have

yellow cake
550 metric tons

Al Queda, in Iraq, fought for 8 years
what else have I said?

stable? in my opinion and the Iraqi govts opinion
Republic? YES

what else have I said?
what else was we suppose to have done?

you make it up as you go
you accuse with nothing to back it up
We should have never invaded Iraq in 1991. Iraq's dispute with Kuwait was none of our business.

Had we not meddled in Arab affairs at that point, we would not have eventually ended up with military bases in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden would not have been handed his excuse to launch a jihad or whatever against the US, 9/11 would not have happened, Bush would not have been able to distort 9/11 into a justification for invading Iraq again.

"From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli....."

If your is basis that we never should have meddled and that would have kept us safe, you're wrong.

The US and the UK tried that strategy, "peace in our time." It didn't work.
We should have never invaded Iraq in 1991. Iraq's dispute with Kuwait was none of our business.

Had we not meddled in Arab affairs at that point, we would not have eventually ended up with military bases in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden would not have been handed his excuse to launch a jihad or whatever against the US, 9/11 would not have happened, Bush would not have been able to distort 9/11 into a justification for invading Iraq again.

Bush Sr. never invaded Iraq. He stopped at the border because he didn't want to "own" the rebuilding.

We were asked by Arab allies to force Saddam out of Kuwait. We didn't "meddle".

We did the right thing. Bin Laden was evil. What he did was because he was evil. What we did was because it was right.

Move on to Bush Jr. Now that guy lied. He tricked America into invading Iraq. He disgraced the office of presidency.

Too often, both sides fall into these "lies" and "distortions". But it was only a few years ago. Not enough time to rewrite history.

Listen, JRK, and you'll learn exactly what you were wrong about: You're wrong in assuming that just because the world doesn't behave as you'd like it to, everyone is wrong.

You're wrong for believing every line of bullshit that comes from our government when its led by Republicans, from Fox News and from the radio.

You're wrong in believing that people who disagree with you love this nation less than you.

You're wrong in assuming that a person who opposed the war in Vietnam also opposed the kids being sent their for mindless slaughter.

And you're wrong when you claim you want to discuss and debate. Read your own threads once in awhile - It's clear you don't want honest debate. You simply want to find information to confirm your bias and dismiss anything that might challenge that bias.

In that sense, you're a rightwing Republican's wet dream - just like a far left DKos'er is the wet dream of every far left Democrat. You are a mirror image of that which you claim to oppose.


The truth has been explained to you numerous times. You won't accept it because it doesn't fit your ideological view of the world.

it was a war you idiot that we were given no choice but to fight
No choice but to fight? You're kidding me, right?

Let me guess: you think Saddam was an "imminent threat"?

Of course you do!

there were found
non usuable
weapons that Saddam was not suppose to have

Well I'm glad we invaded over THAT! Some canisters of degraded mustard gas were worth thousands of American lives and a trillion dollars?

ellow cake
550 metric tons

...Under IAEA seal

Exactly my point. If it doesn't fit your ideological bias, you deny it. It would be funny if it wasn't so obvious.
We should have never invaded Iraq in 1991. Iraq's dispute with Kuwait was none of our business.

Had we not meddled in Arab affairs at that point, we would not have eventually ended up with military bases in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden would not have been handed his excuse to launch a jihad or whatever against the US, 9/11 would not have happened, Bush would not have been able to distort 9/11 into a justification for invading Iraq again.

Bush Sr. never invaded Iraq. He stopped at the border because he didn't want to "own" the rebuilding.

We were asked by Arab allies to force Saddam out of Kuwait. We didn't "meddle".

We did the right thing. Bin Laden was evil. What he did was because he was evil. What we did was because it was right.

Move on to Bush Jr. Now that guy lied. He tricked America into invading Iraq. He disgraced the office of presidency.

Too often, both sides fall into these "lies" and "distortions". But it was only a few years ago. Not enough time to rewrite history.

THE only people wh re wrote history with this event is on your side
GWB spent 18 months after 9-11trying to get Saddam to do the right thing
No once did he mince words on what this country was going to do.

I will give you credit for acting like an adult his time
but there is one thing about all of this that has bothered me sense 1-27-2003

Hans Blix made it clear that Saddam was lying and the very things GWB was saing he confirmed
nerve gas and huge stock piles of munitions

never hear about that "lie"

why is that
Listen, JRK, and you'll learn exactly what you were wrong about: You're wrong in assuming that just because the world doesn't behave as you'd like it to, everyone is wrong.

You're wrong for believing every line of bullshit that comes from our government when its led by Republicans, from Fox News and from the radio.

You're wrong in believing that people who disagree with you love this nation less than you.

You're wrong in assuming that a person who opposed the war in Vietnam also opposed the kids being sent their for mindless slaughter.

And you're wrong when you claim you want to discuss and debate. Read your own threads once in awhile - It's clear you don't want honest debate. You simply want to find information to confirm your bias and dismiss anything that might challenge that bias.

In that sense, you're a rightwing Republican's wet dream - just like a far left DKos'er is the wet dream of every far left Democrat. You are a mirror image of that which you claim to oppose.


The truth has been explained to you numerous times. You won't accept it because it doesn't fit your ideological view of the world.

No choice but to fight? You're kidding me, right?

Let me guess: you think Saddam was an "imminent threat"?

Of course you do!

there were found
non usuable
weapons that Saddam was not suppose to have

Well I'm glad we invaded over THAT! Some canisters of degraded mustard gas were worth thousands of American lives and a trillion dollars?

ellow cake
550 metric tons

...Under IAEA seal

Exactly my point. If it doesn't fit your ideological bias, you deny it. It would be funny if it wasn't so obvious.

Under whose seal?
If you say so
and as far as that gas and 800 billion dollars and the american lives that chose to go over there so you could talk trash about what they were doing?

Answer me this
Hans Blix on 1-27-2003 made it clear that Iraq had not grasped the idea of what it was there were suppose to do
he commented on anthrax
nerev gas
6500 munitions that the UN felt based on Iraqi documents that still existed

why is it you that are obsessed with making this into a joke never mention his "lies"

Blix: weapons and anthrax still unaccounted for - Telegraph
Last edited:
Evidence of WMDs presence in Iraq. - a knol by Luis T. Puig
the yellow cake has more than one story

Obama stimulus package cost more than Iraq War - Washington DC Political Buzz |

the 800 billion
that has not had bases closed in Saudi and numerous ones in Kuwait closed along with the UNs extra cost we were funding in that number

this is all I have ever said bud
its the side of this story you on left ignore

That number crunching doesn't even register on the balance sheet of American lives lost for shit of an objective.
We should have never invaded Iraq in 1991. Iraq's dispute with Kuwait was none of our business.

Had we not meddled in Arab affairs at that point, we would not have eventually ended up with military bases in Saudi Arabia, Bin Laden would not have been handed his excuse to launch a jihad or whatever against the US, 9/11 would not have happened, Bush would not have been able to distort 9/11 into a justification for invading Iraq again.

"From the halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli....."

If your is basis that we never should have meddled and that would have kept us safe, you're wrong.

The US and the UK tried that strategy, "peace in our time." It didn't work.

The Iraq - Kuwait war was none of our business. George Bush made it our business because of the oil.

And thus, 9/11 happened because of the oil.
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

We did, Heh? What did we win?

on or about 9-15-2001
GWB stated in a speech to the union that Saddam was put on notice
18 months ;ater with no resolve in sight and al Queda building up there forces in Iraq we took care of tem
and the country that has 1 million of its own people murdered by Saddam is weapons free along with a true republic with women helping govern the nation firmly in place

thats all

The truth has been explained to you numerous times. You won't accept it because it doesn't fit your ideological view of the world.

No choice but to fight? You're kidding me, right?

Let me guess: you think Saddam was an "imminent threat"?

Of course you do!

Well I'm glad we invaded over THAT! Some canisters of degraded mustard gas were worth thousands of American lives and a trillion dollars?

ellow cake
550 metric tons

...Under IAEA seal

Exactly my point. If it doesn't fit your ideological bias, you deny it. It would be funny if it wasn't so obvious.

Under whose seal?
The IAEA. The International Atomic Energy Agency
If you say so
and as far as that gas and 800 billion dollars and the american lives that chose to go over there so you could talk trash about what they were doing?

What are you talking about? We can't talk with the thousands who are dead and the money is already spent.

Answer me this
Hans Blix on 1-27-2003 made it clear that Iraq had not grasped the idea of what it was there were suppose to do
he commented on anthrax
nerev gas
6500 munitions that the UN felt based on Iraqi documents that still existed

Answer me this: Did Saddam have an ICBM capable of reaching the United States?


OK then. I could care less. Should we invade every tinpot dictator who Hans Blix says has weapons we don't like?
Evidence of WMDs presence in Iraq. - a knol by Luis T. Puig
the yellow cake has more than one story

Obama stimulus package cost more than Iraq War - Washington DC Political Buzz |

the 800 billion
that has not had bases closed in Saudi and numerous ones in Kuwait closed along with the UNs extra cost we were funding in that number

this is all I have ever said bud
its the side of this story you on left ignore

How many people died because of the stimulus program? Did it cost us 3000 Americans? A hundred thousand or more Iraqis that you suddenly seem concerned about?
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

We did, Heh? What did we win?

on or about 9-15-2001
GWB stated in a speech to the union that Saddam was put on notice
18 months ;ater with no resolve in sight and al Queda building up there forces in Iraq we took care of tem
and the country that has 1 million of its own people murdered by Saddam is weapons free along with a true republic with women helping govern the nation firmly in place

thats all

Do you support invading North Korea? Isn't that necessary, given the circumstances?
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

We did, Heh? What did we win?

on or about 9-15-2001
GWB stated in a speech to the union that Saddam was put on notice
18 months ;ater with no resolve in sight and al Queda building up there forces in Iraq we took care of tem
and the country that has 1 million of its own people murdered by Saddam is weapons free along with a true republic with women helping govern the nation firmly in place

thats all

Do you support invading North Korea? Isn't that necessary, given the circumstances?

And Pakistan! And probably Yemen!

Heck, let's just invade the whole middle east and then role up to Persia.
Does anyone care we won the war in IRAQ?

We did, Heh? What did we win?

on or about 9-15-2001
GWB stated in a speech to the union that Saddam was put on notice
18 months ;ater with no resolve in sight and al Queda building up there forces in Iraq we took care of tem
and the country that has 1 million of its own people murdered by Saddam is weapons free along with a true republic with women helping govern the nation firmly in place

thats all

Do you support invading North Korea? Isn't that necessary, given the circumstances?


If in all these years SK hasn't figured out how to take care of themselves, they ain't gonna.
on or about 9-15-2001
GWB stated in a speech to the union that Saddam was put on notice
18 months ;ater with no resolve in sight and al Queda building up there forces in Iraq we took care of tem
and the country that has 1 million of its own people murdered by Saddam is weapons free along with a true republic with women helping govern the nation firmly in place

thats all

Do you support invading North Korea? Isn't that necessary, given the circumstances?


If in all these years SK hasn't figured out how to take care of themselves, they ain't gonna.

We were told war with Iraq was necessary because

1. Saddam was a tyrant who killed his own people.
2. Iraq had WMD's
3. Iraq violated ceasefire agreements
4. Iraq aided terrorists.

North Korea's behaviour satisfies every one of those conditions. Why isn't invading North Korea NECESSARY?????
Do you support invading North Korea? Isn't that necessary, given the circumstances?


If in all these years SK hasn't figured out how to take care of themselves, they ain't gonna.

We were told war with Iraq was necessary because

1. Saddam was a tyrant who killed his own people.
2. Iraq had WMD's
3. Iraq violated ceasefire agreements
4. Iraq aided terrorists.

North Korea's behaviour satisfies every one of those conditions. Why isn't invading North Korea NECESSARY?????

If that was criteria we would have to invade about a hundred countries.

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