Does anyone else think the Pope sounds like

It's the content of his remarks that should be of concern------so far nothing worthy of comment
Great inspirational talk, those congressmen needed it. John Boehner kept tearing up. I applaud him for inviting the Pope to speak.
Great inspirational talk, those congressmen needed it. John Boehner kept tearing up. I applaud him for inviting the Pope to speak.

what did he say that so impressed you?


they let you care for patients?

anyone with a brain willing to come up with ANYTHING at all
that the pope said that is worthy of comment?? I am willing to admit
that his very luke warm allusion to the fact that the teachings and EDICTS
and authority and personnel of the CATHOLIC CHURCH did enact
a massive genocide against the Natives of the Americas----luke warm
though it was-----was an impressive innovation
Today its Israel doing the genocide , that you can take to the bank.
Today its Israel doing the genocide , that you can take to the bank.

When did the catechism whore shove that bit of shit into your head?
Was it after she told you how lucky the native American girls were to
be confiscated from their parents and ravished by perverted nuns? Or
was it after she told you that DA JOOOOS FORCED POOR INNOCENT
Jorge aka as Francis. There is no such thing as a Pope in the Bible. Jesus never appointed any "Vicars", Rosie. He does not need one. This son of the devil speaks for himself. Not for the Christians of this world. Not a chance.
Penelope blurted: "Today its Israel doing the genocide"

I guess nobody told Penelope that Hamas killed more Palestinians then Israel through all it's defensive actions or that Jordan killed nore Palestinians in one single day during black Sunday or that Palestinians aren't a race, nor are the casualties of their war on Israel always actually Palestinian.
Lastly Penelope argued that Palestinians were Shemites so Shemite Israel can not commit genocide against itself without resorting to admitting Palestinians & Hamas is comitting genocide against Palestinians and JEWS.
Propaganda failed by Penelopes own past arguments and by history and by reality.
Must be tough being a failed
propagandist, sort of like being a bad shepherd who scatters and gets his sheep slain.
Penelope blurted: "Today its Israel doing the genocide"

I guess nobody told Penelope that Hamas killed more Palestinians then Israel through all it's defensive actions or that Jordan killed nore Palestinians in one single day during black Sunday or that Palestinians aren't a race, nor are the casualties of their war on Israel always actually Palestinian.
Lastly Penelope argued that Palestinians were Shemites so Shemite Israel can not commit genocide against itself without resorting to admitting Palestinians & Hamas is comitting genocide against Palestinians and JEWS.
Propaganda failed by Penelopes own past arguments and by history and by reality.
Must be tough being a failed
propagandist, sort of like being a bad shepherd who scatters and gets his sheep slain.

I doubt it. Jordan is history and if Israel had not made them leave their home they wouldn't of been in Jordan.

Today Israel is committing the genocide, slow but sure. You should be ashamed to stick up for them. Shooting kids and , life is not sacred, unless of course its a jewish life.
Jorge aka as Francis. There is no such thing as a Pope in the Bible. Jesus never appointed any "Vicars", Rosie. He does not need one. This son of the devil speaks for himself. Not for the Christians of this world. Not a chance.

Once again, if not RCC , no NT for you to read. You should have some respect for the Popes , because the Protestants have a nasty history as well with some shady characters leading yous , how many sects are there ,probably 100 by now. The Pope follows Peter, so how do you like that. He is the vicar of Christ, if you like it or not. Have some respect.
Great inspirational talk, those congressmen needed it. John Boehner kept tearing up. I applaud him for inviting the Pope to speak.

what did he say that so impressed you?


So nothing since you can't cite it

His whole speech, which started with America home of the free , home of the brave, and much more. You can probably download it tomorrow, but it was all very good. Everything he said was good. Poor, Immigrants built this country, he was an immigrant in S. America, pollution, better to have peace through diplomacy that war, how precious the sanctify of life is from inception to the end, he spoke for a long time. His Eng. was hard to understand at times, so I will have to read it over. He was real big on the family, and how families are the most imp. part of every society. Really good.

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