Does anyone else think Trump is intentionally imploding his campaign?

Trump always wanted a Purple Heart?

Did he even know what the medal represents?

Right. Who would say that. And then add 'this is much easier'.

I have a friend who arrived in Vietnam 3 days after the Tet Offensive started. They were flown by helo out into the bush, they stepped off the copter and his CO took a few steps and stepped on a Bouncing Betty (anti-personell mine) that nearly blew off his legs. My friend said his first thought was "there is no way I will survive 13 months".

He had a couple months left and was a combat engineer all geared up in mine-clearing gear sitting in the back of an open truck with 14 other guys in it. They were driving along the coast on a road that wound down a mountainside towards the water. Some Vietcong attacked them with grenades and MG from above. He said the grenades exploded in the truck and he just remembers in slow motion tumbling up and flipping as all the wires of his gear tangled around him. He was thrown down below the road and the truck stopped and rolled back so it was between him and the enemy. All the men in the back of the truck as well as the driver we killed. Only their interpreter survived with him. He was shot four times, twice through both legs. And of course received the Purple Heart.

How anyone can be flippant about these things is beyond me.
It's good that you are focused in on the important policy differences between Trump and Clinton like how each would respond to a soldier honoring him/her by gifting his purple heart as a show of confidence. Of course, no one would offer Clinton his/her purple heart after she dishonored it by dragging a dead soldiers body across the stage at the convention just to take a cheap shot at Trump.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
Have you ever read the clinical signs of malignant narcissism? You might want to crack open the DSM and have a look. Might cure your being baffled.. Trump is a textbook case. And for those wondering if he will improve if in Office, take your hopes down. Malignant narcissists have about a 0% cure rate even while under the care of specialists (which they'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming to, since there is nothing ever wrong with them in their minds...the therapists are the ones with the problem...dontcha know...). And, they get worse as they age as a steadfast rule.

If you could give his kids truth serum, you'd hear a very different story about dad I'll wager. Behind closed doors they are a NIGHTMARE...especially to their children. Of course all his kids sing praises to their dad publicly. If they don't..and the door is closed on the family huddle at the end of the day.... *shudder* think he went way overboard verbally abusing Cruz and Rubio? That family conference would make those attacks look like a day at the ice cream shop by comparison. :scared1:
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Maybe both the RNC and DNC is railroading Hillary up our ass??

Nahhhhh, too many Trump supporters, right?
Want a purple heart?

Do you know what it takes to win a purple heart?

Too much---I know it is an honor and everything but that medal is not enough compensation.
No, he shoots off the cuff before he thinks. He needs to avoid this little BS and shit the dems throw out there and focus on the issues. IDC if he eats KFC with a fork, I don't care if he asked a woman who's baby was crying to leave (she should have anyway) I don't care about all this little shit the left thinks is big shit. I don't even care about the tax returns. I do care about the economy, immigration, foreign policy, etc. Those are the issues...not how he eats fucking KFC, good grief
Remember Obama eating pizza with a knife and fork?
Trump is a New Yorker.
New Yorkers grow up with VERY different social influences then say the SF 'elites'.
This can rub a lot of people the wrong way.
I'm long since past giving a shit 'how' Trump phrases things.
The LIB 'emotional hemophiliacs' can go fuck themselves.
I want a President who WILL STOP the illegals with their drugs and guns and fucking violence and endemic rapists from destroying the country.
Should the Islamist sub-humans commit mass murder on US soil you can kiss Hillary's chances of grabbing 'The Precious' goodbye.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
Have you ever read the clinical signs of malignant narcissism? You might want to crack open the DSM and have a look. Might cure your being baffled.. Trump is a textbook case. And for those wondering if he will improve if in Office, take your hopes down. Malignant narcissists have about a 0% cure rate even while under the care of specialists (which they'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming to, since there is nothing ever wrong with them in their minds...the therapists are the ones with the problem...dontcha know...). And, they get worse as they age as a steadfast rule.

If you could give his kids truth serum, you'd hear a very different story about dad I'll wager. Behind closed doors they are a NIGHTMARE...especially to their children. Of course all his kids sing praises to their dad publicly. If they don't..and the door is closed on the family huddle at the end of the day.... *shudder* think he went way overboard verbally abusing Cruz and Rubio? That family conference would make those attacks look like a day at the ice cream shop by comparison. :scared1:
Just try to imagine the horror stories we would hear if some one could get Chelsea to tell the truth about her family!
To be honest, with everything we have seen and the decline of this nation in the last decade, I would not be shocked to discover that Trump was a liberal 'plant' all along... :p
Want a purple heart?

Do you know what it takes to win a purple heart?

Too much---I know it is an honor and everything but that medal is not enough compensation.
The Gold Medal winner of the 'Stolen Valor' lifetime award is John Kerry.
He was in VN for a few weeks. During that time he was 'awarded the Purple Heart three times. He opened fire on a fucking can of beans and a piece of the tin grazed his leg. He put in for a FOURTH PH and his commanding officer told him to fuck off!
Kerry as the temp. commanding officer put HIMSELF forward for the Silver Star Medal.
He shot a ten year boy in the fucking BACK to 'earn' the SSM!
The news media is now talking about some sort of GOP/Trump family INTERVENTION on Trump.


This is what I was talking about up yonder. He's a fragile soul inside and his money has shielded him from real challenges his entire life.

What happens when that glass house shatters apart. Again, it's hard to see this happening but he is exhibiting really bizarre behavior, even for him. The baby event just the latest.
That and the medal. Who takes a wounded hero's medal? Bizarre behavior

What's he supposed to do? Tell the old man to go fuck himself I don't need your stinking medal? Seriously? This is the shit you hold against him? This is as bad as the morons who keep bitch slapping Obama for 57 states.

These poor people are on the road 24/7 for close to two years now. And we expect them to be perfect?
No, he should have said, you earned your medal. Thank you for your service. I did not serve and do not deserve your medal.

Trunp got blindsided by this man's very generous gesture. He's not perfect. I wouldn't expect Hillary to know what to do in that kind of situation either. It's only a bizarre moment BECAUSE the old man's gesture was bizarre and unexpected.

Should we now blame Trump because he got blindsided? I guess so. I suppose Trump and his handlers are to be "Kreskins" and be able to foretell what fans will do 100% of the time.
Yes, you are totally correct. It is the old man's fault. it is not Trump's fault. He can't be expected to exhibit common decency.
To be honest, with everything we have seen and the decline of this nation in the last decade, I would not be shocked to discover that Trump was a liberal 'plant' all along... :p
How stupid would that make all of you that voted for him?
The news media is now talking about some sort of GOP/Trump family INTERVENTION on Trump.


This is what I was talking about up yonder. He's a fragile soul inside and his money has shielded him from real challenges his entire life.

What happens when that glass house shatters apart. Again, it's hard to see this happening but he is exhibiting really bizarre behavior, even for him. The baby event just the latest.
That and the medal. Who takes a wounded hero's medal? Bizarre behavior
John 'Stolen Valor Medal Recipient' took a bunch of medals from a VN war vet and threw them over the fence surrounding the White house. He made VERY certain to get the story out that they were his OWN medals.
It was what the LIBs do best: Fucking lie!
Today in John Kerry's office he has ALL the medals he 'won' proudly on display in his office.
Fucking RAT!
To be honest, with everything we have seen and the decline of this nation in the last decade, I would not be shocked to discover that Trump was a liberal 'plant' all along... :p
How stupid would that make all of you that voted for him?
Not so much. People are so tired of old, dried up, crusty, self/party-serving, lying, deceiving, corrupt, criminal Washington Establishment, career politicians that they have been dying for a guy like Trump to show up and take on and defeat those 'scumbags'

Actually, it would be a brilliant ploy.
Want a purple heart?

Do you know what it takes to win a purple heart?

Too much---I know it is an honor and everything but that medal is not enough compensation.
The Gold Medal winner of the 'Stolen Valor' lifetime award is John Kerry.
He was in VN for a few weeks. During that time he was 'awarded the Purple Heart three times. He opened fire on a fucking can of beans and a piece of the tin grazed his leg. He put in for a FOURTH PH and his commanding officer told him to fuck off!
Kerry as the temp. commanding officer put HIMSELF forward for the Silver Star Medal.
He shot a ten year boy in the fucking BACK to 'earn' the SSM!

Did your country have troops in Vietnam?
Trump always wanted a Purple Heart?

Did he even know what the medal represents?

Right. Who would say that. And then add 'this is much easier'.

I have a friend who arrived in Vietnam 3 days after the Tet Offensive started. They were flown by helo out into the bush, they stepped off the copter and his CO took a few steps and stepped on a Bouncing Betty (anti-personell mine) that nearly blew off his legs. My friend said his first thought was "there is no way I will survive 13 months".

He had a couple months left and was a combat engineer all geared up in mine-clearing gear sitting in the back of an open truck with 14 other guys in it. They were driving along the coast on a road that wound down a mountainside towards the water. Some Vietcong attacked them with grenades and MG from above. He said the grenades exploded in the truck and he just remembers in slow motion tumbling up and flipping as all the wires of his gear tangled around him. He was thrown down below the road and the truck stopped and rolled back so it was between him and the enemy. All the men in the back of the truck as well as the driver were killed. Only their interpreter survived with him. He was shot four times, twice through both legs. And of course received the Purple Heart.

How anyone can be flippant about these things is beyond me.
John Kerry was in VN for a few weeks.
He awarded himself the Silver Star Medal for shooting a kid in the back.
There were men who served more than one tour who were in constant firefights almost daily who got sweet fuck all except to be spit on by LIBs when they came home.
I served in VN. I saw close quarter combat many times.
All you fucking LIB pussies can go fuck yourselves!
Kerry was awarded a purple heart after a piece of rice from a boat carrying rice had a grenade thrown in it - the rice flew into his damage.

Kerry lied his ass off about being in Laos over Christmas, got called on it, swore he would release his military records, but like Obama has kept them sealed.

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