Does anyone else think Trump is intentionally imploding his campaign?

One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I wonder if Trump is prepping for the debates with Hillary?
My opinion is that he is not.
Reason is that he would not like it to be known that he doesn't have a good understanding
of foreign policy.He would need so much help in getting prepped by outside consultants
and it would be leaked how badly he performed in mock debates....

I would be shocked if he debates Hillary.
I had a bad feeling early on that he was trying to throw this election,an election
that he could win if he were more focused....

I wonder how long it was eating at him the thing that Ryan said about not being ready to support Trump.
Trump was waiting for the chance to throw those same words back at Ryan....

Trump is the George Patton of US politics.
He doesn't give shit about what you LIB 'Metros' think about him.
He KNOWS he has his army of patriotic Americans behind him. And it's driving the enemies from within the country fucking nuts they haven't been able to stop him.
The US must have a Patton in the White house if the country is to survive.
There is medication for your condition
And now you'll explain why Hillary couldn't kick Sander's ass in the primaries right.
Then you'll explain why if Trump is such a guaranteed loser why Hillary isn't ahead of Trump by 20 points.
The old bull dycke is barely hanging on.
It's not like the MSM is 'in the tank' for Trump like they are for Hillary right? The REP. 'elite' have turned their back on Trump right?
So where are the numbers for Trump coming from?
'Uneducated White men? Ya fucking right pal!
Assange is going to drop a MOAB on Hillary at exactly the perfect moment.
Then fucking Charlie Manson could beat her on election day.
How many times do you people have to be told something before it sinks in? Two points...

1. I will NEVER vote for her
2. This thread isn't about Hillary

It's like dealing with a bunch of pre schoolers on this site. Very few of you have the required attention span to STAY ON TOPIC.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

No one noticed the Queen of Diamonds card in the background of hillary's dnc speech.
Exactly what is this queen of diamonds card and where was it during the speech or dnc convention?

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Read the thread title then think about a famous film....
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When Trump first announced he was running the first thing I said was that he doesn't want to win, to be president. I've wondered if he wasn't part of a Dem plant plan that went awry and now he doesn't know what to do.

I'd like to slap all the Trumpanzees who got him to be the nom. 16 to choose from and you go for the guy who can't keep his mouth shut when someone says boo to him, can't stay on focus telling people what his policies are and how he is going to implement them, taking clinton down with video proof of her lying, corrupt ass. Trump seriously doesn't seem to have a clue. He had an interview with Stephanopolous and said Putin won't make a military move into Ukraine ... even though he's already done that. Like ... wtf?? does Trump even read anything besides the tweets where people call him names?? Why don't you Trumpanzees start a twitter campaign telling Trump what he needs to start doing and what he needs to stop doing. Maybe he'll listen to you because he's not listening to anyone except for the words in his very good brain. smh ftr, he'd make a shit president but he'll do less damage than clinton, esp if he stuck to clamping down on immigration. Then again, he'd probably just change his mind 13 times on that. smh

omg, we are fucking screwed. clinton is going to win and do to this country what fucking moronic Europe is doing ... let in thousands upon thousands of immigrants, muslims, refugees. You are aware that the msmedia doesn't report jack or shit about what's really going on there, right? You have to go outside the usual channels to find out how awful it is, right? That is coming here and clinton is going to welcome them with open arms, just like merkel. You fucking moronic pieces of shit, both trumpanzees and clinton supporters.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
As I said in another thread, he was always in it to get Hillary elected.

He's an old Clinton family friend. Not a conservative bone in his body. His job was to tear down Republicans and make them spend money. The MSM did their job by not calling BS on his crazy rants and telling voters what they wanted to hear.

But here in The Age of Stupidity things went further than he dreamed of. Now it's just continue to act like a deranged crazy old man and let the media start to do what they should have been doing for the past year. Trumps payoff will be having the IRS look the other way under the Hillary regime and he can do what he enjoys - making more money.
When Trump first announced he was running the first thing I said was that he doesn't want to win, to be president. I've wondered if he wasn't part of a Dem plant plan that went awry and now he doesn't know what to do.

1. Yes, he was part of a dem plan. 2. The plan didn't go awry. Trump can't win against Hillary's numbers. Mission accomplished.

They were counting on his ego getting him carried away with something even he knew early on that he isn't prepared for. The longer his ego runs amok, the more he divides the GOP. The more he divides the GOP, the worse republican Congressional hopefuls will also score in close races this Fall.

Like shooting fish in a barrel for the Dems. The shocker is that the GOP appears to not be willing to do anything about it. And they know. Trust me. They know.
When Trump first announced he was running the first thing I said was that he doesn't want to win, to be president. I've wondered if he wasn't part of a Dem plant plan that went awry and now he doesn't know what to do.

1. Yes, he was part of a dem plan. 2. The plan didn't go awry. Trump can't win against Hillary's numbers. Mission accomplished.

Like shooting fish in a barrel for the Dems. The shocker is that the GOP appears to not be willing to do anything about it. And they know. Trust me. They know.

Establishment Rs want a clinton presidency. Establishment pols stick together, regardless of party affiliation.
When Trump first announced he was running the first thing I said was that he doesn't want to win, to be president. I've wondered if he wasn't part of a Dem plant plan that went awry and now he doesn't know what to do.

1. Yes, he was part of a dem plan. 2. The plan didn't go awry. Trump can't win against Hillary's numbers. Mission accomplished.

They were counting on his ego getting him carried away with something even he knew early on that he isn't prepared for. The longer his ego runs amok, the more he divides the GOP. The more he divides the GOP, the worse republican Congressional hopefuls will also score in close races this Fall.

Like shooting fish in a barrel for the Dems. The shocker is that the GOP appears to not be willing to do anything about it. And they know. Trust me. They know.
Lol. If Trump was polling well the GOP would support him if he raped one of his relatives on pay per view. You know it, I know it, they know it.
When Trump first announced he was running the first thing I said was that he doesn't want to win, to be president. I've wondered if he wasn't part of a Dem plant plan that went awry and now he doesn't know what to do.

1. Yes, he was part of a dem plan. 2. The plan didn't go awry. Trump can't win against Hillary's numbers. Mission accomplished.

Like shooting fish in a barrel for the Dems. The shocker is that the GOP appears to not be willing to do anything about it. And they know. Trust me. They know.

Establishment Rs want a clinton presidency. Establishment pols stick together, regardless of party affiliation.
Yep. Let the little people think they have a choice in leadership and justice is blind.
Fox News pol just reported that clinton is up by 10 points (49% to 39%).

The economy is cruising along 1%-3% gdp is still growth and there are no signs of anything like fall 2008 occurring. Why don't the Republicans just capitulate the election and just concentrate on the down ballot candidates. At this point it is looking like complete annihilation for the GOP in November

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