Does anyone else think Trump is intentionally imploding his campaign?

The news media is now talking about some sort of GOP/Trump family INTERVENTION on Trump.


This is what I was talking about up yonder. He's a fragile soul inside and his money has shielded him from real challenges his entire life.

What happens when that glass house shatters apart. Again, it's hard to see this happening but he is exhibiting really bizarre behavior, even for him. The baby event just the latest.
That and the medal. Who takes a wounded hero's medal? Bizarre behavior
---------------------------- personal property , guy gave his personal property to TRUMP . Its no big deal in my opinion Grandpa .

No one's blaming the guy.
Does anyone else think Trump is intentionally imploding his campaign?

Trump's campaign has always been about making fools out of stupid cons. He insulted all of them when he said he could murder someone and not loose any supporters.....and they still don't get it. Trump has exposed the rampant bigotry of the GOP, and now the cons are crying in their beer.
33% of this country are bigots, but it's still a minority with no hope of winning.
What's he done today to piss Democrats off?

He's pissing off FAR more Republicans than Democrats.

Read something, dude.

Donald Trump isn't backing Paul Ryan, John McCain -
-------------------------------- and this is good , 'juan mccain' , paul ryan . Kelli Ward , hope that she kicks 'juans' azz . Same goes for my hope that 'ryan' gets his azz kicked . ryan and mccain are not my friends and do not deserve TRUMPS support Gary .

I don't care about any of that. The assertion was that he's pissing off democrats. He's not. Democrats are enjoying this. Immensely.
------------------------ so YOU say , looks like you care . ME , I don't care , let he dems be happy. reinse priebus [sp] seems to be pretty pizzed with Trumps nonsupport of the rino ryan and juan McCain Gary . Hope that he also goes after 'Kelly ayotte' .

Are you having a stroke?
How do Republicans in congress imagine they will ever be able to work with Trump? If they don't do what he tells them he will be a vindictive twit.
-------------------------------- good , being vindictive against the republican and dem wankers is good strategy . Trump needs tar and feathers and a rail for the wankers Ravi .
The news media is now talking about some sort of GOP/Trump family INTERVENTION on Trump.


This is what I was talking about up yonder. He's a fragile soul inside and his money has shielded him from real challenges his entire life.

What happens when that glass house shatters apart. Again, it's hard to see this happening but he is exhibiting really bizarre behavior, even for him. The baby event just the latest.
That and the medal. Who takes a wounded hero's medal? Bizarre behavior

What's he supposed to do? Tell the old man to go fuck himself I don't need your stinking medal? Seriously? This is the shit you hold against him? This is as bad as the morons who keep bitch slapping Obama for 57 states.

These poor people are on the road 24/7 for close to two years now. And we expect them to be perfect?

Uh, no. Are those the only 2 options?

How about this: "Sir, I appreciate the gesture, but my respect for the sacrifice that you incurred doesn't allow me to accept this in good conscience."

Weird, that took me 15 seconds to write.
---------------------- free country , personal property and you can do with it as you like Gary .
If Trump genuinely wants to win he has one thing going for him.
The American attention span.
If he can suddenly find a way to stop responding to stupid shit, and focus (maybe someone will get smart and take his phone and computer away) on Hillary and the issues, people will forget about this week and he could become competitive again.
Trump always wanted a Purple Heart?

Did he even know what the medal represents?

Right. Who would say that. And then add 'this is much easier'.

I have a friend who arrived in Vietnam 3 days after the Tet Offensive started. They were flown by helo out into the bush, they stepped off the copter and his CO took a few steps and stepped on a Bouncing Betty (anti-personell mine) that nearly blew off his legs. My friend said his first thought was "there is no way I will survive 13 months".

He had a couple months left and was a combat engineer all geared up in mine-clearing gear sitting in the back of an open truck with 14 other guys in it. They were driving along the coast on a road that wound down a mountainside towards the water. Some Vietcong attacked them with grenades and MG from above. He said the grenades exploded in the truck and he just remembers in slow motion tumbling up and flipping as all the wires of his gear tangled around him. He was thrown down below the road and the truck stopped and rolled back so it was between him and the enemy. All the men in the back of the truck as well as the driver were killed. Only their interpreter survived with him. He was shot four times, twice through both legs. And of course received the Purple Heart.

How anyone can be flippant about these things is beyond me.
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One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
He is doing exactly what he did during the primaries which no one thought he could win. He is capturing the news cycle day after day, rallying his supporters, promoting his agenda and all Clinton has to say is, "Tsk, tsk, tsk." In fact, the whole take away from the Democratic Convention is not that the Democrats have an agenda for America, but just tsk, tsk, tsk.
It's pretty sad that Trump can say the things he says, and is still the most qualified candidate - by far.

lol @ you

The Trump Campaign is trolling the U.S. for clowns. And they caught you in the net.
What a FOOL you are. You support the bus stop rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit - and admit it on a public forum. Shame on you and all the other sheepled traitors out there.
I can believe anything. Some think he's handing it to Clinton. It's one Conspiracy Theory. But i can believe anything when it comes to the NWO Global Elites. They have the money and the power to pull anything off.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

No one noticed the Queen of Diamonds card in the background of hillary's dnc speech.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
I've said that for over a year now.....Literally!!
Trump always wanted a Purple Heart?

Did he even know what the medal represents?

Right. Who would say that. And then add 'this is much easier'.

I have a friend who arrived in Vietnam 3 days after the Tet Offensive started. They were flown by helo out into the bush, they stepped off the copter and his CO took a few steps and stepped on a Bouncing Betty (anti-personell mine) that nearly blew off his legs. My friend said his first thought was "there is no way I will survive 13 months".

He had a couple months left and was a combat engineer all geared up in mine-clearing gear sitting in the back of an open truck with 14 other guys in it. They were driving along the coast on a road that wound down a mountainside towards the water. Some Vietcong attacked them with grenades and MG from above. He said the grenades exploded in the truck and he just remembers in slow motion tumbling up and flipping as all the wires of his gear tangled around him. He was thrown down below the road and the truck stopped and rolled back so it was between him and the enemy. All the men in the back of the truck as well as the driver we killed. Only their interpreter survived with him. He was shot four times, twice through both legs. And of course received the Purple Heart.

How anyone can be flippant about these things is beyond me.

No shit.

Tammy Duckworth nails Trump:

Tammy Duckworth Destroys Donald Trump For Joking About Military Service

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