Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.
Proof? You new to politics or something? Don't need no stinkeen proof. Allegations are enough. See Hillary Clinton.
Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.
Does ANYONE have proof that Ben Carson lied ? About anything ? If so, let's hear it. So far I haven't seen a shred of evidence to make that kind of conclusion. I don't see anything wrong with Ben Carson's statement about Westmorland, the words "full scholarship" and West Point. Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

This looks to me like liberal media bias, and Politico has been suspected of that before. In 2011 and 2012, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, and, each published stories saying that has a liberal bias.

I think all this blabber going on about Carson is just an attempt to take him down, a smear campaign by liberals who fear his nomination could take the Black vote (critical to Democrats) away from Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Democrat candidate is. Likewise, establishment GOP aren't friendly to Carson (an outsider) and they too have been talking about his stories being "unverifiable."

Since when is unverifiable equal to false ? I don't think so. And if you have stories to tell that are very old and can't be verified, that's supposed to mean you can't talk about those things ? Since when ? This is poppycock.

See, here's what you do: You provide the verifiability. Start with the easy one, the claim that he was accepted at West Point. If true, there would be documentation to that effect. Find the documentation, present it, one down.
Psha!!! YEAH!!! MSNBC said he did.

Have you noticed how intense criticism of a black candidate has all off a sudden become NOT racist!!??
Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.
He's a brain surgeon tweaking with the minds of Americans by his triple entendres...
Carson claimed he was offered a full scholarship. West Point says they have no record of him even applying. Someone telling him he could probably get in is not the same as offering a full scholarship.​
"Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?"


During Carson's disaster of a press conference Friday he lied about Obama not being subject to the same level and intensity of media scrutiny as he; this is known as a red herring fallacy.
See, here's what you do: You provide the verifiability. Start with the easy one, the claim that he was accepted at West Point. If true, there would be documentation to that effect. Find the documentation, present it, one down.
Completely WRONG (as I said in the OP). There doesn't need to be verifiability to anything. Unverifiable does not equal false. It simply means unverifiable, which means NOTHING..Nothing positive or negative. Thos ewho claim that Carson has been lying n=must show proof of that or shut up. SO far no one has done that.

As for for West Point, neither Carson or anyone else said he was accepted there. Al that was said was Westmoreland said something to him about going there and used the words "full scholarship" which could have been nothing ore than Westmoreland's way of describing West Point free tuition system.

Some people have to be told twice (or they didn't read the OP)
"Does ANYONE Have Proof That Ben Carson Lied ? About Anything ?"


During Carson's disaster of a press conference Friday he lied about Obama not being subject to the same level and intensity of media scrutiny as he; this is known as a red herring fallacy.
FALSE! What he said is correct.
Here, I'll quote it again

Could be that Westmoreland wasn't referring to a scholarship as other universities grant them, but just said the words as an adjective phrase, to describe the tuition-free 4 years of college, that being how West Point characteristically operates.

It could be a lot of things but it can't be that he was offered a scholarship because they don't have one. And Westmoreland couldn't have offered it since he never met the guy according to Army records.

That's the lie. Also his crap about being a former bad ass is unverifiable AND protecting whites from a "mob of blacks" no one seems to remember that either.

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