Does Anyone Not Know We're in World War III ?

"Does Anyone Not Know We're in World War III ?"

Every hysterical, delusional nitwit with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims knows we're in World War III.
So you think 76% of the American people are hysterical, delusional nitwits with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims ? That's the % that considers terrorism (Muslim) to be America's # 1 concern and top priority right now.

Several problems with your analysis. An American having terrorism as their number 1 concern doesn't mean that they think we're in WWIII. Or that they hate Muslims.
Liberals won't recognize anything unless Obama tells them to. He speaks and they react accordingly. This thread illustrates that perfectly. I guarantee if Obama gave a press conference tomorrow and declared Islam to be our enemy, every liberal on this forum would do an about face and start bashing muslims at every opportunity. They don't have the ability to think for themselves.

Aren't you the poor soul that told us that Obama is the head of ISIS?
The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.n

Really? Crystal clear?

The Second World War consisted(generally) of two sides- the Axis- Germany, Italy, Japan(and some minor countries) and the Allies- the United States, the Soviet Union, England etc.

The Axis had military forces that over-ran and defeated many countries around the world- had modern armies, navies, air forces that were comparable to the Allied armed forces.

The Muslims who are fighting today spend as much time fighting each other as they do anyone else- ISIS is killing more Muslims than non-Muslims. Al Qaeda is fighting ISIS.

But assuming that your parallels were even true- identify the enemy and give us your WW2 strategy for defeating them.
As for your definition of world war, no, it's is NOT "Armies and Navies and Air Forces slugging it out". That is just your backwards perception of it. Now, in 2015, it is partially that, but it is also just as much acquiring oil lands to get the wealth needed to acquire NUCLEAR WEAPONS. It is CYBERwarfare. It is electric grid. It is Ebola,.

World War 3 is about Ebola?
Protist 10586052
PS - Thethe murderous DAIISH terrorists have a WORSE and MORE DANGEROUS status than the German and Japanese Army Navy and Air Forces of WWII. Even kids in elementary school know that.

DAIISH scum have no Navy or Air Force or industrial capability to produce the machines to employ those necessary assets for sustained warfare against the world powers that do have them. I don't think you have made it passed your elementary grade school buddies level of knowledge of how warfare works.
protist 10586052
It looks pretty stupid to call ISIS, DAIISH

Not if you wish to refer to murderous subhuman terrorist scum in as derogatory a term as possible. I refuse to give them the title that they prefer - soldiers of an Islamic State. They are DAIISH terrorist scum.

However it's spelled, there's another big factor: The group is reported to hate the moniker.

The Associated Press recently reported that the group were threatening to cut cut out the tongues of anyone who used the phrase publicly, and AFP have noted that the term "Daeshi" has been used a derogatory term in some parts of the Middle East. Some analysts have suggested that the dislike of the term comes from its similarity to another Arabic word, دعس, or Das. That word means to trample down or crush.

France is ditching the 8216 Islamic State 8217 name 8212 and replacing it with a label the group hates - The Washington Post
So you think 76% of the American people are hysterical, delusional nitwits with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims ? That's the % that considers terrorism (Muslim) to be America's # 1 concern and top priority right now.

Right Now? Are we still fighting Germans and Japanese right now?

I've yet to see DAIISH kamikazis dive into a US Navy destroyer and burn dozens of US sailors to death.

Do you think DAIISH has captured Route Irish?
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protist 10586052
Lastly, if you check my OP > you'll notice I advocated raising taxes on the rich.


protist 10585507
In the 1940s, we had World War II. The Allies were fighting against the Axis powers all over the world. Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology. Wars are happening on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Radical Muslim groups are attacking and killing people. In some places people fight back. In others, they don't, and are simply slaughtered.

The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.

And if anyone thinks the USA is immune to all this madness, guess again. There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it (similar to how we saw the Paris attacks last week).

22 Jihad Training Camps in the US – FBI Refuses to Take

That's your OP - where is it?
In the 1940s, we had World War II. The Allies were fighting against the Axis powers all over the world. Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology. Wars are happening on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Radical Muslim groups are attacking and killing people. In some places people fight back. In others, they don't, and are simply slaughtered.

The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.

And if anyone thinks the USA is immune to all this madness, guess again. There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it (similar to how we saw the Paris attacks last week).

22 Jihad Training Camps in the US – FBI Refuses to Take Action
This is a great discovery!! However jihad started in the first days of Islam i.e. in the 7th century. Everyone knows that American dollars finance the ideas of muslim community. If it is a third world war it bursts out inside America.
Liberals won't recognize anything unless Obama tells them to. He speaks and they react accordingly. This thread illustrates that perfectly. I guarantee if Obama gave a press conference tomorrow and declared Islam to be our enemy, every liberal on this forum would do an about face and start bashing muslims at every opportunity. They don't have the ability to think for themselves.

Aren't you the poor soul that told us that Obama is the head of ISIS?
He may as well be, he paved the road for them.
In the 1940s, we had World War II. The Allies were fighting against the Axis powers all over the world. Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology. Wars are happening on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Radical Muslim groups are attacking and killing people. In some places people fight back. In others, they don't, and are simply slaughtered.

The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.

And if anyone thinks the USA is immune to all this madness, guess again. There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it (similar to how we saw the Paris attacks last week).

22 Jihad Training Camps in the US – FBI Refuses to Take Action

No you're wrong, the cold war was World War Three, now we're in World War Four, the titanic struggle of civilizations, the final battle of good vs evil, Armageddon, if need be, in the name of our lord, to preserve freedom and justice for all. We must all rally against every Muslim everywhere because we want to do everything we can to elevate the status of a few ragheads with bombs and guns.
kaz 10588443
Not true, Obama has done more damage.

What damage? Just list your too three?

I can name 4484 Bush43 damages in Iraq and that's just American deaths for no reason.
They are not for no reason. Are you blind ? You haven't seen ISIS come into Iraq right after Obama pulled the troops out n 2010 ? And aren't you aware of the significance of the combination of the largest unproven oil reserves in the world in Iraq, and the wealth to acquire nuclear weapons ? Think man, think.
So you think 76% of the American people are hysterical, delusional nitwits with an unwarranted fear and hatred of Muslims ? That's the % that considers terrorism (Muslim) to be America's # 1 concern and top priority right now.

Right Now? Are we still fighting Germans and Japanese right now?

I've yet to see DAIISH kamikazis dive into a US Navy destroyer and burn dozens of US sailors to death.

Do you think DAIISH has captured Route Irish?
What the hell are you yammering about ?
protist 10586052
Lastly, if you check my OP > you'll notice I advocated raising taxes on the rich.


protist 10585507
In the 1940s, we had World War II. The Allies were fighting against the Axis powers all over the world. Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology. Wars are happening on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Radical Muslim groups are attacking and killing people. In some places people fight back. In others, they don't, and are simply slaughtered.

The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.

And if anyone thinks the USA is immune to all this madness, guess again. There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it (similar to how we saw the Paris attacks last week).

22 Jihad Training Camps in the US – FBI Refuses to Take

That's your OP - where is it?
Right here >>> Obama Calling for Tax Increases on the Rich US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Protist 10586052
PS - Thethe murderous DAIISH terrorists have a WORSE and MORE DANGEROUS status than the German and Japanese Army Navy and Air Forces of WWII. Even kids in elementary school know that.

DAIISH scum have no Navy or Air Force or industrial capability to produce the machines to employ those necessary assets for sustained warfare against the world powers that do have them. I don't think you have made it passed your elementary grade school buddies level of knowledge of how warfare works.
You haven't thought this through. Keyword is NUCLEAR. The World War II Axis powers did not have any capability to acquire nuclear weapons. ISIS does pose that danger. They are fighting in Iraq which possesses the largest unproven oil reserves in the world and the 4th largest proven (Drilled and stored) reserves. This is MASSIVE wealth, which if conquered, could put a nuclear arsenal in the hands of ISIS. ISIS also is skilled in CYBERwarfare and is said to be 15 years ahead of the US right now.

These are why they are more dangerous than the WW II Axis. BTW, when you were talking about elementary school, you misspelled the word PAST. So now that you have gotten an education in how 21st century warfare works, as opposed to 1940s, maybe you can brush up on some of that elementary school spelling. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

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