Does Anyone Not Know We're in World War III ?

In the 1940s, we had World War II. The Allies were fighting against the Axis powers all over the world. Today, we have the radical Muslims fighting against everyone who doesn't share their insane ideology. Wars are happening on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Radical Muslim groups are attacking and killing people. In some places people fight back. In others, they don't, and are simply slaughtered.

The parallels to World War II are there, crystal clear. Although the various jihad groups go by different names in different countries, they are all fighting in the name of Muslim jihad, in hopes of bringing back the Islamic caliphate, with worldwide domination, same as was Hitler's ultimate plan.

And if anyone thinks the USA is immune to all this madness, guess again. There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening. Nothing - while these enclaves of Muslim warfare arm up, train, and prepare to attack America from right inside of it (similar to how we saw the Paris attacks last week).

22 Jihad Training Camps in the US – FBI Refuses to Take Action

Wait....isn't your primary source for the 22 'Jihad Training Camp' that hapless idiot on fox who called (and subsequently recanted) his claims about Birmingham England?
There are NO-GO zones all over the US, and due to current laws, and the current Obama administration's hands off mindset, that's just what is happening.

And where are these 'no-go' zones? Every time I ask, I'm shown the same video on youtube of some Christians who went to an Islamic festival in 2012 to stir shit.....and duped a few young Muslim men into taking the bait.

If they're 'all over the US', surely there's more than that one youtube video showing one tussle at one festival.

Or is this like Mr. Emerson's claims regarding Birmingham England where its best not to think too hard about the claims. And of course, never question them.
I hope this doesn't shock you into a coma, but Muslim enclaves have been around for DECADES. Are you just finding out about this now ?

I hope this doesn't shock you into a coma, but you simply saying it must be so means less than nothing. Especially when your source is Steve 'Let me tell you about Birmingham' Emerson. A man whose knowledge on the topic was so comically inept that even FOX had to back away from him.

Last week on this programme, a guest made a serious factual error that we wrongly let stand unchallenged and uncorrected."

"The most recent census data, which is from 2011, indicates 22 per cent of the population of Birmingham identifies themselves as Muslim. Also, we could find no credible source that indicates Birmingham is a so-called no-go zone."

Earlier in the day, anchors apologised for using "inaccurate maps" of no-go zones in France and for referring to an inaccurate poll that said 69 per cent of French Muslims support Isis.

Fox News says sorry for calling Birmingham a Muslim-only city - TV Radio - Media - The Independent

That idiot guest....was your primary source, Steven Emerson. Even Emerson had to issue a humiliating apology

I have clearly made a terrible error for which I am deeply sorry. My comments about Birmingham were totally in error. And I am issuing this apology and correction for having made this comment about the beautiful city of Birmingham. I do not intend to justify or mitigate my mistake by stating that I had relied on other sources because I should have been much more careful. There was no excuse for making this mistake and I owe an apology to every resident of Birmingham. I am not going to make any excuses. I made an inexcusable error. And I am obligated to openly acknowledge that mistake. I wish to apologize for all residents of that great city of Birmingham.

Steve Emerson

Emerson with Judge Pirro No-Go Islamic Zones and Western Self-Denial Steven Emerson

This is your source? Really? The guy who humiliated himself on national television?

So I ask again, where are these 'no-go' zones? Is that one tussle at one festivals involving Christians intentionally trying to stir shit the extent of it?
Foolish post. The only thing erroneous about Emerson's remark was all of Birmingham vs part of it (which is inconsequential) And if you believe the FOX pretended "apology" was real, I have a bridge in Brooklyn waiting for you. what's the matter with you. Media people have been making these litigation avoiding pseudo-apologies for years, to dodge belligerent Muslims. There are dozens of cases like these. You must not know much about Islamization (which is my speciality).

I hope this doesn't shock you into a coma, but Muslim enclaves have been around for DECADES. Are you just finding out about this now ? If so, here 's an excellent report on the many no go zones in France (click the link) with 44 sublinks in it referring to the tons of DOCUMENTED reprOts and videos that have been around for DECADES.

Read and learn (or remain ignorant) >> European No-Go Zones Fact or Fiction
This thread is a hoot. I can't imagine living life in such fear. :lol:
These people can't either. They're DEAD. Killed by jihadist lunatics.

Boston Marathon

Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.

Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
My preparations include a .380 semi-automatic, an M1A1 fully automatic assault rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun. And what so "not smart " about posting on obscure message boards ?
You haven't thought this through. Keyword is NUCLEAR. The World War II Axis powers did not have any capability to acquire nuclear weapons. ISIS does pose that danger.

Your logic is another mentle fumble. DAIISH has not acquired a nuclear weapon or any way to deliver one. What is your proposal for an 100% guarantee that no diabolical agent or organization ever acquire a deliverable nuclear weapon?
Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.

Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
My preparations include a .380 semi-automatic, an M1A1 fully automatic assault rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun. And what so "not smart " about posting on obscure message boards ?

If we were really at war, you wouldn't be wasting time trying to convince a whole lot of people who are smarter than you that we are at'd be prepping for it. PS: Three firearms is a laughable cache.
All of these things are an existential threat, and some of then are already happening (ex. Mexico's pillaging, the electric grid failures, rotting dams, bridges, and levees, CYBERwarfare, etc) You are clueless.

Oh, I agree, when you are pissing away money on 400 million dollar fighters and neglecting infrastructure, that is really a bad thing.

And Obama is much worse than Bush was. Bush didn't stop FBI monitoring of mosques, He didn't let dangerous prisoners go from Gitmo. He didn't purge FBI training manuals of words like jihad, Islamist, et In short he wasn't a Muslim ass-kisser like Obama.

You mean he doesn't go out and find ways to piss off 1/6 of the world's population? That's actually a GOOD thing.

And where do you get off to say these things are not an existential threat to the US. Americans are being blown up b bombs, beheaded, and shot, right here in America. Have you been living in a closet ? Fool.

Some fool goes into a war zone and gets beheaded, that's not an existential threat to the US. I mean, it's sad and shit, I guess. But America will keep being America long after that guy's become a Trivial Pursuit answer.

Pissing off 1/6 of the world's population is just tough ass for them. Would you have pulled troops out of Germany in 1943, because it would "piss off" Germans, Japs and Italians for us to be shooting at them ? when you have nutjobs sworn to kill you do ALL the intelligence gathering you can to PROTECT the AMerican people. Who gets pissed off doesn't mean squat.

You talk about a guy getting beheaded ? Yikes! See Post # 21 (and read ALL of it.)
Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.

Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
My preparations include a .380 semi-automatic, an M1A1 fully automatic assault rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun. And what so "not smart " about posting on obscure message boards ?

If we were really at war, you wouldn't be wasting time trying to convince a whole lot of people who are smarter than you that we are at'd be prepping for it. PS: Three firearms is a laughable cache.
How would YOU "prep for it" ?
Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.

Protectionist has little understanding of war, warfare, or history apparently.
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
My preparations include a .380 semi-automatic, an M1A1 fully automatic assault rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun. And what so "not smart " about posting on obscure message boards ?

If we were really at war, you wouldn't be wasting time trying to convince a whole lot of people who are smarter than you that we are at'd be prepping for it. PS: Three firearms is a laughable cache.
How would YOU "prep for it" ?

Join the LEPC first.
You haven't thought this through. Keyword is NUCLEAR. The World War II Axis powers did not have any capability to acquire nuclear weapons. ISIS does pose that danger.

Your logic is another mentle fumble. DAIISH has not acquired a nuclear weapon or any way to deliver one. What is your proposal for an 100% guarantee that no diabolical agent or organization ever acquire a deliverable nuclear weapon?
I didn't say they that they already did, fool. As for logic, you don't have any. Since you need to be told things twice, again, I said >> "acquiring oil lands to get the wealth needed to acquire NUCLEAR WEAPONS"

Having trouble with reading comprehension ? As for a "100% guarantee that no diabolical agent or organization ever acquire a deliverable nuclear weapon", there isn't any. So ?
Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.

Protectionist has an EXCELLENT understanding of war, warfare, and history, apparently.

Have you started rationing things yet? Apparently, your preparations include posting on obscure message boards. Not smart for someone with an "excellent" understanding.
My preparations include a .380 semi-automatic, an M1A1 fully automatic assault rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun. And what so "not smart " about posting on obscure message boards ?

If we were really at war, you wouldn't be wasting time trying to convince a whole lot of people who are smarter than you that we are at'd be prepping for it. PS: Three firearms is a laughable cache.
How would YOU "prep for it" ?

Join the LEPC first.
I hate to tell you this but if you are nuked, there won't be any LEPC, there won't be any buildings, and there won't be any YOU. You'll be vaporized. There is only one way to prepare for a World War III nuking. That is to move far away from likely targets, and into a place where the local climatology lessens the chances of the radiation cloud coming your way. (example - around San Francisco Bay, winds generally blow strongly from west to east)
kaz 10588443
Not true, Obama has done more damage.

What damage? Just list your too three?

I can name 4484 Bush43 damages in Iraq and that's just American deaths for no reason.
They are not for no reason. Are you blind ? You haven't seen ISIS come into Iraq right after Obama pulled the troops out n 2010 ? And aren't you aware of the significance of the combination of the largest unproven oil reserves in the world in Iraq, and the wealth to acquire nuclear weapons ? Think man, think.

protectionist: I think we have plenty of oil at home. If the Euroweenies, who pay the brunt of the price both in being targets of terrorism and needing middle east oil want to get behind doing something about the middle east, I can see supporting that effort. Allowing them to be the primary beneficiaries of our doing it ourselves while they stab us in the back I'm not interested in. Let's keep developing oil at home, we're nearing energy independence.

StillfooledbyO, I didn't see your question until protectionist quoted it. told you you're on ignore. You make every post to me, a libertarian, about debating W. You go to excrutiating lenghts to do that in virtually every post. Republicans, Republicans, Republicans. Why would a left wing moonbat like you and a government hating libertarian like me want to discuss nothing but what Republicans think? I don't, and I have no interest in defending W who I think was a horrible President. If you ever want to debate my libertarian views, you need to make the commitment to me you will do that and I will take you off ignore and give it a go. As long as you're StillobsessedwithW, you're on ignore.
Last edited:
kaz 10588443
Not true, Obama has done more damage.

What damage? Just list your too three?

I can name 4484 Bush43 damages in Iraq and that's just American deaths for no reason.
They are not for no reason. Are you blind ? You haven't seen ISIS come into Iraq right after Obama pulled the troops out n 2010 ? And aren't you aware of the significance of the combination of the largest unproven oil reserves in the world in Iraq, and the wealth to acquire nuclear weapons ? Think man, think.

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate.

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence
kaz 10588443
Not true, Obama has done more damage.

What damage? Just list your too three?

I can name 4484 Bush43 damages in Iraq and that's just American deaths for no reason.
They are not for no reason. Are you blind ? You haven't seen ISIS come into Iraq right after Obama pulled the troops out n 2010 ? And aren't you aware of the significance of the combination of the largest unproven oil reserves in the world in Iraq, and the wealth to acquire nuclear weapons ? Think man, think.

In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate.

Iraq 8217 s Government Not Obama Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence

What a lame answer. Obama didn't try to extend it. Man up and take a position.

My position is we should have left, stayed out and we should stay out of fighting ISIS now. I stand behind leaving.

At least if you say Obama should have tried to stay and didn't, you disagree with him on that you'd be taking a stand on a view.

Just saying it was W means you need political Viagara.
We're in WWIII, eh?

That must explain why our Defense budget in real dollars is the biggest it has been since WWII.
We're in WWIII, eh?

That must explain why our Defense budget in real dollars is the biggest it has been since WWII.

In WWII we had allies who did more than cheer us on. Now we're fighting the war by ourselves. That is expensive. And it primarily helps Europe and Asia, not us. This is nothing like WWII. Well maybe except the last part...

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