Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

You are confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants.
Nope, not at all. For one they arent much different. You can't tell by looking at them, professor. For two,we have plenty of both.

You, on the other hand, are just scrambling for a retort about something you don't know anything about.
You are full of BS, Skippy. Google how much the illegals are costing the state of Ca. Your drivel is just your
masters spoon feeding the rhetoric.
Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B
That is idiotic analysis written by a guy paid to keep you in a permanent state of agitation. Of course, immigrants also feed the economy. And who do you think you are cooling, anywa? You dont give a shit how much they are costing California, or anuoneelse. You care that they are brown and different, so you no likey.
You are laughable when you lose an argument, skippy.
You know nothing about me, so don't go all psycho analyse, okay? You just look stupid.
It's all part of the hijacking of the party, to a true liberal they believe the party is centrist and needs to move left, some of us are resisting but it is just one tough load to haul
Reading the responses is pretty interesting, as they fall into three groups. (1) Those admit that the party has clearly moved Left, (2) those who offer a vague and odd denial of the obvious, and (3) those who don't really answer the question at all. Presumably that last group is fine with it but doesn't want to admit it.
And (4), people who say they don't see it and give a few very specific examples of exactly why. But you skimmed over that. I think you may have an agenda...oh just maybe...

I said you cany tell yhe difference between the illegal and legal immigrants here in Indiana...and your big response was to cite a bullshit wingnut opinion piece on what illegal immigrants cost California? Haha moron...whine some more...
The moral of this story is the left 'government power and control' always moves left.' And no, it was not a natural, cultural shift. Whoever controls the media is pushing the third trimester abortion, censorship, and covering any crime committed by someone with a D after their name. When your party is all about government control, what did you think was going to happen?
It's all part of the hijacking of the party, to a true liberal they believe the party is centrist and needs to move left, some of us are resisting but it is just one tough load to haul
Reading the responses is pretty interesting, as they fall into three groups. (1) Those admit that the party has clearly moved Left, (2) those who offer a vague and odd denial of the obvious, and (3) those who don't really answer the question at all. Presumably that last group is fine with it but doesn't want to admit it.
And (4), people who say they don't see it and give a few very specific examples of exactly why. But you skimmed over that. I think you may have an agenda...oh just maybe...

I said you cany tell yhe difference between the illegal and legal immigrants here in Indiana...and your big response was to cite a bullshit wingnut opinion piece on what illegal immigrants cost California? Haha moron...whine some more...
Vulgarity and personal insults. I love it.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to strike a nerve around here. And I never have to name names.
The moral of this story is the left 'government power and control' always moves left.' And no, it was not a natural, cultural shift. Whoever controls the media is pushing the third trimester abortion, censorship, and covering any crime committed by someone with a D after their name. When your party is all about government control, what did you think was going to happen?

When your particular conservative lie is "control", here is what is going to happen.

The conservative definition of "control", is the liberal refusal to allow conservatives to discriminate against non-whites and non-Christians, gays and women. Conservatives want to keep blacks, hispanics, gays and women in their place, which in all cases, is lower than white males. They also want a nation where everyone has access to health care, because it's cheaper to do that than it is to continue to force employers to buy health insurance at market rates.

Allowing employers to dictate what health insurance their employees get, is unfair to employees, and allows religious nuts to inflict their "beliefs", on the religious moderates. Conservatives call this "religious freedom", but it's not freedom for the employees.
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !
On health care, whether you agree with them or not, at least they're providing clarity.

Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

I'm glad they are publicly admitting they believe American taxpayers should pay for the healthcare of people around the world who can successfully sneak into our country.
Better than the American people paying for a tax credit for criminal Donald’s private plane

Trumpkins are morons, sergei
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !
On health care, whether you agree with them or not, at least they're providing clarity.

Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

I'm glad they are publicly admitting they believe American taxpayers should pay for the healthcare of people around the world who can successfully sneak into our country.
Better than the American people paying for a tax credit for criminal Donald’s private plane

Trumpkins are morons, sergei

Or the millions of dollars flowing into the Trump Corporation renting rooms and providing meals to the Secret Service every weekend at Mar-a-lago. One million a weekend for Trump to go to one of his gold resorts every weekend and hang out with the "pay-for-play" crowd from the "for-profit" prison lobby who are raking in millions abusing small children at the border. I'll bet the government pay full price for those rooms too. No internet discount deals for the Secret Service.
The moral of this story is the left 'government power and control' always moves left.' And no, it was not a natural, cultural shift. Whoever controls the media is pushing the third trimester abortion, censorship, and covering any crime committed by someone with a D after their name. When your party is all about government control, what did you think was going to happen?

When your particular conservative lie is "control", here is what is going to happen.

The conservative definition of "control", is the liberal refusal to allow conservatives to discriminate against non-whites and non-Christians, gays and women. Conservatives want to keep blacks, hispanics, gays and women in their place, which in all cases, is lower than white males. They also want a nation where everyone has access to health care, because it's cheaper to do that than it is to continue to force employers to buy health insurance at market rates.

Allowing employers to dictate what health insurance their employees get, is unfair to employees, and allows religious nuts to inflict their "beliefs", on the religious moderates. Conservatives call this "religious freedom", but it's not freedom for the employees.

Hate to break it to you, but not everything is about race. Last I heard, there are more jobs for everyone. Social justice is no excuse for bowing to government power and corruption. Especially when everyone benefits from less corruption. When you advocate for larger government, you are also advocating for increased corruption. That is just the way it is. This corruption is fueling the radical shift of the left. The media is pushing censorship and third trimester abortion. It is obvious corruption is fueling the shift.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

When Democrats get in their hybrid car to bounce from gay club to gay club or protest to protest, they just put on their left turn signal. They’re so far from center they just drive around the world to the left. :lmao:
Social justice is paving the suburbs of Northern Virginia with streets of Gold. These people are not going to help you. 1. They are corrupt. 2. They are stupid. Experts and clowns both wear bow ties. Why not just let people be free? Why crush people under the heal of government power?
All of the Dim candidates last night would give free healthcare to illegals.
Beyond fucking belief !
On health care, whether you agree with them or not, at least they're providing clarity.

Part of the reason for this move to the Left is that they feel Trump and the GOP have given them an opening to do so.

I'm glad they are publicly admitting they believe American taxpayers should pay for the healthcare of people around the world who can successfully sneak into our country.
Better than the American people paying for a tax credit for criminal Donald’s private plane

Trumpkins are morons, sergei

Or the millions of dollars flowing into the Trump Corporation renting rooms and providing meals to the Secret Service every weekend at Mar-a-lago. One million a weekend for Trump to go to one of his gold resorts every weekend and hang out with the "pay-for-play" crowd from the "for-profit" prison lobby who are raking in millions abusing small children at the border. I'll bet the government pay full price for those rooms too. No internet discount deals for the Secret Service.
Sounds like a great time. I can just imagine how much fun it would be to be da POTUS.
The moral of this story is the left 'government power and control' always moves left.' And no, it was not a natural, cultural shift. Whoever controls the media is pushing the third trimester abortion, censorship, and covering any crime committed by someone with a D after their name. When your party is all about government control, what did you think was going to happen?

When your particular conservative lie is "control", here is what is going to happen.

The conservative definition of "control", is the liberal refusal to allow conservatives to discriminate against non-whites and non-Christians, gays and women. Conservatives want to keep blacks, hispanics, gays and women in their place, which in all cases, is lower than white males. They also want a nation where everyone has access to health care, because it's cheaper to do that than it is to continue to force employers to buy health insurance at market rates.

Allowing employers to dictate what health insurance their employees get, is unfair to employees, and allows religious nuts to inflict their "beliefs", on the religious moderates. Conservatives call this "religious freedom", but it's not freedom for the employees.

Hate to break it to you, but not everything is about race. Last I heard, there are more jobs for everyone. Social justice is no excuse for bowing to government power and corruption. Especially when everyone benefits from less corruption. When you advocate for larger government, you are also advocating for increased corruption. That is just the way it is. This corruption is fueling the radical shift of the left. The media is pushing censorship and third trimester abortion. It is obvious corruption is fueling the shift.

Yes, the corruption of Donald Trump and the Republican Party is fueling a LOT of movement to the left. The latest revelations of massive numbers of child molestations and sexual assaults at the CHILDREN'S facilities being run by the for-profit prison companies will likely put an end to those contracts for good. Trump gifted the for-profit lobby with $200 million in no-bid contracts to build internment facilities on the Southern Border, after they donated heavily to his Inauguration Fund. The same Inauguration Fund which is under investigation as a "pay for play" scheme.

Then there's the stories of border patrol agents revelling in the abuse and ill treatment of the people in their custody. Americans don't like government workers abusing people in their control

Democrats aren't advocating for "more government". They're advocating for government which works for the people not for the corporations, and not just the wealthy. Under both Clinton and Obama, government shrank!

And there aren't "more jobs for everyone". Manufacturing hasn't come back. Jobs continue to be off-shored. The same people in the mid-West who's jobs were lost to automation and off-shoring, are waiting for work. The working people who were promised tax cuts didn't get them, those all went to the wealthy. Trump hasn't decreased corruption, he's codified it, and is running the most corrupt administration in US History.

The media is pushing an end to lying, and censorship of false and inflammatory hate speech. No one is "pushing" 3rd trimester abortions. What PEOPLE WANT is an end to abortion laws which criminalize a private matter between a woman and her doctor. What PEOPLE WANT, are safe, cheap and legal abortions at any stage of the pregnancy the doctor deems medically necessary. Abortions should be legal, cheap and rare.

You need to do work on the "rare" part. Perhaps if you have more family friendly employment policies, maternity leave, job guarantees for pregant women, and guaranteed vacations and family leave like the rest of the first world countries, your abortion rate would go down.

I personally want Trump to continue to be Trump. To be the same cruel, unthinking moron he's always been. If Trump continues to lie, cheat and steal from everyone he promised to help, well, there's far too many people who are onto his act, and far too few people who are actually benefitting from his economy.

The unemployed factory workers still don't have jobs. 5 million people have lost their healthcare. Red states are busy supressing non-white votes. The middle class got screwed on the tax cut. The Trade Deficit has increased not decreased so the tariffs haven't worked at all. The budget deficit is the largest in US history - even though the US is in an economic boom. No new trade deals have been negotiated, but all of the old ones have been ripped up and tariffs slapped on those who helped maked America rich.

And I haven't even mentioned Iran. Trump tossed out the peace deal with Iran, even though Iran was in compliance with said Treaty, and now Trump is sending troops to the Middle East - again.

And an injunction has been issued halting all wall construction.
Well, I'll agree to disagree. The job market where I am is doing well enough wages are going up. It doesn't matter what race you are either. The tax cut is helping my family and community. Your representatives are indeed pushing 3rd trimester abortions, which is nuts even to people who don't give a crap about the issue. Censorship is not targeting 'hate'. It is going after political enemies. Google just bragged about trying to get Democrats 15 million votes. Nobody should be okay with that. What you are seeing, or being told, is completely different than what is going on in my community. I also find it odd that Democrats are clamoring for war. The 'experts' want blood. Glad Trump is saying no to pointless wars like he promised. Also, the Trump Corruption has been investigated since he was in office, and proven false. Now about that Obama administration, you think they will get away clean again?
The moral of this story is the left 'government power and control' always moves left.' And no, it was not a natural, cultural shift. Whoever controls the media is pushing the third trimester abortion, censorship, and covering any crime committed by someone with a D after their name. When your party is all about government control, what did you think was going to happen?

When your particular conservative lie is "control", here is what is going to happen.

The conservative definition of "control", is the liberal refusal to allow conservatives to discriminate against non-whites and non-Christians, gays and women. Conservatives want to keep blacks, hispanics, gays and women in their place, which in all cases, is lower than white males. They also want a nation where everyone has access to health care, because it's cheaper to do that than it is to continue to force employers to buy health insurance at market rates.

Allowing employers to dictate what health insurance their employees get, is unfair to employees, and allows religious nuts to inflict their "beliefs", on the religious moderates. Conservatives call this "religious freedom", but it's not freedom for the employees.

Hate to break it to you, but not everything is about race. Last I heard, there are more jobs for everyone. Social justice is no excuse for bowing to government power and corruption. Especially when everyone benefits from less corruption. When you advocate for larger government, you are also advocating for increased corruption. That is just the way it is. This corruption is fueling the radical shift of the left. The media is pushing censorship and third trimester abortion. It is obvious corruption is fueling the shift.

Yes, the corruption of Donald Trump and the Republican Party is fueling a LOT of movement to the left. The latest revelations of massive numbers of child molestations and sexual assaults at the CHILDREN'S facilities being run by the for-profit prison companies will likely put an end to those contracts for good. Trump gifted the for-profit lobby with $200 million in no-bid contracts to build internment facilities on the Southern Border, after they donated heavily to his Inauguration Fund. The same Inauguration Fund which is under investigation as a "pay for play" scheme.

Then there's the stories of border patrol agents revelling in the abuse and ill treatment of the people in their custody. Americans don't like government workers abusing people in their control

Democrats aren't advocating for "more government". They're advocating for government which works for the people not for the corporations, and not just the wealthy. Under both Clinton and Obama, government shrank!

And there aren't "more jobs for everyone". Manufacturing hasn't come back. Jobs continue to be off-shored. The same people in the mid-West who's jobs were lost to automation and off-shoring, are waiting for work. The working people who were promised tax cuts didn't get them, those all went to the wealthy. Trump hasn't decreased corruption, he's codified it, and is running the most corrupt administration in US History.

The media is pushing an end to lying, and censorship of false and inflammatory hate speech. No one is "pushing" 3rd trimester abortions. What PEOPLE WANT is an end to abortion laws which criminalize a private matter between a woman and her doctor. What PEOPLE WANT, are safe, cheap and legal abortions at any stage of the pregnancy the doctor deems medically necessary. Abortions should be legal, cheap and rare.

You need to do work on the "rare" part. Perhaps if you have more family friendly employment policies, maternity leave, job guarantees for pregant women, and guaranteed vacations and family leave like the rest of the first world countries, your abortion rate would go down.

I personally want Trump to continue to be Trump. To be the same cruel, unthinking moron he's always been. If Trump continues to lie, cheat and steal from everyone he promised to help, well, there's far too many people who are onto his act, and far too few people who are actually benefitting from his economy.

The unemployed factory workers still don't have jobs. 5 million people have lost their healthcare. Red states are busy supressing non-white votes. The middle class got screwed on the tax cut. The Trade Deficit has increased not decreased so the tariffs haven't worked at all. The budget deficit is the largest in US history - even though the US is in an economic boom. No new trade deals have been negotiated, but all of the old ones have been ripped up and tariffs slapped on those who helped maked America rich.

And I haven't even mentioned Iran. Trump tossed out the peace deal with Iran, even though Iran was in compliance with said Treaty, and now Trump is sending troops to the Middle East - again.

And an injunction has been issued halting all wall construction.

Well, I'll agree to disagree. The job market where I am is doing well enough wages are going up. It doesn't matter what race you are either. The tax cut is helping my family and community. Your representatives are indeed pushing 3rd trimester abortions, which is nuts even to people who don't give a crap about the issue. Censorship is not targeting 'hate'. It is going after political enemies. Google just bragged about trying to get Democrats 15 million votes. Nobody should be okay with that. What you are seeing, or being told, is completely different than what is going on in my community. I also find it odd that Democrats are clamoring for war. The 'experts' want blood. Glad Trump is saying no to pointless wars like he promised. Also, the Trump Corruption has been investigated since he was in office, and proven false. Now about that Obama administration, you think they will get away clean again?

Dusty, do you think she actually believes what she posted? And if she does, how uneducated or indoctrinated is she?

Lets see how uninformed she really is...…..oh wait, she said Trump tossed the PEACE DEAL WITH IRAN OUT!

Do you think she knows that if it was a REAL DEAL, the congress would have voted on it and Trump COULD NOT have cancelled it? Does she know why Obysmal didn't have congress vote on it? Well, shhhhhhhhhh, it is a secret so don't tell anyone but...… would NOT have passed!

By the way, she also talks about unemployed factory workers. Well, the Trump policies have created 500,000 of them in 2 years. Obama was losing 1000 a month while he was in office. Where was she then? NOWHERE!

She also states, that to few people are benefitting from the economy, even as there are MORE OPEN JOBS than workers, causing income to rise.

You know, her take on all of this sounds like someone from another country who has no clue, or who is jealous as hell. You know, like maybe from MEHEEEEEEECOOOOO, or CAN-A-DUH! You don't think a lady from someplace like CAN-A-DUH would spend so much time on here, worrying about what we were doing, do you?

Maybe she is just acting out, because she knows that her hero Bustin Justin is going to get tossed this time around, lolol.

In any case, why would we want to listen to a SOCIALIST, although I do hear that CAN-A-DUH has free healthcare, which means, I am sure, that they cover PYSCOLOGICAL issues too...……….or then again, maybe she has her name in and has been on the waiting list for 2 years, lolololol!
I think she absolutely believes everything she posted. I don't really care if she calls Republicans corrupt, because they are. That is the point. The left gives politicians more power even though they ARE corrupt. How can anyone think that is a good idea? I also want to emphasize that I do not think the push left is a result of a culture change. It is being pushed. That is why we have many Democrats on this board posting they watched the debates and they are horrified. Policy is no longer being pushed by the people. That is very, very bad.
Vulgarity and personal insults. I love it.
Not directed at you...but at the other poster. That was an accident. All I meant to post to you was this:

"And (4), people who say they don't see it and give a few very specific examples of exactly why. But you skimmed over that. I think you may have an agenda...oh just maybe..."

...which is totally accurate and fair.
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In answer to the OP

The NATION has clearly moved left

With the exception of the Trumpers who have gone off the scale right
The NATION has clearly moved left
Well said. When you poll the major platform points of the democrat party, they enjoy majority support, many of them 60%+. But push them through the rightwing bubble machine, and peole suddenly sour on them. Kind of how the same polls that showed majority support for the 3 major points of the Affordable Care Act showed much less support when asked about Obamacare. The republicans are excellent at getting people to vote against their economic self interest, and thats a fact. They are masterful at it, really. Enact the policies that diminish the working class, incentivize offshoring, and make people less secure...then appeal to and get the votes of the very people hurt by these policies. It's a con job for the ages.

But hey, thats Murrica for ya. Connecting the dots between clearly bad, supply side policy and your own situation is a complicated,winding road fraught with lots of data and complicated ideas. Directing the blame at queers and brown people? Now that's much easier.
The NATION has clearly moved left
Well said. When you poll the major platform points of the democrat party, they enjoy majority support, many of them 60%+. But push them through the rightwing bubble machine, and peole suddenlu sour on them. Kind of how the same people polls that showed majority support for the 3 major points of the Affordable Care Act showed much less support when asked about Obamacare. The republicams are excellent at gettimg people to vote against tgeir economic self interest, and thats a fact. They are masterful at it, really. Enact the policies that diminish the working class, incentivize offshoring, and make people less secure...then appeal to and get the votes of the very people hurt by these policies. It's a con job for the ages.

The country has not moved left, the left has moved into the country.

Which will be stopped shortly.

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