Does anyone NOT think that the Democratic Party has CLEARLY moved Left?

In other words, a 3rd world "Borg" style shithole is what they crave for
We already have that in the southern red States. Lots of it.
Been to Cali lately, Indiana?
Lot's of leftwing stuff going on in the streets.
Been to southern indiana lately? They have meth and opioid country as far as the eye can see...if collecting used needles is your hobby, you will be pleased. That's the white trash...the immigrants are a hard working, straight shooting class.
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1988 was more than 31 years ago, and they didn't win in 2000 and 2016, they STOLE those elections.
Why you stupid, lying dumbfuck, 2019 - 1988 IS 31 years ago! And "stole" the elections? You mean the one that Al Gore hired 30 lawyers to try are argue hanging chads in Florida until he finally CONCEDED? Or do you mean the one where where Hillary skipped over half the states because she kept tripping and falling down coughing thinking that she was just "entitled" to it, then hung out in her own room having a temper tantrum until all hours screaming and throwing things like a little brat not even giving her own staff a concession speech until she finally CONCEDED the race to Trump then went home to punch Bill in the face and write her pathetic book on the 31 people most responsible for her losing but her? I wish you were my baby brother so I could hold your head in the toilet and soak it for a while, your brain is seriously overheated with ignorance and delusion!

Right, he did such a great job, that he got us into an unnecessary war, wrecked the economy with a recession and allowed the most deadly terror attack in history.
Sorry, poor Derp idiot, the entire world including Hillary agreed that Iraq and Afghanistan were chief sponsors and enablers of terrorism and likely still had a stash of chemical weapons (they did, but they were degraded), your buddy Barney FRank and the democrats wrecked the economy with their screwing with the banks making them give out unsecured housing loans, and your suck-face Chum Bill Clinton allowed the attack of 9/11 by not taking out Bin Laden when he had the chance. Bush had nothing to do with the fact that Florida pilot schools were teaching those people how to fly but not to land and a hundred other things that left conditions wide open for the 9/11 attack.
In other words, a 3rd world "Borg" style shithole is what they crave for
We already have that in the southern red States. Lots of it.
Been to Cali lately, Indiana?
Lot's of leftwing stuff going on in the streets.
Been to southern indiana lately? They have meth and opioid country as far as the eye can see...if collecting used needles is your hobby, you will be pleased. That's the white trash...the immigrants are a hard working, straight shooting class.
You are confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants. Cali being a sanctuary state has really made it a mecca for the third world....lucky them.
You are confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants.
Nope, not at all. For one they arent much different. You can't tell by looking at them, professor. For two,we have plenty of both.

You, on the other hand, are just scrambling for a retort about something you don't know anything about.
You are confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants.
Nope, not at all. For one they arent much different. You can't tell by looking at them, professor. For two,we have plenty of both.

You, on the other hand, are just scrambling for a retort about something you don't know anything about.
You are full of BS, Skippy. Google how much the illegals are costing the state of Ca. Your drivel is just your
masters spoon feeding the rhetoric.
Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B
Well not really. You complained that Trump was pandering to his base...America. I dont see that as a failing. If Hillary pandered to her Mexican and Muslim base perhaps that is good politics but it isnt good for America. You have to shuck your reliance on the Fallacy of the Middle Ground. It is erroneous.

Always and forever we will have politics. Good politics can often result in bad policies though.
Oh please. America is not Trump's base.

Please tell me you don't really believe that. Please tell me you recognize that not everyone shares your priorities.

"everyone"? Again? I wouldnt expect everyone. Thats an impossible standard. But he represents America.

He represents conservative christian deranged hate filled goober moron America.

Decent, rational and reasonable Americans are disgusted by him and YOU.....

All three of you can hit the road then. Instead of bringing Mexico here why don’t you do what your celebrity leaders suggested and move? Not to Mexico of liberal want to live on a shithole. But to Canada where all the elites claimed they would go if they lost control of government b
Well, that's not going to happen.

NOW what are you going to do?

I’m going to wait it out. What else can I do?
And "stole" the elections? You mean the one that Al Gore hired 30 lawyers to try are argue hanging chads in Florida until he finally CONCEDED?

You mean where they purged thousands of black people from the rolls illegally, where they designed confusing ballots, where Bush's brother's girlfriend certified the vote?

Yup, if you want a third world election, Florida in 2000 was it.
You are full of BS, Skippy. Google how much the illegals are costing the state of Ca. Your drivel is just your
masters spoon feeding the rhetoric.
Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B

Okay. SO what? We have a 17 Trillion dollar economy, and you are admitting that the costs of undocumented immigrants is less than 1% of that.

The produce far more than that in economic activity and labor production.
That's just state clost crazy Joe.
You are full of BS, Skippy. Google how much the illegals are costing the state of Ca. Your drivel is just your
masters spoon feeding the rhetoric.
Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B

Okay. SO what? We have a 17 Trillion dollar economy, and you are admitting that the costs of undocumented immigrants is less than 1% of that.

The produce far more than that in economic activity and labor production.

Who gives a shit how much they produce? They produce that for THEMSELVES, not for Americans.

We are full, in fact Joe B, you can go with them. Imagine, you can get to a nation which is entirely created by these wonderful people. What an opportunity!
And "stole" the elections? You mean the one that Al Gore hired 30 lawyers to try are argue hanging chads in Florida until he finally CONCEDED?

You mean where they purged thousands of black people from the rolls illegally, where they designed confusing ballots, where Bush's brother's girlfriend certified the vote?

Yup, if you want a third world election, Florida in 2000 was it.

No doubt more whacko nutjob crackpot theories fed you by your leftist propaganda websites?

And Bush's brother, wasn't that the governor of the state?
Who gives a shit how much they produce? They produce that for THEMSELVES, not for Americans.

We are full, in fact Joe B, you can go with them. Imagine, you can get to a nation which is entirely created by these wonderful people. What an opportunity!

Personally, I'd like to export all our white Trash bigots in MAGA country, but I can't think of a country I dislike enough to wish you on.

Uh, most AMericans are "producing" for themselves.
You mean where they purged thousands of black people from the rolls illegally, where they designed confusing ballots, where Bush's brother's

Those blacks are so easy to confuse aren’t they ?
You are confusing immigrants with illegal immigrants.
Nope, not at all. For one they arent much different. You can't tell by looking at them, professor. For two,we have plenty of both.

You, on the other hand, are just scrambling for a retort about something you don't know anything about.
You are full of BS, Skippy. Google how much the illegals are costing the state of Ca. Your drivel is just your
masters spoon feeding the rhetoric.
Map: Illegal immigration costs California most, $23B, all states $89B
That is idiotic analysis written by a guy paid to keep you in a permanent state of agitation. Of course, immigrants also feed the economy. And who do you think you are cooling, anywa? You dont give a shit how much they are costing California, or anuoneelse. You care that they are brown and different, so you no likey.
I don't need to list the examples, issues and policies.

There have been people here who deny this, so let's address it head on.

If you think the Democratic Party has not moved clearly to the Left, please explain your reasoning.

It's all part of the hijacking of the party, to a true liberal they believe the party is centrist and needs to move left, some of us are resisting but it is just one tough load to haul
It's all part of the hijacking of the party, to a true liberal they believe the party is centrist and needs to move left, some of us are resisting but it is just one tough load to haul
Reading the responses is pretty interesting, as they fall into three groups. (1) Those admit that the party has clearly moved Left, (2) those who offer a vague and odd denial of the obvious, and (3) those who don't really answer the question at all. Presumably that last group is fine with it but doesn't want to admit it.
Reading the responses is pretty interesting, as they fall into three groups. (1) Those admit that the party has clearly moved Left, (2) those who offer a vague and odd denial of the obvious, and (3) those who don't really answer the question at all. Presumably that last group is fine with it but doesn't want to admit it.

(4) the people who realize we don't need a second Republican Party screwing the working class to benefit Wall Street. One is doing enough damage tot he working class.

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