Does ANYONE respect Obama?

Viglante is drinking early and hard with Wildman.

What a silly question apropos of nothing.
Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.

If Obama continues to RULE us by Executive Order, I wouldn't bet he wont get impeached.
Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.
Hate to piss in your Cheerios, dude is not and never has been my President.

I do not live in the United States, I live in a free state of my own creation.

Doesn't that make you an illegal alien in our country? Go home.
I am sitting in my country.

Your sitting in your mothers basement.
I think many people would agree with you: Obama deserves to be impeached. But who will replace him, Biden? Would it be any better for US and the rest of the world? Very doubtfully...

Biden would quickly be deemed senile, placed under sedation, and as the Constitution mandates, the Speaker of the House would become president.

President Boner. :lmao:
Biden would quickly be deemed senile, placed under sedation, and as the Constitution mandates, the Speaker of the House would become president.

President Boner. :lmao:
Sounds sweet...Do you by any chance have an idea how to sedate McCain as well? He sure is a shame of GOP and the whole country as well...
Good question.....

Preventing a depression
Saving the auto industry
Passing Obamacare
Killing bin laden
Avoiding unnecessary US military intervention


Extending blue collar slavery
Taxing the middle class
Busy golfing
Bombing Libya.

Your turn...

The middle class wasn't taxed before Obama? Wow..who knew

Even more surprising to find out "golf" killed Bin Laden.
I don't respect everything Obama does, but I respect anyone who has achieved the Power of the United States Presidency.

Only a few have managed to pull off such an incredible feat.

I don't respect everything Obama does, but I respect anyone who has achieved the Power of the United States Presidency.

Only a few have managed to pull off such an incredible feat.

It's not enough to BECOME a president (unless you are a president of Somali or smth like that), it's a huge responsibility. The USA is a big and powerful beast on the world arena and it MUST have a smart head, because if the head is stupid, there will be a lot of troubles inside the country and for the whole world.
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I don't respect everything Obama does, but I respect anyone who has achieved the Power of the United States Presidency.

Only a few have managed to pull off such an incredible feat.

It's not enough to BECOME a president (unless you are a president of Somali or smth like that), it's a huge responsibility. The USA is a big and powerful beast on the world arena and it MUST have a smart head, because if the head is stupid, there will be a lot of troubles inside the country and for the whole world.

Respect is an interesting word. I don't have to like a person very much to respect them.

Obviously, if Obama was "stupid" he would not have become president.

There are a great many things about his choices as Prez that I do not like or approve of, but anyone with the ambition and intelligence and the willpower to progress further and further up the American ladder of Power and achieve the Presidency? Yeah, that's worth my respect.

Even if he became my enemy I would still have respect for his ability to have become President.

I respect Power, and the thirst for it, and the ambition to achieve it.

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The fucking FOOL can't even SPELL the word!!!

Sounds sweet...Do you by any chance have an idea how to sedate McCain as well? He sure is a shame of GOP and the whole country as well...

Anybody still wonder why the country went GOP last Tuesday when the chickenshits on the left like this one disrespect a decorated warrior and public servant like John McCain?
All loyal Americans respect Obama.

Now, the seditious anti-American crowd is another story. But then, nobody cares much about them. They're going to whine no matter what, so there's no point in trying to placate them.

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