Does ANYONE respect Obama?

I hope you're not trying to win a USMB popularity contest. You act like you're pissed about the election results. That would explain your obvious contempt for people who supported the Republicans.
What the far right thinks of me matters not in the least. I am happy our GOP won, and that we did with the new voters white, minority, females, and some millennials. That means the GOP inevitably steers away from the far right nonsense. I always support the GOP, I always oppose those who corrupted the TPM. The Perrys and Cruzs etc will have very little power at the national level, which is good for GOP chances in 2016.

Yet you sound like a progressive.

Go figure.

Actually I sound like a sane Republican (" I always support the GOP, I always oppose those who corrupted the TPM"). You sound like a regressive.

There's no such thing.

You sound like a progressive and I sound like an American.

You are a far right regressive reactionary who wants to take America back to the 1950s.

Not going to happen.

You are not a Republican, you are not mainstream, and you are a piss poor American.

Thanks for the input paper-pusher.

Coming from a fake like you that means very little.

Putin: "Do you know how to intrigue an idiot?"
Obama: "How?.."
Putin: "I will tell you tomorrow!"

And this shows how Obama is "respected" in Russia and in Eastern Ukraine, where he and his Administration are supporting a dirty war.
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Good question.....

Preventing a depression
Saving the auto industry
Passing Obamacare
Killing bin laden
Avoiding unnecessary US military intervention
That fucking fag Barney Frank was directly responsible for the housing crisis.

The auto bailout was a failure.

Passing Obamacare? 'BOBOCARE' is already a failure. Skyrocketing rates for the middle class so they can pay the medical bills of 'BOBOB's negro base.
Bin Laden? BOBO was handed OBL on a silver platter made possible by hundreds of people working 24/7 a LONG time before BOBO showed up. These people basically surrounded OBL. All BOBO had to do was nod his fucking head. Even that was too much for BOBO. He turned down the Navy Seals RFA THREE FUCKING TIMES!!!!!! Why? B/c BOBO was waiting until the killing would do him the most good politically.
The entire military fucking LOATHES!!!!!!! BOBO. The best part is he knows it everyday.
BOBO is already sneaking 'Special Advisors' by the thousands back into an area he told the enemy he was leaving. He even gave them the fucking departure date.
You need to get your head out of BOBO's ass pal.

Did it all by himself did he?

That is one powerful congressman
Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.
Hate to piss in your Cheerios, dude is not and never has been my President.

I do not live in the United States, I live in a free state of my own creation.

Freeman on the land!
Think as foolishly as you wish, but cross the line and you will pay the price. All criminals learn this fact.
What the far right thinks of me matters not in the least. I am happy our GOP won, and that we did with the new voters white, minority, females, and some millennials. That means the GOP inevitably steers away from the far right nonsense. I always support the GOP, I always oppose those who corrupted the TPM. The Perrys and Cruzs etc will have very little power at the national level, which is good for GOP chances in 2016.

Yet you sound like a progressive.

Go figure.

Actually I sound like a sane Republican (" I always support the GOP, I always oppose those who corrupted the TPM"). You sound like a regressive.

There's no such thing.

You sound like a progressive and I sound like an American.
Fakeyjake claiming he is a republican is like Obutthurt claiming to be Christian American, unbelievable.

AF is not a Christian, not an American, not a patriot. Merely a far right fool.
Believe what you want fakey, I will tell you right now, I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and the Bible as the truth as Gods word. I can prove I am an American unlike obutthurt and I am more a patriot than you will ever be. I happen to hate communism unlike you libtards who think it is better than what this country is about. You prove you to be a libtard all the time, no one believes you when you claim otherwise.
You claim you are American and a patriot, but act like neither.

You claim you are Christian but then claim you are a biblical literalist which is heresy.

You are only a far right social con hiding behind the flag.
Obama saved our country from the terror of the Republicans

Is there anything else he could have done?

Yes he could have loved America instead of hating it.

What simplistic propaganda

Cut US military spending, weakened the US on the world stage through poor foreign relations, created a divisive climate through poor domestic policy. That ain't love.
Congress sequestered a cut in military spending because they were unwilling to negotiate a budget
Obama has strengthened our ties with our allies requiring less US involvement

It was Obama's sequester and you know it.
Good question.....

Preventing a depression
Saving the auto industry
Passing Obamacare
Killing bin laden
Avoiding unnecessary US military intervention


Extending blue collar slavery
Taxing the middle class
Busy golfing
Bombing Libya.

Your turn...

WORST economic collapse in 75 years averted
Two out of three automakers in default
Providing Heathcare to tens of millions
Bush missed him for seven fucking years
Who cares if Libya gets bombed? long overdue

Rewarding failure
Crony insurance company capitalism
Clinton went 'Catch and Release'
The citizens of Mali and Nigeria care about the imported guns

Your turn.


You can't be serious.

We know the economy collapsed because of GOP deregulation. That happened during the 6 years Republicans had both houses. They deregulated Wall Street. The actual collapse happened after disastrous GOP took time to take effect.

Saving the auto industry in this country is rewarding failure? Imagine if they had all gone out of business. Every industry in the US would have been affected from textiles, to plastics to steel and so on. Republicans can't possibly be so fucking ignorant to believe that would be a "good thing". Can they? If you're any example, seems they can.

Tens of thousands of Americans die every year because they have no health care. Republicans are animals thinking that's a good thing.

Not a lot Clinton could do against Bin Laden until he attacked. If Clinton had attacked Bin Laden, Republicans would have attacked Clinton. Everyone knows that. So what did Bush and the GOP do? Barely 6 months after 9/11, the fuckers stopped looking for him and eventually even disbanded the CIA unit charged with finding Bin Laden. Whose side were the Republicans on? To an outside observer, it looks as if they were protecting Bin Laden.

Health care cannot be denied.

What they lack is health INSURANCE.

Enough bought that lie before.

It won't work now.
Roadrunner, that is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.

Just stop the hate, the dude is our president for two more years, that is not going to changer, there will be no impeachment, and you haters are just stupid. Period.
Hate to piss in your Cheerios, dude is not and never has been my President.

I do not live in the United States, I live in a free state of my own creation.

Doesn't that make you an illegal alien in our country? Go home.
I am sitting in my country.
You claim you are American and a patriot, but act like neither.

You claim you are Christian but then claim you are a biblical literalist which is heresy.

You are only a far right social con hiding behind the flag.
You wouldn't know how an American or a patriot acts. As far my faith is concerned you assume you know me, wrong as usual.
Obama was directly responsible for capturing Bin Laden, we know it pisses you off ... get over it.

BULL SHIT we was around when he was finally tracked down,the system that did that was well in place before.
Other AQ ratted out OBL because all he did was watch porn videos and whack off.

He had become an embarrassment.
I agree that Obozo made sure GM, and Chrysler got enough funding to emerge from bankruptcy with enough to become solvent again....and BOY HOWDY they sure in essence they saved themselves with a little help from OUR money, not Barry's. I'm very happy to see single yuppies along with us geezers driving the Bow Tie instead of some piece of shit slant rice burner. But the tired ol LIE about who got bin-Laden, I can't ignore.

PANETTA got bin-Laden with permission from Valerie Jarrett. Barry wanted nothing to do with that decision and ducked it as long as he could. Leon decided to put the plan in motion and Barry was dragged into the situation room and set off in a corner. Notice how tiny his head is compared to humans:


The intel as to OBL's whereabouts was accomplished by finding and tracking the last of binny's trusted couriers. This went on for a number of years during the second Bush term. Dubya gave up on murdering binny IN PUBLIC because had that happened, the left would have declared victory and demanded the WOT was over and the money spent on Sandra Fluke's birth control.

We have never seen the death photos or details of his supposed "burial at sea" because, according to Barry that might have enraged muslims and they are a peaceful religion. What we did see was Barry racing to the microphones to announce the outcome. This no doubt sent a number of OBL's fellow dirtbags into hiding before we could study the intel gathered at his compound. Zawihiri in particular might have been taken down had Barry kept things under his rug. But all he wanted was credit for a mission he was terrified of approving and nowhere to be found when it was green lighted.
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