Does anyone think the war (already started) won't be happening on November 3rd?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
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Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

yep thats why the constant fake polls showing Biden winning. It will be such a shock when Trump wins. They will try their best to bring in the after the fact mail in votes then claim voter suppression by Trump. I can see the marches on the White House already. These sick people will no doubt go after Trump's family.
In another post here, Democrats are promising 4 more years of terrorism if Trump is re-elected. I take them at their word.

IMO, BurnLootMurder and Antifa should BOTH be classified as terrorist organizations and treated as enemy combatants when they engage in violence.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

  • As we get closer to the election, Biden's campaign falls apart as Trump's strengthens just as you'd expect it would.
  • Then right at the election, Bidden zooms up inexplicably in the polls and its a horse race.
  1. Trump wins by the narrowest of margins, Biden gets the popular vote, and the Democrats go ballistic like sore losers again, go all Al Gore on us spending months and millions of dollars challenging everything in court as they accuse men from Pluto for fixing the election. Leftist go into all-out war mode rioting everywhere.
  2. Democrats get everything their way, states go all mail-out ballots, and Biden wins inexplicably, despite a really bad campaign and no public support, and everything is swept under the rug as all evidence of corruption and cheating conveniently disappears and Europe and China celebrate. Covid-19 is cured, lockdowns are lifted, economy soars under Biden and the Democrats go into full gestapo mode attacking white mainstream America as the new national threat, as 43 democrat cities open lawsuits charging Trump with war-crimes against humanity.


3). June 2021, Joe steps down due to failing health to be admitted to nursing home and Kemala is made new POTUS and either Hillary, Maxine or Nancy the VP. Their first action will be to criminalize masculinity and empower all women, especially Blacks.​
Of course I'm always ready but its unlikely gunfire will be coming to my area.
Oh. I didn't know people were so proud of their "area." Either it's High California, or people are singing an opera, and it ain't the Star-Spangled Banner.
Yes, I'm now down to 225 pounds, and benching 195 pounds.
It sounds like a lot of work and it doesn't accomplish anything useful. A 4'x8' sheet of 3/4" plywood is about two cubic feet of solid wood, a guy can put on a pair of nail bags, swing a hammer, and make a buck or two for all that extra energy.

>>> And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. [Rev. 2:26–28]<<<

Even Jesus Christ is of the tribe of Judah and has a 'rod of iron' as a shooting weapon.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
Democraps plan on this war lasting 10 years.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Yes, you struggle. You struggle to understand pretty much everything from what I have seen.

What you cannot understand here is that BurnLootMurder and Antifa are domestic terrorists who are committing countless criminal acts against innocent people. You are failing to understand. that the democrat party has been enabling and supporting these groups and that THEY are the actual vigilantes who are out on the streets. You are failing to understand that business owners are not your enemy just because they are productive members of society and you are not and you are failing to understand that it is the terrorist movements you support who are out to destroy this nation -- for Christ's sake, they even say so in their fucking charter.
So how is this going to come to a conclusion if Trump wins and the Evil will never concede?

Oh, much like how it went with Hillary then?
Of course I'm always ready but its unlikely gunfire will be coming to my area.
Oh. I didn't know people were so proud of their "area." Either it's High California, or people are singing an opera, and it ain't the Star-Spangled Banner.
Yes, I'm now down to 225 pounds, and benching 195 pounds.
It sounds like a lot of work and it doesn't accomplish anything useful. A 4'x8' sheet of 3/4" plywood is about two cubic feet of solid wood, a guy can put on a pair of nail bags, swing a hammer, and make a buck or two for all that extra energy.

>>> And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star. [Rev. 2:26–28]<<<

Even Jesus Christ is of the tribe of Judah and has a 'rod of iron' as a shooting weapon.

My "area" is wealthy and we hire our own cops to patrol it.
Not to mention i'm in Texas where that kind of shit doesnt happen.
My "area" is wealthy and we hire our own cops to patrol it.
Your "area?" Is that the prison yard where you're permitted to exercise for an hour out of your cell each day?
Not to mention i'm in Texas where that kind of shit doesnt happen.
You're telling me guns are banned in Texas? Is it really true only licensed security guards permitted to possess firearms? You're going to have trouble with that. Much more trouble than you bargained for or ever dreamed would come to you.
My "area" is wealthy and we hire our own cops to patrol it.
Your "area?" Is that the prison yard where you're permitted to exercise for an hour out of your cell each day?
Not to mention i'm in Texas where that kind of shit doesnt happen.
You're telling me guns are banned in Texas? Is it really true only licensed security guards permitted to possess firearms? You're going to have trouble with that. Much more trouble than you bargained for or ever dreamed would come to you.

Dont put words in my mouth.
Who said guns were banned in Texas,who mentioned security guards?
Your post was incoherent babbling.
Try again.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

  • As we get closer to the election, Biden's campaign falls apart as Trump's strengthens just as you'd expect it would.
  • Then right at the election, Bidden zooms up inexplicably in the polls and its a horse race.
  1. Trump wins by the narrowest of margins, Biden gets the popular vote, and the Democrats go ballistic like sore losers again, go all Al Gore on us spending months and millions of dollars challenging everything in court as they accuse men from Pluto for fixing the election. Leftist go into all-out war mode rioting everywhere.
  2. Democrats get everything their way, states go all mail-out ballots, and Biden wins inexplicably, despite a really bad campaign and no public support, and everything is swept under the rug as all evidence of corruption and cheating conveniently disappears and Europe and China celebrate. Covid-19 is cured, lockdowns are lifted, economy soars under Biden and the Democrats go into full gestapo mode attacking white mainstream America as the new national threat, as 43 democrat cities open lawsuits charging Trump with war-crimes against humanity.

View attachment 384420

3). June 2021, Joe steps down due to failing health to be admitted to nursing home and Kemala is made new POTUS and either Hillary, Maxine or Nancy the VP. Their first action will be to criminalize masculinity and empower all women, especially Blacks.​

Democrat party is acting like terrorists in every way. Americans are not stupid enough to fall for terrorists, thankfully.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know it will be desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.

I really am struggling how to respond to your post.

Maybe my inference from this thread is not entirely accurate:

Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice
Yes, you struggle. You struggle to understand pretty much everything from what I have seen.

What you cannot understand here is that BurnLootMurder and Antifa are domestic terrorists who are committing countless criminal acts against innocent people. You are failing to understand. that the democrat party has been enabling and supporting these groups and that THEY are the actual vigilantes who are out on the streets. You are failing to understand that business owners are not your enemy just because they are productive members of society and you are not and you are failing to understand that it is the terrorist movements you support who are out to destroy this nation -- for Christ's sake, they even say so in their fucking charter.

You began your post with a personal attack and follow it up with lies:

  • Using BurnLootMurder (BLM) is not so subtle covert racism.
  • The Democratic Party is not a singular entity
    • Millions of Americans do not all think alike
    • Nor do all Democrats in office vote in lockstep
  • You seem to be confused as to the meaning of Vigilantism
  • I do not support arsonists, vandals or other unlawful activities
  • They are criminals:
    • Anarchists
    • Disaffected youth
    • Agent Provocateurs (foreign or domestic)
    • Terrorists (foreign or domestic)
  • Small shopkeepers, and small businesses employ half of the working population
    • Yes they contribute mightily to the GDP
    • Yes, consumers too contribute mightily to the GDP
  • I started work tossing the SF Chronicle during my middle school years
  • Worked summers pumping gas, checking the oil and filling the tires in High School
  • Worked 30 hours per week as a Recreation Director during my college days
  • Enlisted in the Navy during the Vietnam Conflict
  • Spent a 32 year career in Law Enforcement
  • Coached Little League, CYO Soccer and CYO basketball
  • Married in 1974, raised two sons both of them are productive citizens.
So F. U. and your vulgar lies and ignorance. Your are the Problem! Not me.
Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

1: No, the restoration of strict construction and federalism.

2: Communists are Enemies of the State, they do not qualify as Americans, as they would disband the Constitution on a whim, without going through the proper Article V process to change/amend/disband the Constitution that requires 3/4 of the States to ratify.

3: Absolutely, we call it Patriotic Duty. Vigilante means going after common criminals. Kyle Rittenhouse is a living god.
Q. Do you really want to see the destruction of the United States.

Q. Are you prepared to go to the streets and kill / murder other Americans

Q. Do you support and would you engage in Vigilante Justice

1: No, the restoration of strict construction and federalism.

2: Communists are Enemies of the State, they do not qualify as Americans, as they would disband the Constitution on a whim, without going through the proper Article V process to change/amend/disband the Constitution that requires 3/4 of the States to ratify.

3: Absolutely, we call it Patriotic Duty. Vigilante means going after common criminals. Kyle Rittenhouse is a living god.

1a. Strict Constructionism is Originalism or Textualism, is that what you suggest?
Is Marbury v. Madison not then to be accepted as part of the law of the land?

2a. The RED SCARE. There are a few, a very small minority who support Marxism and are American Citizens. Is there any provision in COTUS to define who can qualify as an American, in your use of the word (i.e. not a citizen which is defined in the 14th A.)

3a. Vigilantism is tantamount to Anarchism. One can be an anarchist and not a criminal, not so of a vigilante. They're are provisions for making a citizen's arrest; Rittenhouse came armed to a situation wherein he committed first degree murders.
Seriously, we know the left will be stealing this and we know they are desperately trying to make it happen. We also know much how they still believe there was collusion with Russia and much how they think Michael Brown was murdered and cops are targeting blacks regardless of the facts to the contrary, that they will be stealing the election.

IF TRUMP WINS, there will be an obvious call for an attack and they will claim Trump cheated. That we all know. They will also yell about POPULAR VOTE as if that means anything.

Either way the war will be officially on November 3rd.

You all ready? It is for everything, including your actual life.
Well I'm certainly not going to fight to keep Trump in the White House no matter how convincingly he might win, so good luck with your war. Have fun.

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